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    Abstract: 66P507 MARK A03 MSM66507 41BW-10
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM66507/66P507 OLM S-66K Series 16-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM66507/66P507 is a high-performance 16-bit microcontroller that employs OKI original nX-8/500 CPU core. The MSM66507/66P50 7 includes a 16-bit CPU, ROM, RAM, a 10-bit A /D converter, serial ports,

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    MSM66507/66P507 OLMS-66K 16-Bit MSM66507/66P507 nX-8/500 10-bit 19-bit M66507 66P507 MARK A03 MSM66507 41BW-10 PDF


    Abstract: SUNNY MSM6650 eprom 6653 ln 258 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 Sunny Oscillators MSM6653 MSM6656-XXX 10FFE
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6652-XXX/MSM6653-XXX/ MSM6654-XXX/MSM6655-XXX/ MSM6656-XXX_ Internal MASK ROM Speech Synthesis LSI G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The MSM6650 family is a successor to the MSM6375 family that are speech synthesis LSIs w ith

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    MSM6652-XXX/MSM6653-XXX/ MSM6654-XXX/MSM6655-XXX/ MSM6656-XXX_ MSM6650 MSM6375 12bit -40dB 00MSA/MSK/ 00MHz, AR76-202 ms1250 SUNNY eprom 6653 ln 258 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 Sunny Oscillators MSM6653 MSM6656-XXX 10FFE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6 4 1 6 4 C -0 1 1 /0 1 2 Clock 1C with Temperature Measuring Function DESCRIPTION The M SM 64164C-011/012 is a preprogrammed version of the MSM64164C. The M SM 64164C-011/012 is dedicated to perform clock, dual channel temperature sensing and alarm applications. A visual LCD dis­

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    64164C-011/012 MSM64164C. MSM64164C-0 MSM64164C-012 DLC-5004 b72424D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Sem iconductor M SM 511664A/AL_ 65,536-Word x 16-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE BYTE WRITE DESCRIPTION The M SM 511664A/A L is a 65,536-word x 16-bit dynam ic RAM fabricated in OKI’s CM O S silicon gate technology. The M SM 511664A/A L achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and lowpow er consum ption due to quadruple polysilicon single metal CM OS. The M SM 511664A /A L is

    OCR Scan
    MSM511664A/AL_ 536-Word 16-Bit MSM511664A/AL 40-pin 44/40-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM51V17100 16,777,216-Word x 1-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The M SM 51V17100 is a new generation dynam ic organized as 16,777,216-w ord x 1-bit. The technology used to fabricate the M SM 51V17100 is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

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    MSM51V17100 216-Word 51V17100 216-w S4H40 2424D PDF

    4424 ym

    Abstract: oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 MSM6376 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6375/4/3/2-X X X 1 M -b it/5 1 2 K -b it/2 5 6 K -b it/1 2 8 K -b it M A S K R O M SPEECH SY N TH E S IZ E R G ENER AL D ES C R IP TIO N T he M SM 6375 series is a n A D PC M speech sy n th esis LSI u tilizin g a C M O S sp eech p ro ­

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    MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX 1M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit MSM6375 12-bit MSM6376 MSM637X b7E42m: 001b310 4424 ym oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329 PDF


    Abstract: 5218 a ic 5218 a sim 5218 LD 5218 5218P MSM5218 CSB384P 5205RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor 1SM5218 ADPCM S P E E C H A N A LY S IS /S Y N T H E S IS 1C G E N E R A L D E SC R IP TIO N T he M SM 5218 is a c o m p lete sp eech a n a ly s is / sy n th esis LSI fea tu rin g th e A d a p tiv e D iffer­ e n tia l P u ls e C o d e M o d u la tio n A D P C M

    OCR Scan
    1SM5218 10-bit b72424D 01bblS MSM5218 MSM5218 12-bit 5218a 5218 a ic 5218 a sim 5218 LD 5218 5218P CSB384P 5205RS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC23140B/BL-XXBS10/DS10 1,048,576-Word by 40-Bit DRAM Module: Fast Page Mode DESCRIPTION The OKI M SC23140B/BL-xxBS10/DS10 is a fully decoded 1,048,576-word x 40-bit CMOS Dynamic Ran­ dom Access Memory Module composed of ten 4-Mb DRAMs in SOJ M SM 514400B/BL packages

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    MSC23140B/BL-XXBS10/DS10 576-Word 40-Bit SC23140B/BL-xxBS10/DS10 514400B/BL) 72-pin SC2314 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION The MSM7602 is an im proved version of the MSM7520 w ith the same basic configuration. The MSM7602 uses a 19.2 M Hz clock frequency to m eet PHS, the 3 V pow er supply 2.7 V to 5.5 V , and com pact packaging. Also, this device adds the how ling detecter control pins and m ain cleek

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    MSM7602 MSM7520 MSM7520/7620 MSM7602 MSM7602-001 /002GS-K PDF

    sft 43

    Abstract: LMP 162 MSM65514 MSM65P514
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM65514/ 65P514 Oki Original High Performance C M O S 8-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM65514 is a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller that employs Oki's original nX-8/50 CPU core. With a minimum instruction execution time of 400 ns 10MHz clock , the MSM65514 is

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    MSM65514 MSM65P514 nX-8/50 10MHz MSM65P514, DD23bDb b724240 MSM65514/65P514 sft 43 LMP 162 MSM65P514 PDF


    Abstract: M6948 oki MSM6948 MSM6948G kss 1201 MSM6948GS-VK MSM6948RS MSM6948V MSM6948VGS-VK MSM6948VRS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 6948/6948V 1200 bps Single Chip MSK Modem GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6948 is a single chip MSK M inim um Shift K eying m o d em w hich is fabricated by O ki's low p ow er con sum ption C M O S silicon g ate technology. The d em o d u lato r receives the d ata to be transm itted (SD) syn chronized w ith the transm it tim ing

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    MSM6948/MSM6948V 724E40 0D2B241 MSM6948/6948V L724240 M6948 M6948 oki MSM6948 MSM6948G kss 1201 MSM6948GS-VK MSM6948RS MSM6948V MSM6948VGS-VK MSM6948VRS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2L0056-28-91 O K I S em iconductor M S82V16 5 2 0 262,144-Word x 32-Bit x 2 -B a n k Synch ro nous G raph ics R A M D E S C R IP T IO N The MS82V16520 is a synchronous graphics random access memory organized as 256 K w ords x 32 bits x 2 banks. This device can operate up to 166 MHz by using synchronous interface. In addition, it has 8-column

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    E2L0056-28-91 S82V16 144-Word 32-Bit MS82V16520 b72424D MS82V16520 002750b S82V PDF