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    OMRON Industrial Automation STC-BBS312GE-BC

    GigE Board,3.2MP,34 FPS, I/O, C, | Omron Automation STC-BBS312GE-BC
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS STC-BBS312GE-BC Bulk 8 Weeks 1
    • 1 $978.06
    • 10 $978.06
    • 100 $978.06
    • 1000 $978.06
    • 10000 $978.06
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    OMRON Industrial Automation STC-BBS312GE-BL

    GigE Board,3.2MP,34 FPS, I/O, S, | Omron Automation STC-BBS312GE-BL
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS STC-BBS312GE-BL Bulk 8 Weeks 1
    • 1 $978.06
    • 10 $978.06
    • 100 $978.06
    • 1000 $978.06
    • 10000 $978.06
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    OMRON Industrial Automation STC-BBS312POE-BL

    GigE Board,3.2MP,34 FPS, PoE, S, | Omron Automation STC-BBS312POE-BL
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS STC-BBS312POE-BL Bulk 8 Weeks 1
    • 1 $978.06
    • 10 $978.06
    • 100 $978.06
    • 1000 $978.06
    • 10000 $978.06
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    OMRON Industrial Automation STC-BBS312POE-BC

    GigE Board,3.2MP,34 FPS, PoE, C, | Omron Automation STC-BBS312POE-BC
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    RS STC-BBS312POE-BC Bulk 8 Weeks 1
    • 1 $978.06
    • 10 $978.06
    • 100 $978.06
    • 1000 $978.06
    • 10000 $978.06
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    Elatec RFID Systems CAB-BS3 (12CM FOR TWN4 SLIM)

    Cable-adapter; 120mm; USB; male,USB A
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    • 1 $7.23
    • 10 $6.53
    • 100 $5.73
    • 1000 $5.73
    • 10000 $5.73
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    BBS312 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: HEF4720BD HEF4720BP HEF4720BT HEF4720V HEF4720VD HEF4720VP HEF4720VT
    Text: b3E D • bbS312M GGfi0437 NAPC/PHILIPS HEF4720B HEF4720V 151 « S I C 3 LSI SEMICOND 256-BIT, 1-BIT PER W ORD RANDOM ACCESS MEMORIES ' The HEF4720B and HEF4720V are 256-bit, 1-bit per word random access memories with 3-state outputs. The memories are fu lly decoded and completely static.

    OCR Scan
    GGfl0437 HEF4720B HEF4720V 256-BIT, HEF4720B HEF4720V 7Z84406 HEF4720BD HEF4720BP HEF4720BT HEF4720VD HEF4720VP HEF4720VT PDF


    Abstract: Ecg 3B2 ECG508 tube 3AT2 3CV3 6CK3 6Ch3 tube 30B3 3c23 ECG513
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC HV Rectifiers S4E D • Solid State Replacement for TV Application ECG Type bbS312fl 0G07200 7b5 H E C 6 Replafees Following Tube Types: Peak Reverse Volts Peak Repetitive Forward Current ImA) Average Forward Current lF ImA) Forward Voltage

    OCR Scan
    0QQ7200 ECG508/R-3A3 ECG509/ ECG510/R-3DB3 ECG511/R-2AV2 ECG512/R-6DW4 ECG514/R-3DS3 ECG513 ECG618 6cj3 Ecg 3B2 ECG508 tube 3AT2 3CV3 6CK3 6Ch3 tube 30B3 3c23 PDF


    Abstract: differential pair cascode OOD353 AP 1100 R1
    Text: bbS312û 0003235 4 • ~ ECG371 INTEGRATED RF/IF AMPLIFIER PHILIPS EC G I NC 17E general description D q y n i- o s v i The ECG371 Is a m onolilhic RF-IF am plifier capable of emitter coupled or cascode operation from DO to 250 MHz. W ide versatility is offered by having all

    OCR Scan
    bbS312Ã 0003EBS ECG371 ECG371 T-77-05-07 differential pair cascode OOD353 AP 1100 R1 PDF

    Philips FA 261

    Abstract: Microcontroller AT89S52 40 pin NRED SN40 83L51FA 80C51 87L51FA
    Text: NAP C / P H I L I P S S E M ICOND h'IE D • bbS312M □ G T E D Ll2 37Ô « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CMOS single-chip 3.0V 8-bit microcontroller DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 87L51 FA and 83L51 FA hereafter

    OCR Scan
    bbS3124 83L51FA/87L51 87L51 83L51 8XL51 80C51 80C51. 16-bit Philips FA 261 Microcontroller AT89S52 40 pin NRED SN40 83L51FA 87L51FA PDF

    IC TB 1238 AN

    Abstract: TB 1238 An TB 1238 r1010 Philips ECG C104 ECG1238 R101 C04FC
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E Q • bbS312fl []G0477fc, T ■ T-74-05-01 ECG Sem iconductors ECG 1238 AU DIO POWER AM PLIFIER FEATURESi H-.9estM.e>-i • HIGH INPUT IMPEDANCE • SOFT DISTORtION • USED AS A CRYSTAL PICK-UP AMP ECG1238 It a linear Integrated circuit designed for

    OCR Scan
    bbS312fl DGO477b T-74-05-01 fa-25 ECG1238 ECG1238 IC TB 1238 AN TB 1238 An TB 1238 r1010 Philips ECG C104 R101 C04FC PDF


    Abstract: ECG1356 ECG139A ECG Semiconductors Philips ECG ECG177 TR-11 TR-12
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC 17E Q ECG • bbS312û □□□523fl *1 ECG1356 25 W Dual AF PO S e m ic o n d u c to rs A bso lu te M axim um Ratings Ta =25°C C haracteristic Supply Voltage Thermal Coefficient Sym bol Rating U n it ^cc max ±37 V 6j-c 2,2 °C /W Collector Current

    OCR Scan
    bbS312fl ECG1356 T-74-05-0Ã Vcc53 TR-12 TR-11 ECG177 ECG139A ECG230A; ECG199 ECG1356 ECG139A ECG Semiconductors Philips ECG PDF


    Abstract: ECG838 ODO4234 j068
    Text: E C G INC PHILIPS 17E D bbS312fl 00 04232 3 T -7 4 -0 9 -0 1 ECG753, ECG838 W ide Band Amplifier Sem iconductors Features • High audio gain - 60dB minimum • Useful as a microphone amplifier and in tape recorders and cassettes • Excellent performance as a 10.7MHz

    OCR Scan
    ECG753, ECG838 T-74-09-01 ECG753 ECQ838 ECG838 ODO4234 j068 PDF

    transistor ECG123a

    Abstract: ECG123A ECG703A ECG703 PHILIPS colour television schematic radar detector detector FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT D tv transmitter amplifier circuit 8T20 coupling capacitive voltage transformer 2000PF
    Text: bbS312fl 0003245 7 • — ECG703A RF/IF AMPLIFIER OSCILLATOR AND MIXER - T V T ? - 0 PHILIPS E C G INC ' 3 'D 7 — 17E D DESC RIPTION The E C G 7 0 3 A in te g ra te d c ir c u it is an R F / IF a m p lifie r in te n d e d for use as a lim itin g or

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    bbS315A Q00354S ECG703A T7-03 ECG703A 100MHz. reduces7-05-07 T44-I0 470pF ECQ703A transistor ECG123a ECG123A ECG703 PHILIPS colour television schematic radar detector detector FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT D tv transmitter amplifier circuit 8T20 coupling capacitive voltage transformer 2000PF PDF


    Abstract: ECG721 riaa AMPLIFIER balance treble and bass
    Text: bbS312Ô 0003313 1 • ECG721 DUAL PREAM PLIFIER D ESCR IPTIO N PHILIPS E C The Type ECG 721 Dual Pre-a m p lifier is a lin ear m onolithic circuit- designed for use with lo w -le v e l signals in low-noise ap p licatio n s. ECG 721 offers outstanding valu e ,p e rfo rm an ce ,

    OCR Scan
    bbS312Ã ECG721 ECG721 riaa riaa AMPLIFIER balance treble and bass PDF

    insta 53128

    Abstract: ZENER 18- 2 5t fro 108 ssb squelch ECG370
    Text: bbS312fl Ü003227 S ECG370A ¿ s*. AGC/SQUELCH AMPLIFIER . semiconductor 'T77-QS'0S 17 Ë D PHILIPS E C 6 INC ECG370 is a dire ct coupled m o n o lith ic am pli­ fier whose voltage gain is c o n trolled b y an external DC voltage. The device features: • Large Gain C ontrol Range

    OCR Scan
    bbS312fl ECG370A T77-QS ECG370 VV01TAGE, insta 53128 ZENER 18- 2 5t fro 108 ssb squelch PDF


    Abstract: ECG373 ECG36 ECG365 ECG378 RF-38F ECG375 ECG374 ECG353 NPN rf transistor
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC S4E ]> Transistors cont'd E CG Type Description and Application • bbS312fl 000715b fl2S m E C G (Maximum Ratings at Tc = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted) Collector To Base Volts bv Collector T o Emitter Volts Base to Emitter Volts BVc e O

    OCR Scan
    ECG350 RF-38S ECG350F RF-38F ECG351 ECG352 RF-50F6 ECG353 ECG374 50F6 ECG373 ECG36 ECG365 ECG378 ECG375 NPN rf transistor PDF

    CF 331

    Abstract: ECG1222 T7405
    Text: PHILIPS E C G INC bbS312ö 17E QGDH75Ö T T-74-05-01 ECG1222 AF POWER AM PLIFIER Sem iconductors • LO W N O IS E CHARACTERISTIC • E X C E L L E N T RIPPLE R E JE C T IO N .249 8,29 1413*2111{ ¡ M i o * s ~L .709 (18) .»89" ' fc S ) l.044 "(26 .9)— J

    OCR Scan
    QGDH75Ã ECG1222 T-74-05-01 ECG1222 50ICAL T-74-05 CF 331 T7405 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P H IL IP S E C G INC 17E Q • bbS312fl DGO477b T ■ T-74-05-01 ECG Semiconductors ECG 1238 AU DIO POWER AM PLIFIER FEATURESi H -.9 e stM .e > -i • HIGH INPUT IMPEDANCE • • SOFT DISTORtION USED AS A CRYSTAL PICK-UP AMP ECG1238 II a linear Integrated circuit designed for

    OCR Scan
    bbS312fl DGO477b T-74-05-01 ECG1238 ECG1238 PDF


    Abstract: 80C451 Varo Semiconductor SC80C451 Fluorescent Lamp Control -CHAPTER 8 Lighting 80C51 83C451 87C451 87C51 cds55
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICON» b'JE D • bbSB'ìSM Q D ' t e n a 71D « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Microcontroller Products Product specification CM O S single-chip 8-bit m icrocontroller 80C 451/83C 451/87C 451 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Philips 8XC451 is an I/O expanded

    OCR Scan
    bbS3124 80C451/83C451/87C451 8XC451 8XC451 80C451, 87C451 83C451) 87C51 SC87C451 80C451 Varo Semiconductor SC80C451 Fluorescent Lamp Control -CHAPTER 8 Lighting 80C51 83C451 cds55 PDF


    Abstract: TDA8361 TDA8362 TDA8362 E TDA8362 B ic tda8361 JIS F05 connector Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver TDA8361/N4+equivalent TDA8362 a
    Text: bb53124 00^3721 =107 « S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Integrated PAL and PAL/NTSC TV processors TDA8360; TDA8361 ; TDA8362 FEATURES Additional features GENERAL DESCRIPTION Available in TDA8360, TDA8361 and TDA8362 TDA8360 The TDA8360, TDA8361 and

    OCR Scan
    TDA8360; TDA8361 TDA8362 TDA8360, PROTECTION PIN NUMBER OF TDA8361 TDA8361 TDA8362 TDA8362 E TDA8362 B ic tda8361 JIS F05 connector Block Diagram of PAL TV receiver TDA8361/N4+equivalent TDA8362 a PDF


    Abstract: 47 16L xn BA6K SCC63484C8N64 ACRTC flyback monochrome crt 8D-18 jk AY44X SCC63484C8A68 AVDC
    Text: NAPC/ SI6 NE TICS 21E D • bbSàlHM oossnas 2 ■ SCC63484 Advanced CRT Controller ACRTC r Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION T he Signetics S C C 63484 Advanced CRT Controller (ACRTC) is a CMOS VLSI microcomputer peripheral device

    OCR Scan
    SCC63484 SCC63484 SCN2674 16-Bit/8-Bit z8080 47 16L xn BA6K SCC63484C8N64 ACRTC flyback monochrome crt 8D-18 jk AY44X SCC63484C8A68 AVDC PDF


    Abstract: signetics 2651 philips MR25 2651 signetics 5.0688MH 4010010 SCN2661CC1 SCN2661 SCN2661AA1F28 SCN2661AM1F28
    Text: 4-1E 3 NAPC / S I G N E T I C S 9 bbS3S24 DQS'IBHb 0 S S I C 3 Philips Components-Slgnetics S Document No. 853*0086 ECN No. 83082 Date of Issue April 4, 1986 Status Product Spécification C N 2 6 6 1 / S C N 6 8 6 6 1 .^ Enhanced programmable communications interface EPCI)

    OCR Scan
    SCN2661 SCN2651. 16-bit SCN2661/6S66t SCN2661/SCN68661 MR13A signetics 2651 philips MR25 2651 signetics 5.0688MH 4010010 SCN2661CC1 SCN2661AA1F28 SCN2661AM1F28 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2TE D NAPC/ SIGNETICS Signetics • bb S3 T24 005405=1 T ■ T-V9-V7-/V SCN68000 16-/32-Bit Microprocessor Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION The SCN68000 is the first implementa­ tion of the S68000 1 6 /3 2 bit micropro­ cessor architecture. The SCN68000 has

    OCR Scan
    SCN68000 16-/32-Bit SCN68000 S68000 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit SCN68008 PDF

    Automatic Voltage stabilizer

    Abstract: automatic voltage stabilizer circuit diagram 100x100x3mm
    Text: PHILIPS E C 6 INC 17E ECG Sem icon ductors Features • Automatic operating point stabilizer • Low noise • Variable frequency characteristics Sym bol Rating Unit Supply Voltage O< o Absolute Maxim um Ratings Ta =25°C 18 V Supply Current icc 3 A W Parameters

    OCR Scan
    ECG1363 00D52S1 bbS312fl G00S252 T-74-05-01 100X100X3mm 200x200x2m Automatic Voltage stabilizer automatic voltage stabilizer circuit diagram PDF

    signetics 2670

    Abstract: signetics 2674 pin config of 7474 D 7474 IR-3110
    Text: NAPC/ SIGNETICS sie d • b 353^24 Gassaci 7 ■ T -S 2 -Z Z -H 7 SCN2674/SCN2674T Advanced Video Display Controller (AVDC r Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION The Signetics SCN2674 Advanced Vid­ eo Display Controller (AVDC) is a pro­

    OCR Scan
    SCN2674/SCN2674T SCN2674 7301/DLR/5MCR10887 signetics 2670 signetics 2674 pin config of 7474 D 7474 IR-3110 PDF


    Abstract: Side Brazed Ceramic Dual-In-Line Packages 28 NE5539D NE5539F NE5539N SE5539 SE5539F NE-SE5539 BUSS BBS3 avx7
    Text: Philips Semiconductor» RF Communications Products Product specification High frequency operational amplifier DESCRIPTION FEATURES The NE/SE5539 is a very wide bandwidth, high slew rate, monolithic operational amplifier for use in video amplifiers, RF amplifiers, and extremely high slew rate

    OCR Scan
    NE/SE5539 NE5539 SE5539 350MHz 48MHz 600/VfXs 14-Pin 16-Pln Side Brazed Ceramic Dual-In-Line Packages 28 NE5539D NE5539F NE5539N SE5539F NE-SE5539 BUSS BBS3 avx7 PDF


    Abstract: CZ 5.0VDC SCN68000C6A68 DAN-101 SCN68000 S68000 ls- 11m scn680 scn68020 SCN68000C8I64
    Text: 2TE D NAPC/ SIGNETICS • b b S 3 T 24 005405=1 T ■ T-V9-V7-/V SCN68000 Signetics 16-/32-Bit Microprocessor Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The SCN68000 is the first implementa­ tion of the S68000 1 6 /3 2 bit micropro­

    OCR Scan
    SCN68000 16-/32-Bit SCN68000 S68000 16-bit 24-bit 32-bit SCN68008 SCN68000C8N64 CZ 5.0VDC SCN68000C6A68 DAN-101 ls- 11m scn680 scn68020 SCN68000C8I64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NAPC/ SIG NE TICS 2 TE D • bbSàlHM 2 oossnas SCC63484 7=S2>37-*V7 Advanced CRT Controller ACRTC Product Specification Microprocessor Products DESCRIPTION T he Signetics S C C 63484 Advanced CRT Controller (ACRTC) is a CMOS VLSI microcomputer peripheral device

    OCR Scan
    SCC63484 WF13471S 16-Bit/8-Bit PDF


    Abstract: diagram remote control receiver and transmitter SCC2691AC1A28 T-75-37-05 SCC2691 SCC2691AA1D24 SCC2691AA1N24 SCC2691AC1D24 bts312 bbS312
    Text: S'îE D NAPC/ SIGNETICS Signetics bbS3T24 GDSSIST 1 .7=7Sr-37-ar SCC2691 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART Product Specification Communications and Industrial Products Group c PIN CONFIGURATIONS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics SCC2691 Universal Asyn­

    OCR Scan
    SCC2691 7sr-37-aT SCC2691 24-pin SCC2691AC1N24 diagram remote control receiver and transmitter SCC2691AC1A28 T-75-37-05 SCC2691AA1D24 SCC2691AA1N24 SCC2691AC1D24 bts312 bbS312 PDF