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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX1636EAP-

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    DigiKey MAX1636EAP- Tube 70,653 52
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    • 100 $5.79
    • 1000 $5.79
    • 10000 $5.79
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX1631EAI

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    DigiKey MAX1631EAI Tube 5,393 38
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    • 100 $8.05
    • 1000 $8.05
    • 10000 $8.05
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX1631EAI-TG074

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    DigiKey MAX1631EAI-TG074 Bulk 3,000 126
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    • 1000 $2.38
    • 10000 $2.38
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX1631AEAI

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    DigiKey MAX1631AEAI Bulk 2,385 39
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    • 100 $7.87
    • 1000 $7.87
    • 10000 $7.87
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    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX1632CAI

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    DigiKey MAX1632CAI Tube 1,265 72
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    • 100 $4.19
    • 1000 $4.19
    • 10000 $4.19
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    AX163 Datasheets Context Search

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    Text: >kiyjxi>ki CMOS 12-Bit A /D C onverters With Track-and-Hold _ Features The AX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are com plete CM O S sam pling 12-bit a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l converters ADC s that co m b in e an o n -ch ip tra ck-a n d -h o ld and

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    MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 12-bit 33/us MAX163 MAX164 MAX163CENG MAX163BMRG MAX167ACNG MAX167ACWG MAX167BCNG MAX167BCWG MAX167CCNG PDF

    48V 3A SMPS circuit diagram

    Abstract: fly back transformer monitor i630
    Text: 1 9-0480; R e v 2 ; t J V \Æ X A J V \ Multi-Output, Low-Noise Power-Supply Controllers for Notebook Computers Up to 96% efficiency is achieved through synchronous rectification and Maxim’s proprietary Idle Mode control scheme. Efficiency is greater than 80% over a 1000:1

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    MAX1630-MAX1635 I630-MAXI MAX1631CAI MAX1631EAI MAX1632CAI MAX1632EAI MAX1633CAI MAX1633EAI MAX1634CAI MAX1634EAI 48V 3A SMPS circuit diagram fly back transformer monitor i630 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y k iy jx i> k i CM O S 1 2-B it A /D C o n verters W ith Track-and-H otd -Features T h e AX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are com plete C M O S sam pling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters A D C s that com bine an on-chip track-and-hold and

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    MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 12-bit 33/js AX163 AX164 AX167 AX164BCW AX164CCW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >kiyjxi>ki CMOS 12-Bit A /D Converters With Ttack-and-Hold _ Features The AX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are com plete CM O S sam pling 12-bit a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l converters ADC s that co m b in e an o n -ch ip tra ck-a n d -h o ld and

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    12-Bit MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 33/us 33/js 32/E2 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: tl 8709 p 10KMA CP2211 jl audio 500 1 schematics s3 via Twister IC FP014 FP020 s3 twister K rosan
    Text: MODEL: 7170 Revision OA Contexts Title Page Cover Sheet 1 System Block Diagram 2 Power Block Diagram 3 Central Processor Unit 4 CPU Decoupling Capacitor & VTT Termination Resistor 5 North Bridge VIA TW ISTER Partial 1 6 North Bridge (VIA TWISTER ).PartiaI II

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    VT8231 PCMCIA/1394 PCI441 SMT1-03 S20Q-0100-101 M/1-27/SPX2 FD501 mGA02^ FD504 GP129 tl 8709 p 10KMA CP2211 jl audio 500 1 schematics s3 via Twister IC FP014 FP020 s3 twister K rosan PDF


    Abstract: MAX1630
    Text: 1 9-0480; R ev 2 ; 12/96 _ G e n e r a l D e s c r i p t i o n The AX1630-AX1635 are buck-topology, step-down, switch-mode, power-supply controllers that generate logic-supply voltages in battery-powered systems. These high-performance, dual/triple-output devices include on­

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    MAX1630-MAX1635 1RF7413 MAX1630 PDF


    Abstract: 35VAVXTPS max16346 FET pair n-channel p-channel
    Text: 19-0480; Rev 3; 4/97_ e v a l u a t io n s a v a ila b le > k i> jx iy k i _ Multi-Output, Low-Noise Power-Supply C o n t r o l l e r s for N o t e b o o k C o m p u t e r s Description These devices feature a logic-controlled and synchronizable, fixe d-freq ue ncy, pulse-w idth-m odulation PWM

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    MAX1631/MAX1634) V/50m MAX1630/M AX1631 AX1632) 200kHz/300kHz max1634EAI 35VAVXTPS max16346 FET pair n-channel p-channel PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y n y jx iy n CM O S 1 2-B it A /D C o n verters W ith T ïack-an d -H o ld G eneraI Description The AX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are complete CMOS sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters ADCs that combine an on-chip track-and-hold and voltage reference along with high conversion speed

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    MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 12-bit 33fis MAX163 MAX164 MAX167â D2/10 251mm) MAX164BCNG PDF


    Abstract: MX7582
    Text: A/D Converters Ultra-High-Speed Conversion d p s 4 Bits Fast Conversion (<100ps) (SAR/Flash A D C s) 8 Bits External T/H — 10 Bits Single Channel see next page for Slow Conversion (>1 Oms) 12 Bits Single Channel - 14 Bits Single Channel 16 Bits Internal T/H

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    100ps) MAX1001 60Msps) MAX1004 90Msps) AX150 34ps/ref) AX152 AX153 AX165 MAX1004 MX7582 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / v w v x a j v x CMOS 12-Bit A /D Converters With Track-and-Hold The three A /D s d iffe r only in th e ir analog in p u t range. The AX163 accepts OV to +5V inputs, the MAX164 accepts -5V to +5V inputs, and the MAX167&#39;s input range is -2,5V to +2.5V. External com ponents are

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    12-Bit MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 MAX163 MAX164 MAX167 MAX164CCNG MAX164BCWG PDF


    Abstract: asus mainboard diagram ND R433 asus Audi b5 z0123 asus notebook 401 asus schematic diagram z0121 lg r560 circuit diagram
    Text:  ! " # Appendix B Circuit Diagrams * B This appendix has schematic circuit diagrams of the major parts of the notebook’s mainboard. Unless otherwise indicated, this reference has circuit diagrams for mainboard version 4.1. If the mainboard you are repairing is a different version, consult the manufacturer for the appropriate diagrams.



    Abstract: lem lta 50p
    Text: > k l> JX I> l/l 19-1321; Rev 1; 2/98 e v a l u a t io n s Miniature, Low-Voltage, Precision Step-Down Controller Features The AX1637 synchronous, buck, switch-m ode powersupply controller generates the CPU supply voltage in battery-powered systems. The AX1637 is a strippeddown version of the AX1636 in a smaller 16-pin QSOP

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    350kHz 16-Pin MAX1637 PC smps CIRCUIT MANUAL lem lta 50p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1268; Rev 0; 8/97 Low-Voltage, Precision Step-Down Controller for Portable CPU Power _ G eneral Description _A pplications ♦ ±1% DC Accuracy Adjustable Mode ♦ Output Overvoltage Crowbar Protection ♦ Output Undervoltage Shutdown

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    340kHz 20-Pin MAX1636EAP PDF

    100khz filter

    Abstract: MAX1631 max172 MAX163 MAX164 MAX167 MAX167ACNG MAX167ACWG MAX167BCNG MAX167BCWG
    Text: y k i > j x i > k i CMOS 12-Bit A /D Converters With Track-and-Hold _ Features T h e M A X 163, M A X 164, a n d M A X 167 are c o m p le te C M O S s a m p lin g 1 2 -b it a n a lo g - to -d ig ita l c o n v e rte rs A D C s th a t c o m b in e an o n -c h ip tra c k -a n d -h o ld and

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    MAX163, MAX164, MAX167 12-bit 33/us MAX163 MAX164 MAX163CENG MAX163BMRG 100khz filter MAX1631 max172 MAX167ACNG MAX167ACWG MAX167BCNG MAX167BCWG PDF

    1117 fairchild

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ >kiyjxiyvi High-Speed Step-Down Controller with S y n c h r o n o u s R e c t i f i c a t i o n f or CPU P o w e r _G e n e r a l D e s c r i p t i o n The AX1639 is an ultra-high-perform ance, step-down DC-DC controller for CPU power in high-end com puter

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    MAX1639 300kHz, 600kHz, MAX1639 1117 fairchild PDF

    1001 dl pwm

    Abstract: Marcon capacitor Co manual Bst Tiny 20 .05resistor
    Text: 19-1321; Rev 0; 1/98 A i> ix iy k i -6V* l u ^ o n k " AVMLABÎi; Miniature, Low-Voltage, Precision Step-Down Controller Features The AX1637 synchronous, buck, switch-mode powersupply controller generates the CPU supply voltage in battery-powered systems. The AX1637 is a strippeddown version of the AX1636 in a smaller 16-pin QSOP

    OCR Scan
    350kHz 16-Pin MAX1637 1001 dl pwm Marcon capacitor Co manual Bst Tiny 20 .05resistor PDF