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    BD01B Price and Stock

    SCI R13-220BD-01-BBRY

    ROCKER; SP3T; Pos: 3; ON-OFF-ON; 20A/12VDC; black; LED,point; 12VDC
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TME R13-220BD-01-BBRY 27 1
    • 1 $3.89
    • 10 $3.4
    • 100 $2.5
    • 1000 $2.2
    • 10000 $2.2
    Buy Now

    BD01B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LTC2602 k 2607 LTC2607 2607 DFN BD01b
    Text: LTC2607/LTC2617/LTC2627 16-/14-/12-Bit Dual Rail-to-Rail DACs with I2C Interface Description Features Smallest Pin-Compatible Dual DACs: LTC2607: 16 Bits LTC2617: 14 Bits LTC2627: 12 Bits n Guaranteed Monotonic Over Temperature n 27 Selectable Addresses n 400kHz I2C Interface

    LTC2607/LTC2617/LTC2627 16-/14-/12-Bit LTC2607: LTC2617: LTC2627: 400kHz LTC2607/LTC2617/LTC2627: LTC2607-1/LTC2617-1/LTC2627-1: 12-Lead 2607/LTC2617/LTC2627 LTC2627-1 LTC2602 k 2607 LTC2607 2607 DFN BD01b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit VOUT DACs in 3mm x 3mm DFN FEATURES DESCRIPTION Tiny 3mm × 3mm 8-Pin DFN Package Maximum 16-Bit INL Error: ±1LSB over Temperature Low 120µA Supply Current Guaranteed Monotonic over Temperature Low 0.5nV•sec Glitch Impulse

    LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit 16-Bit 50MHz LTC2641) LTC2642) 10-Lead LTC2054 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit VOUT DACs in 3mm x 3mm DFN FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Tiny 3mm × 3mm 8-Pin DFN Package Maximum 16-Bit INL Error: ±1LSB over Temperature Low 120µA Supply Current Guaranteed Monotonic over Temperature

    LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit 16-Bit 50MHz LTC2641) LTC2642) 10-Lead LTC2054 LT6010 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2641 LTC2642 optocupler
    Text: LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit VOUT DACs in 3mm x 3mm DFN FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2641/LTC2642 are families of 16-, 14- and 12-bit unbuffered voltage output DACs. These DACs operate from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and are guaranteed monotonic over temperature. The LTC2641A-16/LTC2642A-16 provide

    LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit 2641/LTC2642 12-bit LTC2641A-16/LTC2642A-16 16-bit LTC2054 LT6010 LTC6078 LT1678 LTC2641 LTC2642 optocupler PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2607/LTC2617/LTC2627 16-/14-/12-Bit Dual Rail-to-Rail DACs with I2C Interface DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n The LTC 2607/LTC2617/LTC2627 are dual 16-, 14- and 12-bit, 2.7V to 5.5V rail-to-rail voltage output DACs in a 12-lead DFN package. They have built-in high performance

    LTC2607/LTC2617/LTC2627 16-/14-/12-Bit 2607/LTC2617/LTC2627 12-bit, 12-lead LTC2607: LTC2617: LTC2627: 400kHz LLTC2615/ PDF


    Abstract: TRANSFORMER bck zd103 lx6503 SWITCHING TRANSISTOR C144 PC101 optocoupler d313 TRANSISTOR equivalent DIODE zd101 sfh817a transistor D313 pin configuration
    Text: TND360/D Rev. 0, February 2009 Up to 180 W High Voltage LCD TV Power and Integrated Inverter Supply 12 February 2009 2009 ON Semiconductor Disclaimer: ON Semiconductor is providing this reference design documentation package “AS IS” and the recipient assumes all risk associated with the use

    TND360/D SM02B-BHSS-1-TB IC300 LX6503-IDW 220pF PIT125050-3551 PBT-07087-1322G ON-MICRO-LIPS-32" bck-28 TRANSFORMER bck zd103 lx6503 SWITCHING TRANSISTOR C144 PC101 optocoupler d313 TRANSISTOR equivalent DIODE zd101 sfh817a transistor D313 pin configuration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit VOUT DACs in 3mm x 3mm DFN Features Description Tiny 3mm × 3mm 8-Pin DFN Package Maximum 16-Bit INL Error: ±1LSB over Temperature Low 120µA Supply Current Guaranteed Monotonic over Temperature Low 0.5nV•sec Glitch Impulse

    LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit 16-Bit 50MHz LTC2641) LTC2642) 10-Lead LTC2054 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2641A-16 LTC2641CDD-16PBF ltczz LTC2641CS8-16 019 dfn clear DFN10 marking code 8 lead msop package analog devices LT1678 LTC2641
    Text: LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit VOUT DACs in 3mm x 3mm DFN FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2641/LTC2642 are families of 16-, 14- and 12-bit unbuffered voltage output DACs. These DACs operate from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and are guaranteed monotonic over temperature. The LTC2641A-16/LTC2642A-16 provide

    LTC2641/LTC2642 16-/14-/12-Bit 2641/LTC2642 12-bit LTC2641A-16/LTC2642A-16 16-bit LTC2054 LT6010 LTC6078 LTC2641CS8 LTC2641A-16 LTC2641CDD-16PBF ltczz LTC2641CS8-16 019 dfn clear DFN10 marking code 8 lead msop package analog devices LT1678 LTC2641 PDF