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    Abstract: PRT147 CMSG79 61EH lgs1 circuit diagram DIN 7964 CMSG65 481h 7A1H
    Text: King Billion Electronics Co., Ltd 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE84770C HE80000 SERIES - Table of Contents 1. General Description 2. Features

    HE84770C HE80000 KDS80 HE84770C PRT147 CMSG79 61EH lgs1 circuit diagram DIN 7964 CMSG65 481h 7A1H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEDL9090A-01 LAPIS Semiconductor ML9090A-01, -02 This version: May 2001 LCD Driver with Key Scanner and RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ML9090A-01 and ML9090A-02 are LCD drivers that contain internal RAM and a key scan function. They are best suited for car audio displays.

    FEDL9090A-01 ML9090A-01, ML9090A-01 ML9090A-02 ML9090A-02) ML9090A-02GA PDF

    ltd 4601 g

    Abstract: HE84770D PRT147 PRT102 51FH
    Text: King Billion Electronics Co., Ltd 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE84770D HE80000 SERIES - Table of Contents 1. General Description 2. Features

    HE84770D HE80000 ltd 4601 g HE84770D PRT147 PRT102 51FH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FJDL9090A-02 1電子デバイス ML9090A-01/-02 作成: 2001 年 5 月 前回作成: 2001 年 2 月 キースキャン機能付き RAM 内蔵 LCD ドライバ • 概要 ML9090A-01/-02 はカーオーディオの表示に最適なキースキャン機能付き RAM 内蔵の LCD ドライバです。

    FJDL9090A-02 ML9090A-01/-02 it-02: QFPQFP128-P-1420-0 ML9090A-01GAML9090A-02GA ML9090A-01 ML9090A-02 ML9090A-01 10MAX ML9090A02 PDF


    Abstract: SEG80 dty1 1015ahfh
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    J2B0049-19-15 ML9090-01/-02 ML9090-01/-02 ML9090-01/-02RAMLCD VBI616V 10800bit-0280 181440bit -15mA 128QFPQFP128-P-1420-0 QFP128 SEG80 dty1 1015ahfh PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 / 3 2 DUTY, 1 / 7 BIAS 100 X 32 d o ts 1.0 DIMENSIONAL DRAWING 2.0 BLOCK DIAGRAM C0M16 VDD V ss - POWER CIRCUIT F Vo - 3.0 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Item Module Size(WxHxT) Viewing Area(WxH) Dots X Dots(WxH) Dot Pitcfa(WxH) Dot Size(WxH) N om inal D im ensions

    OCR Scan
    SEG50 PDF

    CI 3060 elsys

    Abstract: rs 3060 cj KS0090 KS* I2C driver LCD driver KS KS0090I SEG60
    Text: Pre! iminary K S0090 26C O M /64SEG DRIVER & CONTROLLER FO R STN LCD Rev. 7.0 1. INTRODUCTION DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER & DRIVER K S 0090/90-I K S 0090 / K S0090I is a d o t matrix LC D driver & controller LSI w hich is fabricated by low p o w e r C M O S technology. It can display 2 or 3 lines with 5 x 8 dots form a t.

    OCR Scan
    KS0090 26COM/64SEG KS0090/90-I KS0090I KS0090I CI 3060 elsys rs 3060 cj KS* I2C driver LCD driver KS SEG60 PDF


    Abstract: COM16 MSM5259 MSM6562B MSM6562B-XX YL1010 oki lcd driver msm5259
    Text: E2B0035-27-Y3 O K I Semiconductor Previous version: Mar. 1996 MSM6562B-XX ~ DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER DRIVER G ENERAL D E S C R IP TIO N The M SM 6562B-xx controls a character type dot matrix LCD in combination with an 8 -bit or 4bit microcontroller. The M SM 6562B-xx can control a display of up to 40 characters. W ith the display data serial

    OCR Scan
    E2B0035-27-Y3 MSM6562B-XX MSM6562B-xx MSM6562B-xx, MSM5259) SEGMEN15 4 DIGIT LCD DISPLAY 40 PIN COM16 MSM5259 MSM6562B YL1010 oki lcd driver msm5259 PDF

    BA 4915

    Abstract: COM43 TNY 700 CI4151 MC141516
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC141516 LCD Backplane Driver CMOS The MC141516 is a high voltage passive LCD Baiekpiane driver. It is a tow power ailicon-gate CMOS LCD drtv*rei$>WWob consists of 64 backplane driving outputs for 64 MUX or lovnV LCD par»!. The

    OCR Scan
    MC141516 MC141518 MC68HC05L11. MCMMC06L11, 8HC05L11. COM22 COM23' COM24 COM25 BA 4915 COM43 TNY 700 CI4151 PDF


    Abstract: samsung " driver lc" panel or display se022 SE652 TSS16S DB300-02 1885 sam sung dh db3 531 LCD 07 064 060
    Text: KS0078 34COM/120SEG DRIVER & CONTROLLER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD INTRODUCTION KS0078 Is a dot matrix LCD driver & controller LSI which is fabricated by low power CMOS technology. It can display 1,2, or 4 lines with 5 x 8 or 6 x 8 dots format. FUNCTIONS • • ■

    OCR Scan
    KS0078 34COM/120SEG KS0078 KS007B samsung " driver lc" panel or display se022 SE652 TSS16S DB300-02 1885 sam sung dh db3 531 LCD 07 064 060 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32COM / 60SEG DRIVER & CONTROLLER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD KS0071B INTRODUCTION KS0071B is a dot matrix LCD driver & controller LSI which is fabricated by low power CMOS technology. It can display 1 line * 24 characters or 2 lines * 24 characters with the 5*7 dots format.

    OCR Scan
    KS0071B 32COM 60SEG KS0071B H44-H K8007 PDF

    2x lines of 5X7 dots matrix of characters

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6562B-XX DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER WITH 16 DOT COMMON DRIVER AND 100 DOT SEGMENT DRIVER G EN ERAL DESCRIPTION T he MSM6562B-xx controls a character type dot m atrix L C D in com bination w ith an 8-bit or 4bit m icrocontroller. T h e MSM6562B-xx can control a d isp lay of up to 40 characters. W it h the d isp lay data serial

    OCR Scan
    MSM6562B-XX MSM6562B-xx MSM6562B-xx, 2x lines of 5X7 dots matrix of characters PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM63184_ Operatable at 0.9V and Built-in 640-dot LCD Driver 4-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM63184 is a C M O S 4-bit m icrocontroller to support dot m atrix LC D s. The MSM63184 has an O K I-orig inal nX-4/250 C P U core.

    OCR Scan
    MSM63184 640-dot SM63184 MSM63184 nX-4/250 64Kx8 PDF


    Abstract: 8BQ2 FL1101
    Text: O K I S e s m lo D n d u c t o r M S M 9 2 0 2 -X X _ 5 x 7 Dot Character x 16-Digit Display Controller/Driver with Character RAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM9202-XX is a dot matrix fluorescent display tube controller driver IC which displays

    OCR Scan
    16-Digit MSM9202-XX 6802-XX RAM10 RAM02 RAM12 RAM03 RAM13 RAM04 SE635 8BQ2 FL1101 PDF

    32 NAC 12 T42

    Abstract: NSM 4000A jrc 2340 DD607 S53 MARKING
    Text: E ï . S G S -T H O M S O N ÎILiCT^OlDes ST6280 8-BIT HCMOS MCU WITH DOT MATRIX LCD DRIVER EEPROM AND A/D CONVERTER • 4.5 to 6V supply operating range ■ 8.4 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency ■ -40 to +85°C Operating Temperature Range ■ Run, Wait & Stop Modes

    OCR Scan
    ST6280 PQFP100 20mAfor 32 NAC 12 T42 NSM 4000A jrc 2340 DD607 S53 MARKING PDF

    1470 LM

    Abstract: MURATA LLM MSM63188 MSM63P180 SEG40 Sw 2604
    Text: E2E0026-38-95 O K I Semiconductor M S M 6 3 1 8 Previous version: Mar. 1996 8 ~ 4-Bit Microcontroller with Built-in 1024-Dot Matrix LCD Drivers and Melody Circuit, Operating at 0.9 V Min. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM63188 is a CMOS 4-bit microcontroller with built-in 1024-dot matrix LCD drivers and

    OCR Scan
    E2E0026-38-95 MSM63188 1024-Dot MSM63188 M6318x OLMS-63K nX-4/250. 1470 LM MURATA LLM MSM63P180 SEG40 Sw 2604 PDF

    um 66 melody

    Abstract: LQFP176-P-2424 MSM63188 MSM63P180 MSM63P180-NGS-BK
    Text: E2E0043-38-95 O K I Semiconductor M SM 6 3 P 180 Previous version: Mar. 1996 4-Bit Microcontroller with Built-in 16K Word PROM and 1024-Dot Matrix LCD Drivers GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM63P180 is an M6318x series one-time-programmable ROM version product of OLMS63K family, which employs Oki's original CPU core nX-4/250.

    OCR Scan
    E2E0043-38-95 MSM63P180 1024-Dot MSM63P180 M6318x OLMS-63K nX-4/250. MSM63188 um 66 melody LQFP176-P-2424 MSM63P180-NGS-BK PDF

    led matrix 5x7 using microcontroller

    Abstract: C3311 Fluorescent display tube 14 pin diagram of LED dot matrix display 5x7 display 16 by 8 LED IC161 IC281 led dot matrix drive schematics matrix Vacuum tube display pin diagram of 10 dot matrix display 5x7
    Text: E2C0036-39-12 O K I Semiconductor MSM9202-XX This version: Feb. 1999 5 x 7 Dot Character x 16-Digit Display Controller/Driver with Character RAM G E N ER A L D ESCRIPTIO N The M SM 9202-XX is a dot matrix vacuum fluorescent display tube controller driver IC which

    OCR Scan
    E2C0036-39-12 MSM9202-XX 16-Digit MSM9202-xx led matrix 5x7 using microcontroller C3311 Fluorescent display tube 14 pin diagram of LED dot matrix display 5x7 display 16 by 8 LED IC161 IC281 led dot matrix drive schematics matrix Vacuum tube display pin diagram of 10 dot matrix display 5x7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SED1278F CMOS DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER DRIVER •DESCRIPTION The SED1278F is a dot matrix LCD controller/driver which is dedicated to character display. It is capable of displaying up to 80 characters under 4 -b it/8 -b it MPU control. The built-in character generator ROM has an extended capacity of 240 different characters, each being

    OCR Scan
    SED1278F SED1278F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT LCR— U02004DSF-WH PART NUMBER DATE 05.20.10 2.54 [0.100] 15 PLS. REV. E.C.N. NUMBER AND REVISION COMMENTS E.C.N. #11642. A REV. A 10.00 [0.394] MAX. 02.50 [0O.O9E (4- PLS.) 1.60 [0.063] 2.50 [0.098] •Q IdisJyidbJbJidbJbJbJiéliQJbJbJbJlQlbJbJ

    OCR Scan
    U02004DSF-WH PDF

    16 X 2 lcd

    Abstract: SEG40 SEG80
    Text: UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT PART NUMBER REV. L C R - U 0 1 6 0 2 D S F / A —H in 2.50 [0.098] <4 PLS. 7.40 [0.291] in ri 12.80 [0.504] 02.50 [00.098] CHARACTER DETAIL in 8.30 [0.327] — 0.52 [ 0.020 ] 0.05 [ 0.002] 0.05 [ 0.002] -F 4 .3 5 [ 0.171] 1.00 [ 0.0 3 9 ]

    OCR Scan
    LCR-U01602DSF/A-H 16 X 2 lcd SEG40 SEG80 PDF

    16x2 LCD Panel Display

    Abstract: LCD display module 16x2
    Text: TRI MODS-1538 STN LED B/L 16X2 c h a r a c ter m o d u le 84,0*0.5 » — 79.0+0.3 72.0*0.3 61.010.3 2.5+0.3 ia^±o.3 <MAX> X 13 1.4±0.3 15X5.54 - t e •••••••••••• If 16-01.01 C9 o •*> o y* ff* $ CO s 2.5 ±0.3 f 4-03.0 56.21 3.7±a3

    OCR Scan
    MODS-1538 16-H1 SE680 16x2 LCD Panel Display LCD display module 16x2 PDF

    RT-10 4512

    Abstract: LT 5247 SED-1520AA
    Text: PF469-06 SEDI 520 Series Dot Matrix LCD Controller Driver • Ultra Low Power Consumption • Built-in Video RAM • DESCRIPTION The SED1520 family of dot matrix LCD drivers are designed for the display of characters and graphics. The drivers generate LCD drive signals derived from bit mapped data stored in an internal RAM.

    OCR Scan
    PF469-06 SED1520 SED1521 520FAA SED1521FAA H-103 SED1521F RT-10 4512 LT 5247 SED-1520AA PDF


    Abstract: LQFP176-P-2424 EASE63180 MSM63188 SASM63K 42 pin display driver a7 P-CHANNEL
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM63188_ Operatable at 0.9V and Built-in 1024-dot LCD Driver 4-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM63188 is a CMOS 4-bit microcontroller to support dot matrix LCDs. The MSM63188 has an OKI-original n X-4/250 CPU core.

    OCR Scan
    MSM63188 1024-dot MSM63188 nX-4/250 16K-word 64Kx8 b7E4E40 002414S GD241 LQFP176-P-2424 EASE63180 SASM63K 42 pin display driver a7 P-CHANNEL PDF