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    CC253XFX Search Results

    CC253XFX Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: SWRA223A CC1110FX CC1111FX CC111xFx cc2511fx CC2510FX CC2530 CC253xFx CC2430
    Text: Design Note DN113 CC111xFx, CC243xFx,CC251xFx and CC253xFx SPI By Siri Johnsrud and Torgeir Sundet Keywords •      1       SPI USART Master Slave CC1110Fx CC1111Fx CC2430Fx CC2431Fx CC2510Fx CC2511Fx CC2530Fx CC2531Fx Introduction

    DN113 CC111xFx, CC243xFx CC251xFx CC253xFx CC1110Fx CC1111Fx CC2430Fx CC2431Fx CC2510Fx cc2530fx SWRA223A CC1110FX CC1111FX CC111xFx cc2511fx CC2510FX CC2530 CC2430 PDF


    Abstract: SmartRF04EB 1.9 smartrf04eb CC111xFx CC2430 RS232 SmartRF04EB CC2530 CC2431 software uart UART CC2530
    Text: Design Note DN112 Using UART in CC111xFx, CC243xFx, CC251xFx and CC253xFx By Torgeir Sundet Keywords •       1        UART CPU DMA Protocol Baud Rate Asynchronous CC1110Fx CC1111Fx CC2430Fx CC2431Fx CC2510Fx CC2511Fx

    DN112 CC111xFx, CC243xFx, CC251xFx CC253xFx CC1110Fx CC1111Fx CC2430Fx CC2431Fx CC2510Fx cc2530fx SmartRF04EB 1.9 smartrf04eb CC111xFx CC2430 RS232 SmartRF04EB CC2530 CC2431 software uart UART CC2530 PDF