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    Abstract: hpd43256 ntc 80 NEC D43256 HPD43256A
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC m r g /f * ÆJ W NEC Electronics Inc. blE D • fc,H27S2S 003523b 50b » N E C E ¿IPD43256A 32,768 X 8-Bit Static CMOS RAM Description Pin Configurations The fiPD43256A is a 32,768-word by 8-bit static RAM fabricated with advanced silicon-gate technology. Its

    OCR Scan
    H27S2S 003523b uPD43256A fiPD43256A 768-word pPD43256A 28-pin 32-pin d43256a hpd43256 ntc 80 NEC D43256 HPD43256A PDF


    Abstract: Intel 82077 MARK 4B 720KB TAG 8434 NEC 82077 UPD72070
    Text: Chapter 1 General 1.1 System Overview The UPD72070 Floppy Disk Controller FDC is a new advanced Floppy Disk Controller that can support four standard Floppy Disk Drives (FDD)’s and two Apple specific FDDs, respectively. For the standard FDDs, the uPD72070 FDC

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    UPD72070 PD765A uPD765A ti42752S UPD72070GF Intel 82077 MARK 4B 720KB TAG 8434 NEC 82077 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿ P D 42S 16405L , 4216405L 3.3 V OPERATION 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 4 M-WORD BY 4-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE EDO D e s c rip tio n T h e/iP D 42S 16 405L , 4216405L a re 4 ,1 94,304 words by 4 bits CMOS dynam ic RAM with optional hyper page mode

    OCR Scan
    16405L 4216405L uPD42S16405L uPD4216405L PD42S16405L 16405L, 4216405L 26-pin VP15-207-2 001107 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHAPTER 22 INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS The ¿¿PD784038 is provided with three interrupt request service modes see Table 22-1 . These three service modes can be set as required in the program. However interrupt service by macro service can only be selected for interrupt request

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    PD784038 PD784038Y juPD784038 PD4711A RS-232-C PD75108 PD78014 bM27525 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT M PD4516421,4516821,4516161 16M bit Synchronous DRAM Description The UPD4516421, UPD4516821, uPD 4516161 are high-speed 16 777 2 1 6-bit synchronous dynamic random-access memories, each organized as 2 097 152-word x

    OCR Scan
    PD4516421 UPD4516421, UPD4516821, 152-word 576-word 288-word x16-bit 400-mil 44-pin 400-mil, PDF


    Abstract: BTCL
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 3QE D • b427525 m e DOeôQb? S MPD72111 Small Computer System Interface Controller N E C E le c tro n ic s Inc. Pin Configurations Description The fiPD72111 Is a small computer system interface controller SCSIC conforming to ANSI X3T9.2/82-2

    OCR Scan
    b427525 uPD72111 64-Pin fiPD72111 16-bit PD72111 /hPD72111 juPD72111 cl63c BTCL PDF


    Abstract: PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 UPD70116 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh
    Text: N E C 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfl DE§ t.427S25 0014^74 1 980 14974 ELECTRONICS INC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Q //PD 70116 V30 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS MICROPROCESSOR -T ' ‘/ 9 - / 7 V 6 Description Ordering Information_ The//PD70116 (V30) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor

    OCR Scan
    427S25 uPD70116 16-bit the/jPD8086/8088; The/uPD70116 //PD70116 //PD70108 UPD8080A PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfl D Ë J bM27525 ODIAIS! 4 T ’*j3’ £5" / ¿ P A NPN SILICON E P I T A X I A L HIGH POWER SPEED I 4 5 2 TRANSISTOR H ARRA'; SWITCHING DESCRIPTION The j i PA1452H is an array of four power transistors. I t is especially designed for applications demand for high peak current cap ab ility. It is

    OCR Scan
    bM27525 PA1452H b4E752S Dni53 b427SHS PDF


    Abstract: PD78320L d78320 CMF11 pD78312
    Text: MOS IN TEGRATED CIRCU IT /¿PD78320 A , 78322(A) 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP M ICROCOM PUTER NEC Data Sheet Applications Description The ¿¿PD78322(A) is a 16/8-bit single-chip microcomputerthat incorporates a high-performance 16-bit CPU. The ¿iPD78322(A) is one of 78K/III series.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78320 uPD78322 16/8-BIT PD78322 16-bit iPD78322 78K/III The/iPD78322 16K-byte P841T PD78320L d78320 CMF11 pD78312 PDF


    Abstract: Oil 00037
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT IMEC juPD4264165,4265165 64 M BIT DYNAMIC RAM 4 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE Description The pPD4264165,4265165 are 4,194,304 words by 16 bits CMOS dynamic RAMs with optional hyper page mode.

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT, uPD4264165 uPD4265165 iPD4264165, 50-pin IPD4264165-A50, 4265165-AS0 HPD4264165-A60, 426S165-A60 HPD4264165-A70, 4265165G5 Oil 00037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHAPTER 12 INSTRUCTIONS Table 12-1 Operand Type Identifier reg,reg' reg8 regi 6 mem mem 8 mem 16 mem32 dmem imm imm3 inun4 imm8 imml6 acc sreg src-table src-block dst-block near-proc far-proc near-label short-label far-label Description 8 - or 16-bit general-purpose register

    OCR Scan
    mem32 16-bit 32-bit 256-byte PDF

    nec 772

    Abstract: G1027 PD784215 servo amplifier pu0 PD784216 PD78F4216 mPD784216
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿ tP D 7 8 4 2 1 4 , 7 8 4 2 1 5 , 7 8 4 2 1 6 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The ¿¿PD784216 is a member of the ¿¿PD784216 subseries of the 78K/IV series. Besides a high-speed and highperformance CPU, it features various peripheral hardware such as ROM, RAM, I/O ports, 8-bit resolution A/D and

    OCR Scan
    16/8-BIT uPD784216 78K/IV PD78F4216, PD784216, U10603J U10604J U10364J nec 772 G1027 PD784215 servo amplifier pu0 PD784216 PD78F4216 mPD784216 PDF

    NEC 4216160

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O S INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ju P D 4 2 S 16 1 6 0 ,4 2 1 6 1 6 0 ,4 2 S 1 8 1 6 0 ,4 2 18 16 0 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE DESCRIPTION The fiPD42S16160, 4216160, 42S18160, 4218160 are 1 048 576 w ords by 16 bits dynam ic CM O S RAMs.

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT, uPD42S16160 uPD4216160 uPD42S18160 uPD4218160 42S18160 50-pin 42-pin /tPD42S16160, NEC 4216160 PDF


    Abstract: connecting diagram for ic 14004
    Text: P R E L IM IN A R Y P R O D U C T IN F O R M A T IO N NEC M O S INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The /iPD78P054Y is a product in which the on-chip mask ROM of the ¿iPD78054Y is replaced by one-time PROM which can be written to once only, or by EPROM which can be programmed, erased, and reprogrammed.

    OCR Scan
    uPD78P054Y uPD78054Y iPD78P054Y PD78054Y b42752S PD78P054Y b427525 d78054 connecting diagram for ic 14004 PDF


    Abstract: PD78C10 PD78C11 PD78C10CW 78C10 irf 4110 13412 capacitor MKL PD78C14G-36 PD78C11G-36
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfi D Ë J fc>457S2S 0D133ñfl ¿/PD78C10/C11/C14 8-BIT, SIN G LE-CH IP CMOS M ICROCOM PUTERS WITH A /D CO N VER TER NEC NEC Electronics Inc. -— 6427525 N E C S ELECTRO N ICS Description The/7PD78C10, A/PD78C11, and/nPD78C14 single-chip

    OCR Scan
    457S2S 0D133 uPD78C10 uPD78C11 uPD78C14 16-bit 256-byte D78C10 PD78C10 PD78C11 PD78C10CW 78C10 irf 4110 13412 capacitor MKL PD78C14G-36 PD78C11G-36 PDF