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    BPW61 Search Results

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    Abstract: MM53200 LM358 ir receiver LD247 BPW61 "LF358" infrared transmitter USING LM358 RF Encoder-decoder 74c73 ultrasonic RECEIVER CIRCUIT 10 MHz
    Text: INTRODUCTION The MM53200 is an easy-to-use MOS-LSI encoder-decoder designed for simple and reliable on-off signaling applications such as garage door openers electronic key and alarm systems Application of the MM53200 requires only a resistor and capacitor to function as an encoder or decoder In the encoder mode a 12-bit pulse width data stream is generated

    MM53200 12-bit LF358 LM358 ir receiver LD247 BPW61 "LF358" infrared transmitter USING LM358 RF Encoder-decoder 74c73 ultrasonic RECEIVER CIRCUIT 10 MHz PDF


    Abstract: LD241 mm53200 100khz ultrasonic transducers BPW61 tny 290 "LF358" ultrasonic proximity detector LM358 ir receiver 200khz ultrasonic transducers
    Text: M M 53200, Electronic Data Processing National Semiconductor MM53200 Encoder/Decoder The MM53200 Encoder/Decoder is an MOS/LSI Digital Code Transmitter — Receiver system. I. This code is generated at the rate of 0.96 ms/bit, or II.52 ms/word with 11.52 ms reset pulse between words.

    OCR Scan
    MM53200 96ms/bit, 52ms/word 232-201S 43S66 113193UNS8R AA32094 lf358 LD241 100khz ultrasonic transducers BPW61 tny 290 "LF358" ultrasonic proximity detector LM358 ir receiver 200khz ultrasonic transducers PDF