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    Abstract: IEEE996 IEEE-996 J5-36 AIM104-IN16 LK11 LK17 dc modul 47
    Text: 2192-08695-000-000 Faxabruf-Nr.: 10004 AIM104-IN16 Einführung AIM104-IN16 ist ein 8-Bit-PC/104-Modul mit 16 optoisolierten Eingängen, das zwischen Ihrem mit einem PC/104-Modul bestückten Steuersystem und dem überwachten elektrischen System eine galvanische Trennung von bis zu 1500 V ermöglicht. Die Trennung zwischen

    AIM104-IN16 AIM104-IN16 8-Bit-PC/104-Modul PC/104-Modul AIM104-IN16-DC/DC AIM104-IN16-Modul J536 IEEE996 IEEE-996 J5-36 LK11 LK17 dc modul 47 PDF


    Abstract: 16C550 Framatome Connectors 14 PIN
    Text: AIM104-COM8 8 Channel RS232 PC/104 Board Technical Manual AIM104-COM8 Technical Manual Introduction Definitions Arcom is the trading name for Arcom Control Systems Inc and Arcom Control Systems Ltd. Disclaimer The information in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. Arcom assumes no responsibility

    AIM104-COM8 RS232 PC/104 AIM104-COM8 16C550 Framatome Connectors 14 PIN PDF


    Abstract: Philips SJA1000 standalone CAN SJA1000 application note DRIVING A BI-COLOUR LED Circuit J552 TARGET188EB SJA1000 ECR333 Aim104 82C200
    Text: J552 AIM104-CAN 2192-09556-000-000 AIM104-CAN Introduction The AIM104-CAN is an 8-bit PC/104 module providing a single channel, optically isolated, Controller Area Network CAN interface. In addition, the board is fitted with an E²PROM for configuration information and an output port for driving three bi-colour LED’s.

    AIM104-CAN AIM104-CAN PC/104 ISO11898) SJA1000 ISO9001 Philips SJA1000 standalone CAN SJA1000 application note DRIVING A BI-COLOUR LED Circuit J552 TARGET188EB ECR333 Aim104 82C200 PDF


    Abstract: AIM104 AIM104-IO32 IEEE996 J538 Arcom Arcom scb J5-37
    Text: J537 AIM104-IO32 2192-09782-000-000 AIM104- IO32 Montagebausatz Zu jedem AIM104 wird ein Montagebausatz für den Einbau mitgeliefert. Behandlung der Module Alle AIM104-Module enthalten CMOS-Bauteile, die durch elektrostatische Entladungen zerstört werden können. Deshalb sind beim Umgang mit den Karten stets Vorkehrungen zur Vermeidung

    AIM104-IO32 AIM104- AIM104 AIM104-Module AIM104-Produkt ISO9001 J537 AIM104-IO32 IEEE996 J538 Arcom Arcom scb J5-37 PDF


    Abstract: AIM104 J538 AIM104-RELAY
    Text: J540 AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 2192-09779-000-000 AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 Montagebausatz Zu jedem AIM104 wird ein Montagebausatz für den Einbau mitgeliefert. Behandlung der Module Alle AIM104-Module enthalten CMOS-Bauteile, die durch elektrostatische Entladungen zerstört

    AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 AIM104 AIM104-Module AIM104-Produkt ISO9001 J559 J538 AIM104-RELAY PDF


    Abstract: PG12864LRS-ANN-H PG12864ARS-ANN-G PG12864 pg240128lrs-ata-h hitachi lmg7420plfc-x LMG7421PLBC equivalent LMG7422PLFF MGLS-24064 PG240128
    Text: J572 AIM104 KEYDISP 2192-09005-000-000 AIM104-KEYDISP Introduction The AIM104-KEYDISP is a PC/104 Form Factor module which provides matrix keypad and Liquid Crystal Display interfaces to a PC/104 processor board. Features • • • • • • • • • 8 bit PC/104 interface.

    AIM104 AIM104-KEYDISP AIM104-KEYDISP PC/104 HD44780 HD61830B T6963C ISO9001 LMG7421PLBC PG12864LRS-ANN-H PG12864ARS-ANN-G PG12864 pg240128lrs-ata-h hitachi lmg7420plfc-x LMG7421PLBC equivalent LMG7422PLFF MGLS-24064 PG240128 PDF


    Abstract: AIM104-VGA-CRT AIM104-VGA cvbs video frame grabber ELAN-104 AIM104 camera cmos IMAGE board" mtbf "frame grabber" Arcom Control Systems
    Text: J612 AIM104-VIDEO 2192-09696-000-000 AIM104-VIDEO Assembly Kit Each AIM104 Module is supplied with a mounting kit to secure the module. Handling All AIM104s contain CMOS devices which could be damaged in the event of static electricity being charged through them. At all times please observe anti static precautions when handling the board

    AIM104-VIDEO AIM104 AIM104s AIM104-VIDEO ISO9001 AIM104-VGA-CRT AIM104-VGA cvbs video frame grabber ELAN-104 camera cmos IMAGE board" mtbf "frame grabber" Arcom Control Systems PDF

    5v relay 8 pin

    Abstract: 5V RELAY relay 5v relay 48v dc 5V relay 220v ac 5v relay pin AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 relay 5v datasheet relay 8 pin 5v relay 5 pin
    Text: J540 AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 2192-09780-000-000 AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 Assembly Kit Each AIM104 module is supplied with a mounting kit to secure the module. Handling All AIM104’s contain CMOS devices which could be damaged in the event of static electricity being discharged through them. At all times please observe anti-static precautions when handling the

    AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 AIM104 AIM104s AIM104. EXAMP-01 ISO9001 5v relay 8 pin 5V RELAY relay 5v relay 48v dc 5V relay 220v ac 5v relay pin AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 relay 5v datasheet relay 8 pin 5v relay 5 pin PDF

    arcom pc104

    Abstract: TARGET188EB Arcom aim104 ser4 TARGET-188EB AIM104-IN16 AIM104-SER4 AIM104-IO32 arcom 4 port serial card AIM104-RELAY AIM104-ADC16
    Text: 2192-09193-000-000 AIM104-Software Library Software A Utility Disk is supplied with your AIM104. It contains a host of software utilities designed specifically for each AIM104. Please refer to the README.TXT file on the disk for further information. It also includes a test program EXAMP-01.EXE which may be used to confirm access to the board.

    AIM104-Software AIM104. EXAMP-01 PC104 arcom pc104 TARGET188EB Arcom aim104 ser4 TARGET-188EB AIM104-IN16 AIM104-SER4 AIM104-IO32 arcom 4 port serial card AIM104-RELAY AIM104-ADC16 PDF


    Abstract: TARGET-188EB TARGET188EB J580 HD63140 Arcom Control Systems aim104-pulse 386ex interrupt SBC 104 AIM104-PULSE TARGET386EX
    Text: J580 AIM104-PULSE 2192-09333-000-000 AIM104-PULSE Technical Manual Product Information Full information about other Arcom products is available via the Fax-on-Demand System, Telephone Numbers are listed below , or by contacting our WebSite in the UK at: or in the US at:

    AIM104-PULSE SBC-104) PC/104 AIM104-Pulse. HD63140CP TARGET-188EB TARGET188EB J580 HD63140 Arcom Control Systems aim104-pulse 386ex interrupt SBC 104 AIM104-PULSE TARGET386EX PDF


    Abstract: AIM104-RTC TCXO mtbf P996 AIM014-RTC-HS AIM104 AIM104-RTC-HS IEEE996 LK1b Arcom
    Text: 2192-09192-000-000 AIM104- RTC Assembly Kit Each AIM104 module is supplied with a mounting kit to secure the module. Handling All AIM104’s contain CMOS devices which could be damaged in the event of static electricity being discharged through them. At all times please observe anti-static precautions when handling the

    AIM104- AIM104 AIM104s AIM104. EXAMP-01 037-AH AIM104-RTC TCXO mtbf P996 AIM014-RTC-HS AIM104-RTC-HS IEEE996 LK1b Arcom PDF

    24v 8 channel Relay driver

    Abstract: 5v relay 8 pin 5 pin relay NO NC working of 8 pin relay Arcom Control Systems relay 5v 5 pin DC 5V relay 220v ac relay 5v 6 pin 5 pin pcb relay DATA ABOUT RELAY SWITCH
    Text: 2192-09187-000-000 AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 Assembly Kit Each AIM104 module is supplied with a mounting kit to secure the module. Handling All AIM104’s contain CMOS devices which could be damaged in the event of static electricity being discharged through them. At all times please observe anti-static precautions when handling the

    AIM104-RELAY8/IN8 AIM104 AIM104s AIM104. EXAMP-01 24v 8 channel Relay driver 5v relay 8 pin 5 pin relay NO NC working of 8 pin relay Arcom Control Systems relay 5v 5 pin DC 5V relay 220v ac relay 5v 6 pin 5 pin pcb relay DATA ABOUT RELAY SWITCH PDF

    Realtek RTL8019AS

    Abstract: 10BASE5 RTL8019AS RSET8019 rom 93c46 AIM104-ETHER J604 93C46 arcom NE2000
    Text: 2192-10030-000-000 AIM104- ETHER Warning Handling This board contains static sensitive devices. Observe anti-static precautions at all times. Unpacking and installation of the board should be undertaken in an anti-static working area. Electrostatic Handling

    AIM104- AIM104-ETHER 16-bit IEEE8002 10-Base-T NE2000 ISO9001 Realtek RTL8019AS 10BASE5 RTL8019AS RSET8019 rom 93c46 J604 93C46 arcom PDF


    Abstract: SERT-485 TARGET188EB J601 SCR BRX 49 PIN LC1 D12 wiring diagram TARGET-188EB of 16450 UART ddtr SERT 485
    Text: J601 AIM104-COM4 2192-08963-000-000 AIM104-COM4 The AIM104-COM4 is an 8 or 16-bit PC/104 module providing up to four 16c550 type serial asynchronous communications channels: two of optically isolated RS422 or RS485 and two of nonisolated RS232. Features • 4 off 16C550 compatible UART channels. Referred to as channels A, B, C & D

    AIM104-COM4 AIM104-COM4 16-bit PC/104 16c550 RS422 RS485 RS232. SERT-485 TARGET188EB J601 SCR BRX 49 PIN LC1 D12 wiring diagram TARGET-188EB of 16450 UART ddtr SERT 485 PDF


    Abstract: SCR BRX 49 PIN J601 TARGET188EB SERT-485 16C550 AIM104-COM4 LK11 ST16C554 PIN SCR BRX 49
    Text: J601 AIM104-COM4 2192-09838-000-000 AIM104-COM4 Die AIM104-COM4 ist ein PC/104-Modul mit 8 oder 16 Bit, das bis zu vier serielle asynchrone Kommunikationskanäle des Typs 16C550 bietet: zwei optoisolierte RS422 oder RS485 und zwei nicht isolierte RS232. Merkmale

    AIM104-COM4 AIM104-COM4 PC/104-Modul 16C550 RS422 RS485 RS232. 16C550-kompatible RS422/485-Anschl widerstandsnetzwerke SCR BRX 49 PIN J601 TARGET188EB SERT-485 LK11 ST16C554 PIN SCR BRX 49 PDF


    Abstract: AIM104-MULTI-IO AIM104-MULTI IEEE996 J541 AIM10
    Text: 2192-08695-000-000 Faxabruf-Nr.: 10014 AIM104-MULTI-IO Einführung AIM104-MULTI-IO ist ein 8-Bit-PC/104-Modul mit 8 optoisolierten digitalen Eingängen, 2 analogen Ausgängen Spannungs- oder Stromschleife und 16 unsymmetrischen oder 8 analogen Differentialeingängen, das zwischen Ihrem mit einem PC/104-Modul bestückten Steuersystem und

    AIM104-MULTI-IO AIM104-MULTI-IO 8-Bit-PC/104-Modul PC/104-Modul AIM104-ADC16/IN8 AIM104-DAC2/IN8 AIM104-MULTI-IO-Modul AIM104-ADC16 AIM104-MULTI IEEE996 J541 AIM10 PDF


    Abstract: Arcom Control Systems AIM104 IEEE996 J538
    Text: 2192-09210-000-000 AIM104-OUT16 Montagebausatz Zu jedem AIM104 wird ein Montagebausatz für den Einbau mitgeliefert. Behandlung der Module Alle AIM104-Module enthalten CMOS-Bauteile, die durch elektrostatische Entladungen zerstört werden können. Deshalb sind beim Umgang mit den Karten stets Vorkehrungen zur Vermeidung

    AIM104-OUT16 AIM104 AIM104-Module AIM104-Produkt AIM104-OUT16 Arcom Control Systems IEEE996 J538 PDF


    Abstract: Arcom Control Systems AIM104 IEEE996 J536 5-Channel CMOS Electronic Switch 32 CHANNEL IN PUT ISOLATION MODULE lk13
    Text: 2192-09185-000-000 AIM104-IN16 Assembly Kit Each AIM104 module is supplied with a mounting kit to secure the module. Handling All AIM104s contain CMOS devices which could be damaged in the event of static electricity being discharged through them. At all times please observe anti-static precautions when handling the

    AIM104-IN16 AIM104 AIM104s AIM104. EXAMP-01 AIM104-IN16 Arcom Control Systems IEEE996 J536 5-Channel CMOS Electronic Switch 32 CHANNEL IN PUT ISOLATION MODULE lk13 PDF


    Abstract: AIM104 CL-GD5429 arcom AIM104-VGA-CRT TARGET188EB Anzeigentreiber Grafik Controller J576AIM104-VGA-CRT
    Text: J576 AIM104-VGA-CRT 2192-09526-000-000 AIM104 - VGA -CRT Einführung Die AIM104 -VGA-CRT ist eine Hochleistungs-Super VGA Grafik PC/104 Formfaktor-Karte für den Gebrauch mit auf PC/104 basierenden Prozessorsystemen. Dieses Produkt basiert auf dem CIRRUS LOGIC GD5429 True Colour VGA Controller.

    AIM104-VGA-CRT AIM104 PC/104 GD5429 15-poligen 16-Wege ISO9001 TARGET-188EB CL-GD5429 arcom AIM104-VGA-CRT TARGET188EB Anzeigentreiber Grafik Controller J576AIM104-VGA-CRT PDF


    Abstract: 4x4 keypad sample code c language pg240128lrs-ata-h 8x8 matrix keypad c LMG7421PLBC equivalent hitachi lmg7420plfc-x PG24064LRS-FTA-H mgls240128t MGLS-24064 LMG7422PLFF
    Text: J572 AIM104 KEYDISP 2192-09972-000-000 AIM104-KEYDISP Introduction The AIM104-KEYDISP is a PC/104 Form Factor module which provides matrix keypad and Liquid Crystal Display interfaces to a PC/104 processor board. Features • • • • • • • • • 8 bit PC/104 interface.

    AIM104 AIM104-KEYDISP AIM104-KEYDISP PC/104 HD44780 HD61830B T6963C ISO9001 LMG7421PLBC 4x4 keypad sample code c language pg240128lrs-ata-h 8x8 matrix keypad c LMG7421PLBC equivalent hitachi lmg7420plfc-x PG24064LRS-FTA-H mgls240128t MGLS-24064 LMG7422PLFF PDF


    Abstract: RTL8019AS IEEE8002 AIM104-ETHER RSET8019 RTL8019AS applications note rom 93c46 rtl8019 93C46 J604
    Text: 2192-09335-000-000 AIM104- ETHER Warning Handling This board contains static sensitive devices. Observe anti-static precautions at all times. Unpacking and installation of the board should be undertaken in an anti-static working area. Electrostatic Handling

    AIM104- AIM104-ETHER 16-bit IEEE8002 10-Base-T NE2000 REALTEK RTL8019AS RTL8019AS RSET8019 RTL8019AS applications note rom 93c46 rtl8019 93C46 J604 PDF


    Abstract: J537 Arcom Control Systems Arcom scb AIM104 IEEE996 J538 IEEE-996
    Text: 2192-09189-000-000 AIM104- IO32 Assembly Kit Each AIM104 module is supplied with a mounting kit to secure the module. Handling All AIM104’s contain CMOS devices which could be damaged in the event of static electricity being discharged through them. At all times please observe anti-static precautions when handling the

    AIM104- AIM104 AIM104s AIM104. EXAMP-01 AIM104-IO32 J537 Arcom Control Systems Arcom scb IEEE996 J538 IEEE-996 PDF

    T6963C LCD

    Abstract: PC104 matrix keypad T6963C HD61830B lcd 4 x 20 HD44780 hd44780 LCD 4 20 AIM104-KEYDISP HD44780 T6963C 128
    Text: PC104 PC104 PC104 AIM104-KEYDISP Matrix Keypad and LCD Interface Module Features 8-bit PC/104 interface for connection to CPU platform, plus LCD and matrix keypad interface via a 50-way ribbon cable Supports Alphanumeric LCD's up to 4 x 20 characters HD44780 controller

    PC104 PC104 AIM104-KEYDISP PC/104 50-way HD44780 HD61830B T6963C 4/12/16-key T6963C LCD matrix keypad lcd 4 x 20 HD44780 hd44780 LCD 4 20 AIM104-KEYDISP T6963C 128 PDF

    Arcom Control Systems

    Abstract: ACE-SBC104 AIM104-SER4LP 486SXL Arcom 486SXLC2-50
    Text: 2192-09006-000-000 ACE-SBC104 6 PN Number: 33 0P N Product fS Issue Date: 12.01.98 Ref. No.: T99888 ACE-SBC104 Circulation: General Introduction ACE-SBC104 is a platform for Industrial Control using Arcom target processor boards with AIM104 I/O modules. ACE-SBC104 key features are:

    OCR Scan
    ACE-SBC104 T99888 ACE-SBC104 AIM104 24VDC PC/104 RS232 386SX-25 Arcom Control Systems AIM104-SER4LP 486SXL Arcom 486SXLC2-50 PDF