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    AD2S46SD10 Search Results

    AD2S46SD10 Datasheets Context Search

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    c1740 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES U niv e rs a l T ra n s fo rm e r Isolated S y n c h ro /R e s o lv e r In terface S u p p o rts A ll th e S ta n d a rd S y n c h ro /R e s o lv e r V o ltag es H igh A ccuracy ov e r Full M ilita ry T e m p e ra tu re R ange W id e b a n d P erfo rm ance: 56 H z to 20,0 00 Hz

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    AD2S75A AD2S75SM c1740 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: magslip AD2S46SD10 SDC S1 S2 S3 osc1758 loop powered galvanic isolator 2S82 50 hz -20000 hz power amplifier transformer
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEA T U R E S Universal Transform er Isolated Synchro/Resolver Interface Su p p orts All the Standard Synchro/Resolver V oltages High Accuracy over Full M ilitary Temperature Range W ideband Performance: 56 Hz to 20,000 Hz N ot Achievable w ith Conventional Transformers

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    2S80/81/82, AD2S80A/81A/82A, AD2S46, AD2S44, AD2S75AM, AD2S75SMB 2s80 magslip AD2S46SD10 SDC S1 S2 S3 osc1758 loop powered galvanic isolator 2S82 50 hz -20000 hz power amplifier transformer PDF