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    PCI D2896410-PCI

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    NAC D2896410-PCI 2 1
    • 1 $21.74
    • 10 $21.74
    • 100 $21.74
    • 1000 $21.74
    • 10000 $21.74
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    D2896 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D2896 TIB82S167BC
    Text: TIB82S167BC 14 x 48 × 6 FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC SEQUENCER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS OR PRESET SRPS026A D2896, JANUARY 1985 – REVISED NOVEMBER 1995 • • • • • NT PACKAGE TOP VIEW Programmable Asynchronous Preset or Output Control CLK I6 I5 I4

    TIB82S167BC SRPS026A D2896, 82S167A TIB82S167BC 82S167A D2896 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIB82S167BC 14 x 48 × 6 FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC SEQUENCER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS OR PRESET SRPS026A D2896, JANUARY 1985 – REVISED NOVEMBER 1995 • • • • • NT PACKAGE TOP VIEW Programmable Asynchronous Preset or Output Control CLK I6 I5 I4

    TIB82S167BC SRPS026A D2896, 82S167Aâ TIB82S167BC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 123456371899AB CDEDFD 5472 1234546789A8B2C2DE2F8 B254728E88A8  F3 !" F#F$%%"!3&9D7'936B62 C32345 3 !" 3

    123456371899AB 1234546789A8B2C2DE2F8 12234567893A758BCD834E3F2 367D3 367D37D+ D7D83 935-3F2 D73A758BC 6E34D3 D7936 0/F28-F29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIB82S167BM , TIB82S167BC 1 4 x 4 8 x 6 FIELD PROGRAM M ABLE LOGIC SEQUENCER WITH 3 STATE OUTPUTS OR PRESET D2896, JANUARY 198b-REVISED DECEMBER 1987 Programmable Asynchronous Preset or Output Control M SU FFIX . . . J T PACKAGE C SUFFIX . . . J T OR N T PACKAGE

    OCR Scan
    TIB82S167BM TIB82S167BC D2896, 198b-REVISED 82S167A 82S167B 82S167A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIB82S167BC 14 x 48 x 6 FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC SEQUENCER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS OR PRESET _ SRPS026- D2896, JANUARY 1985- REVISED MARCH 1992 NT PACKAGE TOP VIEW Programmable Asynchronous Preset or Output Control Power-On Preset of All Flip-Flops

    OCR Scan
    SRPS026- D2896, TIB82S167BC 82S105At PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIB82S167BC 14 x 48 x 6 FIELD-PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC SEQUENCER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS OR PRESET S R P S 0 2 6 A - D 2 8 9 6 , J A N U A R Y 1 9 8 5 - R E V IS E D N O V E M B E R 1995 NT PACKAGE Programmable Asynchronous Preset or Output Control T O P V IE W

    OCR Scan
    TIB82S167BC 82S167At TIB82S16 PDF