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    TDK Corporation B64290K45X1

    Ferrite Cores & Accessories TOROID16X9,6X6,3K1
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    Mouser Electronics B64290K45X1
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    Others B64290K618X27

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    ComSIT USA B64290K618X27 480
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    Others B64290K0048X830

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    ComSIT USA B64290K0048X830 848
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    Siemens B64290K0048X830

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    ComSIT USA B64290K0048X830 381
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    S+M Components B64290K638X830

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    ComSIT USA B64290K638X830 8
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    B64290K Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y n y j x i y H CMOS M icropow er S tep-U p S w itch in g R egulator Features General Description Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 CMOS DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5 milliwatt to 5 watt range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all

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    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA currMAX641 AX642 AX643 PDF

    regulator 7812 ct

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 7812 ct 7812 voltage regulator 5A 100k trimpot 1n5406 MOTOROLA Siemens Ferrite B64290 4229PL00-3C8 B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 7812 12V 1A positive voltage regulator 7812 12V voltage regulator
    Text: April 1998 ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812 to increase system noise immunity. The circuit includes a

    ML4812 ML4812 regulator 7812 ct TRANSISTOR 7812 ct 7812 voltage regulator 5A 100k trimpot 1n5406 MOTOROLA Siemens Ferrite B64290 4229PL00-3C8 B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 7812 12V 1A positive voltage regulator 7812 12V voltage regulator PDF


    Abstract: MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA MAX637E toroid iron power core reference table MAX636 equivalent
    Text: 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 y i/ iy jx iy i/ i P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS in vertin g S w itch ing R egulators _ F e a tu re s ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter capacitor, and a low-cost inductor. An additional

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    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF 57-3215 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEJA MAX635XEPA MAX635XMJA MAX637E toroid iron power core reference table MAX636 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: MAX630/MAX4193 MAX8212 equivalent max630 inverter /S69 2LF
    Text: 19-0915; Rev 1; 12/03 CMOS Micropower Step-Up Switching Regulator Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 CMOS DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum-size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5mW to 5W range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all control and power

    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA MAX643 MAX630/MAX4193 MAX8212 equivalent inverter /S69 2LF PDF

    siemens ferrite n22 p14

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite B65541 EC35 Siemens ferrite core ETD54 n62 U93 QUANTA ARALDITE ay 105 EC70 N27 Siemens Ferrite N47 EC52 N27 FERRITES N67
    Text: Contents Page 5 Selector Guide Index of Part Numbers 11 25 SIFERRIT Materials 31 General - Definitions Application and Processing Notes Packing 103 121 163 Quality Considerations Standards and Specifications 177 181 RM Cores 185 PM Cores 287 P Cores P Core Halves P Cores for Proximity Switches


    ecg semiconductors master replacement guide

    Abstract: ecg master replacement guide mkl b32110 siemens mkp B32650 c945 p 331 ks transistor IC,MASTER master replacement guide Kennlinie KTY 10-6 siemens b32110 A2005 transistor
    Text: Liebe Schuricht-Kunden, Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unser größtes Anliegen. Aus diesem Grunde versuchen wir, Ihnen Informationen und Ware stets zum richtigen Zeitpunkt verfügbar zu machen. Das gilt insbesondere auch für die Produkte der Siemens AG mit den drei



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: yviyixiyi/1 P reset/A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t CM OS In v e rtin g S w itc h in g R eg u lato rs _ Features ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages Low power applications require only a diode, output filter ca p a citor, and a low -cost inductor. An a d ditional

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    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 PDF


    Abstract: D83-004 d83004 SPWM 555 B64290-K45 nam .22K 630V
    Text: Ju ly 1992 A D V A N C E IN FO R M A TIO N % M k r o L in e a r ML4819 Power Factor and PWM Controller "Combo" GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e ML4819 is a co m p lete boost m od e P o w e r Factor C o n tro l P FC | w h ich also co n tain s a P W M con tro ller.

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    ML4819 ML4819 L4S12 15AWG IRF840 2N2222 IRF821 1N414A F41206-TC B64290-K45-X27 d83-004k D83-004 d83004 SPWM 555 B64290-K45 nam .22K 630V PDF


    Abstract: sm 0038 PIN DIAGRAM mosfet 800 watt circuit diagram OF INVERTER Nytronics max630 Nytronics WEE
    Text: > i/ i> jx iy k i _General Description -Features Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 C M O S DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5 milliwatt to 5

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    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA rc4191 sm 0038 PIN DIAGRAM mosfet 800 watt circuit diagram OF INVERTER Nytronics Nytronics WEE PDF


    Abstract: MAX633 MAX631 h044
    Text: _ General Description Maxim’s MAX631, MAX632, and MAX633 are +5V, +12V, and +15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC convert­ ers for use in low power, high efficiency switching re g u la to r applications. A ll co n tro l and power switching functions are included in a compact 8-pin

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    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 325mA 68602 MAX631 h044 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Septem ber 1994 Micro Linear ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Th e M L4 8 1 2 is designed to o p tim ally facilitate a "boost" type pow er factor correction system . Special care has been taken in the design of the M L 4 8 1 2 to increase

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    ML4812 ML4812CP ML4812CQ ML4812IP L4812IQ ML4812MJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i / i y j x i y n +5V/Adjustable CMOS Step-Down Sw itching R egulator _ F e a tu re s ♦ Fixed + 5V O u tp u t T yp ical a p p lic a tio n s re q u ire o n ly a sm all, lo w -c o st in d u c ­ tor, an o u tp u t filte r c a p a c ito r, a n d a c a tc h d io d e . Low

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    Abstract: B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 ML4812 58076-A2 siemens n27 FQA24N50 PN2222 substitution Ferroxcube 3C8 1N4148 bourns 3299
    Text: ML4812 Power Factor Controller Features Description • Precision buffered 5V reference ±0.5% • Current-input gain modulator reduces external components and improves noise immunity • Programmable ramp compensation circuit • 1A peak current totem-pole output drive

    ML4812 ML4812 DS30004812 768T188 B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 58076-A2 siemens n27 FQA24N50 PN2222 substitution Ferroxcube 3C8 1N4148 bourns 3299 PDF


    Abstract: allen bradley 10k pot RC4391 LBD-V driver Siemens Ferrite B64290 Torotel Products Silver mica capacitor kkmo K38 mosfet MAX4193
    Text: j v l y i x i y y i CMOS M icropow er S tep-U p S w itching R egulator F ea tu re s G en eral D e s crip tio n M a x im ’s M A X 6 3 0 a n d M A X 4 1 9 3 C M O S D C - D C r e g u la to r s a re d e s ig n e d f o r s im p le , e ffic ie n t, m in im u m

    OCR Scan
    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA 70/iA MAX637 MAX638 MAX641 MAX642 WEE-470 allen bradley 10k pot RC4391 LBD-V driver Siemens Ferrite B64290 Torotel Products Silver mica capacitor kkmo K38 mosfet PDF

    electronic 40 w tube light choke

    Abstract: electronic choke for tube light fluorescent dc choke circuit DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit siemens b43588 Siemens Ferrite n27 transistor Electronic ballast S10k 275 varistor electronic ballast for tube light 36 thermistor th1
    Text: Electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps Application Notes Advantages of fluorescent lamps Half-bridge series resonant ballast Fluorescent lamps have emerged as the preferred light source for many applications because they consume only a fraction of the

    F/350 25/ferrite S10K150 B81133. B81122. B32560-J6103-K B32560-J1104-M B32560-J105-M electronic 40 w tube light choke electronic choke for tube light fluorescent dc choke circuit DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit siemens b43588 Siemens Ferrite n27 transistor Electronic ballast S10k 275 varistor electronic ballast for tube light 36 thermistor th1 PDF


    Abstract: d83-004 diode d83-004k d83004 d83 004 D83 ZENER single phase SPWM IC MUR850 diode diode D83 004 SPWM sine
    Text: May 1997 ML4819 Power Factor and PWM Controller “Combo” GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4819 is a complete boost mode Power factor Controller PFC which also contains a PWM controller. The PFC circuit is similar to the ML4812 while the PWM controller can be used for current or voltage mode control

    ML4819 ML4819 ML4812 D83-004 d83-004 diode d83-004k d83004 d83 004 D83 ZENER single phase SPWM IC MUR850 diode diode D83 004 SPWM sine PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1997 Micro Linear ML4819 Power Factor and PW M Controller "Combo" GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4819 is a complete boost mode Power factor Controller PFC which also contains a P W M controller. The PFC circuit is similar to the ML4812 while the P W M

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    ML4819 ML4819 ML4812 20-Pin bOR341fl 000444b D83-004 PDF

    7812 12V 1A positive voltage regulator price

    Abstract: regulator 7812 ct 1k trimpot 7812 voltage regulator 5A motorola sc 7812 768T188-3C8 Ferroxcube 3C8 TRANSISTOR 7812 ct single phase IC1 7812 B64290-K45
    Text: April 1998 ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a peak current control boost type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812 to increase system noise immunity. The circuit includes a

    ML4812 ML4812 7812 12V 1A positive voltage regulator price regulator 7812 ct 1k trimpot 7812 voltage regulator 5A motorola sc 7812 768T188-3C8 Ferroxcube 3C8 TRANSISTOR 7812 ct single phase IC1 7812 B64290-K45 PDF


    Abstract: B64290-K38-X830 B64290-K45-X830 B64290-K618-X830 B64290K632X830 B64290-K674-X830 B64290-K40-X830 B64290K44X830 B64290-K659-X830 B64290-K45-X27
    Text: Ring Cores Coated ring cores are primarily used for pulse and broadband transformers as well as for balanced mixers and chokes. -ì h FUS0Q17-P C o re type D im ensions 2,5 1 0,12 R 4 1 4,5 R 6 . 3 1 I f /A h mm mm R 2 ,5 1? A p pro x. w e ig h t M a g n e tic c h a ra c te ris tic s

    OCR Scan
    FUS0Q17-P B64290-K82-X830 B64290-K40-X830 B64290-A84-X830 B64290K618X830 B64290-K38-X830 B64290-K45-X830 B64290-K618-X830 B64290K632X830 B64290-K674-X830 B64290-K40-X830 B64290K44X830 B64290-K659-X830 B64290-K45-X27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y i/iy jx iy n Preset/Adjustable Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators G eneral Description The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC conversion in the 5mW to 500mW range. Low power applications require only a diode, output filter

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    AX635/636/637 MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637to PDF

    motorola mur850

    Abstract: motorola 1N4148 Siemens Ferrite n27 RM SPWM 555 pw 380v 04 x B64290-K45 ML4812CP B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 1n5406 MOTOROLA ML4812 Application note
    Text: July 1992 PRELIMINARY % M icro Linear ML4812 Power Factor Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4812 is designed to optimally facilitate a "boost" type power factor correction system. Special care has been taken in the design of the ML4812 to increase

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    ML4812 ML4812 ML4812CP ML4812CQ ML4812IP ML4812IQ motorola mur850 motorola 1N4148 Siemens Ferrite n27 RM SPWM 555 pw 380v 04 x B64290-K45 B64290-K45-X830 R16 N30 1n5406 MOTOROLA ML4812 Application note PDF

    siemens toroidal core

    Abstract: T0451S100A 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design Siemens Ferrite B64290 MAX635 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEPA MAX636
    Text: w iy jx iy i/i 19-0918; Rev 0; 5/91 P reset/A djustable O utput CMOS In vertin g S w itching R egulators General Description Features ♦ Preset -5V, -12V, -15V Output Voltages The MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 inverting switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC

    OCR Scan
    MAX635/MAX636/MAX637 500mW MAX635/636/637 100pF siemens toroidal core T0451S100A 1mh inductor 1mh inductor design Siemens Ferrite B64290 MAX635 MAX635XCPA MAX635XCSA MAX635XEPA MAX636 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J V \ Æ X \ J V \ CMOS M icropow er Step-U p S w itch in g R egulator M axim 's M AX630 and MAX4193 CM O S D C -D C regulators are designed fo r simple, efficient, m inim um size DC -D C converter circu its in the 5 m illiw a tt to 5 watt range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all

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    AX630 MAX4193 MAX630 375mA 70/iA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS DS122?7 s e m ic o n d u c to r K ickstarter Chip PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Provides step-up regulation and microenergy management for battery-operated systems VCC02 £ 1 VCC03 [ 2 VCC01 [ 3 • Converts +3V to +6V DC input power source to +5V DC out for system power

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    outpu27 PDF