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    Abstract: TV flyback transformer pinout VIPER53 SRW35EC TV flyback transformer VIPER53 application transformer ETD34 EHT TRANSFORMER TV list Core/ETD34 VIPer53 Application Note
    Text: AN1865 - APPLICATION NOTE SMPS FOR LOW END TV SET WITH VIPer53 F. GENNARO - C. SPINI ABSTRACT In this paper a low cost power supply for 90º TV set 14" to 21" is introduced. The converter uses the new VIPower device VIPer53 in DCM Flyback configuration with either primary or secondary regulation.

    AN1865 VIPer53 VIPer53 T2AL250V TV flyback transformer pinout SRW35EC TV flyback transformer VIPER53 application transformer ETD34 EHT TRANSFORMER TV list Core/ETD34 VIPer53 Application Note PDF


    Abstract: TV flyback transformer pinout crt tv flyback transformer pin connections 230vac to primary 15v transformer VIPer53 Application Note TV flyback transformer VIPER53 crt flyback transformer tv 1k trimmer EHT TRANSFORMER TV list
    Text: AN1865 - APPLICATION NOTE SMPS FOR LOW END TV SET WITH VIPer53 F. GENNARO - C. SPINI ABSTRACT In this paper a low cost power supply for 90º TV set 14" to 21" is introduced. The converter uses the new VIPower device VIPer53 in DCM Flyback configuration with either primary or secondary regulation.

    AN1865 VIPer53 VIPer53 T2AL250V TV flyback transformer pinout crt tv flyback transformer pin connections 230vac to primary 15v transformer VIPer53 Application Note TV flyback transformer crt flyback transformer tv 1k trimmer EHT TRANSFORMER TV list PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04816 SNAS597B – JULY 2012 – REVISED APRIL 2013 LMK04816 Three Input Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs Check for Samples: LMK04816 1 Introduction 1.1 FEATURES 123 • Ultra-Low RMS Jitter Performance – 100 fs RMS Jitter 12 kHz to 20 MHz

    LMK04816 SNAS597B LMK04816 PDF

    varactor 650 manual

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04906 SNAS589C – NOVEMBER 2011 – REVISED DECEMBER 2012 LMK04906 Ultra Low Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner/Multiplier with 6 Programmable Outputs Check for Samples: LMK04906 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • 1 23 • • • • • • • •

    LMK04906 SNAS589C LMK04906 varactor 650 manual PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04800 SNAS489J – MARCH 2011 – REVISED MARCH 2013 LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs Check for Samples: LMK04800 1 FEATURES 123 • Ultra-Low RMS Jitter Performance – 111 fs RMS Jitter 12 kHz to 20 MHz – 123 fs RMS Jitter (100 Hz to 20 MHz)

    LMK04800 SNAS489J LMK04800 PDF


    Abstract: LMK04800 LMK0480X
    Text: LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs 1.0 General Description 2.0 Features The LMK04800 family is the industry's highest performance clock conditioner with superior clock jitter cleaning, generation, and distribution with advanced features to meet next

    LMK04800 sub-200 LMK04808 LMK0480X PDF

    PS 1025

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04816 Three Input Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs 1.0 General Description 2.0 Features The LMK04816 family is the industry's highest performance clock conditioner with superior clock jitter cleaning, generation, and distribution with advanced features to meet next

    LMK04816 LMK04816 sub-200 PS 1025 PDF

    full case picking solution

    Abstract: LMK02000 LMK03000 LMK03001C
    Text: National’s Clock Design Tool v1.1 Instructions 10-07-2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF 1 BASIC NCDT



    Abstract: LMK03000 AN-1865 PS1458 LMK010xx AN-1864
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1864 Dean Banerjee June 24, 2008 Introduction frequency that is of interest is the lowest frequency one that has a rising edge corresponding to all of the other signals. In this example, this frequecy is 61.44 MHz, which is the lowest

    AN-1865 AN-1864 LMK01000 LMK03000 PS1458 LMK010xx AN-1864 PDF

    226 varactor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TI Confidential - NDA Restrictions LMK04906 SNAS589B – NOVEMBER 2011 – REVISED DECEMBER 2012 LMK04906 Ultra Low Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner/Multiplier with 6 Programmable Outputs Check for Samples: LMK04906 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • 1

    LMK04906 SNAS589B LMK04906 226 varactor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04816 SNAS597B – JULY 2012 – REVISED APRIL 2013 LMK04816 Three Input Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs Check for Samples: LMK04816 1 Introduction 1.1 FEATURES 123 • Ultra-Low RMS Jitter Performance – 100 fs RMS Jitter 12 kHz to 20 MHz

    LMK04816 SNAS597B LMK04816 PDF


    Abstract: AN-1865 fractional N PLL "PLL WITH VCO" LCM 100 LMK02000 LMK03000 LMK03001 LMK03002 LMX2354
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1865 Dean Banerjee February 6, 2009 Introduction Following are some examples that illustrate how this principle can be applied. In many applications, it is desired to generate a set of frequencies from a single source frequency. This source could

    AN-1865 LMX2306 AN-1865 fractional N PLL "PLL WITH VCO" LCM 100 LMK02000 LMK03000 LMK03001 LMK03002 LMX2354 PDF


    Abstract: lmk04800
    Text: LMK04800 SNAS489I – MARCH 2011 – REVISED MARCH 2012 LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs Check for Samples: LMK04800 FEATURES 1 • Ultra-Low RMS Jitter Performance – 111 fs RMS jitter 12 kHz to 20 MHz – 123 fs RMS jitter (100 Hz to 20 MHz)

    LMK04800 SNAS489I LMK04800 LMK0480X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04906 Ultra Low Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner/Multiplier with 6 Programmable Outputs 1.0 General Description 3.0 Features The LMK04906 is the industry's highest performance clock jitter attenuator with superior clock jitter cleaning, generation, and distribution with advanced features to meet high performance timing application needs.

    LMK04906 LMK04906 LMK04906BISQE LMK04906BISQ LMK04906BISQX K04906 PDF


    Abstract: LMK04803 LMK04805 LMK04800 Crystek CVHD LMK04806 23hs LMK0480X
    Text: LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs 1.0 General Description 2.0 Features The LMK04800 family is the industry's highest performance clock conditioner with superior clock jitter cleaning, generation, and distribution with advanced features to meet next

    LMK04800 sub-200 LMK04808 LMK04803 LMK04805 Crystek CVHD LMK04806 23hs LMK0480X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Application Note 1865 Author: Don LaFontaine DAQ on a Stick, with Honeywell Pressure Sensor Introduction Ordering Information This application note shows the operation of Intersil’s precision products in a pressure sensor application. The application uses

    30psi IP4220CZ6 R5F10JBC AN1865 MCR01MZSF1000 PDF


    Abstract: LMK02000 LMK03000 LMK03001 LMK03002 LMX2306 LMX2354 LMX2485 LMX2531
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1865 Dean Banerjee July 2, 2008 Introduction Following are some examples that illustrate how this principle can be applied. In many applications, it is desired to generate a set of frequencies from a single source frequency. This source could

    AN-1865 TUNABLE VCO LMK02000 LMK03000 LMK03001 LMK03002 LMX2306 LMX2354 LMX2485 LMX2531 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04800 SNAS489J – MARCH 2011 – REVISED MARCH 2013 LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs Check for Samples: LMK04800 1 FEATURES 123 • Ultra-Low RMS Jitter Performance – 111 fs RMS Jitter 12 kHz to 20 MHz – 123 fs RMS Jitter (100 Hz to 20 MHz)

    LMK04800 SNAS489J LMK04800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRECISION ANALOG COOKBOOK SENSOR SOLUTIONS Honeywell Pressure Sensor DAQ on a USB Stick with Renesas R5F10JBC Introduction Key Components This cookbook shows the operation of Intersil’s precision products in a pressure sensor application. The application

    R5F10JBC 30psi ISL28134 ISL26102 ISL21010 ISL22316 ISL43741 NBPLLNN030PGUNV 16-bit PDF

    vectron crystal oscillator 216* 5 mhz

    Abstract: schematic diagram receiver sharp 18911 otn odu
    Text: LMK04906 Ultra Low Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner/Multiplier with 6 Programmable Outputs 1.0 General Description 3.0 Features The LMK04906 is the industry's highest performance clock jitter attenuator with superior clock jitter cleaning, generation, and distribution with advanced features to meet high performance timing application needs.

    LMK04906 LMK04906 vectron crystal oscillator 216* 5 mhz schematic diagram receiver sharp 18911 otn odu PDF


    Abstract: MAX8799 PS 1025 CVHD-950-122 LCm-200 LMK04806B LMK04800 VXB1-1150-20M480
    Text: LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs 1.0 General Description 2.0 Features The LMK04800 family is the industry's highest performance clock conditioner with superior clock jitter cleaning, generation, and distribution with advanced features to meet next

    LMK04800 sub-200 LMK0480X MAX8799 PS 1025 CVHD-950-122 LCm-200 LMK04806B VXB1-1150-20M480 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04906 Ultra Low Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner/Multiplier with 6 Programmable Outputs 1.0 General Description 3.0 Features The LMK04906 is the industry's highest performance clock jitter attenuator with superior clock jitter cleaning, generation, and distribution with advanced features to meet high performance timing application needs.

    LMK04906 LMK04906 LMK04906BISQE LMK04906BISQ LMK04906BISQX K04906 1611328 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LMK04800 SNAS489J – MARCH 2011 – REVISED MARCH 2013 LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs Check for Samples: LMK04800 1 FEATURES 123 • Ultra-Low RMS Jitter Performance – 111 fs RMS Jitter 12 kHz to 20 MHz – 123 fs RMS Jitter (100 Hz to 20 MHz)

    LMK04800 SNAS489J LMK04800 PDF


    Abstract: LMK0480X
    Text: LMK04800 SNAS489J – MARCH 2011 – REVISED MARCH 2013 LMK04800 Family Low-Noise Clock Jitter Cleaner with Dual Loop PLLs Check for Samples: LMK04800 1 FEATURES 123 • Ultra-Low RMS Jitter Performance – 111 fs RMS Jitter 12 kHz to 20 MHz – 123 fs RMS Jitter (100 Hz to 20 MHz)

    LMK04800 SNAS489J LMK04800 LMK0480X PDF