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    BFR96 EQUIVALENT Search Results

    BFR96 EQUIVALENT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    BFR96 EQUIVALENT Datasheets Context Search

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    PNP 2GHz LNA

    Abstract: mce544 bfr96 equivalent TRANSISTOR NPN 5GHz TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz MC1333 ms1649 MCE545 transistor 5ghz pnp MRF630
    Text: MC1333 WAFFLE PACK DIE RF PRODUCTS RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS DIVISION DESCRIPTION KEY FEATURES EL PR The MC1333 is a low noise, high gain, discrete silicon bipolar transistor, shipped in waffle pack. ! Low noise-2.5dB@500MHz ! Gold Back Metal IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website:

    MC1333 500MHz SD1127/MRF237 MS1649/MRF630 MRF837/MRF8372 MRF559 400mA 200mA PNP 2GHz LNA mce544 bfr96 equivalent TRANSISTOR NPN 5GHz TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz ms1649 MCE545 transistor 5ghz pnp MRF630 PDF

    bfr96 equivalent

    Abstract: MCE544 bfr96 equivalent TRANSISTORS MC1343 transistor equivalent bfr96 2N5031 equivalent TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz MRF630 MRF544 microsemi MRF237
    Text: MCE545 WAFFLE PACK DIE RF PRODUCTS RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS DIVISION DESCRIPTION KEY FEATURES EL PR The MCE545 is a high breakdown, high gain, discrete PNP silicon bipolar transistor, shipped in waffle pack. ! High Breakdown BVCEO = 70V ! Gold Back Metal

    MCE545 Symb333 SD1127/MRF237 MS1649/MRF630 MRF837/MRF8372 MRF559 400mA 200mA bfr96 equivalent MCE544 bfr96 equivalent TRANSISTORS MC1343 transistor equivalent bfr96 2N5031 equivalent TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz MRF630 MRF544 microsemi MRF237 PDF


    Abstract: bfr96 equivalent MC3042 Bipolar Transistor y 200Mhz MRF237 / SD1127 MC1343 MCE545 transistor 5ghz pnp MC1309 MRF630
    Text: MC3042 WAFFLE PACK DIE RF PRODUCTS RF & MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS DIVISION DESCRIPTION KEY FEATURES EL PR The MC3042 is a high gain, discrete silicon bipolar transistor, shipped in waffle pack. ! 1Watt Output Power @ 400MHz ! Gold Back Metal IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website:

    MC3042 400MHz SD1127/MRF237 MS1649/MRF630 MRF837/MRF8372 MRF559 400mA 200mA mce544 bfr96 equivalent Bipolar Transistor y 200Mhz MRF237 / SD1127 MC1343 MCE545 transistor 5ghz pnp MC1309 MRF630 PDF

    bfr96 equivalent

    Abstract: MCE544 MC1343 TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz transistor 5ghz pnp MC1333 Transistor MRF237 MRF544 microsemi MRF237 5GHz PNP transistor
    Text: 140 COMMERCE DRIVE MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA 18936-1013 PHONE: 215 631-9840 FAX: (215) 631-9855 MRF544 RF & MICROWAVE DISCRETE LOW POWER TRANSISTORS Features • Silicon NPN, high Frequency, high breakdown, To-39 packaged, Transistor • Maximum Unilateral Gain = 13.5 dB (typ) @ f = 200 MHz

    MRF544 To-39 Emitter-BasF545 MRF544 MMBR5031LT1/2N5031 MRF581/MRF5812R1/BFR96 400mA 200mA 14dB/200MHz bfr96 equivalent MCE544 MC1343 TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz transistor 5ghz pnp MC1333 Transistor MRF237 microsemi MRF237 5GHz PNP transistor PDF


    Abstract: MHW707-1 MRF947T1 equivalent mhw704 CR2428 MHW591 MHW592 MHW593 MHW707 MRF861
    Text: RF Products In Brief . . . While Motorola is considered to be the supermarket for semiconductor products, there is not a category in which the selection is more diverse, or more complete, than in products designed for RF system applications. From MOS, bipolar

    714U/1 MHLW8000 MHW707-2 MHW707-1 MRF947T1 equivalent mhw704 CR2428 MHW591 MHW592 MHW593 MHW707 MRF861 PDF


    Abstract: MOTOROLA MASTER SELECTION GUIDE RF MHW591 MHW704 mhw593 MHW707-2 MHW592 MRF947T1 equivalent MHW707-1 MRF9282T1
    Text: RF Products In Brief . . . While Motorola is considered to be the supermarket for semiconductor products, there is not a category in which the selection is more diverse, or more complete, than in products designed for RF system applications. From MOS, bipolar

    MHW1184L MHW1224L MHW1254L MHW1304L MRF9742 MOTOROLA MASTER SELECTION GUIDE RF MHW591 MHW704 mhw593 MHW707-2 MHW592 MRF947T1 equivalent MHW707-1 MRF9282T1 PDF

    MRF947T1 equivalent

    Abstract: MRF947T1 equivalent transistor NJ1006 BFP320 fll120mk FLL101ME MGF4919G fujitsu gaas fet fhx76lp HPMA-2086 MMBR521L
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories CEL / NEC - Complete Cross Reference Manufacturer Part Nbr NEC 2SA1977 NEC 2SA1978 NEC 2SC2351 NEC 2SC3355 NEC 2SC3357 NEC 2SC3545 NEC 2SC3583 NEC 2SC3585 Toshiba Matsushita Matsushita NEC 2SC4093 NEC 2SC4094 NEC 2SC4095 Hitachi

    2SA1977 2SA1978 2SC2351 2SC3355 2SC3357 2SC3545 2SC3583 2SC3585 2SC4093 2SC4094 MRF947T1 equivalent MRF947T1 equivalent transistor NJ1006 BFP320 fll120mk FLL101ME MGF4919G fujitsu gaas fet fhx76lp HPMA-2086 MMBR521L PDF

    ECG transistor replacement guide book free

    Abstract: ecg semiconductors master replacement guide philips ecg master replacement guide Diode Equivalent 1N34A philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE ecg philips semiconductor master book ECG NTE semiconductor manual transistor to220 ph on 588 5v rca 40673
    Text: Component Data 24 one of us has the time or space to collect all the literature available on the many different commercially available manufactured components. Even if we did, the task of keeping track of new and obsolete devices would surely be formidable. Fortunately, amateurs tend to use a

    UG-309 UG-201 UG-349 UG-1034 UG-146 UG-83 UG-318 UG-273 UG-255 ECG transistor replacement guide book free ecg semiconductors master replacement guide philips ecg master replacement guide Diode Equivalent 1N34A philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE ecg philips semiconductor master book ECG NTE semiconductor manual transistor to220 ph on 588 5v rca 40673 PDF


    Abstract: transistor C2003 C319B MGF1412 RF TRANSISTOR 10GHZ MRF134 rf model .lib file 2SK571 MGF1402 MRF9331 pb_hp_at41411_19921101
    Text: Vendor Component Libraries RF Transistor Library May 2003 Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness

    F2002: F2003: F2004: 2SC3355 SPICE MODEL transistor C2003 C319B MGF1412 RF TRANSISTOR 10GHZ MRF134 rf model .lib file 2SK571 MGF1402 MRF9331 pb_hp_at41411_19921101 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor NEC 05F hp2835 diode ZENER DIODE t2d what is the equivalent of ZTX 458 transistor MMBD2103 T2D DIODE 3w T2D 8N 2n2222 as equivalent for bfr96 mmbf4932
    Text: The Surface Mount Device Code Book R P Blackwell G4PMK A marsport publication! Introduction SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type numbers. Instead, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a

    BAS32, BAS45, BAV105 LL4148, LL4448 BB241 BB249 LL914 LL4150, MMBD2104 Transistor NEC 05F hp2835 diode ZENER DIODE t2d what is the equivalent of ZTX 458 transistor MMBD2103 T2D DIODE 3w T2D 8N 2n2222 as equivalent for bfr96 mmbf4932 PDF


    Abstract: ZENER DIODE t2d MMBD2101 MMBD2102 MMBD2104 SMD codes bc107 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 Transistor NEC 05F BAT15-115S NDS358N
    Text: THE SMD CODEBOOK SMD Codes. SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type numbers. Instead, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a simple two- or three-character ID code.

    BZV49 BZV55 500mW BAS32, BAS45, BAV105 LL4148, LL4448 BB241 BB249 MMBD2103 ZENER DIODE t2d MMBD2101 MMBD2102 MMBD2104 SMD codes bc107 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 Transistor NEC 05F BAT15-115S NDS358N PDF

    SMD Codes

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD T1P MMBD2104 BAW92 smd transistor A6a schottky diode s6 81A a4s smd transistor Transistor SMD a7s transistor SMD P2F MMBD2101
    Text: THE SMD CODEBOOK SMD Codes. SMD devices are, by their very nature, too small to carry conventional semiconductor type numbers. Instead, a somewhat arbitrary coding system has grown up, where the device package carries a simple two- or three-character ID code.

    BZV49 BZV55 500mW BAS32, BAS45, BAV105 LL4148, LL4448 BB241 BB249 SMD Codes TRANSISTOR SMD T1P MMBD2104 BAW92 smd transistor A6a schottky diode s6 81A a4s smd transistor Transistor SMD a7s transistor SMD P2F MMBD2101 PDF

    philips ecg master replacement guide

    Abstract: ecg semiconductors master replacement guide ECG transistor replacement guide book free philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide oz 8602 gn AC digital voltmeter using 7107 smd glass zener diode color codes cd 1619 CP fm radio russian transistor cross-reference yd 7377
    Text: Chapter 7 Component Data and References Component Data None of us has the time or space to collect all the literature available on the many different commercially available manufactured components. Even if we did, the task of keeping track of new and obsolete


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    Abstract: philips ecg master replacement guide one chip tv ic 8873 ecg semiconductors master replacement guide philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide cd 1619 CP fm radio smd transistor 5AW replacement of bel 187 transistor ecg philips semiconductor master book SUBSTITUTE FOR A bel 187 transistor
    Text: Chapter 7 Component Data and References Component Data None of us has the time or space to collect all the literature available on the many different commercially available manufactured components. Even if we did, the task of keeping track of new and obsolete


    BFG591 amplifier

    Abstract: SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Telecom systems Selection List General For further information, refer to Data Handbook S C 1 4,1993; "RF Wideband Transistors", except otherwise specified. RF wideband transisto rs March 1993 14 Philips Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    OT122 OT143 OT223 OT323 BFS17W BFG17A BFG16A BF547W BF747W BFT25 BFG591 amplifier SC08a bfr591 sot173x BB544 sot122 sot172 bfg65 sot143 SIEMENS BFP520 macro-X ceramic PDF

    2N4427 equivalent bfr91

    Abstract: bfr90 equivalent 2N5503 MRA1600-30 TPV-595A 2N3553 equivalent MRF477 equivalent MRA0500-19L 2N6084 equivalent MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR MRF239
    Text: RF Power TMOS FETs Motorola RF Power MOSFETs, trademark TMOS , are constructed using a planar process to enhance manufacturing repeatability. They are N-channet field effect transistors with an oxide insulated gate which controls vertical current flow. Compared with bipolar transistors, RF Power FETs exhibit higher gain, higher input impedance, enhanced therm al stability

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    PoweS3666 MRF3866 2N2857 2N3866 2N5943 MRF904 MRF571 2N4958 2N3160 2N5583 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 bfr90 equivalent 2N5503 MRA1600-30 TPV-595A 2N3553 equivalent MRF477 equivalent MRA0500-19L 2N6084 equivalent MOTOROLA TRANSISTOR MRF239 PDF

    transistor f6 13003

    Abstract: equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350
    Text: W IDEBAND TRANSISTORS AND W IDEBAND HYBR ID 1C MODULES page P refa ce. 3 Selection guide Wideband transistors.

    OCR Scan
    SC08b transistor f6 13003 equivalent transistor bj 131-6 transistor Eb 13003 BM BB112 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F 6n a1211 lg CQY58 BU705 TRANSISTOR 131-6 BJ 026 philips om350 PDF

    Motorola transistors MRF 947

    Abstract: trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp
    Text: Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets Amplifier Data Sheets Monolithic Integrated Circuit H Data Sheets mm Case Dimensions Cross Reference and Sales Offices 6 M MOTOROLA RF Device Data This publication presents technical information for the several product families that

    OCR Scan
    2PHX11136Q-17 Motorola transistors MRF 947 trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp PDF

    A5 GNE mosfet

    Abstract: jo3501 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N503 2N5160 MOTOROLA BF431 BFR96 HY 1906 transistor jo2015 kd 2060 transistor
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide ^ Amplifier Data Sheets Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions Cross Reference and Sales Offices 8 9 MOTOROLA

    OCR Scan
    1PHX11136Q-14 A5 GNE mosfet jo3501 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N503 2N5160 MOTOROLA BF431 BFR96 HY 1906 transistor jo2015 kd 2060 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BT100a 02 CQX82A TRIO TA 80W CV7351 ZP1481 CV2154 ZP1430 triac mw 151 500r PL5727
    Text: Milliard quick reference guide 1978/79 — discrete semiconductors — passive components — valves and tubes This guide gives quick reference data on Mullard electronic components. The information is deliberately abbreviated to give a rapid appreciation of salient characteristics, and to

    OCR Scan

    W1P 59 transistor

    Abstract: W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn
    Text: Philips S em iconductors S urface m oun ted sem ico n d u cto rs C on ten ts PART A page SELECTION GUIDE General purpose transistors 4 High frequency transistors 8 Broadband transistors 8 Switching transistors 10 Power transistors for switching 12 Low-noise transistors

    OCR Scan
    197/197X S310N W1P 59 transistor W1p 48 TRANSISTOR transistor w1P 83 ICM AP 1703 transistor SMD marked RNW transistor BD139 PH 71 W1P 66 transistor transistor w1P 91 Pnp transistor smd ba rn w1p npn PDF


    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF


    Abstract: 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide Amplifier Data Sheets 5 Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions 8 Cross Reference and Sales Offices 9 MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA

    OCR Scan
    1PHX11136Q-14 MHW721A2 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503 PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845
    Text: MASTER SELECTION GUIDE EUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT This is the European supplement to the USA edition of the Master Selection Guide, SG73/D REV 3. It should be read along with the USA edition. The supplement carries amendments to sections 1 and 5 in the USA edition.

    OCR Scan
    SG73/D triac zd 607 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845 PDF