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    Abracon Corporation APAMP-110

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    DigiKey APAMP-110 Bulk
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    Avnet Americas APAMP-110 Bulk 8 Weeks 500
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    Newark APAMP-110 Bulk 500
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    • 1000 $6.12
    • 10000 $6.12
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    Richardson RFPD APAMP-110 500
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    • 1000 $6.11
    • 10000 $6.11
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    Avnet Abacus APAMP-110 10 Weeks 500
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    Symmetry Electronics APAMP-110 1
    • 1 $8.78
    • 10 $8.78
    • 100 $8.78
    • 1000 $8.78
    • 10000 $8.78
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    OMRON Corporation LY2FAC110120

    General Purpose Relays PLG-N DPDT 110-120AC
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    TTI LY2FAC110120 Bulk 1,244 1
    • 1 $11.05
    • 10 $8.78
    • 100 $8.44
    • 1000 $7.9
    • 10000 $7.9
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    OMRON Corporation LY2AC110120

    General Purpose Relays PLUG-IN DPDT 110VAC
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    TTI LY2AC110120 Each 200 50
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    • 10 -
    • 100 $7.39
    • 1000 $7.04
    • 10000 $7.04
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    OMRON Corporation LY20AC110120

    General Purpose Relays PCB DPDT 110-120VAC
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    TTI LY20AC110120 Bulk 130 1
    • 1 $10.94
    • 10 $9.89
    • 100 $8.42
    • 1000 $8.26
    • 10000 $8.26
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    AMP110 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DIODE b2x
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA100AA100 UL;E76102 (M) 15 (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF) , AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max E1 B1 •Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified)

    QCA100AA100 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX1000V 1sec10sec QCA100AA100 DIODE b2x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA100AA120 UL;E76102 (M) 15 (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF), AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max E1 B1 •Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified)

    QCA100AA120 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX1200V 1sec10sec QCA100AA120 PDF


    Abstract: Diode B2x
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE(Hi-β) QCA200BA60 UL;E76102 (M) 15 C1 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 E1 B1 Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified) Item VCBO Collector-Base Voltage VCEX Collector-Emitter Voltage VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage −IC E1 B1

    QCA200BA60 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX600V hFE750 di/dt-200A/ 50msec50sec sec50msec QCA200BA60 Diode B2x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA150AA120 UL;E76102 (M) 15 (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF), AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max E1 B1 •Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified)

    QCA150AA120 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX1200V QCA150AA120 PDF


    Abstract: OCA200 QCA200A40 AMP110
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA200A40/60 UL;E76102 (M) 108max 93±0.5 E2 B2 E2 B1X E1 B1 25.0 E2 B2X B2 C2E1 25.0 14.0 B1 C1 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max 33.0max 24.0max (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF), AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application

    QCA200A40/60 E76102 108max 10max AMP110 IC200AVCEX400/600V QCA200 OCA200 QCA200A60 OCA200 QCA200A40 AMP110 PDF


    Abstract: Diode B2x QCA150AA120
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA150AA120 UL;E76102 (M) 108max 93±0.5 15 C1 25.0 3-M6 L=10max E1 B1 B1X •Maximum Ratings AMP110 t=0.5 Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified) Item VCBO Collector-Base Voltage VCEX Collector-Emitter Voltage VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage

    QCA150AA120 E76102 108max AMP110 10max VCEX1200V 330MAX Diode B2x QCA150AA120 PDF


    Abstract: OCA200 QCA200A40 AMP110 QCA200A-60
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA200A40/60 UL;E76102 (M) 108max 93±0.5 E2 B2 E2 B1X E1 B1 25.0 E2 B2X B2 C2E1 25.0 14.0 B1 C1 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max 33.0max 24.0max (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF), AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application

    QCA200A40/60 E76102 108max 10max AMP110 IC200AVCEX400/600V QCA200 OCA200 QCA200A60 OCA200 QCA200A40 AMP110 QCA200A-60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA100AA120 UL;E76102 (M) 15 (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF), AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max E1 B1 •Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified)

    QCA100AA120 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX1200V 1sec10sec QCA100AA120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA150AA100 UL;E76102 (M) 108max 93±0.5 15 (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF), AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max E1 B1 •Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified)

    QCA150AA100 E76102 108max AMP110 10max VCEX1000V 100ms10sec 1msec100msec QCA150AA100 PDF


    Abstract: QCA100AA100
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA100AA100 UL;E76102 (M) 15 (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF) , AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max E1 B1 •Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified)

    QCA100AA100 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX1000V 1sec10sec 330MAX QCA100AA100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE(Hi-β) QCA200BA60 UL;E76102 (M) 15 C1 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 E1 B1 Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified) Item VCBO Collector-Base Voltage VCEX Collector-Emitter Voltage VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage −IC E1 B1

    QCA200BA60 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX600V hFE750 50msec50sec sec50msec QCA200BA60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA150AA100 UL;E76102 (M) 15 (Applications) Motor Control(VVVF), AC/DC Servo, UPS, Switching Power Supply, Ultrasonic Application 25.0 3-M6 L=10max AMP110 t=0.5 30.0max E1 B1 •Maximum Ratings Unit:A (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified)

    QCA150AA100 E76102 AMP110 10max VCEX1000V QCA150AA100 PDF


    Abstract: s50jck potentiometer SFCP22E sfcp22e- Potentiometers 50JCK-YO-20R2G S50JCK-YO-25R2G 103 potentiometer potentiometer 102 S50J Micro joystick
    Text: Model 50JC Series Potentiometer outside-mounted type 50JC Nomenclature ●S means special mechanical specifications not applicable to our standards. ●50 means approx. size of base housing in mm. ●J means joystick controller. ●C means type available with 1 and 2-dimensional coordinates. Potentiometers

    SFCP22E SFCP22E s50jck potentiometer SFCP22E sfcp22e- Potentiometers 50JCK-YO-20R2G S50JCK-YO-25R2G 103 potentiometer potentiometer 102 S50J Micro joystick PDF

    relay 4098

    Abstract: 4098 relay motion detection sensors circuit using 555 timer
    Text: AMP series 2002.10.23 7:57 PM Page 10 Motion-Detecting Sensor AMP MOTION-DETECTING SENSOR (PASSIVE INFRARED TYPE) AMP Series Highly sensitive type 24x24 mm .945×.945 inch • High detection ability This sensor is a stable, sensitive sensor that detects 2°C 3.6°F temperature


    10K potentiometer

    Abstract: potentiometer 10k with knob SFCP12AC potentiometer SFCP22E sfcp22e potentiometer 10k Micro joystick Micro joystick 4 axes sfcp22e 10k 50JAK-YO-20
    Text: Model 50JA Series Potentiometer outside-mounted type 50JA Nomenclature ●S means special mechanical specifications not applicable to our standards. ●50 means approx. size of base housing in mm ●J means joystick controller. ●A means type available with 1-, 2- and 3-dimensional coordinates.


    darlington power transistor

    Abstract: QCA50AA120 PT 1200
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA50AA120 UL;E76102 (M) QCA50AA120 is a dual Darlington power transistor module which has series- connected high speed, high power Darlington transistors. Each transistor has a reverse paralleled fast recovery diode. The mounting base of the module is electrically isolated from

    QCA50AA120 E76102 QCA50AA120 VCEX1200V IC50A, 30max. AMP110TAB 1sec10sec IB11A VCC600V darlington power transistor PT 1200 PDF


    Abstract: 10ERB20 d2n202le D2W220CD FCH10U15 FCU20A40
    Text: NO. 42 Power Semiconductors Catalog Nihon Inter Electronics Corporation 安全設計に関するお願い ●当社は常に製品の品質信頼性の維持向上に努めておりますが、一般に半導体製品では故障がある確率で起こることは避けられ



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA50AA100 UL;E76102 (M) QCA50AA100 is a dual Darlington power transistor module which has series- connected high speed, high power Darlington transistors. Each transistor has a reverse paralleled fast recovery diode. The mounting base of the module is electrically isolated from

    QCA50AA100 E76102 QCA50AA100 VCEX1000V IC50A, 30max. AMP110TAB IB11A VCC600V PDF


    Abstract: 40JB
    Text: Models 40JB Series Potentiometer inside-incorporated type 40JB ●S means special mechanical specifications not applicable to our standards. ●40 means approx. size of base housing in mm. ●J means joystick controller. ●Kind of types Nomenclature B means type available with 1- and 2-dimensional coordinates.

    AMP110 40JBK-YO-20R2G 40JB PDF

    E2 diode

    Abstract: Diode B2x
    Text: TRANSISTOR MODULE QCA30B/QCB30A40/60 UL;E76102 (M) QCA30B and QCB30A are dual Darlington power transistor modules which have series-connected high speed, high power Darlington transistors. Each transistor has a reverse paralleled fast recovery diode. C2E1

    QCA30B/QCB30A40/60 E76102 QCA30B QCB30A 110TAB 94max 32max 31max 35max 400/600V E2 diode Diode B2x PDF


    Abstract: FCHS10A12 EC10QS04 TE12L d2n203le 10ERA60 FCHS20A 20NFB60 FCU20A40 PAH100N8CM 10eda10
    Text: NO. 43 Power Semiconductors Catalog Nihon Inter Electronics Corporation 安全設計に関するお願い ●当社は常に製品の品質信頼性の維持向上に努めておりますが、一般に半導体製品では故障がある確率で起こることは避けられ


    SSR 80 DA

    Abstract: lt 860 D2W215DD D2W215DG D2W215DG18
    Text: Mu-pu TIBArms ^ n®i^l Q Vrms AC'JI^— m n& ± D2W1 15DD D2W1 15DF D2W1 15DG D2W215DD D2W215D F D2W215DG m « ( C F U ^ / x 'r t j f c ) D2W21 5DD1 8 D2W215DF18 D2W215DG18 SìfèNO. (HHttP.30) U L : E69031 C SA : LR49089 TLÌV : R75169/R85136 n - .m m

    OCR Scan
    D2W21 D2W215DG D2W215DG18 E69031 LR49089 R75169/R85136 D2W215DDI8 AMP250 SSR 80 DA lt 860 D2W215DD D2W215DG18 PDF


    Abstract: H-17 H-18 SM6GZ47 SM6GZ47A SM6JZ47 SM6JZ47A 2-80D2A 1C33A
    Text: 142 — 2 * •fl-M## TT-7 13-1OH1A SM6rG, JjZ47 C 6 A T n = 25°C) 10V//ÌS OifÊStfllit ( A C 1 5 0 0 V , {-%^9'i-f) ¡Hi) I M ) ■ « * £ * & i£ SM6GZ47 Vd = Vd r m Vtm It m = SM6JZ47 I n RMS) 6 I t s .» 60/66 P J f f * * - KI I 2 ‘t 18 PGM 5 III

    OCR Scan
    JjZ47 SM6GZ47 SM6JZ47 50Hz/60Hz, H-101 XPS-AC H-17 H-18 SM6GZ47A SM6JZ47 SM6JZ47A 2-80D2A 1C33A PDF


    Abstract: 400n06 L 26400 IC
    Text: FU JI 2-Pack IGBT 600 V 400 A 2MBI 400N-060 [lILMëüMlE IGBT MODULE N series Outline Drawing • Features • • • • • • Square RBSOA Low Saturation Voltage Less Total Power Dissipation Improved FWD Characteristic M inimized Internal Stray Inductance

    OCR Scan
    400N-060 AMP110 D-60528 400N-060 400n06 L 26400 IC PDF