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    D3SBA60 29 Search Results

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    Abstract: FA5510 400v 220uf d3sba60 29 FA5510N diode zd201 CIRCUIT D3SBA60 2SK1938 FA5515N FA5311
    Text: FA551X series CMOS IC For Switching Power SupplyFA551X Control FA5510P N , FA5511P (N) FA5514P (N), FA5515P (N) • Dimensions, mm SOP-8 5 8 3.9 The FA551X series are the PWM type switching power supply control ICs that can directly drive power MOSFET. These ICs

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    Abstract: FA5542 fa5541 mosfet 5542 5 pin voltage comparator IC fuji capacitor capacitor 3300uf x 50v on-off switch ic fa-5542 240 AC to 12V AC transformer circuit diagram
    Text: FA5540/5541/5542 Fuji Switching Power Supply Control IC FA5540/5541/5542 Application Note July 2007 Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. Rev.0 July-2007 Fuji Electric Device Technology 1 FA5540/5541/5542 Caution 1. The contents of this note Product Specification, Characteristics, Data, Materials, and Structure etc.

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    Abstract: FA5501N FA5501P D3SBA60 equivalent fa5500 fa5501 datasheet 2SK3520 Zener Diode 28v 400mW FA-550 D3SBA60
    Text: Quality is our message FA5500P/N, FA5501P/N FUJI Power Supply Control IC Power Factor Correction FA5500P/N FA5501P/N January `02 Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Matsumoto Factory 1 Quality is our message FA5500P/N, FA5501P/N WARNING 1.This Data Book contains the product specifications, characteristics, data, materials, and structures

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    Abstract: M1FM3
    Text: Al t hough we ar e cons t ant l ymak i ng ev er yef f or tt oi mpr ov et he qual i t yand r el i abi l i t yofourpr oduct s ,t her enev er t hel es sr emai nsacer t ai npr obabi l i t yt hatt he s emi conduct orpr oduct smayoccas i onal l yf ai lormal f unct


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    Abstract: TFK 601 TFK 602 18db6a 18DB8A 18DB2A Philips BZV85C-22 data sheet bzx85c MOTOROLA BYD74G UR1M
    Text: Cross Reference Competitor Part Number Competitor FAGOR Part Number Competitor Part Number Competitor FAGOR Part Number 1.5KA10 1.5KA10A 1.5KA11 1.5KA11A 1.5KA12 1.5KA12A 1.5KA13 1.5KA13A 1.5KA15 1.5KA15A 1.5KA16 1.5KA16A 1.5KA18 1.5KA18A 1.5KA20 1.5KA20A

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    Abstract: FUR460 diode tfk 18db6a diode cross reference FAGOR SM6T33CA BZY97C tfk 240 1SMZG06GP D4SB80Z
    Text: Cross Reference Every care has been taken in compiling this cross reference list which is published in good faith to assist engineers. Readers are reminded that this list is intended for guidance only. FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA can not be held responsible for any

    5KA10 5KA10A 5KA11 5KA11A 5KA12 5KA12A 5KA13 5KA13A 5KA15 5KA15A BYD74G FUR460 diode tfk 18db6a diode cross reference FAGOR SM6T33CA BZY97C tfk 240 1SMZG06GP D4SB80Z PDF

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    Abstract: nec k2500 NEC K2500 Transistor component NEC K2500 mosfet CD4558 cq met t3.15A 250V k2500 N-Channel MOSFET c5042f TO-92 78L05 voltage regulator pin configuration i ball 450 watt smps repairing
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    Abstract: transistor SOT-23 w04 SB050 transistor IN4728A mosfet SMD w04 SN30SC4 smd diode code gs1m W01 SMD mosfet W04 sot 23 1s355
    Text: RETURN TO PRODUCT CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO PRODUCT CATALOG INDEX RETURN TO DIODES INC. NEW PRODUCTS PAGE Product Catalog Diodes Incorporated 3050 E. Hillcrest Drive Westlake Village, CA 91362-3154 2000/2001 Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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    Text: 1. • -« g a ff* * lo A V V rm (y \ ^ < 4 ^ 0.4 0.8 1 a» S1YB60 S1NB20 S1NB60 S1WBA60 S1WBA60B S1WBA20 S1VB20 S1NB80 1 1.4 S1WBA80Z 1.7 600 800 SHINDENGEN D2SBA20 D2SBA60 LN2SB60 D3B20 D3SBA20 U4SB20 D3SB60 D4SB80 D3SBA60 D4SBA80 D4SB80Z U4SB60 1.1 5

    OCR Scan
    SIYB20 S1ZB20 S1NB20 S1WBA20 S1VB20 S1VBA20 S1YB60 S1ZB60 S1NB60 S1WBA60 SHINDENGEN TR 222 D2S860 D25VB60 F10LC20U S1WBA60B D15VBA d15vba60 D4SBA80 DF25SC6M d3sb60 86 PDF


    Abstract: MA1050 ma4810 MA2830 MA4820 MA2820 MA1040 2SK2060 MJ2400 S20LC20U
    Text: A VARIETY OF SEMICONDUCTORS WHICH RESPOND TO NEEDS OF LIGHTER MK Series AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE SELECTOR: The MK series meets the needs of full range power supplies. DIODES FOR PRIMARY RECTIFICATION: A family of high quality products with a wide range of features, that meet the needs of changing applications.

    OCR Scan
    240VAC. D10LC20U D10L20U D10SC9M D8LC20U S20LC20U D20LC20U S20SC9M D20SC9M MA2810 MA1050 ma4810 MA2830 MA4820 MA2820 MA1040 2SK2060 MJ2400 PDF