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    BLI53C Search Results

    BLI53C Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ECG105 CC645
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E bLi53ci2ô 0003at.l 7 T-77-05-05 E C G 1057 FM-IF AMPLIFIER, AF PRE-AMPLIFIER semiconductors QUICK REFERENCE DATA Units In mm Symbol Value Unit ’tot 19 mA Gy 73 dB v l lïm 43 dBvi V o^F) 75 m^rms AMR 45 dB P t-T a Î W £ \ *» V

    OCR Scan
    bLi53c 0003at T-77-05-05 ECG1057 ECQ1057 0003fib3 VlO-14 MAX2551 ECG105 CC645 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHI L I P S / D I S CR E T E bbSBTBl 0015531 h □ hE D RZ2731B45W r-s s - 3 PULSED MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor, intended for use in a common-base class-C broadband pulse power amplifier w ith a frequency range o f 2,7 to 3,1 GHz.

    OCR Scan
    RZ2731B45W 001SH3S 7Z24137 PDF


    Abstract: M3160 pp m3155 g0s2710 m3166 BYV133F BYV133F-35 T-03-19
    Text: DEVELOPMENT DATA BYV133F SERIES T h is data shee t con ta in s advance in fo rm a tio n and s p e cifica tio n s are su b je ct to c h an ge w ith o u t notice. N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 25E D • ^53^31 0 0 2570“! 2 ■ . SCHOTTKY-BARRIER ELECTRICALLY-ISOLATED T - Ô 3 - 1 9

    OCR Scan
    BYV133F OT-186 bS3131 0DE2717 T-03-19 M3160 M3155 M3160 pp m3155 g0s2710 m3166 BYV133F-35 T-03-19 PDF


    Abstract: ECG932 ECG934
    Text: PH ILIP S E C G INC 17E ECG Semiconductors — .875" 22,231MAX. r ,450"(ll.43 ^ L Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Rating Unit V Input Voltage ECG932 ECG933 ECG934 V| Internal Power Dissipation Pd 50 @ T c = 25°C W Ti T stg Oto 150 °c °c Storage Temperature Range

    OCR Scan
    ECG93X ECG932 ECG933 ECG934 ECG932, ECG933, ECG934 bLi53c15ä PDF