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    embedded antenna design (ead) FCTP35122XXSFPB

    C-Top 900/1800/1900 MHZ Very L
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Symmetry Electronics FCTP35122XXSFPB 1
    • 1 $14.29
    • 10 $14.29
    • 100 $14.29
    • 1000 $14.29
    • 10000 $14.29
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    embedded antenna design (ead) FCTP35122XXSFPW

    C-Top 900/1800/1900 MHZ Very L
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Symmetry Electronics FCTP35122XXSFPW 1
    • 1 $14.29
    • 10 $14.29
    • 100 $14.29
    • 1000 $14.29
    • 10000 $14.29
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    CTP351 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CTP351 Sino-American Silicon Products Center Tap Rectifiers Scan PDF
    CTP3510 Sino-American Silicon Products Center Tap Rectifiers Scan PDF

    CTP351 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTP351 Diodes Center-Tapped Positive CC Silicon Rectifier I O Max.(A) Output Current35 @Temp (øC) (Test Condition)50 V(RRM)(V) Rep.Pk.Rev. Voltage100 I(FSM) Max.(A) Pk.Fwd.Sur.Cur.400 V(FM) Max.(V) Forward Voltage1.0 @I(FM) (A) (Test Condition)6.0 @Temp. (øC) (Test Condition)25

    CTP351 Current35 Voltage100 Current10u PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CTP3510 Diodes Center-Tapped Positive CC Silicon Rectifier I O Max.(A) Output Current35 @Temp (øC) (Test Condition)50 V(RRM)(V) Rep.Pk.Rev. Voltage1.0k I(FSM) Max.(A) Pk.Fwd.Sur.Cur.400 V(FM) Max.(V) Forward Voltage1.0 @I(FM) (A) (Test Condition)6.0 @Temp. (øC) (Test Condition)25

    CTP3510 Current35 Current10u PDF

    FET K105

    Abstract: CN902 B1DHDC000028 k522 diode D902L k105 fet R-312 panasonic radio transistor k520 transistor k84 LE80536
    Text: ORDER NO. CPD0511051C1 Personal Computer CF-W4 This is the Service Manual for the following areas. M …for U.S.A. and Canada Model No. CF-W4GWCZZ 1 2 1: Operation System B: Microsoft Windows® XP Professional 2: Area M: Refer to above area table 2005 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    CPD0511051C1 EN60825 contrD500F-T1B-A N2012ZP600T25 ACM2012-900-2P-T 87520-6010BPLF CN903 N2012ZP600T25 CN901 SM12B-SRSS-TB FET K105 CN902 B1DHDC000028 k522 diode D902L k105 fet R-312 panasonic radio transistor k520 transistor k84 LE80536 PDF


    Abstract: SADQ32 IC603 IC1102 alviso-GM K1NA68E00096 Q1102 m306kafcl RTL8101L ICS954218BG
    Text: CF-T4 Schematic Diagram Main 1 DOTHAN HOST BUS VC15 1 VCPUCORE R11 E17 E19 E21 F6 F8 GND F18 F20 C47 10u 6.3V C42 10u 6.3V C36 10u 6.3V C31 10u 6.3V C25 10u 6.3V C21 10u 6.3V C17 10u 6.3V C13 10u 6.3V C8 10u 6.3V C4 10u 6.3V F22 G5 G21 H6 H22 J5 GND J21 K22

    R1117 C1102 C1104 4700p C1106 C1108 C1113 R1120 R1121 NC-87 SADQ32 IC603 IC1102 alviso-GM K1NA68E00096 Q1102 m306kafcl RTL8101L ICS954218BG PDF


    Abstract: LE80536 B0JCCE000008 ic7414 CN901 SN74AHC2G14HDCT3 M306KAFCLRP CN902 21F4 K1NA68E00096
    Text: CF-W4 Schematic Diagram Main 1 DOTHAN HOST BUS VC15 1 VCPUCORE R11 E17 E19 E21 F6 F8 GND F18 F20 C47 10u 6.3V C42 10u 6.3V C36 10u 6.3V C31 10u 6.3V C25 10u 6.3V C21 10u 6.3V C17 10u 6.3V C13 10u 6.3V C8 10u 6.3V C4 10u 6.3V F22 G5 G21 H6 H22 J5 GND J21 K22

    1/10W ACM2012-900-2P-T 87520-6010BPLF CN902 N2012ZP600T25 NSAD500F-T1B-A ACM2012-900-2P-T CN903 B1DHDC000028 LE80536 B0JCCE000008 ic7414 CN901 SN74AHC2G14HDCT3 M306KAFCLRP CN902 21F4 K1NA68E00096 PDF

    transistor k520

    Abstract: transistor k518 K525 transistor transistor k513 C1ZBZ000 32.768Mhz oscillator transistor k510 k514 transistor transistor C635 W24 transistor k72 t9
    Text: ORDER NO. CPD0511050C1 Personal Computer CF-T4 This is the Service Manual for the following areas. M …for U.S.A. and Canada Model No. CF-T4GWCTZ1 2 1: Operation System B: Microsoft Windows® XP Professional 2: Area M: Refer to above area table 2005 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    CPD0511050C1 DFJS963ZA DFJS962ZA N1ZYYY000002 N1ZYYY000003 DFJS973ZA DFJS958ZB DFJE12U112BB DL3UP1443AAA DFJS96102 transistor k520 transistor k518 K525 transistor transistor k513 C1ZBZ000 32.768Mhz oscillator transistor k510 k514 transistor transistor C635 W24 transistor k72 t9 PDF


    Abstract: ctp-2s L74B CTP351
    Text: SINO-AMER ICAN SILICON 24E 3> • ñSñl74b D D D a 0 3 S 5 ■ C E N T E R T A P R E C T IF IE R S ^ ^ 7 O PERATIN G T E M P E R A T U R E RANGE: - 5 5 ° C t o + 125°C S T O R A G E T E M PE R A T U R E RANGE: -5 5 ° C tO + 150°C T YPE Maximum Peak Reverse

    OCR Scan
    AMPERES/CT-25 CTP2505/CTN2505 CTP251/CTN251 CTP252/CTN252 CTP254/CTN254 CTP254 ctp-2s L74B CTP351 PDF


    Abstract: ctp2s LI65
    Text: SINO-AMERICAN SILICON 2 4 E 3> • ñSñl74b DDDa 0 3 S 5 ■ C E N T E R T A P R E C T IF IE R S ^ ^ 7 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: - 5 5 ° C t o + 125°C STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE: -5 5 ° C tO + 150°C TYPE Maximum Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum Average

    OCR Scan
    AMPERES/CT-25 CTP2505/CTN2505 CTP251/CTN251 CTP252/CTN252 CTP254/CTN254 DO-41 350x350x345 DO-15 ctp-2s ctp2s LI65 PDF