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    AUS703 Search Results

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    Abstract: AUS703 NAU-8 namics underfill ABF-GX3 Ablestik underfill DCL5 X23-7772-4 DCL4 X23-7772
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road, San Jose, CA - 95138 PRODUCT/PROCESS CHANGE NOTICE PCN PCN #: A1006-03 DATE: 23-Jul-2010 Product Affected: MEANS OF DISTINGUISHING CHANGED DEVICES: 35.0mm x 35.0mm x 3.42mm FCBGA-1156 (RoHS & Standard)

    A1006-03 23-Jul-2010 FCBGA-1156 FCBGA-900 23-Oct-2010 89HPES16T16ZABL 89HPES16T16ZABR 89HPES22T16ZABL 89HPES22T16ZABLI U8439-1 AUS703 NAU-8 namics underfill ABF-GX3 Ablestik underfill DCL5 X23-7772-4 DCL4 X23-7772 PDF


    Abstract: U8439-1 DCL5 AUS703 namics underfill X23-7772 NAU-8 ABF-GX3 namics U8439-1 X2377
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road, San Jose, CA - 95138 PRODUCT/PROCESS CHANGE NOTICE PCN PCN #: A0904-03 DATE: 22-May-2009 MEANS OF DISTINGUISHING CHANGED DEVICES: Product Affected: 19mm x 19mm FCBGA-324 (RoHS) Refer to Attachment II for the affected part numbers

    A0904-03 22-May-2009 FCBGA-324 22-Aug-2009 JESD22-A104 JESD22-A118 JESD22-A103 JESD22-A113. 80KSW0001AR X23-7772-4 U8439-1 DCL5 AUS703 namics underfill X23-7772 NAU-8 ABF-GX3 namics U8439-1 X2377 PDF

    PSR4000 AUS308

    Abstract: prepreg GHPL-830 taiyo AUS703 taiyo PSR4000 aus303 GHPL-830 THP 100 PSR4000 AUS703 Hitachi MCL-E-679FG MGC HL832 MCL-E-679FG
    Text: Ball Grid Array Ball Grid Array • INTRODUCTION Ball Grid Array BGA is the one of package type which using the SMT. BGA package has several advantages for it's electrical, mechanical and thermal characteristics and these characteristics can come from it's outstanding structure. By using the PCB board and solder ball array

    HL832 HL832-HS HL832-NB MCL-E-679W MCL-E-679BR MCL-E-679FG GHPL-830 GEA-679N MR600 GHPL-830 PSR4000 AUS308 prepreg GHPL-830 taiyo AUS703 taiyo PSR4000 aus303 THP 100 PSR4000 AUS703 Hitachi MCL-E-679FG MGC HL832 MCL-E-679FG PDF