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    APD CARRIER Search Results

    APD CARRIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NR8360JP-BC-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation φ 30 μm InGaAs Avalanche Photo Diode 14-PIN DIP Module With TEC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    NR8800FS-CB-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation φ 80 μm InGaAs Avalanche Photo Diode Module for OTDR Applications Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    NR8300FP-CC-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation 1000 to 1600 nm Optical Fiber Communications φ 30 µm InGaAs Avalanche Photo Diode Module Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    NR8800FS-CB-AZ/SH Renesas Electronics Corporation φ 80 μm InGaAs Avalanche Photo Diode Module for OTDR Applications Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    NR4211TH-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Receiver Limiting Tia, With Dca Function) Inalas Apd Receiver With Internal Pre-Amplifier For 10 Gb/S Applications Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    APD CARRIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PhotodiodeS฀For฀hiGh-PerFormAnce฀APPlicAtionS฀ Right: TO-C30737PH Series T-1¾ TO-like hrough-Hole Package (4.9 mm Diameter) Let: C30737LH Series Leadless Ceramic Carrier Package (3 x 3 mm2) C30737 High Speed, Low Voltage APD – C30724 Low Temperature Coeficient APD

    O-C30737PH C30737LH C30737 C30724 Standard-90 C30737PH-500-90 C30737LH-500-90 C30737LH-500-92 PDF

    smd t1A

    Abstract: t1A 13
    Text: Photodiodes for High-Performance Applications Avalanche Right: TO-C30737PH Series T-1¾ TO-like Through-Hole Package (4.9 mm Diameter) P hotodiodes for Range Left: C30737LH Series Leadless Ceramic Carrier Package (3 x 3 mm2) F inding Applications C30737 High Speed, Low Voltage APD – C30724 Low Temperature Coefficient APD

    O-C30737PH C30737LH C30737 C30724 C3072490 C30737PH-500-90 C30737LH-500-90 C30737LH-500-92 C30724EH smd t1A t1A 13 PDF


    Abstract: APD Arrays
    Text: Si APD, MPPC CHAPTER 03 1 Si APD 1-1 Features 1-2 Principle of avalanche multiplication 1-3 Dark current 1-4 Gain vs. reverse voltage characteristics 1-5 Noise characteristics 1-6 Spectral response 1-7 Response characteristics 1-8 Multi-element type 1-9 Connection to peripheral circuits

    org/abs/1003 6071v2 S13081 APD Arrays PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Selection guide - March 2014 Si APD Avalanche Photodiode High-speed, high sensitivity photodiodes having an internal gain mechanism HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K. S i A v a l a n c h e P h o t o d i o d e Si APD High-speed, high sensitivity photodiodes having an internal gain

    D-82211 KAPD0001E05 PDF

    PerkinElmer Avalanche Photodiode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features and Benefits Introduction The short wavelength enhanced silicon avalanche photodiode APD by PerkinElmer (Model C30739ECERH) is designed for low light level applications covering the spectral range from less than 400 nm to greater than 700 nm. Benefits

    C30739ECERH) DTS0108P PerkinElmer Avalanche Photodiode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Hermetic Ceramic Packaged Silicon PIN Diode Devices Applications • Switches  Attenuators Features  Established PIN diode process  Low capacitance designs  Voltage ratings to 200 V  Tight control of I layer base width

    APD0505 APD1520 203250B PDF


    Abstract: CTX-02-16004 VICTOREEN model 500 tektronix 454a jim Williams ZTN4424 2n2369 avalanche datasheet of CMOS IC 74c90 P6046 11A33
    Text: Application Note 92 November 2002 Bias Voltage and Current Sense Circuits for Avalanche Photodiodes Feeding and Reading the APD Jim Williams, Linear Technology Corporation INTRODUCTION Avalanche photodiodes APDs are widely utilized in laser based fiberoptic systems to convert optical data into

    AN92-31 AN92-32 an92f CTX-02-16004 VICTOREEN model 500 tektronix 454a jim Williams ZTN4424 2n2369 avalanche datasheet of CMOS IC 74c90 P6046 11A33 PDF


    Abstract: APD1510 APD0510-210
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips Applications • Switches • Attenuators Features • Established Skyworks PIN diode process • Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF • Voltage ratings to 200 V • Chip size < 15 mils square

    APD0505-000 200075M APD0810-203 APD1510 APD0510-210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips Applications • Switches  Attenuators Features  Established Skyworks PIN diode process  Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF  Voltage ratings to 200 V  Chip size < 15 mils square

    SQ04-0074. 200075N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips Applications • Switches  Attenuators Features  Established Skyworks PIN diode process  Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF  Voltage ratings to 200 V  Chip size < 15 mils square

    SQ04-0074. 200075O PDF


    Abstract: S1570
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips Applications • Switches  Attenuators Features  Established Skyworks PIN diode process  Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF  Voltage ratings to 200 V  Chip size < 15 mils square

    APD0505-000 200075K APD0805-000 S1570 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips Applications • Switches • Attenuators Features • Established Skyworks PIN diode process • Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF • Voltage ratings to 200 V • Chip size < 15 mils square

    APD0505-000 200075I APD0520-000 PDF

    lidar apd model

    Abstract: APD, laser, range, finder photodiode pin alpha particles APD bias gain C30902S geiger apd InGaAs apd photodiode Photodiode apd high sensitivity germanium diode equivalent PerkinElmer Avalanche Photodiode
    Text: !"#$%& Avalanche Photodiodes: A User's Guide Abstract Avalanche photodiode detectors have and will continue to be used in many diverse applications such as laser range finders and photon correlation studies. This paper discusses APD structures, critical performance parameters and the excess noise factor.

    ED-13, ED-0017/03/8, C30902E/S, C30921 lidar apd model APD, laser, range, finder photodiode pin alpha particles APD bias gain C30902S geiger apd InGaAs apd photodiode Photodiode apd high sensitivity germanium diode equivalent PerkinElmer Avalanche Photodiode PDF


    Abstract: APD2220-000 APD0505-000 APD0505-240 APD0510-000 APD0520-000 APD0805-000 APD0810-000 APD1510-000 APD1510-219
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips Applications • Switches  Attenuators Features  Established Skyworks PIN diode process  Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF  Voltage ratings to 200 V  Chip size < 15 mils square

    APD0505 200075L APD1520-000 APD2220-000 APD0505-000 APD0505-240 APD0510-000 APD0520-000 APD0805-000 APD0810-000 APD1510-000 APD1510-219 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET APD Series: Silicon PIN Diodes, Packaged and Bondable Chips Applications • Switches  Attenuators Features  Established Skyworks PIN diode process  Low capacitance designs to 0.05 pF  Voltage ratings to 200 V  Chip size < 15 mils square

    SQ04-0074. 200075P PDF

    PM 8038

    Abstract: e/10Gb CDR
    Text: TS-S10D166C Preliminary October, 2011 40Gb/s CFP Optical Transceiver Module SCF0400E4 Series 40Gbps 40km, 4-lane x 10Gb/s CWDM, DFB-LD, APD-PD Features  4-lane x 10Gb/s CWDM Optical Interface  High quality and reliability optical sub-assemblies 

    TS-S10D166C 40Gb/s SCF0400E4 40Gbps 10Gb/s 1310nm 1331nm IEEE802 PM 8038 e/10Gb CDR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detectors Silicon Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode Description The SAP500-Series is based on a “reach-through” structure for excellent quantum efficiency, extremely low noise and bulk dark current and high gain. They are intended for ultra-low light level applications. This APD can be used

    SAP500-Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Detectors Silicon Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode Description The SAP500-Series is based on a “reach-through” structure for excellent quantum efficiency, extremely low noise and bulk dark current and high gain. They are intended for ultra-low light level applications. This APD can be used

    SAP500-Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPS-43-48H-HP-TDE Features • Burst receive GPON OLT transceiver • Small Form Factor Pluggable, Simple SC Connector • “Fast Signal Detect” feature reduces ranging overhead • Simplified OLT “reset” timing • 1490 nm DFB Tx with isolator • 1310 nm APD Rx

    SPS-43-48H-HP-TDE Tx/1244 DS-7078 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATASHEET Photon Detection C30739ECERH Series Short Wavelength Enhanced Silicon Avalanche Photodiode Key Features The C30739ECERH large area silicon avalanche photodiode APD is intended for use in a wide variety of broadband low light level applications covering the spectral range from below 400 to over 700 nm.

    C30739ECERH PDF

    Infrared detectors

    Abstract: dark detector application ,uses and working
    Text: Compound semiconductor photosensors 1 InGaAs/GaAs PIN photodiodes 1-1 Characteristics 1-2 How to use 2 InGaAs APD 2-1 Operating principle 2-2 Characteristics 2-3 How to use CHAPTER 06 8 MCT HgCdTe photovoltaic detectors 8-1 Characteristics 8-2 How to use



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Silicon Geiger Mode Avalanche Photodiode DESCRIPTION The SAP500-Series is based on a “reach-through” structure for excellent quantum efficiency, extremely low noise and bulk dark current and high gain. They are intended for ultra-low light level applications. This APD can be used in

    SAP500-Series PDF

    avalanche photodiode 1550nm sensitivity

    Abstract: InGaAs Photodiode 1550nm photodiode sensitivity 1550nm 2 multiplication IC
    Text: InGaAs AVALANCHE PHOTODIODE FPD15W51RT DESCRIPTION The FPD15W51RT is a wide bandwidth and high sensitivity InGaAs ava­ lanche photodiode APD mounted on a low parasitic ceramic carrier designed for use in optical transmission systems operating at a giga-bit-rate,

    OCR Scan
    FPD15W51RT FPD15W51RT 1550nm. 000SD3D 371H75Î avalanche photodiode 1550nm sensitivity InGaAs Photodiode 1550nm photodiode sensitivity 1550nm 2 multiplication IC PDF

    Fujitsu avalanche photodiode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: inGaAs AVALANCHE PHOTODIODE FPD13W51RT DESCRIPTION The FPD13W51RT is a wide bandwidth and high sensitivity InGaAs ava­ lanche photodiode APD mounted on a low parasitic ceramic carrier designed fo r use in optical transmission systems operating at a giga-bit-rate,

    OCR Scan
    FPD13W51RT FPD13W51RT 50/xrn. 1300nm. PH0T00H Fujitsu avalanche photodiode PDF