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    Micro Crystal AG MCSO-B-16.000MHZ

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    Micro Crystal AG MCSO-B 16.000 MHZ E/D J/L

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    Avnet Abacus MCSO-B 16.000 MHZ E/D J/L 11 Weeks 1
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    PEB 4266 T V1.2

    Abstract: convert 230V AC to 5V DC without transformer PEF 3304 BSP135 transformer from 230V AC to 5V DC 230v ac to -48v dc converter 230V AC to 5V DC ic CNY 42 optocoupler relay for controlling 230v ac using 5v dual falc
    Text: ICs for Communications Intelligent Network Termination Solution Guide for Intelligent Network Termination HL Solution Guide 04.99 DS 1 Revision History: Current Version: 04.99 Previous Version: - Page Page in previous (in current Version Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    RS-232 2132/PSB 8191-PB 8191-SR 8191-SS PEB 4266 T V1.2 convert 230V AC to 5V DC without transformer PEF 3304 BSP135 transformer from 230V AC to 5V DC 230v ac to -48v dc converter 230V AC to 5V DC ic CNY 42 optocoupler relay for controlling 230v ac using 5v dual falc PDF


    Abstract: TPT20 CON6A v2 tpr4 pr48b PT13B condor E5 Condor LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25
    Text: LatticeEC Standard Evaluation Board – Revision B User’s Guide April 2007 ebug10_01.4 Lattice Semiconductor LatticeEC Standard Evaluation Board – Revision B User’s Guide Introduction The LatticeEC Standard Evaluation Board provides a convenient platform to evaluate, test and debug user

    ebug10 120-pin) 32-bit PVG5H503A01 TPE11 TPT20 CON6A v2 tpr4 pr48b PT13B condor E5 Condor LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25 PDF


    Abstract: K4T51163QG-HCE60 pDS4102-DL2 LVCMOS33 LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25 PB50B TPE11 PL43A FPGA48
    Text: LatticeEC Standard Evaluation Board – Revision A User’s Guide April 2007 EB07_02.4 Lattice Semiconductor LatticeEC Standard Evaluation Board – Revision A User’s Guide Introduction The LatticeEC Standard Evaluation Board provides a convenient platform to evaluate, test and debug user

    120-pin) 32-bit PVG5H503A01 CON6A K4T51163QG-HCE60 pDS4102-DL2 LVCMOS33 LVCMOS15 LVCMOS25 PB50B TPE11 PL43A FPGA48 PDF

    siemens integrated circuit TL 2521

    Abstract: ST20 ST21 ST30 ST31 CL15 ST01 ST10 ST11 PEF24911
    Text: ICs for Communications Quad ISDN 2B1Q Echocanceller Digital Front End PEB 24911 Version 1.2 PEF 24911 Version 1.2 Data Sheet 12.97 DS 2 PEB 24911 Revision History: Original Version: 12.97 Previous Releases: Data Sheet 12.97 DS 1 Page Subjects changes since last revision

    80-kHz siemens integrated circuit TL 2521 ST20 ST21 ST30 ST31 CL15 ST01 ST10 ST11 PEF24911 PDF


    Abstract: written microblaze ethernet spartan 3e vga ucf VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA spartan 3 vhdl SPARTAN3A LCD display Xilinx XCF04S UG334 XC3S700A-4FGG484C mt47H32M16
    Text: Spartan-3A FPGA Starter Kit Board User Guide For Revision C Board UG330 v1.3 June 21, 2007 R R Xilinx is disclosing this Document and Intellectual Property (hereinafter “the Design”) to you for use in the development of designs to operate on, or interface with Xilinx FPGAs. Except as stated herein, none of the Design may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished,

    UG330 LP3906 com/pf/LP/LP3906 UG330 written microblaze ethernet spartan 3e vga ucf VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA spartan 3 vhdl SPARTAN3A LCD display Xilinx XCF04S UG334 XC3S700A-4FGG484C mt47H32M16 PDF

    Virtex-5 LX50T

    Abstract: SVF pcf VIRTEX-5 FX70T VIRTEX-5 LX110 FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration Virtex 5 CF Virtex-5 LX50 DSP48E UG191 XC5VLX220
    Text: Virtex-5 FPGA Configuration User Guide User Guide [optional] UG191 v3.7 June 24, 2009 [optional] R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG191 Virtex-5 LX50T SVF pcf VIRTEX-5 FX70T VIRTEX-5 LX110 FPGA Virtex 6 pin configuration Virtex 5 CF Virtex-5 LX50 DSP48E UG191 XC5VLX220 PDF


    Abstract: NUMONYX xilinx bpi spi flash programmer schematic NUMONYX xilinx spi virtex 5 UG628 XAPP974 fpga radiation spi flash parallel port frame_ecc virtex 6
    Text: Virtex-6 FPGA Configuration User Guide [optional] UG360 v1.0 June 24, 2009 [optional] Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG360 HW-USB-II-G NUMONYX xilinx bpi spi flash programmer schematic NUMONYX xilinx spi virtex 5 UG628 XAPP974 fpga radiation spi flash parallel port frame_ecc virtex 6 PDF

    PEB 3023

    Abstract: 5SX1 peb8091 Siemens NT1 ISDN
    Text: ICs for Communications Network Termination Controller NTC-Q PEB 8091 PEF 8091 Version 1.1 Product Overview 02.97 T8091-V11-O1-7600 PEB 8091 Revision History: Original Version: 02.97 Previous Releases: none Page Subjects changes since last revision Edition 02.97

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    Abstract: ELMOS IC motor driver ELMOS motor driver elmos 28
    Text: BUS IC DC/DC CONVERTER MOTOR DRIVER IC RIPPLE COUNTER DRIVER IC I/O IC SENSOR IC SENSOR INTERFACE IC Position control ÿ Position control + driver Speed control Ripple detection ÿ Sensorless position control of DC-motors, with drivers coming soon FEATURES



    Abstract: proton EMV CARDS DDA quality control payment CARDS
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    Abstract: 5N400 BSTD1026 BSTD1026M C122D GE ge c122d t7 aeg teccor S400BR TYN40B
    Text: SILICON CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS Item Number Part Number 10 15 20 25 30 TYSB07 -4 A TXN40B (A) TYN40B TIC116D TIC116D IR122D1 IR122D2 IR122D3 IR122D4 IR122D5 11'112206 IS4B MCR21B-6 MCR21B-6FP 2N4443 TYN40BG C122D C122D1 C122D2 C122D3 C12204 C122D5 C122D6 C123D

    TYSB07 TXN40B TYN40B TIC116D IR122D1 IR122D2 IR122D3 IR122D4 IR122D5 TYN40BG 5N400 BSTD1026 BSTD1026M C122D GE ge c122d t7 aeg teccor S400BR PDF


    Abstract: Q67221H
    Text: Product Brochure for NTC-Q 11/97 Network Termination Controller NTC-Q PEB / PEF 8091 The Network Termination Controller NTC-Q is a Network Termination (NT) circuit for the basic rate ISDN. It combines a U-transceiver and an STranceiver on one chip. The NTC-Q provides the 2B1 Q-U-interface together

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    ST/LAA/ELR/DNP/822: RC7355E Q67221-H1029 Q67221-H1040 Q67221-H1009 Q67221-H Q67221H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Intel. InteI/40 Graphics Accelerator Datasheet Release Date: April, 1998 Order Number: 2^06 :8-00:^ Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

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    InteI/40â 04565-001-Sao USA/0498/LMA PDF


    Abstract: CMOS 65C02 65C265S
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265S IN TR O D U C TIO N The W DC W 65C265S microcomputer is a com plete fully static 16-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a H i-Rel low power CMOS process. The W 65C265S complements an established and growing line

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    W65C265S W65C265S 16-bit 65C265S 65C816S 65C22S CMOS 65C02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI 9050-1 Datasheet Version 1.01 April, 17, 1997 Website/ftp Site: Email: Phone:408-774-9060 F A X :408-778-2169 PCI 9050-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 1

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    LAr27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DA TA SH EE T NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD4565421,4565821, 4565161 64M-BIT VIRTUAL CHANNEL SDRAM Description The 64M -bit Virtual Channel VC SDRAM is implemented to be 100% pin and package compatible to the industry standard SDRAM. It uses the same command protocol and interface as SDRAM. The VC SDRAM command set is a

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    PD4565421 64M-BIT M13022EJBV0DS00 PDF


    Abstract: IFR20 KYOCERA Oscillator 3.6864MHz nE46 transistor 00FF W65C02S W65C816S 0G00M ACSR10 TLHS20
    Text: W DC THE W ESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W 65C 134S INTRODUCTION The W D C W 65C134S m icrocom puter is a com plete fully static 8 -bit com puter fabricated on a single chip using a low pow er CM O S process. T he W 65C134S com plem ents an established and grow ing line o f W 65C

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    W65C134S W65C134S W65C02S W65C134SPL 32KHz S2C256 ROY TODD IFR20 KYOCERA Oscillator 3.6864MHz nE46 transistor 00FF W65C02S W65C816S 0G00M ACSR10 TLHS20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C134S SECTION 1 W65C134S FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 1.1 The W65C02S Static 8-bit Microprocessor Core The W65C02S 8-bit microprocessor is the fully static may be stopped when PHI2 is high or low version of the popular W65C02S microprocessor used in the Apple lie and lie personal computer systems. The W65C02S is

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    W65C134S W65C134S W65C02S W65C802S W65C816S, IFR20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C816S INTRODUCTION The WDC W65C816S is a fully static CMOS 16-bit microprocessor featuring software compatibility* with the 8-bit NMOS and CMOS 6500-series predecessors. The W65C816S extends addressing to a full 16 megabytes. These devices

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    W65C816S W65C816S 16-bit 6500-series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C02S INTRODUCTION The W65C02S Microprocessor offers complete hardware and software capability with existing 6500 series products as well as significant enhancements. The W65C02S 40-pin Dip plug compatible with the NMOS

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    W65C02S W65C02S 40-pin 44-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265S IN TRO D U CTIO N The WDC W65C265S microcomputer is a complete fully static 16-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a Hi-Rel low power CMOS process. The W65C265S complements an established and growing line

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    W65C265S W65C265S 16-bit W65C816S W65C265SPCB PDF


    Abstract: GPI04 md44 MD56 MD57 AB22-AB23 AB24-AB25
    Text: Electrical, Pinout, and Package Information intei Electrical, Pinout, and Package Information This chapter contains Intel740 graphics accelerator absolute maximum ratings, thermal characteristics, and DC characteristics. Pinout and package information are also provided.

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    Intel740â INTEL740 GPI04 md44 MD56 MD57 AB22-AB23 AB24-AB25 PDF


    Abstract: SM 8002C 8002A SA 8002 8002A 8 pin BFAAA block diagram for ic 7404 7x11 dot matrix SM 8002 C ic 7404 logic symbol
    Text: S T A N D A R » M I C R O S Y S T E M S bS 1 E| ñSb4bñb D0G3bD4 7 |""^04 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION^ « 33-09 CRT 8002 fJLPC FAMILY CRT Video Display Attributes Controller Video Generator VDAC’ kTM PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES v / ID 28 RETBL 1 CZ

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    20MHz 8002B 15MHz 8002C 10MHz 400ns 74SXX 74S74 SM 8002C 8002A SA 8002 8002A 8 pin BFAAA block diagram for ic 7404 7x11 dot matrix SM 8002 C ic 7404 logic symbol PDF

    "eye pattern generator"

    Abstract: atsto DOB20 OP 4912 LC8920 PA13 CSOB PD10 analog delay line 4560P
    Text: Ordering number : EN&4161 CMOS LSI LC8920 S A \Y O FAX Modem Preliminary Overview Package Dimensions The LC8920 is designed for synchronous, half-duplex, 9,600 bps CMOS single chip modem applications using public telephone netw orks. This LSI has built-in

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    K4161 LC8920 LC8920 27ter, "eye pattern generator" atsto DOB20 OP 4912 PA13 CSOB PD10 analog delay line 4560P PDF