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    TDK Corporation CB30-1210

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    Bristol Electronics CB30-1210 1,940
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    TDK Corporation CB30-1210TR

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    Quest Components CB30-1210TR 332
    • 1 $8.67
    • 10 $8.67
    • 100 $4.046
    • 1000 $3.757
    • 10000 $3.757
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    CB301210 Datasheets Context Search

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    spw 080

    Abstract: LEM3225 CL-2M2012-900JT TKS 0603 FBM3216HS800-T ACB2012M-150-T LAL04TB 494LYF FBM2125HS420-T m5258
    Text: CT Technologies - Cross Reference Competitor Part CTC Part 0402R CT0402CSF 0402CS-P CT0402CSF 0402CS L CT0402CSF 0402CS CT0402CSF 0402 CT0402CSF 555-0402 CT0402CSF PE-0402CD CT0402CSF 0402AS CT0402CSF ELJNK CT0402CSF GLZG CT0402CSF KQ0402 CT0402CSF KQT0402L

    0402R CT0402CSF 0402CS-P 0402CS spw 080 LEM3225 CL-2M2012-900JT TKS 0603 FBM3216HS800-T ACB2012M-150-T LAL04TB 494LYF FBM2125HS420-T m5258 PDF


    Abstract: SY605 SY605JC
    Text: 125MHz WRITE PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate Micrel-Synergy's SY605 is an ECL-compatible timing vernier delay generator whose time delay is programmed via an 8bit code which is loaded via an independent "WRITE" input.

    125MHz SY605 125MHz, 4ns/255 SY605JC J28-1 SY605JCTR Bt605 SY605JC PDF


    Abstract: SY604 SY604JC
    Text: 125MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate Micrel-Synergy's SY604 is an ECL-compatible timing vernier delay generator whose time delay is programmed via an 8bit code which is loaded concurrently with the circuit trigger.

    125MHz SY604 125MHz, 4ns/255 SY604JC J28-1 SY604JCTR bt604 SY604JC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt604 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER inputs ■ Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    125MHz Bt604 350mW 28-pin SY604 SY604 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 125 MHz WRITE PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION • True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt605 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy ■ Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs

    125MHz Bt605 350mW 28-pin SY605 SY605 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 PDF


    Abstract: CB30-1210 CB30-0805 CB50-1210 CB50-0805 HF70ACB322513-T CB-30 CB-50 CB0805 CB30-1812
    Text: CHIP FERRITE FERRITE CHIP BEADS EMI Suppression Chip Bead CB SERIES The CB series is a high density ferrite chip EMI suppression device. Usually these devices are used as a solution to prevent EMI between electronic circuits. Features • Three materials and four shapes are available, cover­

    OCR Scan
    HF30ACB322513-T HF50ACB322513-T HF70ACB322513-T CB50-1210 100MHz] CB70-1210 CB1812 CB70-1812 CB50-1812 CB30-1812 CB30-1210 CB30-0805 CB50-0805 CB-30 CB-50 CB0805 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEP 2 5 1991 Prelim inary Inform ation This document contains information on a new product The parametric information, although not fully characterized, is the result of testing initial devices. D istinguishing Features • Includes a Pin Electronics three-statable Driver,

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    44-pin Bt698 Bt698 L698001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information T his docum ent contains inform ation on a new product. T he param etric in ­ form ation, although not fully characterized, is the result o f testing initial devices. Distinguishing Features • Includes a Pin E lectronics threestatable Driver, D ual C om para­

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    44-pin Bt698 Bt698KHJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR 125 MHz WRITE PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER FEATURES SY605 DESCRIPTION True 125MHz retrigger rate Synergy's SY605 is an ECL-compatible tinning vernier delay generator whose time delay is programmed via an 8bit code which is loaded via an independent "WRITE" input.

    OCR Scan
    SY605 125MHz SY605 125MHz, 4ns/255 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR 125 MHz W RITE P R O G R A M M A B LE TIMING EDGE VERNIER FEATURES SY605 DESCRIPTION True 125MHz retrigger rate Synergy's SY605 is an ECL-compatible timing vernier delay generator whose time delay is programmed via an 8bit code which is loaded via an independent "WRITE" input.

    OCR Scan
    SY605 125MHz Bt605 28-pin SY605 125MHz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt604 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB tim ing accuracy Differential TRIGGER inputs Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz Bt604 28-pin 350mW SY604 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C PDF


    Abstract: SY604 SY604JC SY604JCTR
    Text: * 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR SY604 DESCRIPTION FEATURES True 125MHz retrigger rate Synergy's SY604 is an ECL-compatible tinning vernier delay generator whose time delay is programmed via an 8bit code which is loaded concurrently with the circuit trigger.

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz Bt604 350mW 28-pin SY604 SY69712 SY69712 RPE11 SY604JC SY604JCTR PDF


    Abstract: SY605 SY605JC SY605JCTR
    Text: 1 2 5 M H z W R IT E PROGRAM M ABLE s Ë tZ ^ D U C T O R T IM IN G E D G E V E R N IE R FEATURES DESCRIPTION True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt605 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY605 125MHz Bt605 28-pin 350mW RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY605. Bt605 SY605 SY605JC SY605JCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bt605 Preliminary Information This document contains information on a new product. The parametric in­ formation, although not fully characterized, is the result o f testing initial devices. Distinguishing Features • 125 M Hz Maximum Trigger Rate • Less than ±1 LSB Timing

    OCR Scan
    Bt605 28-pin Bt605 60MHz) 125MHz) Bt605KPJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o SY N E R G Y S tM tC O N D U C T O h E ¡25 M H z T R I G G E R P R O G R A M M A B L E T I M INC F T .GF V F R N I F R B • sU B B ■ True 125MHz retrigger rate ■ Pin-compatible with Bt604 ■ 15ps delay resolution ■ Less than + 1 LSB timing accuracy

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz, 4ns/255 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY604. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 125 MHz WRITE PROGRAMMABLE tim in g e d g e VERNIER s e m 1c o n d u c t o r Y FEATURES DESCRIPTION True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt605 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy Differential TRIGGER and delay WRITE inputs Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    OCR Scan
    125MHz Bt605 28-pin SY605 SY605 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY605JC PDF


    Abstract: Bt698 BT698K Transistor Substitution 1993 HF70ACB
    Text: Distinguishing Features Includes a Pin Electronics Three-Statable Driver, Dual Comparators, and Dynamic Active Load +8 V, -3 V Programmable Driver Output Range ±60 mA Programmable Load Current 3.0 ns Comparator Propagation Delays +8 V to -3 V Comparator Input

    OCR Scan
    44-pin Bt698 4r5q BT698K Transistor Substitution 1993 HF70ACB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR 125 MHz WRITE PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER FEATURES SY605 DESCRIPTION True 125MHz retrigger rate Synergy's SY605 is an ECL-compatible tinning vernier delay generator whose time delay is programmed via an 8bit code which is loaded via an independent "WRITE" input.

    OCR Scan
    SY605 125MHz SY605 125MHz, 4ns/255 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES D E S C R IP T IO N • True 125MHz retrigger rate Synergy's SY605 is an ECL-compatible tim ing vernier delay generator whose tim e delay is programm ed via an 8bit code which is loaded via an independent "WRITE" input. The SY605 is fabricated in Synergy's proprietary ASSET

    OCR Scan
    125MHz Bt605 350mW 28-pin SY605 125MHz, 4ns/255 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bt604 Preliminary Information This document contains information on a new product. The parametric information, although not fully characterized, is the result of testing initial devices. Distinguishing Features • 125 MHz Maximum Trigger Rate • Less than ±1 LSB Timing

    OCR Scan
    Bt604 28-pin Bt604 60MHz) BI604 Bt604KPJ BT110 PDF

    ic tdk 2030

    Abstract: CB30-0805 CB-30 CB-50 CB30-1206 TR 0431 CB50 TDK
    Text: CHIP FERRITE FERRITE CHIP BEADS EMI Suppression Chip Bead CB SERIES T h e C B s e r i e s i s a b ig b d e n s i t y f e r r i t e c h i p E M I s u p p r e s s i o n d e v i c e U s u a lly t h e s e d e v ic e s a r r u s e d a s a s o lu t io n t o p r e v e n t E M I b e t w e e n e le c tr o n ic c ir c u its .

    OCR Scan
    100MHz] CB50-1812 GB30-1812 YHP419 CBliO-1812 CB70-1812 ic tdk 2030 CB30-0805 CB-30 CB-50 CB30-1206 TR 0431 CB50 TDK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR DESCRIPTION FEATURES True 125MHz retrigger rate Pin-compatible with Bt604 15ps delay resolution Less than ± 1 LSB timing accuracy Differential TRIGGER inputs Delay spans from 4 to 40ns

    OCR Scan
    125MHz Bt604 28-pin SY604 SY604 RPE112Z5U104M50V CB301210 CMF-55C SY604. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * 125 MHz TRIGGER PROGRAMMABLE TIMING EDGE VERNIER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR SY604 DESCRIPTION FEATURES True 125MHz retrigger rate Synergy's SY604 is an ECL-compatible tinning vernier delay generator whose time delay is programmed via an 8bit code which is loaded concurrently with the circuit trigger.

    OCR Scan
    SY604 125MHz SY604 125MHz, 4ns/255 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Prelim inary Inform ation This document contains information on a new product. The parametric information, although not fully characterized, is the result of testing initial devices. Distinguishing Features 125 MHz Maximum Trigger Rate Less than ±1 LSB Timing Accuracy

    OCR Scan
    Bt604 Bt604 60MHz) 125MHz) Bt604KPJ PDF