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    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    EL5370IUZ-T13 Renesas Electronics Corporation 100MHz Differential Twisted-Pair Drivers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    ASEA DIFF Datasheets Context Search

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    brown boveri dc motor

    Abstract: BROWN BOVERI protection relay BROWN BOVERI relay BROWN BOVERI relay differential BROWN BOVERI motor protection relay ASEA brown boveri motor protection relay ASEA motor BROWN BOVERI brown boveri motor protection relay BROWN BOVERI
    Text: ~ ~, j~ ASEA BROWN BOVERI Selec1tion Guide AB8 Relays Motor protection ILow Reverse power reley RXPE 40 BO3-3020E Under-frequency reley RXFE 4 B03-2910E Yes No jYes Differential relay RADHA BO3-6011E ,Yes Differential relay RADHA BO3.6011E Temperature monitoring system

    BO3-3020E B03-2910E BO3-6011E 6011E BO3-8330E BO3-2910E brown boveri dc motor BROWN BOVERI protection relay BROWN BOVERI relay BROWN BOVERI relay differential BROWN BOVERI motor protection relay ASEA brown boveri motor protection relay ASEA motor BROWN BOVERI brown boveri motor protection relay BROWN BOVERI PDF


    Abstract: B03-2711 B03-1111E
    Text: Al lili Mil» asea b r o w n bo veri ABB Relays -

    OCR Scan
    B03-2711E 046-AAA 70x60 220-240Vi 50-G0Hz 110-120Vj 50-60HZ 046-AAA, 20-2W 50-60HI RXME18 B03-2711 B03-1111E PDF

    ASEA current transformer imbd

    Abstract: ASEA EG 20 ASEA relay - unbalance relay ASEA imbd ASEA unbalance relay asea transformer current ASEA RI asea ri 5A relay
    Text: ASEA INFORMATION Unbalance Protection Type RYBIA RK 60-337 E Reg. 7456 for Series capacitors • DESCRIPTION 07 RELAY PROTECTION ASEA capacitor units consist of a number of parallel connected GENERAL elements each of them in series with a built-in fuse. If a short

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    53-8/ul? 53-10yuF ASEA current transformer imbd ASEA EG 20 ASEA relay - unbalance relay ASEA imbd ASEA unbalance relay asea transformer current ASEA RI asea ri 5A relay PDF

    asea time-lag relay RI

    Abstract: asea relay RIS rma 16 relay ASEA RHGA 8 ASEA RIs asea ridi asea over current relay asea relay RI RCA RF Catalogue asea relay
    Text: i ASEA Catalogue RK 93 E Edition 1 May 1966 File R Part 2 Frames and connectors for relays Contents: Front terminals Extension bolts and terminal screws Flush mounting frames Blanking plates Adapting frames Relay testing block RTNP P -2 3 4 9 9 10 ASEA Front terminals

    OCR Scan
    a5203 asea time-lag relay RI asea relay RIS rma 16 relay ASEA RHGA 8 ASEA RIs asea ridi asea over current relay asea relay RI RCA RF Catalogue asea relay PDF

    ASEA motor

    Abstract: RXPE40 RXMH-2 RXMK1 ASEA brown boveri protection relay ABB RXMVB2 instantaneous overcurrent relay BROWN BOVERI motor protection relay RXIDF 2H asea directional relay
    Text: A »11 ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABB Relays Index of IEEE device function numbers with associated ASEA relays B03-0312E Page 1 January 1985 Changed sin ce M ay 1983 Ref: ANSI/IEEE C37.2-1979 Device number Function Type B03 number 2 Time-delay starting or closing relay

    OCR Scan
    B03-0312E B03-1611E -1612E -1613e -1614e -1610e -8112e -8320e -8321e -3211e ASEA motor RXPE40 RXMH-2 RXMK1 ASEA brown boveri protection relay ABB RXMVB2 instantaneous overcurrent relay BROWN BOVERI motor protection relay RXIDF 2H asea directional relay PDF

    overcurrent relay inverse

    Abstract: IEC 255-3 rxidf2h B03-2210E protection relay type racic racic 024bb 123-ABA transformer 330 MVA B03-7210E
    Text: A S p Sp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ASEA BROWN BOVERI « ,« , _ Type RACIC B03-7210 Feeder protection January 1985 Changed since May 1983

    OCR Scan
    B03-7210E B03-1110E B03-2210E B03-7211E B03-9352E B03-9510E B03-9301E B03-9382E UG03-7210E S-72183 overcurrent relay inverse IEC 255-3 rxidf2h protection relay type racic racic 024bb 123-ABA transformer 330 MVA PDF

    ASEA relay - unbalance relay

    Abstract: rarib ABB NI 40 Relay settings RTXP 18 abb DIMENSIONS BROWN BOVERI breaker 72.5 connection diagram rxiek2h B03-4015E generators winding block diagram BROWN BOVERI relay rc BROWN BOVERI connection diagram
    Text: II m II M V II ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABBRe,ays Type RARIB B03-4015E Negative phase-sequence, w „•

    OCR Scan
    B03-4015E 509-CAA. B03-9113E B03-1212E B03-9510E B03-9301E B03-9382E 648-300E S-72171 ASEA relay - unbalance relay rarib ABB NI 40 Relay settings RTXP 18 abb DIMENSIONS BROWN BOVERI breaker 72.5 connection diagram rxiek2h B03-4015E generators winding block diagram BROWN BOVERI relay rc BROWN BOVERI connection diagram PDF

    RXTLA 1

    Abstract: asea relay RIS B03-9175E Resistors B03-9211E ASEA RIs 004-DX ASEA abb diode BROWN BOVERI relay B03-9301E
    Text: Ah I I 11 M il» abb Relays ASEA BROWN BOVERI > Type RXTLA 1 R p r t if ip r 1 Abstract 1 1^ 1 B03-9211E u n it june3o. 1982

    OCR Scan
    B03-9211E 004-DX 005-DX 006-DX 007-DX 008-DX 011-DU 012-DU 013-DU B03-9199E RXTLA 1 asea relay RIS B03-9175E Resistors ASEA RIs ASEA abb diode BROWN BOVERI relay B03-9301E PDF

    ASEA motor bv

    Abstract: TRW catalogue static overcurrent relay RXIG 2 RTXP10 circuit diagram of rxig 28 ASEA mt 100 circuit diagram of 7432 RK 713.2 DS 7432
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 65-16 E Edition 1 Single-phase overcurrent protective relays Used primarily as earth-fault pro­ tection. Static or electro-mechanical current relays. Different versions with respect to tripping and Indication, Contents Page General 2 Design

    OCR Scan
    0002-AB 101-AB 0011-AB 110-AB 0012-AB 100-AB 0003-AA 113-AA 0005-BA 115-BA ASEA motor bv TRW catalogue static overcurrent relay RXIG 2 RTXP10 circuit diagram of rxig 28 ASEA mt 100 circuit diagram of 7432 RK 713.2 DS 7432 PDF

    aeg rsz

    Abstract: AEG RSZ 2 aeg rsz 3 AEG T 178 aeg protection relay oerlikon aeg rsz settings cdc 2030 Sprecher Schuh timer R3AS52
    Text: RK 40-401 C om parison betw een ASEA tim e -la g o v e r- c u rr e n t re la y type RIDA w ith independent tim e -la g c h a ra c te ris tic and c o rresp o n d in g re la y s of o th er m akes CONFIDENTIAL Reg, 5621,7431 RELAY INFORMATION This c ir c u la r Is intended as a guide to ASEA s a le s re p re se n ta tiv e s

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    40-40IE aeg rsz AEG RSZ 2 aeg rsz 3 AEG T 178 aeg protection relay oerlikon aeg rsz settings cdc 2030 Sprecher Schuh timer R3AS52 PDF

    single phase EARTH fault RELAY

    Abstract: line current differential relay RADSS RXKB-1 ASEA protection relay ASEA relay - CURRENT relay RTXP 18 ASEA rxkb1 ASEA RTXP relay
    Text: V ASEA Inform ation RADSS Bus Differential Protection RFF-April J.2I5, RF 657-105 with sensitive Earth-Fault relays — INTRODUCTION In a resistance earthed network the available E/F current is normally less than the full-load current of the largest feeder.

    OCR Scan
    1U9U103 single phase EARTH fault RELAY line current differential relay RADSS RXKB-1 ASEA protection relay ASEA relay - CURRENT relay RTXP 18 ASEA rxkb1 ASEA RTXP relay PDF


    Abstract: powersystems
    Text: Ak II il f*IPIP ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABB Relays Abstract Application B03-8110E Type RASA May 1983 Data subject to change without notice Synchronizing relay for small generators • Maximum synchronizing frequency differ­ ence adjustable 0.2—0.4 Hz or fixed to 2 Hz

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    B03-8110 BQ3-9351E B03-9301E B03-9382E S-721 RXZ41 powersystems PDF

    Fuse failure relay

    Abstract: 003-AA BROWN BOVERI DISTANCE RELAYS Rectification Failure Relay 003AA Rectification Failure Relay application brown boveri distance ASEA B03-8310E
    Text: ik II11 — ASEA BROWN BOVERI ABBRe,ays Type RXBA 4 £03-8310E Fuse failure relay# Abstract Application Changed since May 1983 Data subject to change without notic • Detects single-, two- or three-phase fuse

    OCR Scan
    003-AA B03-9301E B03-9382E S-72171 Fuse failure relay BROWN BOVERI DISTANCE RELAYS Rectification Failure Relay 003AA Rectification Failure Relay application brown boveri distance ASEA B03-8310E PDF


    Abstract: asea rydsa 20-3 asea transformer RRMH ASEA RYDSA20 rydsa rrmvb2 asea RRME RRME calculation of transformer earthing resistor
    Text: ^•■r-vz ¡*L<: ‘ :.ÍS March 1968 Edition 1 ASEA Transformer differential protection RYDSA 20 C o n te n ts Outstanding features 3 Introduction 4 Operation S,7 ThTCygh-laiil; restraint 8,9 Three'ptiase Connection diagrams 10 ,1 1 Current transformers

    OCR Scan
    HSFEDC54 5IW19SI RRMH asea rydsa 20-3 asea transformer RRMH ASEA RYDSA20 rydsa rrmvb2 asea RRME RRME calculation of transformer earthing resistor PDF

    RXTUG 2H

    Abstract: BROWN BOVERI connection diagram B03-9112E 104-BA 104BA rxtug-2h BROWN BOVERI relay B03-9301E
    Text: A lili M llll ASEA BROWN BOVERI Type RXTUG 2H B03-9112E DC-DC converter Page 1 June 30, 1982 Data subject to change without notice ABB Relays Abstract • Reconnectibie for different input and out­ put voltages • Galvanically separated inputs and outputs

    OCR Scan
    B03-9112E BM52J04-dA 104-AA 104-BA B03-9301E B03-9382E S-721 RXTUG 2H BROWN BOVERI connection diagram B03-9112E 104BA rxtug-2h BROWN BOVERI relay PDF

    BROWN BOVERI Relay manual

    Abstract: autorecloser recloser tea1130 B03-8016E TEA Series BROWN BOVERI type s relay
    Text: '• • - V ASS Type TEA 1130 and TEA 1135 ABB Relays Single- or two-shot, threephase reclosing relays for distribution lines ASEA BROWN BOVERI Abstract s Application • Delayed breaker reclosing after initiation from protective relay • Delay time adjustable:

    OCR Scan
    B03-8016 January1987 002-AH B03-93Q1E B03-9382E S-72171 BROWN BOVERI Relay manual autorecloser recloser tea1130 B03-8016E TEA Series BROWN BOVERI type s relay PDF

    ABB RXsf1

    Abstract: abb rxdsb 4 RXDSB4 RADSB RK 625 001 CC Transformer differential protection RADSB RK 625 RELE RTXP 18 RXSF1 rxsf-1 rxms1 abb differential relay transformer
    Text: 1^ I ASEA BRO W N BOVERI Type R A D S B bo3-soi2e Transformer differential SSbsR. w r e la y Data subject to change without notic m? ABB Relays 840536 Abstract Application • Complete phase and ground protection • Static measuring circuits with active filters

    OCR Scan
    B03-5012E B03-9113E B03-1213E B03-1111E B03-1003E B03-9150E B03-1215E B03-9280E B03-5011E B03-9510E ABB RXsf1 abb rxdsb 4 RXDSB4 RADSB RK 625 001 CC Transformer differential protection RADSB RK 625 RELE RTXP 18 RXSF1 rxsf-1 rxms1 abb differential relay transformer PDF

    ABB Main Circuit breaker

    Abstract: 24 pin MATRIX SPAU ABB CT SUBSTATION CONTROL SYSTEM ASEA brown boveri protection relay 80386 cpu 80386 microprocessor interface keyboard monitor BROWN BOVERI HE 1MDB11003-SV
    Text: Type SCS 090 ASEA BROWN BOVERí Substation control system for distribution networks ' imdbiioó8^ ñ Page 1 March 1992 Data subject to change without notice • New ABB Network Control & Protection Features Application Design •Control and supervision of medium voltage

    OCR Scan
    1MDEM1008-lifa RS-232 1MDB11003â 1MDB11004-SV ABB Main Circuit breaker 24 pin MATRIX SPAU ABB CT SUBSTATION CONTROL SYSTEM ASEA brown boveri protection relay 80386 cpu 80386 microprocessor interface keyboard monitor BROWN BOVERI HE 1MDB11003-SV PDF


    Abstract: RXPE40 B03-3003E RXPE47 abb 40 relay RXPE 40 3003-E BROWN BOVERI type s relay BROWN BOVERI BROWN BOVERI relay CURVE
    Text: ABB ASEA BROWN BOVERI B03-3003E Directional relay data table Page 1 January 1987 Changed since May 1983 Data subject to change without notic» ABB Relays Current and voltage operate values for different values of cp. u/u„% The curve is valid for all settings.

    OCR Scan
    B03-3003E 12C/1 S-721 RXPE42 RXPE40 RXPE47 abb 40 relay RXPE 40 3003-E BROWN BOVERI type s relay BROWN BOVERI BROWN BOVERI relay CURVE PDF


    Abstract: Transformer differential protection RADSE asea RADSE BROWN BOVERI relay differential RADSE differential relay transformer ASEA brown boveri protection relay RXDSE43 RXDSE 43 rxmvb
    Text: Al 11 li Mlill ASEA B R O W N BOVERI ABB Relays Type RADSE B03-5010 Transformer differential relay Abstract Complete phase and ground protection Harmonic-restrained operating time 35 ms at 3 times pickup current Unrestrained operating time 10—20 ms at 2 times pickup current

    OCR Scan
    B03-5010E B03-1213E B03-1510E B03-1511E B03-9510E B03-9301E B03-9382E RXDSE Transformer differential protection RADSE asea RADSE BROWN BOVERI relay differential RADSE differential relay transformer ASEA brown boveri protection relay RXDSE43 RXDSE 43 rxmvb PDF

    RXTUG 2H

    Abstract: RXTUG rxtug2h RK732104 RK732104-AA ASEA RELAY RK926 RK732 rxtug-2h ASEA relay - RX
    Text: ASEA D.C. —d.c. convertor type RXTUG 2H * used for converting a & c . voltage to another d,c. voltage with a high degree of efficiency * suitable for supplying, for exam ple, static relays * is reco nn ectib leio r different input and output voltages * has galvanicaily separated inputs and

    OCR Scan
    RK732104-AA 104-AA RK926-1Ã RK000-100 S-721 RXTUG 2H RXTUG rxtug2h RK732104 ASEA RELAY RK926 RK732 rxtug-2h ASEA relay - RX PDF


    Abstract: ZM11
    Text: ASEA EP 613-008 Page 1 RAZFEL - COOPERATION WITH CARRIER RAZEE is designed to cooperate with %he 5 communication systems below. 1. Overreaching blocking scheme. This scheme requires a delayed trip output. The trip output is delayed by the timer TkO. TkO is

    OCR Scan

    MR 4710

    Abstract: RTXP 18 ASEA RXIDE 0022-AA rk 12 e RXIDE43 overcurrent relay inverse normal curves rk 651 25D1 asea time-lag relay RI
    Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 65-13 E Edition 1 Fil« » , Part 1 ClOlMiBll iFlLlElXÍ Two or three-phase timeovercurrent protective relays Contarli* General Design Setting Diagrams Installation Ordering Reference publications Cl oj CJ For machines, transformers, cables and

    OCR Scan
    21-1G 9Z-10 S-721 MR 4710 RTXP 18 ASEA RXIDE 0022-AA rk 12 e RXIDE43 overcurrent relay inverse normal curves rk 651 25D1 asea time-lag relay RI PDF

    rxig 21

    Abstract: rxig 28 RXME ABB RXIG21 RXIG 22 rtxp 18 bt type 47 relay rxig ABB RXsf1 RXME 1
    Text: A IIII | l | | l l ASEA BROWN BOVERI Instantaneous or definitetime ac overcurrent relay assemblies RXIG 21, 22, 28 B03-2035E ^ ; 1989 Data subject to change without notice ABB Relays (830504) Abstract Application • Single-phase, two-phase or three-phase

    OCR Scan
    B03-2035E 0011-CBA 050-CB B03-2032E B03-2033E B03-2034E B03-1613E B03-1614E B03-1110E rxig 21 rxig 28 RXME ABB RXIG21 RXIG 22 rtxp 18 bt type 47 relay rxig ABB RXsf1 RXME 1 PDF