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    ADCII00 Search Results

    ADCII00 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ADC14I ADC-17I
    Text: DUAL SLOPEAID CONVERTERS ADC-14I, A'DC-17I, ADCIIOO GENERAL DESCRIPTION Dual slope integrating AID converters perform a conversion by first integrating the input signal for.a fixed period of time, and then measuring the time required to return the integrator to

    ADC-14I, DC-17 ADC-141 ADC-171 ADC-141 ADC-171 ADC-14I ADC14I ADC-17I PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ~ ANALOG W DEVICES LowCost DualSlopeAID Converter FEATURES 3% BCD Digits or 11 Bits Plus Sign Accepts Bipolar or Unipolar Input Signals Requires Only +5V Power 4OdB Normal Mode Noise Rejection Analog Input Overvoltage Protected Automatic Zero Correction Can Drive Display and/or Feed Computer

    ADC1100 t200mV, ADC1100IBCD ADC1100lBIN 10000hms 100mV 300mV, ADCII00 PDF