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    Abstract: JH05 MARKING CODE N-CHANNEL MOS FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR 44 pin actel 1020b JEDEC-A113 ACTEL 1020B ACP55 smd U1p Jl03 JL-03
    Text: Quality & Reliability Guide February 2001 2001 Actel Corporation All Rights Reserved. Actel and the Actel logo are trademarks of Actel Corporation. All other brand or product names are the property of their respective owners. Contents 1. Overview of Actel’s Quality and Reliability Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1



    Abstract: transistor a1020 Actel A1020 ACTEL A1010 Actel a1280 LM95 A1020 transistor actel a1020b ACTEL A1280A RT14100
    Text: RADIATION PERFORMANCE OF ACTEL PRODUCTS J.J. Wang Technology Development Actel Corporation 408-522-4576 Rev7 November 8, 2000 1 I. TOTAL IONIZING DOSE (TID) PERFORMANCE Table I list the TID data of Actel products published in the open domain. Also included is the availability of each product.

    98-CJ4-009, RAD97] LM95A transistor a1020 Actel A1020 ACTEL A1010 Actel a1280 LM95 A1020 transistor actel a1020b ACTEL A1280A RT14100 PDF


    Abstract: rtax2000 RTSX32SU-CQ208E RTSX32SU-CQ84E 5962-0422101QXC rtax2000s-cq352e 5962-0422102QXC 5962-0422104QNA rtsx32su apa600-cq208b
    Text: DSCC Cross Reference Guide Table 1: Actel Part Numbers to DSCC Drawing Numbers Actel Part Number Devices A1010B A1020B Pin-Package 84-CPGA 84-CPGA 84-CQFP A1240A A1280A 132-CPGA 176-CPGA 172-CQFP A1280XL 176-CPGA 172-CQFP A1425A A1460A A14100A 132-CQFP 207-CPGA

    A1010B 84-CPGA A1010B-PG84B 5962-9096403MXC 5962-9096403MXA A1010B-1PG84B A1020B 5962-9096404MXC 5962-9096404MXA RTAX2000S rtax2000 RTSX32SU-CQ208E RTSX32SU-CQ84E 5962-0422101QXC rtax2000s-cq352e 5962-0422102QXC 5962-0422104QNA rtsx32su apa600-cq208b PDF


    Abstract: Actel a54sx72a tid A54SX72A TID
    Text: Actel FPGAs for Aerospace Applications When Failure is not an Option As a leading supplier of high reliability FPGAs, Actel offers programmable logic devices for a variety of high reliability applications ranging from commercial aviation and extreme environments to military

    1-888-99-ACTEL A1010B Actel a54sx72a tid A54SX72A TID PDF

    actel 1240a

    Abstract: TI1139 UI02 1280xl actel 1240xl 132 pga UJ-01 U1H-18 110E06 SI 1020A Actel A1225
    Text: Actel Device Reliability Report Actel’s field programmable gate arrays FPGAs are currently available in five product families—ACT 1, ACT 2, 1200XL, 3200DX, and ACT 3. The ACT 1 family consists of the A1010 and A1020, which are 1200- and 2000-gate FPGAs,

    1200XL, 3200DX, A1010 A1020, 2000-gate A1225, A1240, A1280 1200XL A1225XL, actel 1240a TI1139 UI02 1280xl actel 1240xl 132 pga UJ-01 U1H-18 110E06 SI 1020A Actel A1225 PDF


    Abstract: RQFP240 SI-EX-TCA Act2 FPGA CQFP 172 A1280A SDO RQFP208 06M7374 ACTEL A42MX09 PQFP208 RT1280A
    Text: Silicon Explorer II User's Guide Actel Corporation, Mountain View, CA 94043-4655 2003 Actel Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Part Number: 5029134-1 No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without

    ACT1/40MX Cqfp256 RQFP240 SI-EX-TCA Act2 FPGA CQFP 172 A1280A SDO RQFP208 06M7374 ACTEL A42MX09 PQFP208 RT1280A PDF


    Abstract: rt54sx32su silicon sculptor 3 54SX16A BP-1710 rt1280 Actel a1280 ACT2 A1280 AC225 A32140DX PQ208
    Text: Application Note AC225 Programming Antifuse Devices Introduction This document provides an overview of the various programming options available for the Actel antifuse families. In addition, it provides helpful information relating to programming failures, including measures

    AC225 RT54SX72SU rt54sx32su silicon sculptor 3 54SX16A BP-1710 rt1280 Actel a1280 ACT2 A1280 AC225 A32140DX PQ208 PDF

    Actel a1280

    Abstract: BP-1710 ACTEL A1010 rt1280 ACTEL A1010A Silicon Sculptor II bp1710 RT54SX72SU Actel A1020 Actel a1225xl
    Text: Application Note AC225 Programming Antifuse Devices Introduction This document provides an overview of the various programming options available for the Actel antifuse families. In addition, it provides helpful information relating to programming failures, including measures

    AC225 Actel a1280 BP-1710 ACTEL A1010 rt1280 ACTEL A1010A Silicon Sculptor II bp1710 RT54SX72SU Actel A1020 Actel a1225xl PDF

    ACTEL A1010

    Abstract: A1460 A1020 transistor AC109 A1010 A1415 A1425 A1440 actel a1240
    Text: Application Note AC109 Predicting the Power Dissipation of Actel FPGAs Introduction Calculating the power dissipation of field programmable gate arrays FPGAs is similar to using the calculations for other CMOS ASIC devices, such as gate arrays and standard cells.

    AC109 A1280/1280XL A1240/1240XL A1225/1225XL 1200XL ACTEL A1010 A1460 A1020 transistor AC109 A1010 A1415 A1425 A1440 actel a1240 PDF

    13001 s

    Abstract: 13001 datasheet 13001 JL-01 ACTEL 1020B RTSX32 B 13001 RTSX16 42MX09 1280A
    Text: Actel 4th Quarter 2000 Reliability Report 1 Table of Contents Page Reliability Test Matrix • Test Methods and Conditions Failure Rates • Failure Rates FITs Based For Current Process Data • Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) For Current Process Data 2

    1225XL, 1240XL, 1280XL, A1415, A1425, 14100BP, 32140DX, 32200DX 13001 s 13001 datasheet 13001 JL-01 ACTEL 1020B RTSX32 B 13001 RTSX16 42MX09 1280A PDF


    Abstract: rt1280 RT54SX32S-CQ208 RTSX72 RT1020-CQ84B aircraft logic gates RTSX72S RT1425 RT14100 RH1020-CQ84V
    Text: Civilian/Scientific Exploration Actel FPGAs for Space Applications Uncompromising in the Extreme Deep Space I Device Speed Grade Gates Logic Modules Available I/Os DSCC SMD Mars Surveyor RadHard RH1020-CQ84V Std 4,000 547 69 5962F90965 RH1280-CQ172V Std 16,000

    RH1020-CQ84V RH1280-CQ172V RH54SXxx-CQ256V 5962F90965 5962F92156 RT54SX16-CQ208 RT54SX16-CQ256 E1020 RH1280 RH1280 RT54SX72SCQ208 rt1280 RT54SX32S-CQ208 RTSX72 RT1020-CQ84B aircraft logic gates RTSX72S RT1425 RT14100 PDF


    Abstract: CQ208 CQ84 A32200DX PG176 RH1020B CQ196 CI624 A42MX36 dimensions A1240XL
    Text: Actel Hermetic Package Mechanical Cavity, weight, Lid size and Heat Sink size configuration Package Devices Cavity CQ84 CQ84 CQ84 CQ84 A1020B RT1020B RH1020B A32100DX Up Up Up Up Weight (grams) 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Lid (mils) 520x520 520x520 520x520 550x550 Head Sink

    CQ132 CQ172 CQ196 CQ208 CQ256 CQ84 A32200DX PG176 RH1020B CI624 A42MX36 dimensions A1240XL PDF


    Abstract: l815 l73a L61A L713 L-612 L814 l812 L313A AC105
    Text: Application Note AC105 Designing High-Speed ATM Switch Fabrics by Using Actel FPGAs The recent upsurge of interest in Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM is based on the recognition that it represents a new level of both speed and simplification in telecommunication networks. The most significant

    AC105 OUTP11 OUTP10 OUTP12 PADOUTP13 PADOUTP14 PADOUTP15 L510B l815 l73a L61A L713 L-612 L814 l812 L313A AC105 PDF

    transistor A1010

    Abstract: 1280xl 16-BIT SYNCHRONOUS COUNTER actel a1240
    Text: Appl i cat i on N ot e Predicting the Power Dissipation of Actel FPGAs Introduction Calculating the power dissipation of field programmable gate arrays FPGAs is similar to using the calculations for other CMOS ASIC devices, such as gate arrays and standard cells.

    frequencie373 1200XL transistor A1010 1280xl 16-BIT SYNCHRONOUS COUNTER actel a1240 PDF


    Abstract: RT54SX72SCQ208 RT1280A-CQ172 Actel A1020B RT54SX16S-CQ256B 30-80LET Single Event Latchup FPGA
    Text: Actel FPGAs for Space Applications Uncompromising in the Extreme n n n n n Total Dose Capabilities from 5Krads to 1M rad Latch-up Immune Device Capacities from 4,000 to 72,000 Available Gates Highly Reliable, Non-Volatile Antifuse Technology Meets the Most Stringent Quality

    1-888-99-ACTEL RT54SX32S-CQ208B RT54SX72SCQ208 RT1280A-CQ172 Actel A1020B RT54SX16S-CQ256B 30-80LET Single Event Latchup FPGA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Component Selector Guide April 1999 1999 Actel Corporation 1 Package Speed Grade SRAM Bits JTAG I/O 3.3 Volt 5 Volt PCI 5.0 Volt Tolerant at 3.3V VQ100 Std, –1, –2, –3 78 8,000 256 512 — — Yes Yes — — Yes PQ208 Std, –1, –2, –3 129 8,000

    A54SX08 VQ100 PQ208 TQ144 TQ176 Pl84 PDF

    transistor A1010

    Abstract: A1020 transistor ACTEL A1010 32140DX A1010 A1020 A1225A A1225XL A1240A A1240XL
    Text: Testing and Programming Actel Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGAs Testing has long been a struggle for users of masked gate arrays. To avoid board-level, system-level, or even possible field failures, the system designer must expend great effort in developing test vectors for gate array designs. Even after the



    Abstract: L17B AL211 L713
    Text: Appl i cat i on N ot e Designing High-Speed ATM Switch Fabrics by Using Actel FPGAs The recent upsurge of interest in Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM is based on the recognition that it represents a new level of both speed and simplification in telecommunication networks. The most significant



    Abstract: L61A L110 L111 l413 l812 L410A L77A L711B L713
    Text: Appl i cat i o n N ot e Designing High-Speed ATM Switch Fabrics by Using Actel FPGAs The recent upsurge of interest in Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM is based on the recognition that it represents a new level of both speed and simplification in telecommunication networks. The most significant

    OUTP10 OUTP11 OUTP12 PADOUTP13 PADOUTP14 PADOUTP15 L510B L61A L110 L111 l413 l812 L410A L77A L711B L713 PDF

    actel cqfp 84

    Abstract: actel a1020b RT1425A actel a1010b actel 172 cqfp
    Text: Package Options: User I/Os per Package January 1999 1999 Actel Corporation 1 Commercial/Industrial Devices RQFP VQFP TQFP BGA CPGA CQFP 129 172 172 125 176 34 57 69 69 72 83 72 72 57 125 125 152 125 176 176 202 176 176 202 57 78 112 129 78 144 78 112 144

    A54SX16P A42MX09 A54SX08 A54SX16 A54SX32 A42MX16 A42MX24 A42MX36 A32100DX A40MX02 actel cqfp 84 actel a1020b RT1425A actel a1010b actel 172 cqfp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACT 3 Field Programmable Gate Arrays Preliminary Features Description • The ACT 3 family, based on Actel’s proprietary PLICE antifuse technology and 0.8-micron double-metal, double-poly CMOS process, offers a high-performance programmable solution

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h /99, æ & c M ! ACT 3 Field Programmable Gate Arrays Features Preliminary Description 10 ns Clock-to-Output Times The ACT 3 family, based on Actel’s proprietary PLICE antifuse technology and 0.8-micron double-metal, double-poly CMOS process, offers a high-performance programmable solution

    OCR Scan
    133-Pin 160-Pin 207-Pln 208-Pln PDF

    pioneer PAL 005 A

    Abstract: K1603 FPGA 144 CPGA 172 PLCC ASIC VKS FPGA CQFP 106 8-bit interfacing ic 7447 AVNET uto 512 of 16-1 multiplexer BPW 40 pin connection in circuit
    Text: ACTLSOOl ACT 3 Field Programmable Gate Arrays Features Description • The ACT 3 family, based on Actel’s proprietary PLICE antifuse technology and 0.8-micron double-metal, double-poly CMOS process, offers a high-performance programmable solution capable of 167 MHz on-chip performance and 7.5 nanosecond

    OCR Scan
    20-pin pioneer PAL 005 A K1603 FPGA 144 CPGA 172 PLCC ASIC VKS FPGA CQFP 106 8-bit interfacing ic 7447 AVNET uto 512 of 16-1 multiplexer BPW 40 pin connection in circuit PDF

    abb timer stt 17 s

    Abstract: abb timer stt 11 ABB STT 117 L DN24b MXT 276 ABB STT 111 ABB STT 111 manual 4-bit even parity checker circuit diagram XOR CCTV DISTRIBUTION NETWORK diagram pra 1122
    Text: ACTEL CORP Æ 9 cM ! b?E D • D lT E M Tb DDDGflflD ACT 3 Field Programmable Gate Arrays f l 7 fl ■ ACT Preliminary Features Description • The ACT 3 family, based on A del’s proprietary PLICE antifuse technology and 0.8-micron double-metal, double-poly CMOS

    OCR Scan
    20-pin abb timer stt 17 s abb timer stt 11 ABB STT 117 L DN24b MXT 276 ABB STT 111 ABB STT 111 manual 4-bit even parity checker circuit diagram XOR CCTV DISTRIBUTION NETWORK diagram pra 1122 PDF