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    Panduit Corp PUY6004BU-HE

    TX6000 COPPER CABLE, CAT 6, 23 A
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    Panduit Corp PSL7004BU-HED

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    Panduit Corp NUY6X04BU-HEG

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    Panduit Corp PSW7A04BU-HED

    TX7000 COPPER CABLE, CAT 7A, 23
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    Panduit Corp NUJ6X04BU-HEG

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    Abstract: 1773m
    Text: Order this document by MC44144~ MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR~ TECHNICAL DATA k Advance information Subcarrier Phase-Locked-Loop The MC44144 is a gated phase-locked-loop intended for, but not restricted to, video applications. The integrated circuit contains a gated

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    930 dtl

    Abstract: la 4508 ic schematic diagram sn524a eel 19 2005 transformer sn15846n J 5027-R sn15846 CREATIVE 5507 transistor kc 2026 Jacinto
    Text: Notes on This Fi rst Edition This first edition of TI's Integrated Circuits catalog contains currently published data sheets covering SOLID CIRCUIT semiconductor networks. As new data sheets are published, they will be distributed for insertion in the appropriate sections of this basic Tightleaf®


    information applikation

    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR U555C information applikation mikroelektronik VEB mikroelektronik "Mikroelektronik" Heft mikroelektronik DDR mikroelektronik Heft mikroelektronik applikation Transistoren DDR
    Text: in n ilk a n í o J B lB t a L J I , L J n Í lH KáD Information Applikation Halbleiter Speicher Teil 1 SRAM [ n n ilk r a ^ e lE s k t s n a r iik Information Applikation HEFT 79- , HALBLEITERSPEiCHER TEIL li > < .1* • • r* - . SRAM * VEB Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt Oder

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: KT853 2T926A KT838A 2T803A 2T809A 2T904A 2T808A 2T603 2T921A
    Text: g V ì^ fg : W SflÉptÉ! W ^ i$ î0 i0 û * W I I m ^7ù£-à.S& m p ,-À-& s i: r& mSÊmÈÈ •ï ' ^ f§ W % a s Ü lg S I W M 7 \ w Jkw s i 4; h# » ik « W 'ï illl ¡ P * te ili -X\ S I Iw 11 4-S U E S T am Ir ¿ « 1 1 1 » , ü i a Î3 & & C nPA BO H H M K

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    MOKP51KOB, KTC631 TI2023 II2033 TT213 TI216 fI217 II302 XI306 n306A 2T931A KT853 2T926A KT838A 2T803A 2T809A 2T904A 2T808A 2T603 2T921A PDF

    gbr relais

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR KATALOG VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik VEB Kombinat Germanium Transistor katalog Schaltkreise ad149 Germanium Transistor Kombinat VEB Gleichrichter
    Text: Stromversorgung M odul 2 0 • G erm anium KOMBINAT VEB ELEKTRO-APPARATE-WERKE BERLIN-TREPTOW STROMVERSORGUNG Modul 20 - Germ anium Ausgabe 1972 I« y ' r . ■•} il- .'ff. Seite 4» 3 Konstruktiver Aufbcau , ■ Elektrische g r a m s t e r 4 Bezeichnung der Bausteine und

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    01--B gbr relais TRANSISTOR KATALOG VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik VEB Kombinat Germanium Transistor katalog Schaltkreise ad149 Germanium Transistor Kombinat VEB Gleichrichter PDF

    Radio Fernsehen Elektronik 1977 Heft 9

    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft meuselwitz Rema Toccata Tesla katalog Kombinat VEB A 281 "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" mikroelektronik Heft NF-Pegelmesser MV 73 mikroelektronik ddr
    Text: INFORMATION MIKROELEKTRONIK APPLIKATIO N KID i R l M i Information-Applikation Aufbau, Eigenschaften und Anwendung des AM-Empfängerschalt Kreises A 244 D und des AM-FM-ZF-Verstärkers A 281 D Mikroelektronik Heft 5 veb Halbleiterwerk frankfurt/oder lo it b e t n e b im v e b k o m b in a t m ik r o e le k t r o n ik

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IBM32NPR100EXXCAB133 IBM32NPR101EPXCAC133 IBM Network Processor Advance Overview The IBM N etw ork Processor fam ily provides a highly custom izable, scalable te chn olo gy for the d eve lo p ­ m ent of Interconnect solutions for Internet or e nte r­ prise netw ork providers. The IBM N etw ork

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    IBM32NPR100EXXCAB133 IBM32NPR101EPXCAC133 IBM32NPR101 EPXCAC133 10b/8b Solun PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 2K x8 SRAM MSM832-85/10/12/15 molaic Issue 3.0 : August 1990 ^Pln D efinitions Mosaic A14 1 C 28 Nòe 27 WË A12 2 C A7 3! 26 A13 A6 4EZ 25 A8 24 A9 A5 5CZ A4 6CZ G.S.T.V 23 A1_1 A3 7 C PACKAGE 22 OE 21 A10 A2 8 1 TOP VIEW A1 9 C =3 20 55 A0 10 t z 19 D7

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    MSM832-85/ MIL-STD-883C MIL-STD-883B kv1215 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: K M 4 8 C 2 10 4 B K CMOS DRAM ELECTRONICS 2 M x 8 Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM with Extended Data Out DESCRIPTION This is a family of 2,097,152 x 8 bit Extended Data Out CMOS DRAMs. Extended Data Out Mode offers high speed random access of memory cells within the same row, so called Hyper Page Mode. Power

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    16Mx4, 512Kx8) KM48C2104BK) KM48C2104BK 7ib414E PDF


    Abstract: a9ce 31DQ3
    Text: KM48C514B, KM48V514B CMOS DRAM 5 1 2 K x 8 B i t CM O S Dynamic RAM with Extended Data Out DESCRIPTION This is a family of 524,288 x 8 bit Extended Data Out CMOS DRAMs. Extended Data Out offers high speed random access of memory cells within the same row. Power supply voltage +5.0V or +3.3V , access time

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    KM48C514B, KM48V514B 512Kx8 MS3467 a9ce 31DQ3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM416C256B, KM416V256B CMOS DRAM 256K x 16 Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM with Fast Page Mode DESCRIPTION This is a family of 262,144 x 16 bit Fast Page Mode CMOS DRAMs. Fast Page Mode offers high speed random access of memory cells within the same row. Power supply voltage +5.0V or +3.3V , access time

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    KM416C256B, KM416V256B 256Kx16 PDF


    Abstract: 2T203 kt117 1T308 2T355A 2T312 IT308B K1HT251 kt117b 2T313
    Text: WmmËÊÊm W h A iW f W * i r*ïS >*••> ro s ît. ;<W«a 7 mm m$m 15ÎÏ3 Sktófefc?¿feS 11181 immm SI f ' ■ ' ' ' : m S ËÊB B S M M CnPABOHHMK nonynpoBQQHHKOBbiE nPHBOPbl TPAH3MCTOPbl MAflOI/ì MOLUHOCTM n O f l PEA A K L4H EPÌ A . B rO flO M E A O B A

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    FojO33 KT357 KT358 KT361 KT363 KT364-2 KT366 KT368 KT369 KT369-1 1HT251 2T203 kt117 1T308 2T355A 2T312 IT308B K1HT251 kt117b 2T313 PDF


    Abstract: 37702E M37702e2afp M5M27C256K m37702e2 M37702E2-XXXFP m377 M37702E2AXXXFP
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS M 37702E2A XXXFP.M 37702E2B XXXFP M 37702E2A FS, M 37702E2BFS M37702E2FS are respectively a n d M 3 7 7 0 2 E 2 A 7FS2 E 2 A X X X F P PROM VERSION of M 37702M 2A X X X FP .M 37702M 2B X X X FP DESCRIPTION The M37702E2AXXXFP and M37702E2BXXXFP are single­

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    M37702E2FS 37702E2A 37702E2B 37702E2BFS 37702M 7702E M37702E2AXXXFP M37702E2BXXXFP ip22m 37702E M37702e2afp M5M27C256K m37702e2 M37702E2-XXXFP m377 PDF

    MA1002 digital LED Clock Module

    Abstract: MA1002 Robinson Nugent CATALOG NSB7881 equivalent transistor P347 t110 94v 0 MEPCO 5043 LN543RA m7104 Lm13800
    Text: D ID I-K E Y l r C O R P TOLL FREE W ATS LINE O R A T I O N Telephone Order Entry Now Available Until 7:00 P.M. Central Time I 1- 800- 344-4539 91 E A S Y TO R E M E M B E R : 1-800-DIGI-KEY A K , HI: 218-681 66741 Catalog No. 851 1Jan.-Fab., 11 HIGHWAY 32 SOUTH

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    1-800-DIGI-KEY 1-800-DIGI-KEY) MA1002 digital LED Clock Module MA1002 Robinson Nugent CATALOG NSB7881 equivalent transistor P347 t110 94v 0 MEPCO 5043 LN543RA m7104 Lm13800 PDF


    Abstract: LB8112V 3191-SSOP30 D3096HA
    Text: Ordering number : EN5388 Monolithic Digital 1C LB8112V No. 5388 SAiYO Loading Motor Driver with Built-in Sensor Amplifiers i Overview Package Dimensions The LB8112V integrates a driver for a video cassette deck loading motor and the associated peripheral sensor

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    EN5388 LB8112V LB8112V LBB112V 3191-SSOP30 D3096HA PDF

    eprom 2716

    Abstract: P7q-P73 PD7227 7507H eprom 2732 upD757 PD7507HC nec 2716 eprom PD7500 7S08H
    Text: jk / X V " * IfH é W A/PD7507H/08H/75CG08HE 4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers NEC Electronics Inc. Description The aiPD7507H, //PD7508H, and //PD75CG08HE are pin-compatible, high-speed (4.19 MHz , 4-bit, single­ chip CMOS microcomputers with the//PD7500 series

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    uPD7507H uPD7508H uPD7575CG08HE aiPD7507H, //PD7508H, //PD75CG08HE the//PD7500 //PD7507H //PD7508H //PD7500 eprom 2716 P7q-P73 PD7227 7507H eprom 2732 upD757 PD7507HC nec 2716 eprom PD7500 7S08H PDF


    Abstract: KEYPAD 4 X 4 sarv ic at89c51 ic at89c51 pin diagram sum kys 1 TEA 1102 N1 AT89C51 eltek 27A6 Xeltek
    Text: n Ò UPEM User's Guide For Windows 98/ME/NT/200WXP XELTEK XELTEK XELTEK C O P Y R IG H T S Softw are Copyngills 1997-200S XÈLTEK User's Guida Copyrighls 1 9 9 7 -2 0 0 6 XELTEK This software product i& copyrighted AH rights are reserved. The distribution and aaiGsof

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    98/ME/NT/200WXP 1997-200S Su89CS? S8S9940 AT89CS KEYPAD 4 X 4 sarv ic at89c51 ic at89c51 pin diagram sum kys 1 TEA 1102 N1 AT89C51 eltek 27A6 Xeltek PDF

    information applikation

    Abstract: B589N mikroelektronik heft a4100 "Mikroelektronik" Heft information applikation mikroelektronik mikroelektronik Heft 12 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation mikroelektronik DDR applikation heft
    Text: In n flk fln H s d o l I t w r j Information Applikation ryv«*t IS für FARBFERNSEH EMPFÄNGER Teil 1 : A 35 10 D A 35 20 D gw im flj-Æ n lg lJ h .J I I I II "TW *• € Information Applikation HEFT 55 • •*. V • r * • - •. IS für FARBFERNSEHEMPFÄNGER

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I M ICRO CO M PUTERS 7451 Group S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT CM O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION The 7451 group is a s in g le -c h ip m icro com p uter de sig ned w ith C M O S technology. In ad dition to its sim ple instruction sets, the ROM, RAM,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DM114 95C60
    Text: Am95C60 Quad Pixel Dataflow Manager PRELIMINARY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • Generates mixed text and graphics within Display Mem­ ory Draws vectors up to 3.3 million pixels per second, or places text at 50,000 characters per second One chip handles tour Display Memory planes of any

    OCR Scan
    Am95C60 DM-07 DM114 95C60 PDF


    Abstract: cmos dram NCC KMQ
    Text: KM416V254DJ ELECTRONICS CMOS D R A M 256K x 16 Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM with Extended Data Out DESCRIPTION This is a family of 262,144 x 16 bit Extended Data Out CMOS DRAMs. Extended Data Out offers high speed random access of memory cells within the same row. Power supply voltage +5.0V or +3.3V ,

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    V254DJ 256Kx16 OT7T2733T KM416V254DJ 003242b C254D cmos dram NCC KMQ PDF


    Abstract: TMP96C141AF
    Text: TOSHIBA TLCS-900 Series TMP96C141AF CMOS 16-bit Microcontroller TMP96C141AF 1. Outline and Device Characteristics The TMP96C141AF is high-speed advanced 16-bit microcon­ troller developed for controlling medium to large-scale equip­ ment. The TMP96C141AF is housed in an 80-pin flat package.

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    TLCS-900 TMP96C141AF 16-bit TMP96C141AF 80-pin TLCS-90 96C141AF PDF


    Abstract: 0546F

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    PCM1716 24-Bit, 96kHz PCM1716 24-bit PCM1716E PCM1716E 0546F PDF

    intel 82370

    Abstract: orion tv 1934 82370 82310 82380 BQ37 Modco 82384 80376 82310 intel
    Text: 82370 INTEGRATED SYSTEM PERIPHERAL • ■ High P e rfo rm a n c e 3 2-B it D M A C o n tro lle r fo r 1 6-B it Bus — 16 M B y te s /S e c M axim um D ata i ra n s re r R a ie a t ib M H z — 8 In d e p e n d e n tly P ro g ra m m a b le C h an n els — 15 Extern al, 5 Intern al In te rru p ts

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 16-Bit 20-Source 82C59A 82C54 100-Pin intel 82370 orion tv 1934 82370 82310 82380 BQ37 Modco 82384 80376 82310 intel PDF