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    Analog Devices Inc ADDAC1138K

    D/A CONVERTER; Temperature Grade: COMMERCIAL; Terminal Form: PIN/PEG; No. of Terminals: 72; Package Shape: RECTANGULAR; No. of Bits: 18;
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    Vyrian ADDAC1138K 38
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    DAC1138K Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    DAC1138K Analog Devices HighR esoluti1o6n- a nd1 8-Bit Digital-to-AnaClongv efters Original PDF
    DAC1138K Analog Devices Data Acquisition Products Catalog 1978 Scan PDF
    DAC1138K Analog Devices Modules-Subsystems Data Book 1984 Scan PDF
    DAC1138K Analog Devices Data Acquisition Products Catalog Supplement 1979 Scan PDF

    DAC1138K Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 234L IIN753A IN753 Certavolt Codi Semiconductor Model 234L
    Text: HighResolution 16- and la-Bit Digitalto-Analog Converters ANALOG W DEVICES FEATURES DAC1138 18-Bit Resolution and Accuracy (38J.N, 1 Part in 262,144 Nonlinearity 1/2LSB max (DAC1138K) Excellent Stability Settling to 1/2LSB (0.0002%) in 10J.1s Hermetically-Sealed Semiconductors

    DAC1138 18-Bit DAC1138K) DAC1136 16-Bit 152pV, DAC1136K, DAC1136/1138 DAC1136/1138 IN753A 234L IIN753A IN753 Certavolt Codi Semiconductor Model 234L PDF


    Abstract: DAC1136K DAC1138 DAC1138K
    Text: High Resolution 16 and 18-Bit Digital to Analog Converters Models DAC1136/DAC1138 FEATURES DAC1138 18-Bit Resolution and Accuracy 38µV, 1 Part in 262,144 Nonlinearity 1/2LSB max (DAC1138K) Excellent Stability Settling to 1/2LSB (0.0002%) in 10µs Hermetically-Sealed Semiconductors

    18-Bit DAC1136/DAC1138 DAC1138 18-Bit DAC1138K) DAC1136 16-Bit DAC1136K, DAC1136/1138 DAC1136/DAC1138 DAC1136 DAC1136K DAC1138 DAC1138K PDF


    Abstract: DAC1136 234L t916
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES 16-and18-Bit HighResolution Convefte Digital-to-Analog : :.]:;* FEATURES DACl138 18'Bit Resolutionand Accuracv 38gV, 1 Part in 262,1441 Nonlinearity1/2LSB max (DACI 138K ExcellentStability Settlinsto 1/2LSB (0.0002%)in 1ops Semiconductors

    16Resolution and18-Bit DACl138 DAC1136 16-Bit n52PV DAC113 DACl136 DACl138, DACll36/1 AD542K DAC1136 234L t916 PDF

    Certavolt Codi Semiconductor

    Abstract: 234L Potentiometer 10k lineal 15A1S DAC1136K DAC16QM DAC1138 Model 234L DAC-14QM DAC1156J
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES High Resolution, 16and 18 Bit Digital to Analog Converters FEATURES DAC11I38 High Resolution 18 Bits 38juV, 1 Pait in 262,144 Integral Nonlinearity < %LSB Differential Nonlinearity O iL S B Settling to ’/ î LSB (0.0002%) in 10/is Programmable Output Ranges

    OCR Scan
    38/iV, 10/is AC1136 DAC1138 DAC11 DAC1138 DAC1138K. Certavolt Codi Semiconductor 234L Potentiometer 10k lineal 15A1S DAC1136K DAC16QM Model 234L DAC-14QM DAC1156J PDF


    Abstract: 234L DAC1136 in753a 74LS AD542K DAC1138 Model 234L 234L1 Certavolt Codi Semiconductor
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES High Resolution 16- and 18-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converters DAC1136/1138 FEA T U R E S DAC1I38 18-Bit Resolution and Accuracy 38/j V , 1 Part in 262,144 Nonliriearity 1/2LSB max (DAC1133K) Excellent Stability Settling to 1/2LSB (0.0002%) in 10/is

    OCR Scan
    18-Bit DAC1136/1138 DAC1I38 38f/V, DAC1133K) 10/is DAC1136 16-Bit DAC113SK, C1136 234L DAC1136 in753a 74LS AD542K DAC1138 Model 234L 234L1 Certavolt Codi Semiconductor PDF


    Abstract: AD515K 2N 10261 transistor application circuit Transistor AF 138S analog devices modell 281 analog devices modell 118 Model 310J ac121 inverter welder 4 schematic
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES DATA ACQUISITION PRODUCTS CATALOG SUPPLEMENT Introduction USING THIS CATALOG SUPPLEMENT This Supplement includes some 70 products introduced sub­ sequent to the publication o f our Data Acquisition Products Catalog. I f you do not already have the Data Acquisition

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S High Resolution 16- and 18-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converters DAC1136/DAC1138 DAC1136/DAC1138 FUNCTION AL BLO CK DIAGRAM FEATURES D A C1138 18-Bit Resolution and Accuracy 38ttV, 1 Part in 262,144 BIT 2 BIT 3 ZERO ADJUST 5k SENSE CURRENT OUT

    OCR Scan
    18-Bit DAC1136/DAC1138 DAC1136/DAC1138 C1138 18-Bit 38ttV, DAC1138K) 10/is DAC1136 16-Bit PDF

    GHW Connectors

    Abstract: 234L zener diodes W17 12 Hour Digital Clock using 74LS HA 1137 binary weight resistance dac Model 234L IN753a DAC1136 DAC-16QM
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES High Resolution 16- and 18-Bit Digital to Analog Converters FEATURES DAC1138 18-Bit Resolution and Accuracy 38/uV, 1 Part in 232,144 Integral Nonlinearity 1/2LSB Differential Nonlinearity 1 /2LSB Settling to 1/2LSB (0.0002%) in 10/xs Hermetically-Sealed Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    18-Bit DAC1138 38/uV, 10/is DAC1137 16-Bit 10jis GHW Connectors 234L zener diodes W17 12 Hour Digital Clock using 74LS HA 1137 binary weight resistance dac Model 234L IN753a DAC1136 DAC-16QM PDF


    Abstract: 110 3cg motorola Monsanto 7 segment displays AD2033 Analog Devices Data-Acquisition Databook 1984 z80b ls1j quadrant photodiode eg 300V 10A diode ADS17
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES DATAACQUISITION DATABOOK 1982 General Information B | Comprehensive Index to Both Volumes | 2 Ordering Guide | 3 Operational Amplifiers | 4 Instrumentation & Isolation Amplifiers | 5 Analog Computational Circuits | G RMS-to-DC Converters | VOLUME I

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: RS 608G AD2033 ad2027 D7507 cmos cookbook TIC04 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book D7522 Model 289J
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S DATAACQUISITION DATABOOK 1982 VOLUME II MODULES-SUBSYSTEMS General Information 1 Comprehensive Index to Both Volumes 2 Ordering Guide 3 am Operational Amplifiers 4 Isolation Amplifiers 5 Analog Multipliers/Dividers 6 RMS-to-DC Converters

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES oaitaoo o n i o n s IbE » INC t High Resolution 16- and 18-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converters ANALOG DEVICES T - S l - 0 ° M DAC1136/DAC1138 u DACI136/DAC1138 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES D AC1138 18-Bit Resolution and Accuracy 38/jV, 1 Part in 262,144

    OCR Scan
    18-Bit DAC1136/DAC1138 DACI136/DAC1138 AC1138 18-Bit 38/jV, DAC1138K) 16-Bit DAC1135. PDF