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    CLM400D Search Results

    CLM400D Datasheets (2)

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    CLM400D Clairex Electronics 40 mA, Led isolated dual photoconductor isolator Scan PDF
    CLM400D Senisys Led isolated dual photoconductor isolator Scan PDF

    CLM400D Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: CLM410D LFR20
    Text: CLM400D CLM410D LEDIsolated Dual P hotoconductors Isolators .0 5 0 REF. The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with tw o p h o to co n d u c tiv e cells to provide a dual optoisolator with isolated outputs. The presence of iso­ lated output elem ents allows one of the sensors to be

    OCR Scan
    CLM400D CLM410D CLM410D lfr-20 25ENT LFR20 PDF


    Abstract: CLM410D
    Text: MOE D B 34=1=1730 O O O I O ? 11! ? S E N I FA S C O INDS/ SENISVS “P'-U-'S CLM400D CLM410D LEDIsolated Dual Photoconductors Isolators LED CATHODE .0 I0 X .0 2 3 The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with tw o p h o to co n d u ctiv e cells to provide a dual optoisolator with isolated outputs. The presence of iso­

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    000107e] CLM400D CLM410D CLM410D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4QE D B 3 4 ^ 7 3 6 QOQIQ?11! 7 B S E N I FASCO INDS/ SENISYS CLM400D CLM410D 1 1 LEDIsolated Dual Photoconductors Isolators .512 |«- .020 ~ ~ .0 5 0 REF. J ±.015 .330 .04 .115 MIN. 6 LEADS T -.200 LED CATHODE •0 I0 X .0 2 3 The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with

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    CLM400D CLM410D CLM400D CLM410D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLM400D CLM410D 1 1 LEDIsolated Dual P hotoconductors Isolators - .512 * j«- .020 ~ ~ .050 REF. '] ±.015 .330 .115 MIN. 6 LEADS The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with two photoconductive cells to provide a dual optoisolator with isolated outputs. The presence of iso­

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    CLM400D CLM410D CLM400D CLM410D PDF

    uv Photocell

    Abstract: CLM400D CLM410D uv lamp 6k CLM4000 clairex photomod cl Photoconductive Cell Clairex Electronics
    Text: CLAIREX ELECTRONICS DIV HE D • 21427=1=1 GGÜGÖ32 4 CLM400D CLM410D LEDIsolated Dual Photoconductors Isolators The CLM400D and CLM410D incorporate an LED with two photoconductive cells to provide a dual optoisolator with isolated outputs. The presence of iso­

    OCR Scan
    CLM400D CLM410D CLM410D CLM4000 50cations, uv Photocell uv lamp 6k clairex photomod cl Photoconductive Cell Clairex Electronics PDF