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    Silver Telecom Ltd AG2120-S

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    DigiKey AG2120-S Tray 72 1
    • 1 $13
    • 10 $12.5
    • 100 $12
    • 1000 $11.00002
    • 10000 $10.5
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    Newark AG2120-S Bulk 87 1
    • 1 $13.5
    • 10 $13.5
    • 100 $13.5
    • 1000 $13.5
    • 10000 $13.5
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    Silver Telecom Ltd EVALAG2120

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    DigiKey EVALAG2120 Box 4 1
    • 1 $142.86
    • 10 $142.86
    • 100 $142.86
    • 1000 $142.86
    • 10000 $142.86
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    Newark EVALAG2120 Bulk 2 1
    • 1 $148.57
    • 10 $148.57
    • 100 $148.57
    • 1000 $148.57
    • 10000 $148.57
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    Symmetry Electronics EVALAG2120 1
    • 1 $129.88
    • 10 $129.88
    • 100 $129.88
    • 1000 $129.88
    • 10000 $129.88
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    Schneider Electric ZB5AG212

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    DigiKey ZB5AG212 Box 3 1
    • 1 $93.99
    • 10 $90
    • 100 $90
    • 1000 $90
    • 10000 $90
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    Mouser Electronics ZB5AG212
    • 1 $89.72
    • 10 $84.54
    • 100 $79.8
    • 1000 $79.8
    • 10000 $79.8
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    Newark ZB5AG212 Bulk 1
    • 1 $85.16
    • 10 $72.76
    • 100 $57.47
    • 1000 $56.23
    • 10000 $56.23
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    RS ZB5AG212 Bulk 1 Weeks 1
    • 1 $93.31
    • 10 $93.31
    • 100 $93.31
    • 1000 $93.31
    • 10000 $93.31
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    OMRON Industrial Automation A22NK-3RB-01DA-G212

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    DigiKey A22NK-3RB-01DA-G212 Bulk
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    OMRON Industrial Automation A22NK-3RM-01CA-G212

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    AG212 Datasheets (1)

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    transistor tba 222

    Abstract: 14n201k varistor dmb transistor voicepump 14n201k ag2120 ag2120 interface PTC CB 2-4 Wire converter PTD3A350H26
    Text: V2.0October 2002 Advance data Sheet Silver TELECOM Ag2120 FULLY FEATURED P S T N IN T E R F A C E FEATURES • A highly featured PSTN Interface COIC, FXO, DAA, Trunk Interface in a single DIL or 12mm high SIL device. • +5V or +3.3V supply. TIP RING V IN

    Ag2120 EN60950/UL1950, transistor tba 222 14n201k varistor dmb transistor voicepump 14n201k ag2120 ag2120 interface PTC CB 2-4 Wire converter PTD3A350H26 PDF


    Abstract: Ag2120S ag2120 interface 18V10 TR600-150 STLC5046 TVB200SA AN2120
    Text: Silver Interfacing Ag2120 to STM STLC5046 TELECOM +3.3V R1 Vcc DMa STM STLC5046 DMb Vin AG2120 PTC TIP VFRO0 100nF LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING DX DR FS MCLK TSX Control Ports Vout PCM Interface VFXI0 100nF For 600Ω application: R1 = 390k Zb1 = 100k Zb2 = 0R Zb3 = not fitted

    Ag2120 STLC5046 AG2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA Ag2120S ag2120 interface 18V10 TR600-150 STLC5046 TVB200SA AN2120 PDF


    Abstract: 100nF ag2120 interface 1N4004 BZT03C82 CMX850 TR600-150 TVB200SA ptc 100k
    Text: Silver Modem Interface using Ag2120 and Ag1170 +3.3V TELECOM 100pF 390K CMX850 Vcc DMa DMb LINERXF 100K Ag2120 100K 100nF LSC RS F/R LC RING VBIAS 0.33µF Vin Typical Protection: PTC: TR600-150 Raychem X1: TVB200SA (Raychem) ZB ZT2 GND ZT1 LINETXP 100nF

    Ag2120 Ag1170 100pF CMX850 Ag2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA 100nF ag2120 interface 1N4004 BZT03C82 CMX850 TR600-150 TVB200SA ptc 100k PDF


    Abstract: AN2120 ptc application note raychem RD 600R TR600-150 TVB200SA
    Text: Silver DAA using Ag2120 and AK2304 TELECOM +5V 390k Vcc DMa DMb AK2304 56K Ag2120 G12 CH1 56K G11 Vout 100nF PTC TA1 TIP LSC Central Office Line + 4.7uF RS X1 TG1 TD PCM BUS RD F/R LC RING TSYNC RA1 Vin 100nF GND ZB ZT2 ZT1 ZB1 ZT ZC ZB2 300R 47K 0R 100K RG1

    Ag2120 AK2304 Ag2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA AN2120-17v1-2 AN2120 ptc application note raychem RD 600R TR600-150 TVB200SA PDF


    Abstract: 47mH 4.7mh notch filter ag2120 interface B78108-S pstn
    Text: Silver Meter Pulse Reject Filter TELECOM Line Interface Ag2120 Ag2110 C1 Tip Tip For 12kHz Notch Filter C1, C2 = 39nF, 5% L1, L2 = 4.7mH, 5%, eg. Epcos B78108-S L1 PSTN L2 protection circuit C2 Ring Ring For 16kHz Notch Filter C1, C2 = 22nF, 5% L1, L2 = 4.7mH, 5%, eg. Epcos B78108-S

    Ag2120 Ag2110 12kHz B78108-S 16kHz CMX631 23dBm/10Vrms) ag2120 47mH 4.7mh notch filter ag2120 interface B78108-S pstn PDF


    Abstract: AN2120 TR600-150
    Text: Interfacing AG2120 to Atelic CODEC +3.3V R1 100pF AT8*45 Vcc DMa DMb 100k AG2120 PTC TIP Central Office Line Vout 100nF 100k LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING Vin Zb1 For 600Ω application: R1 = 390k Zb1 = 100k Zb2 = 0R Zb3 = not fitted ZT = 300R ZC = 47k C1, C2 = 100nF

    AG2120 100pF AG2120 100nF TR600-150 TVR200SA AN2120-6 AN2120 TR600-150 PDF


    Abstract: ag2120 AN2120 ag2120 interface AG1170 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150 TVB200SA
    Text: Modem Interface using Ag2120 and Ag1170 +3.3V 390K 100pF CMX868/869 DMa DMb Vcc 10uF RXAFB Ag2120 PTC RLY-1 RXAN Vout RXA TIP Central Office Line 100K 100K 100nF LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING 100nF VBIAS RLY-2 TXA IRQN REPLY DATA CSN SERIAL CLOCK COMMAND DATA Vin

    Ag2120 Ag1170 100pF CMX868/869 Ag2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA rly1 AN2120 ag2120 interface AG1170 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150 TVB200SA PDF

    SLIC and TIP and RING

    Abstract: Ag2120S AG1170 RM 1206 1170s AN2120 TPP25011 Ag1170S
    Text: Dual Layout of Ag2120S & Ag1170S COIC connections and components are shown in brackets [ ] [ZT] [ZC] [ZB] Pin Outs 1170S SLIC 2120S COIC RING [RING] TIP [TIP] F/R [Cathode] RM [Anode] SHK [Gate] ZT1 [DMB] ZT2 [DMB] - - - - - - - - ZB [LC] VIN [VIN] VOUT [VOUT]

    Ag2120S Ag1170S 1170S 2120S TPP25011 Ag1170P TPP25011 AN2120-3 SLIC and TIP and RING Ag2120S AG1170 RM 1206 AN2120 Ag1170S PDF


    Abstract: CMX867 TR600-150 TVB200SA AN2120
    Text: Silver DAA using Ag2120 and CMX867 +5V Vcc TELECOM 390k DMa 100pF DMb CMX867 CML Microcircuits Ag2120 100K RXAN Vout 100nF PTC TIP Central Office Line 100K RXA VBIAS LSC RS X1 0.33µF F/R LC RING Host µC Vin TXA 100nF IRQN REPLY DATA GND ZB ZT2 ZT1 300R 47K

    Ag2120 CMX867 100pF Ag2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA AN2120-13v1-0 CMX867 TR600-150 TVB200SA AN2120 PDF


    Abstract: 14n201k 14n201 ag2120 JVR14N jvr varistor JVR-14 AG2120d VZ14D voicepump
    Text: V2.92 August 2009 Datasheet Silvertel Ag2120 FULLY FEATURED PSTN INTERFACE FEATURES Pb ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ • Approved to: EN 60950-1:2001 IEC60950-1: First Edition 2001 AS/NZ60950-1: 2003 UL60950-1: 2003 1st Edition CSA 22.2 No.60950-1-03 1st Edition ¾ ¾

    Ag2120 Ag2120S 14n201k 14n201 ag2120 JVR14N jvr varistor JVR-14 AG2120d VZ14D voicepump PDF

    yageo rc06

    Abstract: yageo RC06 series UL1950 insulation clearance KP1010S E169586 Ag2120S opto coupler kp1010 by 641 ATS324-A
    Text: Notes for the safety approval of Silver Telecom Ag2120S All references are to UL1950 3rd edition The Ag2120S is designed to provide an insulation barrier from its telephone port, which is classed as TNV, and various parts of the user’s equipment. These are :1 A basic insulation barrier to unearthed accessible parts as required by

    Ag2120S UL1950 Ag2120S ATS324-A E159603. KP4010S. E169586 KP1010S. RPC25. yageo rc06 yageo RC06 series UL1950 insulation clearance KP1010S E169586 opto coupler kp1010 by 641 PDF

    fsk modem

    Abstract: ag2120 AN2120 fsk modem ic TR600-150 TVB200SA data tx
    Text: Interfacing AG2120 to FSK Modem +3.3V Vcc R1 DMa AG2120 PTC TIP CO LINE FSK TONES DMb FSK MODEM Vout RX RX DATA TX TX DATA 100nF LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING Vin 100nF Zb1 For 600Ω application: R1 = 390k Zb1 = 100k Zb2 = 0R Zb3 = not fitted ZT = 300R ZC = 47k C1, C2 = 100nF

    AG2120 AG2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA AN2120-14v1-0 fsk modem AN2120 fsk modem ic TR600-150 TVB200SA data tx PDF


    Abstract: pabx systems ag2120 interface pstn sil coic
    Text: Ag2120 V1.1 September 09 Fully Featured PSTN Interface extra external components and has been specifically designed for ease of use that aids a reduced time to market. The Ag2120 is designed for all applications, including those where there is a high level of

    Ag2120 Ag2120 pabx systems ag2120 interface pstn sil coic PDF


    Abstract: 2120d ic AG2120d ring ic SLIC and TIP and RING 13VOUT AG2120d vin AN2120 iC-nc 16C-B
    Text: Dual Layout of Ag2120D & Ag1170D COIC connections are shown in brackets [ ] RB RC RD Pin Outs 1170D SLIC 2120D COIC TIP [TIP] RING [RING] IC NC [Cathode] PD [Anode] NC [Dma] NC [Dmb] RM [Gate] GNDA [GNDA] VA [Vcc] ZT2 [ZT2] ZT1 [ZT1] Zb [Zb] Vin [Vin] NC

    Ag2120D Ag1170D 1170D 2120D AN2120-2 2120D 2120d ic AG2120d ring ic SLIC and TIP and RING 13VOUT AG2120d vin AN2120 iC-nc 16C-B PDF


    Abstract: vinetic AG212 PEB3394 TR600-150 TVB200SA 680R TR600-150 Raychem vinetic application AN2120
    Text: Silver Interfacing Ag2120 to Infineon VINETIC TELECOM +3.3V R1 Vcc DMa DMb PEB3394 Channel A AG2120 PTC Vin ACPA 100nF ACNA TIP LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING 100nF MCU 4k7 Vout ITACA 100nF For 600Ω application: R1 = 390k Zb1 = 100k Zb2 = 0R Zb3 = not fitted ZT = 300R

    Ag2120 PEB3394 AG2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA AN2120-16v1-1 vinetic AG212 PEB3394 TR600-150 TVB200SA 680R TR600-150 Raychem vinetic application AN2120 PDF

    PTC 10k

    Abstract: ptc resistor AG2120 10k VR AK2301 resistor 10k raychem resistor 47k 24V10 AN2120
    Text: Interfacing Ag2120 to AK2301 +5V 390k Vcc DMa AK2301 100pF DMb GST Ag2120 20k * VFTN Vout PTC 100nF 10k VFTP TIP VREF LSC Central Office Line RS X1 1µF F/R LC RING PCM DATA Vin GSR 10k * 100nF GND ZB ZT2 ZT1 VFR 100k VR 100pF 300R Host µC 10k 47k Typical Protection:

    Ag2120 AK2301 100pF Ag2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA PTC 10k ptc resistor 10k VR AK2301 resistor 10k raychem resistor 47k 24V10 AN2120 PDF


    Abstract: ag2120 interface rly1 40V10 AG1170-D5 AN1170-4 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150
    Text: Modem Interface using Ag1170 and Ag2120 +3.3V 390K 100pF CMX868/869 DMa DMb Vcc 10uF RXAFB Ag2120 PTC RLY-1 RXAN Vout RXA TIP Central Office Line 100K 100K 100nF LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING 100nF VBIAS RLY-2 TXA IRQN REPLY DATA CSN SERIAL CLOCK COMMAND DATA Vin

    Ag1170 Ag2120 100pF CMX868/869 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA ag2120 ag2120 interface rly1 40V10 AG1170-D5 AN1170-4 ptc application note 1N4004 BZT03C82 TR600-150 PDF


    Abstract: SLIC AN2120 ag1171 Ag2120S
    Text: AN2120-25: Dual Layout of Ag2120S & Ag1171S COIC connections are shown in brackets [ ] RB RC RD Pin Outs 1171S SLIC 2120S COIC RING [RING] TIP [TIP] F/R [Cathode] RM [Anode] SHK [Gate] - [Dmb] - [Dma] - - - - - - - - - [LC] Vin [Vin] Vout [Vout] - [LSC] GPWR

    AN2120-25: Ag2120S Ag1171S 1171S 2120S AN2120-25v1-0 AG1171S SLIC AN2120 ag1171 Ag2120S PDF


    Abstract: ag2120 interface 821054 ag2120 220NF 600R VDDA12
    Text: Interfacing Ag2120 to IDT821054 ZT +5V 100nF ZC 100nF ZB R1 Ag2120 DMB ZB C1 VIN 220nF RING Protection Circuit C2 VTR R1 = 390k ZB = 100k ZC = 47k ZT = 300R C13 = 100nF C1, C2 = 220nF C9 = 47pF C14 = 10uF VOUT1 VOUT V REF Silver Component values for 600R impedance

    Ag2120 IDT821054 100nF Ag2120 220nF VDDA12 VDDA34 IDT821054 ag2120 interface 821054 220NF 600R PDF


    Abstract: AN2120 AG212
    Text: Parallel phone detect circuit for Ag2120 Applications Note: AN2120-9

    Ag2120 AN2120-9 ag2120 AN2120 AG212 PDF

    Legerity LE58QL021

    Abstract: ag2120 ag2120 interface LE58QL021 AN2120 l021 600R CD11 CD21
    Text: Interfacing Ag2120 to Legerity QSLAC ZT ZC Le58QL021 is a quad device. Only one channel is shown for clarity. ZB ZT1 DMA R1 ZB ZT2 Ag2120 DMB C1 VIN C2 TIP VOUT RING Protection Circuit Protection circuit depends upon precise application VOUT1 VIN1 LSC CD11

    Ag2120 Le58QL021 Ag2120 Le58QL021 100nF AN2120-8v1-1 Legerity LE58QL021 ag2120 interface AN2120 l021 600R CD11 CD21 PDF


    Abstract: ag2120 interface TR600-150 si11 600R C 2120 Y ptc application note P2600SA PEB2266 SO10
    Text: Interfacing Ag2120 to Infineon PEB2266 ZT Z T2 DMa R1 DMb ZC Z T1 Zb Ag2120 Ag2120 Zb1 TIP PTC X1 RING Protection Circuit Protection circuit depends upon precise application Silver V IN C1 VOUT1 V OUT C2 VIN 1 RS SI1_0 LC SI1_1 LSC SO1_0 F/R SB1_0 PEB 2266

    Ag2120 PEB2266 Ag2120 100nF TR600-150 P2600SA AN2120-1 ag2120 interface TR600-150 si11 600R C 2120 Y ptc application note P2600SA PEB2266 SO10 PDF


    Abstract: LSC microcontroller W6810 600R C1-C13
    Text: Interfacing Ag2120 to Winbond W6810 ZT Protection circuit depends upon precise application ZC ZT1 DMA ZT2 ZB R1 Ag2120 DMB W6810 ZB C1 VIN RO- TIP RING Protection Circuit C2 V REF Silver Component values for 600R impedance R1 = 390k ZB = 100k ZC = 47k ZT = 300R

    Ag2120 W6810 Ag2120 100nF AN2120-5 LSC microcontroller W6810 600R C1-C13 PDF


    Abstract: LE78D11 TR600-150 TVB200SA
    Text: Interfacing AG2120 to Legerity Le78D11 +3.3V R1 +3.3V Vcc DMa DMb AG2120 PTC TIP Central Office Line Le78D11 1 of 2 channels Vout 100nF Vin1 Vout1 VCCA VCCD LSC RS F/R LC X1 RING +3.3V PCM I/F Vin 100nF Zb1 For 600Ω application: R1 = 390k Zb1 = 100k Zb2 = 0R

    AG2120 Le78D11 AG2120 100nF TR600-150 TVB200SA AN2120-11v1-0 LE78D11 TR600-150 TVB200SA PDF