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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX6333UR16D3-T

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX6333UR16D3-T Reel 5,000 2,500
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $2.325
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX6338PUB-T

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX6338PUB-T Digi-Reel 2,809 1
    • 1 $8.24
    • 10 $5.526
    • 100 $4.0196
    • 1000 $3.525
    • 10000 $3.525
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    MAX6338PUB-T Cut Tape 2,809 1
    • 1 $8.24
    • 10 $5.526
    • 100 $4.0196
    • 1000 $3.525
    • 10000 $3.525
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    MAX6338PUB-T Reel 2,500 2,500
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $3.525
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX6330TUR-T

    IC VREF SHUNT 3.3V SOT23-3
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX6330TUR-T Cut Tape 2,392 1
    • 1 $6.26
    • 10 $4.132
    • 100 $2.949
    • 1000 $2.425
    • 10000 $2.425
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    MAX6330TUR-T Digi-Reel 2,392 1
    • 1 $6.26
    • 10 $4.132
    • 100 $2.949
    • 1000 $2.425
    • 10000 $2.425
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX6339PUT-T

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX6339PUT-T Digi-Reel 2,278 1
    • 1 $7.4
    • 10 $4.936
    • 100 $3.5637
    • 1000 $3.05
    • 10000 $3.05
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    MAX6339PUT-T Cut Tape 2,278 1
    • 1 $7.4
    • 10 $4.936
    • 100 $3.5637
    • 1000 $3.05
    • 10000 $3.05
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    Rochester Electronics MAX6339PUT-T 2,500 1
    • 1 $2.47
    • 10 $2.47
    • 100 $2.32
    • 1000 $2.1
    • 10000 $2.1
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX6337US20D3-T

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey MAX6337US20D3-T Digi-Reel 1,731 1
    • 1 $6.08
    • 10 $4.006
    • 100 $2.8531
    • 1000 $2.32936
    • 10000 $2.32936
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    MAX6337US20D3-T Cut Tape 1,731 1
    • 1 $6.08
    • 10 $4.006
    • 100 $2.8531
    • 1000 $2.32936
    • 10000 $2.32936
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    AX633 Datasheets Context Search

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    G3 SOT23-3

    Abstract: si MARK SOT23-3 TS120S AX6330
    Text: 19-1348; Rev0; 4/98 Precision Shunt R egulators w ith Reset in SOT23- 3 The M AX6330/M AX6331 co m b in e a p re cisio n shunt reg u la to r w ith a pow er-on reset fu nctio n in a single SOT23-3 p a cka g e . They offer a low -cost m ethod of operating sm all m icro p ro ce sso r pP -based system s

    OCR Scan
    AX6330/M AX6331 OT23-3 MAX6330) MAX6331) MAX6330/MAX6331 100pA immunity194 G3 SOT23-3 si MARK SOT23-3 TS120S AX6330 PDF


    Abstract: MAX631 632C MAX631C MAX631E MAX632 AX633
    Text: 336 M A X 6 3 1 , M AX632, M A X 6 3 3 c - M o s c - mos ^u — ? -c , x -i y ^ * * 450mApeak »3 M OS F E T L T i d 0 , i v 7 7 ? t ¡ ü O T i t f f l =i v ^ v + r *i 1- f +t +- r 5>c ¿ I l i l B S H i S O D C - D C iti*. Œl± M AX631 5V, M AX 632 !± 12V, M AX633 l i 15V i : 0 í á t i T t e 0 , Hr

    OCR Scan
    MAX631 MAX632, MAX633 450mApeak AX631 AX633 -45kH 10sec MAX631C/E, 632C/E, MAX633 MAX631 632C MAX631C MAX631E MAX632 PDF


    Abstract: MAX631 MAX632 MAX633 MAX641 MAX641C MAX641E MAX642 MAX643 643T
    Text: M AX641, MAX642, MAX643 C-M OS c -mos x f yy ? -V^HSL =i y ? V + r . - / 7 ï ^ • X Í - y f I / Î j V - ? - C , X < 4 5 0 m A Peak <D M O S E E T * l * l * L T f c ' l , -1 V 7' 7 ? t ÎÜ iia iH Æ lB ÎI Î iD C - D C ÎÜ tÆ Œ l± M AX631 A> 5V, M AX632 ± 12V, M AX633 It 15V ¡ : 0 g í t i X í ó n , IS5Ê

    OCR Scan
    MAX641, MAX642, MAX643 450mApeak MAX631 MAX632 MAX633 45kHz TaS50 450mW MAX631-5V MAX632 MAX641 MAX641C MAX641E MAX642 643T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y n y j x i y H CMOS M icropow er S tep-U p S w itch in g R egulator Features General Description Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 CMOS DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5 milliwatt to 5 watt range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all

    OCR Scan
    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA currMAX641 AX642 AX643 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyjxiyki Fixed + 5 V CMOS Step-Down Switching Regulator - Features M a x im ’s M A X 6 3 8 s te p -d o w n s w itc h in g re g u la to r is d e s ig n e d fo r e ffic ie n t, lo w pow er, m in im u m c o m ­ p o n e n t c o u n t D C -D C c o n v e rte r c irc u its . It p ro v id e s

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >kl>JXI>kl 19-1411; Rev 0; 12/98 3-Pin, Ultra-Low-Voltage, L o w -P o w e r fiP R eset Circuits _F e a t u r e s The AX6332/AX6333/AX6334 m icroprocessor ^P supervisory circuits monitor the power supplies in 1.8V to 3.3V ^iP and d igital systems. They increase circuit

    OCR Scan
    MAX6332/MAX6333/MAX6334 SDT-23, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J V \ Æ X \ J V \ CMOS M icropow er Step-U p S w itch in g R egulator M axim 's M AX630 and MAX4193 CM O S D C -D C regulators are designed fo r simple, efficient, m inim um size DC -D C converter circu its in the 5 m illiw a tt to 5 watt range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all

    OCR Scan
    AX630 MAX4193 MAX630 375mA 70/iA PDF

    R20 SOT23-3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1411; Rev 0; 12/98 > kl> JX I> kl 3-Pin, U ltra-Low -Voltage, L o w -P o w e r ¡j P R e s e t C i r c u i t s _ F e a t u r e s The AX6332/AX6333/AX6334 m icroprocessor pP supervisory circuits monitor the power supplies in 1.8V

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    100mV 100ms MAX6332/M AX6333) MAX809/MAX8X SDT-23, R20 SOT23-3 PDF

    B503 F

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >1/1 > J X I >1/1 19-0916; Rev 0; 3/90 C M O S F ix e d /A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t S te p -U p S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs Features The M AX631, MAX632, and AX633 are +5V, +12V, and + 15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator a p p lica ­

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    AX631, MAX632, MAX633 AX631/632/633 B503 F PDF


    Abstract: W4X439 634E X634
    Text: jv ly jx iy k i CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching Regulator . Features r General Description M axim 's MAX634 and MAX4391 CM O S D C -D C regu­ lators are designed fo r sim ple, e fficient, inverting DC -D C converter circuits. The MAX634 and MAX4391 s w itch in g regulators provide all co n tro l and pow er

    OCR Scan
    100/iA MAX634) Efficiency--85% MAX634 MAX4391 S2LB W4X439 634E X634 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: > k l y j x i y H Fixed Output 10 Watt CMOS Step-Up Switching Regulators General Description M axim 's MAX641, MAX642, and MAX643 are fixed +5V, +12V, and +15V o u tp u t ste p -u p sw itch in g regu­ lators designed fo r sim ple, m inim um com ponent c o u n t D C -D C converter circ u its in the 5 m illiw a tt to

    OCR Scan
    MAX641, MAX642, MAX643 V01/t PDF

    pot b503

    Abstract: IN5617 diode IN5617 siemens b64290 MAX631 MAX631XCPA MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA MAX631XEPA MAX631A
    Text: >1/1 > J X I >1/1 19-0916; Rev 0; 3/90 C M O S F ix e d /A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t S te p -U p S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs Features The M AX631, MAX632, and AX633 are +5V, +12V, and + 15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator a p p lica ­

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 MAX631/632/633 DC-D33XC/D MAX633XEPA MAX633XESA MAX633XEJA MAX633XMJA pot b503 IN5617 diode IN5617 siemens b64290 MAX631 MAX631XCPA MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA MAX631XEPA MAX631A PDF

    laf 001

    Abstract: MAX633 7070-29 MAX631 632C MAX631C MAX631E MAX632 88-CB G1B253
    Text: 336 M A X 6 3 1 , M AX632, M A X 6 3 3 c - M o s c - mos ^ u — ? -c , x -i y ^ * * 450mApeak »3 M OS F E T L T i d 0 , i v 7 7 ? t ¡ ü O T i t f f l =i v ^ v + r *i 1- f +t +- r 5>c ¿ I l i l B S H i S O D C - D C iti*. Œl± MAX631 5V, M AX 63 2 !± 12V, AX633 l i 15V i : 0 í á t i T t e 0 , Hr

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 450mApeak MAX631 MAX632 -45kHz 100mA, laf 001 7070-29 632C MAX631C MAX631E MAX632 88-CB G1B253 PDF

    p82 diode

    Abstract: AX632 S8 diode
    Text: ENGLISH • ? • ? • ? WHAT'S NEW PRODUCTS SOLUTIONS DESIGN APPNOTES SUPPORT BUY COMPANY MEMBERS M axim > P roduc ts > P ower and Battery M anagement MAX631, MAX632, AX633 5V Fixed/Adjustable Output, Step-Up Switching Regulators Integrated Catch Diode Reduces Component Count

    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 p82 diode AX632 S8 diode PDF


    Abstract: pm8926 PM8922 LP 8029 Leader 8020 schematics Oscilloscope PM8931 philips pm8922 LP-16BX p6103 mp 9141 es
    Text: Table of Contents Lead & Cable Length Information, Ordering Information, Field Servicing Information.01 Conversion

    X2015. 203XM-3-262 PM8921 pm8926 PM8922 LP 8029 Leader 8020 schematics Oscilloscope PM8931 philips pm8922 LP-16BX p6103 mp 9141 es PDF

    cxm 4015

    Abstract: 417-801 BXJ-12 974222 cxm 4024 AXH 2510 lt 6229 LT 8517 2620XM 856155
    Text: OEM PRICING PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE MAY, 2008 ORDER DESK: 1- 800 -995-HOOK (4665) PHONE: 1-(626)-446-6175 FAX: 1-(626)-446-0972 Prices subject to change without notice. SHIPPING: F.O.B. Arcadia, California SHIPMENT: Usually within one week A.R.O.

    -995-HOOK AT-10 AT-14 AT-20 AX1W-12 AX1W-48 AX6W-12 cxm 4015 417-801 BXJ-12 974222 cxm 4024 AXH 2510 lt 6229 LT 8517 2620XM 856155 PDF

    pot b503

    Abstract: IN5817 schottky diode symbol IN5817 diode b1360 b0348 IN5617 diode IN4148 MAX631 MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA
    Text: >1/1 >J X I >1/1 19-0916; Rev 0; 3/90 C M O S F ix e d /A d ju s ta b le O u tp u t S te p -U p S w itc h in g R e g u la to rs F e a tu re s The M AX631, MAX632, and AX633 are +5V, +12V, and + 15V fixed output, step-up DC-DC converters for use in low-power, high-efficiency switching regulator a p p lica ­

    OCR Scan
    MAX631, MAX632, MAX633 MAX631/632/633 DC-D19 MS012 102mm MS012-XX pot b503 IN5817 schottky diode symbol IN5817 diode b1360 b0348 IN5617 diode IN4148 MAX631 MAX631XCSA MAX631XEJA PDF

    ks 4290

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y k i y j x i y k i Fixed Output CMOS Inverting Switching Regulators G eneral D escription . M axim ’s MAX635, MAX636, and MAX637 are -5V, -12V, and -15V fix e d o u tp u t, in v e rtin g D C -D C converters fo r use in low power, high e fficie n cy sw itch in g re g u la to r a p p lications. A ll co n tro l and

    OCR Scan
    MAX635, MAX636, MAX637 525mA ks 4290 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / k l / J X I / k l CMOS M icropow er Inverting S w itching Regulator _ General Description Maxim's MAX634 and MAX4391 CMOS DC-DC regu­ lators are designed for simple, efficient, inverting DC-DC converter circuits. The MAX634 and MAX4391

    OCR Scan
    Current--100pA MAX634 MAX4391 525mA 100juA RC4391 PDF

    design of 300 watt mosfet inverter transformer

    Abstract: FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter Ti3C Caddell-Burns 6860 Caddell-Burns toroid cores size table FERRITE TOROIDAL CORE DATA IB5AC siemens toroidal core "Inverting Switching Regulator"
    Text: j y \ Æ A \ j y \ CMOS M icropow er In verting S w itch in g R egulator M a x im ’s M A X 634 a n d MAX4391 C M O S D C -D C re gu­ la to rs are d e s ig n e d f o r sim p le , e ffic ie n t, in v e rtin g D C -D C co n ve rte r c irc u its . T he MAX634 and MAX4391

    OCR Scan
    MAX634 MAX4391 525mA 100/iA MAX637 MAX638 MAX641 MAX642 design of 300 watt mosfet inverter transformer FERRITE core TRANSFORMER 300 watt inverter Ti3C Caddell-Burns 6860 Caddell-Burns toroid cores size table FERRITE TOROIDAL CORE DATA IB5AC siemens toroidal core "Inverting Switching Regulator" PDF