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    CRYSTAL FILTER ITT Search Results

    CRYSTAL FILTER ITT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NFMJMPC226R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Data Line Filter, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    S3HP807L Coilcraft Inc High Pass Filter Visit Coilcraft Inc

    CRYSTAL FILTER ITT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 45FB 45FC 45FD 45FE 45TA 45TB 45TC 45TD 45TE
    Text: Through Hole Crystal Filter Crystal Filters Specification Pass Bandwidth Attenuation Bandwidth Model Nominal Freq. MHz Pole 45FA 45 4 3 ± 7.5 25 45FB 45 4 3 ± 10 45FC 45 2 3 45FD 45 4 45FE 45 2 Model Ripple (dB) (p-p) Insertion Loss (dB) Guaranteed Attenuation


    an 214 amp schematic diagram

    Abstract: mx306 i201 MX306P 12M hz crystal JUIX306 MX306J MX306LH RECEIVER BANDPASS FILTER PIN
    Text: MX-COM, INC. MX306 NMT, TACS, AMPS AUDIO FILTER FEATURES: APPLICATIONS: • • • • • • • • • • • Low G roup Delay Distortion On-Chip Uncom m itted Am plifier Crystal controlled Chip Enable Powersave Feature Low Power CM OS Few External Com ponents Req’d

    OCR Scan
    MX306 MX306 200Hz 100mV an 214 amp schematic diagram i201 MX306P 12M hz crystal JUIX306 MX306J MX306LH RECEIVER BANDPASS FILTER PIN PDF

    IC NE564

    Abstract: telephone NT NE554 NE554 NE564 equivalent NE564 ana 618 equivalent KDK TRANSISTOR pll 564
    Text: Application note Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Clock regenerator with crystal-controlled phase-locked loop VCO NE564 INTRODUCTION . “second-order” system . An RC series filter com bination will cause a ie ad-lag condition that w ill perm it dyna m ic selectivity, along with

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    NE564) NE564, 800mVp IC NE564 telephone NT NE554 NE554 NE564 equivalent NE564 ana 618 equivalent KDK TRANSISTOR pll 564 PDF

    ntsc vxo

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs VCR M52379FP PAL-M DISCRIMINATOR, FILTER SELECT SWITCH DESCRIPTION The M52379FP Is a color signal discriminator semiconductor PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) integrated circuit developed for PAL-M system VCRs, consisting of a PAL-M detector circuit, a crystal switching circuit, a JOG control

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    M52379FP M52379FP 1/21h ntsc vxo PDF

    150 KHz colpitts oscillator construction

    Abstract: colpitts oscillator construction design AM antenna ferrite loop antenna MC13176 circuit diagram wireless video transmitter and re MC13176D colpitts oscillator construction for 150 KHz fr colpitts oscillator construction mc13176 application note MC1317XD
    Text: M M O T O R O L A M C13175 M C13176 UHF FM/AM Transm itter The MC13175 and MC13176 are one chip FM/AM transm itter subsystems designed for AM/FM communication systems. They include a Colpitts crystal reference oscillator, UHF oscillator, + 8 (MC13175) or + 32

    OCR Scan
    MC13175 MC13176 MC13175) MC13176) MC13175/76 MC13176 150 KHz colpitts oscillator construction colpitts oscillator construction design AM antenna ferrite loop antenna circuit diagram wireless video transmitter and re MC13176D colpitts oscillator construction for 150 KHz fr colpitts oscillator construction mc13176 application note MC1317XD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC P LES SE Y SEPTEMBER 1996 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS 3969-2.0 KESTX01 400MHz - 460MHz ASK TRANSMITTER Supersedes September 1995 version, DS3969 - 1.4 The KESTX01 is a single chip ASK (Amplitude Shift Key) transm itter IC. It is designed to operate in a variety of low

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    KESTX01 400MHz 460MHz DS3969 KESTX01 PDF

    IR 433M

    Abstract: 433.92M application note 434M
    Text: KESTX03 M IT E L 400MHz - 460MHz ASK Transmitter S E M IC O N D U C T O R _Target Specification DS4820 - 1.6 August 1998 KESTX03 is a single chip ASK Amplitude Shift Key transm itter 1C. It is designed to operate in a variety of low power radio applications including keyless entry, general

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    KESTX03 400MHz 460MHz DS4820 KESTX03 IR 433M 433.92M application note 434M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b3E D LC7215, 7215F, 7215FM GG113bl =ITT ITSAJ SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR C0RP W 3 o o 3a S ilicon-gate CMOS IC 3111 MW/LW PLL Frequency Synthesizer 3584A OVERVIEW PINOUT The LC7215, LC7215F and LC7215FM are phase-locked-loop frequency synthesizers that provide

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    LC7215, 7215F, 7215FM GG113bl LC7215F LC7215FM 20-bit 14-bit LC7215 PDF


    Abstract: M6948 oki MSM6948 MSM6948G kss 1201 MSM6948GS-VK MSM6948RS MSM6948V MSM6948VGS-VK MSM6948VRS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 6948/6948V 1200 bps Single Chip MSK Modem GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6948 is a single chip MSK M inim um Shift K eying m o d em w hich is fabricated by O ki's low p ow er con sum ption C M O S silicon g ate technology. The d em o d u lato r receives the d ata to be transm itted (SD) syn chronized w ith the transm it tim ing

    OCR Scan
    MSM6948/MSM6948V 724E40 0D2B241 MSM6948/6948V L724240 M6948 M6948 oki MSM6948 MSM6948G kss 1201 MSM6948GS-VK MSM6948RS MSM6948V MSM6948VGS-VK MSM6948VRS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM6948 SINGLE CHIP MSK MODEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6948 is a single chip MSK Minimum Shift Keying modem which is fabricated by O K I's low power consumption CMOS silicon gate technology. The dem odulator receives the data to be transm itted (SD) synchronized w ith the tran sm it

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    MSM6948 MSM6948 IV-E-59 IV-E-60 PDF

    ITT Intermetall

    Abstract: ITT ccu 3000 i
    Text: Edition O ct. 8, 1996 6 2 5 1-4 0 9 -1 PD ITT INTERMETALL 4bö2711 OOObb44 b05 VPC 32xx PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 4 4 4 5 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Introduction System Architecture Video Processor Family VPC Applications 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8

    OCR Scan
    OOObb44 4bfl2711 ITT Intermetall ITT ccu 3000 i PDF


    Abstract: central locking TH7106
    Text: TH7106 Description The TH7106 is a low power FSK transm itter designed to operate at transm itfrequencies between 300 and 500MHz. It com prises a fre ­ quency synthesizer and m odulator to accept a simple CMOS digital data input and generate an FSK modulated output. O utput power can be

    OCR Scan
    TH7106 TH7106 500MHz. ETSI-300-220, MPT1340 G1152 central locking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Programmable Clock Generator AD730 ANALOG DEVICES □ O ther frequencies may be personalized on an AD730 using the following algorithm: FEATURES 16 S electable Frequencies 216 MHz m ax ECL O u tp u t 54 M Hz m ax TTL O u tp u t L o w O u tp u t J itte r L o w Cost

    OCR Scan
    AD730 AD730 Bt458 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: mgs 225 MSM6882-3 MSM6882-3GS-VK MSM6882-3RS MSM6882-5 MSM6882-5GS-VK MSM6882-5RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6882-3/6882-5 2400/1200 bps Single Chip MSK Modem GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6882-3/6882-5 is a single chip MSK M inim um Shift Keying m odem w hich is fabricated by O ki's low pow er consum ption CMOS silicon gate technology. The d em o d u lato r receives the d ata to be transm itted (SD) synchronized w ith the transm it tim ing

    OCR Scan
    MSM6882-3 MSM6882-5 MSM6882-3/6882-5 2424D 0D2222G 7.3728 mgs 225 MSM6882-3GS-VK MSM6882-3RS MSM6882-5 MSM6882-5GS-VK MSM6882-5RS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 155 Mbps UTP#5 Complete PHY Interface AD6816 ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Com plete A TM Transceiver for 155 Mbps for UTP#5 or Fiber M eets A TM Forum U NI 3.1 Requirements M eets SONET/SDH J itte r Requirements M eets FCC Class B Emissions Requirements Drives up to 110M Category #5 UTP/FTP

    OCR Scan
    AD6816 44-Pin 00E-11 50E-06 PDF

    talin 4000

    Abstract: wac-013 AD6816-SPEC idc-8
    Text: 155 Mbps UTP#5 Complete PHY Interface AD6816 ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Com plete ATM Transceiver for 155 M bps for UTP#5 or Fiber M eets ATM Forum UNI 3.1 Requirements M eets SONET/SDH J itte r Requirements M eets FCC Class B Emissions Requirements Drives up to 110M Category #5 UTP/FTP

    OCR Scan
    44-Pin AD6816 00E-11 50E-06 00E-07 00E-10 talin 4000 wac-013 AD6816-SPEC idc-8 PDF

    of ic MT8870

    Abstract: A 434 RF Receiver TRANSMITTER PAIR "
    Text: iso2cmos M ITEL MT8880C Integrated DTMF Transceiver Features IS S U E 6 Ordering MT8880CE MT8880CS MT8880CN MT8880CP -40°C to Complete DTMF transm itter/receiver Central office quality Low power consumption Microprocessor port Adjustable guard time March 1997

    OCR Scan
    MT8880C MT8880CE MT8880CS MT8880CN MT8880CP MT8880C MT8870 of ic MT8870 A 434 RF Receiver TRANSMITTER PAIR " PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITEL IS02-CM0S MT8880C/MT8880C-1 Integrated DTMF Transceiver Features ISSUE 2 May 1995 O rdering Inform ation C om plete DTMF transm itte r/re ceive r MT8880CE/CE-1 20 Pin Plastic DIP MT8880CC/CC-1 20 Pin Ceram ic DIP MT8880CS/CS-1 20 P ln S O IC MT8880CN/CN-1

    OCR Scan
    IS02-CM0S MT8880C/MT8880C-1 MT8880CE/CE-1 MT8880CC/CC-1 MT8880CS/CS-1 MT8880CN/CN-1 MT8880CP/CP-1 MT8870 IS02-CM0S PDF

    of ic MT8870

    Abstract: ic mt8870 intel 8085 microprocessor
    Text: MT8888C M ITEL Integrated DTMF Transceiver with Intel Micro Interface Features IS S U E 6 M a rc h 1 9 9 7 Ordering Information MT8888CE 20 Pin Plastic DIP MT8888CS 20 Pin SOIC MT8888CN 24 Pin SSOP Central office quality DTMF transm itter/receiver Low power consumption

    OCR Scan
    MT8888C -30dBm MT8888CE MT8888CS MT8888CN MT8888C MT8870 of ic MT8870 ic mt8870 intel 8085 microprocessor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MT88L89 MITEL 3V Integrated DTMF Transceiver Preliminary Information with Adaptive Micro Interface H Features ISSUE 2 Central office quality DTMF transm itter/receiver Ordering MT88L89AE MT88L89AC MT88L89AS MT88L89AN MT88L89AP -40°C to Low voltage operation 2.7-3.6V

    OCR Scan
    MT88L89 -30dBm MT8880/MT8888 MT88L89AE MT88L89AC MT88L89AS MT88L89AN MT88L89AP b24T37ü PDF

    colpitts oscillator construction for 150 KHz fr

    Abstract: 150 KHz colpitts oscillator construction NT2800 NUMA Technologies JTX-4-10T colpitts oscillator construction FR4 1.6mm substrate for microstrip antenna radio frequency signals combiner divider 10 bit Controlled Oscillator CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
    Text: C h ip -M itter - Single Chip FM Transmitter 130-1000 MHz NT2800 FEATURES • • • • • • • • • Wide Bandwidth FM Transmitter Suitable for FM/FSK Modulation Direct-Modulation Scheme On-Chip PLL Synthesizer/VCO 3-wire serial interface 2.7 - 3.3V Operation / Standby Mode

    OCR Scan
    nt2800 QSOP-16) NT2800 colpitts oscillator construction for 150 KHz fr 150 KHz colpitts oscillator construction NUMA Technologies JTX-4-10T colpitts oscillator construction FR4 1.6mm substrate for microstrip antenna radio frequency signals combiner divider 10 bit Controlled Oscillator CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PDF

    itt ol 170

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Edition May 15, 1997 6251-437-1PD ITT INTERMETALL 4bflE711 0 0 0 b S 7 b 234 VDP 31xxB PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 5 6 1. 1.1. Introduction VDP Applications 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18

    OCR Scan
    6251-437-1PD 4bflE711 31xxB itt ol 170 PDF


    Abstract: pin configuration of mc6800
    Text: MT8889C Integrated DTMF Transceiver M ITEL with Adaptive Micro Interface Features IS S U E 6 Ordering MT8889CE MT8889CS MT8889CN -40°C to Central office quality DTMF transm itter/ receiver Low power consumption High speed adaptive micro interface March 1997

    OCR Scan
    MT8889C -30dBm MT8889CE MT8889CS MT8889CN MT8870 MC6809] MC6800, MC6802] MC6800/MC6802/MC6809 T8889C pin configuration of mc6800 PDF

    qpsk transmitter block diagram

    Abstract: qpsk transmitter B804 BB804 TDA8050 TDA8050T 4 shift QPSK
    Text: P hilips S em ico n d uctors O b jective sp ecification Q P S K tra n s m itter T D A 8050 It includes tw o double balanced mixers, a sym m etrical V .C .O with 0-90 deg re e s signal generation fo r m odulation, a phase locked loop fo r IF frequency control, a conversion

    OCR Scan
    TDA8050 12-bit qpsk transmitter block diagram qpsk transmitter B804 BB804 TDA8050 TDA8050T 4 shift QPSK PDF