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    B5011B Price and Stock

    Hms Industrial Networks AB AWB5011-B

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey AWB5011-B Box 1 1
    • 1 $1991
    • 10 $1991
    • 100 $1991
    • 1000 $1991
    • 10000 $1991
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    Mouser Electronics AWB5011-B 1
    • 1 $2100
    • 10 $2100
    • 100 $2100
    • 1000 $2100
    • 10000 $2100
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    B5011B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: metal package 7915 LF351 LF351H
    Text: NATL SEMICOND LINEAR ESE D b5011B4 D O b T ^ S b LF351 Wide Bandwidth JFET Input Operational Amplifier General Description The LF351 Is a low cost high speed JFET Input operational amplifier with an Internally trimmed Input offset voltage (BI-FET li technology). The device requires a low supply

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    b5011B4 LF351 LF351 LM741 bS01124 T-79-15 7915 metal package 7915 LF351H PDF

    tl 3042

    Abstract: B546 lp295I LP29S1 Low Battery Disconnect LP2950Z-5 LP2950ACZ-3.3 LP2950 LP2951 P2951
    Text: Semiconductor LP2950/A-XX and LP2951/A-XX Series of Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulators G eneral Description The LP2950 and LP2951 are micropower voltage regulators with very low quiescent current 75 juA typ. and very low dropout voltage (typ. 40 mV at light loads and 380 mV at

    OCR Scan
    LP2950/A-XX LP2951/A-XX LP2950 LP2951 LP2950/LP2951 LP2950-5 TL/H/8546â TL/H/8546-18 tSG1122 tl 3042 B546 lp295I LP29S1 Low Battery Disconnect LP2950Z-5 LP2950ACZ-3.3 P2951 PDF


    Abstract: S8360 ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REGULATOR 12v 30a N5822 cq047 UPL1J101MRH nichicon fx 230v to 6v step down transformer 230v to 75v 25w transformer BEL 100p transistor datasheet
    Text: a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r 9 LM 2587 SIM PLE SW ITCHER* 5A Flyback R egulator General Description Features The LM 2587 series of regulators are m onolithic integrated circuits specifically designed for flyback, step-up (boost , and forw ard co nve rter applications. The device is available

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    LM2587 LM2587 20-3A 212-11B1 lm2567t S8360 ADJUSTABLE VOLTAGE AND CURRENT REGULATOR 12v 30a N5822 cq047 UPL1J101MRH nichicon fx 230v to 6v step down transformer 230v to 75v 25w transformer BEL 100p transistor datasheet PDF


    Abstract: LM2419T LM2416 LM2419 TA11B M3310 book national semiconductor
    Text: December 1994 LM2419 Triple 65 MHz CRT Driver General Description Features The LM2419 contains three wide bandwidth, large signal amplifiers designed for large voltage swings. The amplifiers have a gain of —15. The device is intended for use in color CRT monitors and is a low cost solution to designs conform­

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    LM2419 LM2419 11-lead T0-220 LM2416 20-3A 658-999S IR2422 LM2419T LM2416 TA11B M3310 book national semiconductor PDF


    Abstract: DM54161 DM54161W DM74 DM74161N DM74163N J16A N16E W16A
    Text: a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r DM54161/DM74161/DM74163 Synchronous 4-Bit Counters General Description These synchronous, presettable counters feature an inter­ nal carry look-ahead for application in high-speed counting designs. The 161 and 163 are 4-bit binary counters. The

    OCR Scan
    DM54161/DM74161/DM74163 B1-043-299-2309 b50ii2E DM54 DM54161 DM54161W DM74 DM74161N DM74163N J16A N16E W16A PDF


    Abstract: NM95MS14 NM9SMS14VBH sa1032 sa1312
    Text: 9 PRELIMINARY December 1995 NM95MS14 Plug ’n Play Front-End Devices for ISA-Bus Systems General Description Features The NM95MS14 is the smaller of a family of devices de­ signed to provide complete Plug ’n Play Capability for ISA bus systems. The NM95MS14 includes the necessary state

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    NM95MS14 NM95MS14 NM95MS1180-530 SCO-32 NM9SMS14VBH sa1032 sa1312 PDF

    "Hard Disk Drive" preamplifier

    Abstract: L6362 LM532 til 701 datasheet E20A J08A LM6362 M08A W10A
    Text: September 1995 LM6162/LM6262/LM6362 High Speed Operational Amplifier General Description The LM6362 family of high-speed amplifiers exhibits an ex­ cellent speed-power product, delivering 300 V / is and 100 MHz gain-bandwidth product (stable for gains as low as

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    LM6162/LM6262/LM6362 LM6362 bS0112U "Hard Disk Drive" preamplifier L6362 LM532 til 701 datasheet E20A J08A M08A W10A PDF

    5v dc to 220v ac inverter

    Abstract: bargraph LCD 50115a COP822C COP820CJ ABB D1 COPCJ822 COP820CJ Family pj 88 LV
    Text: COP82QC J/COP822C J/COP823C J National Semiconductor COP820CJ/COP822CJ/COP823CJ Single-Chip microCMOS Microcontroller G eneral Description The COP82DCJ is a member of the COPS 8-bit Microcon­ troller family. It is a fully static Microcontroller, fabricated

    OCR Scan
    COP820CJ/COP822CJ/COP823CJ COP820CJ 16-bit hSD112Ã 5v dc to 220v ac inverter bargraph LCD 50115a COP822C ABB D1 COPCJ822 COP820CJ Family pj 88 LV PDF

    IEEE 802.3 Clause 27

    Abstract: DP33840 "IEEE 802.3" "Clause 27"
    Text: DP83850 PRELIM INARY N ational Semiconductor tß DP83850 100 M b/s Repeater Interface Controller G eneral Description Features The DP83850 100 M b/s Repeater Interface Controller is designed specifically to meet the needs of today's high speed Ethernet networking systems. The DP83850 is fully

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    DP83850 DP83850s DP83856 tl/f/12391â L-501124 010D21D IEEE 802.3 Clause 27 DP33840 "IEEE 802.3" "Clause 27" PDF

    DIODE C06-15

    Abstract: str 3105 DIODE C06-15 65 diode EGP PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 542 DIODE C06-15 46 LINEAR encoder TX4 C06-15 diode PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 542 in DIODE C06-15 75
    Text: DP83955/DP83956 blE 0 3 D b5D115M 00fl07fl2 G5M « N S C S PRELIMINARY N a tio n a l ÆÆ Semiconductor NATL SEHICOND L I N E A R DP83955/DP83956 LERIC LitE Repeater Interface Controller General Description The DP83955/56 LitE Repeater Interface Controller

    OCR Scan
    b501124 00a07fl2 DP83955/DP83956 DP83955/56 tl/f/11240-42 tl/f/11240-43 PE64103. DIODE C06-15 str 3105 DIODE C06-15 65 diode EGP PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 542 DIODE C06-15 46 LINEAR encoder TX4 C06-15 diode PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 542 in DIODE C06-15 75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS75150 NATL S E M I C O N D M E M O R Y bfiE D bSGHSb DGbTOB? ‘ttê National Semiconductor DS75150 Dual Line Driver General Description Features The DS75150 is a dual monolithic line driver designed to satisfy the requirements of the standard interface between

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    DS75150 DS75150 RS-232-C. TL/F/5794-a TL/F/5794-9 TL/F/5794-10 PDF


    Abstract: SC86A
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r September 1995 NM93C86LZ/C86ALZ 16,384-Bit Serial Interface, Low Voltage, Zero Power CMOS EEPROM MICROWIRE Synchronous Bus General Description Features The NM93C86LZ/C86ALZ is 16,384 bits of CMOS non-vol­ atile, electrically erasable memory available in either 1024

    OCR Scan
    NM93C86LZ/C86ALZ 384-Bit 16-bit NM93C86LZ) NM93C86ALZ) bS0112ti 93C86L SC86A PDF

    vdo A 00 0406

    Abstract: 62256 ADC12038C1N HA 12038 ANA 618 CD 4093 PIN DIAGRAM ADC12030 ADC12032 ADC12038 ADC12H032
    Text: N a t i o n a l S e m i c o n d u c t o r ADC 12H030/ADC12H032/ADC12H034/ADC 12H038, ADC 12030/ADC12032/ADC 12034/ADC 12038 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A /D Converters with MUX and Sample/Hold General Description Features The ADC12030, and ADC12H030 families are 12-bit plus

    OCR Scan
    12H030/ADC12H032/ADC12H034/ADC 12H038, 12030/ADC12032/ADC 12034/ADC 12-Bit ADC12030, ADC12H030 ADC12032/ ADC12H032, vdo A 00 0406 62256 ADC12038C1N HA 12038 ANA 618 CD 4093 PIN DIAGRAM ADC12030 ADC12032 ADC12038 ADC12H032 PDF


    Abstract: T-50
    Text: NATIONAL SEniCOND LOGIC blE ]> • bSDHEE GGTSÖG? National Semiconductor DMö M N S C l 17 tn 100354 Low Power 8-Bit Register with Cut-Off Drivers General Description The 100354 contains eight D-Type edge triggered, master/ slave flip-flops with individual inputs (Dn), true outputs (Qn),

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    -on-17 tl/f/10610-8 tl/f/10610-9 tl/f/10610â TL/F/10610-11 F100K T-50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 54AC/74AC32 74ACT32 Quad 2-Input OR Gate General Description Features The ’A C /’ACT32 contains four, 2-input OR gates. • ■ ■ ■ Commercial Icc reduced by 50% on 54AC/74AC only Outputs source/sink 24 mA ’ACT32 has TTL-compatible inputs Standard Military Drawing SUD

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    54AC/74AC32 74ACT32 ACT32 54AC/74AC 54ACT32, 54ACTQ32 74ACT32PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATL SEMICOND {MEMORY} IDE D bSD112b DDbESbV fl | DS1650/DS1652/DS3650/DS3652 Quad Differential Line Receivers General Description The DS1650/DS3650 and DS1652/DS3652 are TTL com­ patible quad high speed circuits intended primarily for line receiver applications. Switching speeds have been en­

    OCR Scan
    bSD112b DS1650/DS1652/DS3650/DS3652 DS1650/DS1652/DS3650/DS3652 DS1650/DS3650 DS1652/DS3652 T-75-45-07 TL/F/5702-18 PDF


    Abstract: LM392N
    Text: Sic, t bSDllgM D07S35b EST • N S C 2- 50 National mm Semiconductor NATL SEMICON] LINEAR) LM392/LM2924 Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage Comparator General Description Features The LM392 series consists of 2 independent building block circuits. One is a high gain, internally frequency compensat­

    OCR Scan
    D07S35b LM392/LM2924 LM392/LM2924 LM193 LM158 LM2924 LM392N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor February 1995 LM383/LM383A 7W Audio Power Amplifier General Description Features The LM383 is a cost effective, high power amplifier suited for automotive applications. High current capability 3.5A enables the device to drive low impedance loads with low

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    LM383/LM383A LM383 O-220 V-20V) b5011B PDF


    Abstract: dp8310n
    Text: 5ÖE D bS01124 D07bfl3b bTG « N S C S T '5 Z - n DP7310/DP8310/DP7311/DP8311 Octal Latched Peripheral Drivers • All outputs simultaneously sink rated current "DC” with no thermal derating at maximum rated temperature ■ Parallel latching or buffering

    OCR Scan
    bS01124 D07bfl3b DP7310/DP731 /DP8310/DP8311 DP7310/DP8310/DP7311/DP8311 DP7310/8310, DP7311/8311 DP7310/8310 DP7310/DP7311/DP8310/DP8311 dp7310j dp8310n PDF

    lg laptop battery pinout

    Abstract: CD4066 PIN configuration diagram Small Outline SO-12 LMC6681 LMC6681BIN LMC6684 cd4066 spice model
    Text: January 1995 LMC6681 S in g le/L M C 6682 D u al/L M C 6684 Quad Low Voltage, Rail-To-Rail Input and O utput CMOS A m plifier w ith Pow erdow n General Description Features The LM C 6681121A is a high perform ance operational am pli­ fie r which can operate over a w ide range of supply voltages,

    OCR Scan
    LMC6681 Single/LMC6682 Dual/LMC6684 LMC6681121A LMC6681/2/4 lg laptop battery pinout CD4066 PIN configuration diagram Small Outline SO-12 LMC6681BIN LMC6684 cd4066 spice model PDF


    Abstract: 574C 577b
    Text: 574C b5Q1122 □07Tt.DD 510 NSC1 33 National ÆM Semiconductor 54ABT/74ABT574C Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with TRI-STATE Outputs General Description The ’ABT574C is an octal flip-flop with a buffered common Clock CP and a buffered common Output Enable (OE).

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    b5Q1122 54ABT/74ABT574C ABT574C ABT374C 007Ttj0? 577bs 574C 577b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NATIONAL SEMICOND LOGIC blE D bSGllSE GOTHÔB? THT £3 National Æ m Semiconductor 54AC/74AC158 54ACT/74ACT158 Quad 2-Input Multiplexer General Description Features The 'A C /’ACT158 is a high-speed quad 2-input multiplexer. It selects four bits of data from two sources using the com­

    OCR Scan
    54AC/74AC158 54ACT/74ACT158 ACT158 AC158: ACT158: 74ACT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1989 DM54ALS5620/DM74ALS5620 Octal TRI-STATE Transceivers General Description Features This octal bus transceiver is designed to have the perform­ ance of the ’ALS620 device with the addition of hystersis on the inputs. The input hystersis provides improved noise mar­

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    DM54ALS5620/DM74ALS5620 ALS620 bS011S2 PDF

    BMC 1595

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 100156 NATIONAL SEMICOND LOGIC bSQ1122 0075^47 bQS » N S C 1 blE D Not Intended For New Designs National Semiconductor T-<*1 - 0 7 - 0 1 J 100156 Mask-Merge/Latch General Description The 100156 merges two 4-bit words to form a 4-bit output word. The AMn enable allows the merge of A into B by one,

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    24-Pln BMC 1595 PDF