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    onsemi BCX71KLT1

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    Rochester Electronics BCX71KLT1 324 1
    • 1 $0.065
    • 10 $0.065
    • 100 $0.0611
    • 1000 $0.0553
    • 10000 $0.0553
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    BCX71KL Datasheets (2)

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    BCX71KL Motorola PNP Silicon General Purpose Transistors, SOT-23 Scan PDF
    BCX71KL Motorola SOT-23 General Purpose Transistors Scan PDF

    BCX71KL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BCX71KL Transistors Si PNP Lo-Pwr BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)45 V(BR)CBO (V)45 I(C) Max. (A)100m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)225m Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(CBO) Max. (A)20nx @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)

    BCX71KL Freq180M q180M PDF

    MOTOROLA 2N5179

    Abstract: motorola 2N2219 motorola 2N2222A motorola mpq3904 MOTOROLA 2N2905A MJ3001 equivalent motorola 2N4427 motorola 2N2219A 2N3819 MOTOROLA motorola 2N3866
    Text: Central Semiconductor - Cross Reference Competitor Discontinued Part Replacements EOL Part # Manufacturer Name Central Semi Part # A12FR10 International Rectifier CR20-010R A12FR100 International Rectifier CR20-100R A12FR120 International Rectifier CR20-120R

    A12FR10 CR20-010R A12FR100 CR20-100R A12FR120 CR20-120R A12FR20 CR20-020R A12FR40 CR20-040R MOTOROLA 2N5179 motorola 2N2219 motorola 2N2222A motorola mpq3904 MOTOROLA 2N2905A MJ3001 equivalent motorola 2N4427 motorola 2N2219A 2N3819 MOTOROLA motorola 2N3866 PDF


    Abstract: bcy59z 2N2222A zetex MICROSEMI 2N2222A MPSA96 BCY55 2N2907 PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR 2N2369 philips BC327BP BAV99 ON Semi
    Text: 145 Adams Avenue Hauppauge, NY 11788 Phone 631 435-1110 Fax (631) 435-1824 EOL –LIFE SUPPORT List as of: March 30, 2001 Central Semiconductor Corp. will continue to manufacture the discrete semiconductors included on this list as long as there is an industry demand. For an update of this list please contact your sales

    1N961B 1N962B 5KE100CA TIP32A TIP32B TIP32C MMBR2857LT1 bcy59z 2N2222A zetex MICROSEMI 2N2222A MPSA96 BCY55 2N2907 PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR 2N2369 philips BC327BP BAV99 ON Semi PDF

    2N3819 MOTOROLA

    Abstract: mmbr2857lt1 bcy59z BCY55 MBS4993 2N2222a PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR MOTOROLA 1N4751A 2N2222A zetex 2C4209WP MMBR2857
    Text: EOL Life Support Program Revised: 3 May 2007 EOL Life Support Program Listing as of 05/03/07 EOL ITEM# MANUFACTURER NAME A12FR10 A12FR100 A12FR120 A12FR20 A12FR40 A12FR60 A12FR80 A12F10 A12F100 A12F120 A12F20 A12F40 A12F60 A12F80 A16FR10 A16FR100 A16FR120

    A12FR10 A12FR100 A12FR120 A12FR20 A12FR40 A12FR60 A12FR80 A12F10 A12F100 A12F120 2N3819 MOTOROLA mmbr2857lt1 bcy59z BCY55 MBS4993 2N2222a PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR MOTOROLA 1N4751A 2N2222A zetex 2C4209WP MMBR2857 PDF


    Abstract: m6 sot-23 pinout sot-23 Marking KN bk sot 23 marking 16 SOT-143 MOTOROLA Cross Reference sot23 MMBT8599 motorola transistor dpak marking BC817-25L BC817-40L
    Text: HOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F HbZ D • b3b?2S4 DDTbSGl 3 ■ M O T b T ^ X l-O S Bipolar Transistors General-Purpose Transistors Pinout: 1-Base, 2-Em itter, 3-Collector Devices are listed in order of descending breakdown voltage. Marking V(BR)CEO Min ■»FE Max

    OCR Scan
    BC846AT BC846BT BC817-16L BC817-25L BC817-40L BC847AT BC847BT BC847CT BCX70KL BCW72L MLL34 m6 sot-23 pinout sot-23 Marking KN bk sot 23 marking 16 SOT-143 MOTOROLA Cross Reference sot23 MMBT8599 motorola transistor dpak marking PDF


    Abstract: MFE521 MMBF112 2N3797 equivalent MFE131 equivalent MPS5210 BC557 SOT23 8C448 BC459C mfe211
    Text: motorcla sc xstrs / r ia e i o I bH t,?as4 3 o o ö s t ii Small-Signal Bipolar Transistors Plastic-Encapsulated M o to ro la 's s m a ll-s ig n a l T O -2 26 p la s tic tra n s is to rs e n c o m p a s s h u n d re d s o f d e v ic e s w ith a w id e v a rie ty

    OCR Scan
    06050L MMBD914L BAS16L BAL99L MBAV70L MBAV99L MBAV74 BD2835XL MBD2836XL MMBD2837XL MMBF112L MFE521 MMBF112 2N3797 equivalent MFE131 equivalent MPS5210 BC557 SOT23 8C448 BC459C mfe211 PDF

    BG 417

    Abstract: BCX71GL BCX71JL BCX71KL
    Text: MOT OROL A SC XSTRS/R F 12E D I b3b7ES4 0005^05 5 | M A X IM U M R AT IN G S Symbol Value Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage Rating VCEO 45 V Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 45 V Vebo 5.0 V ic 100 mAdc Symbol Max Unit Pd 225 mW 1.8 mW/°C RflJA 556 °C/W Pd 300 mW

    OCR Scan