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    CCD326VM Search Results

    CCD326VM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Fairchild Im aging Sensors CCD326A 256/512-B it Analog Shift Register Charge Coupled Device FEATURES • Electrically variable analog delay line for audio and video applications. ■ Excellent bandwidth at video and audio rates due to burled channel technology.

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    CCD326A 256/512-B CCD326 256-bit CCD326VM CCD326A-3. CCD321VM. PDF

    ccd wiring Circuit Schematic Diagram Electronic

    Abstract: fairchild ccd ccd133 variable analog delay Nikon SB 910 connector pin out CCD Analog audio delay line CAM1200 CAM1500 analog delay line CAM16
    Text: LORAL CCD326A 256/512—Bit Analog Shift Register Charge Coupled Device Fairchild Imaging Sensors FEATURES • Electrically variable analog delay line fo r audio and video a pplications. ■ E xcellent b a n d w id th a t v id e o and a udio rates d u e to

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    CCD326A 256/512-Bit CCD326 256-bit 20-50ns, ccd wiring Circuit Schematic Diagram Electronic fairchild ccd ccd133 variable analog delay Nikon SB 910 connector pin out CCD Analog audio delay line CAM1200 CAM1500 analog delay line CAM16 PDF


    Abstract: LEM module LA 50-P lux meter chip CCD3000 variable analog delay Fairchild Imaging CCD 8kg4 SE271 Audio delay line CAM1500
    Text: LORAL CCD326A 256/512—Bit Analog Shift Register Charge Coupled Device Fairchild Im aging Sensors FEATURES • Electrically variable analog delay line fo r audio and video applications. ■ E xcellent b a n d w id th a t v id e o a nd a udio rates d u e to

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    CCD326A CCD326 IC-455 LEM module LA 50-P lux meter chip CCD3000 variable analog delay Fairchild Imaging CCD 8kg4 SE271 Audio delay line CAM1500 PDF