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    ACOPIAN Search Results

    ACOPIAN Datasheets (298)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    10EB120 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 10V Output Original PDF
    10EB24 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 10V Output Original PDF
    10EB40 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 10V Output Original PDF
    10EB75 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 10V Output Original PDF
    11EB100 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 11V Output Original PDF
    11EB22 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 11V Output Original PDF
    11EB35 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 11V Output Original PDF
    11EB60 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 11V Output Original PDF
    12EB120 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 12V Output Original PDF
    12EB20 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 12V Output Original PDF
    12EB40 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 12V Output Original PDF
    12EB70 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 12V Output Original PDF
    13EB100 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 13V Output Original PDF
    13EB20 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 13V Output Original PDF
    13EB35 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 13V Output Original PDF
    13EB60 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 13V Output Original PDF
    14EB100 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 14V Output Original PDF
    14EB20 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 14V Output Original PDF
    14EB30 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 14V Output Original PDF
    14EB50 Acopian Power Supplies AC to DC Power Supply, 14V Output Original PDF

    ACOPIAN Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Acopian Power Supply Model A24H1200

    Abstract: Acopian DB12-30 Acopian Power Supplies transistor marking code wm9 24EB60 Acopian DB15-50 p022h 15j100 B24G210 A24H1500
    Text: ALL ACOPIAN POWER SUPPLIES ARE MADE IN THE U.S.A. POWER SUPPLY SELECTION GUIDE 1 of 2 Shipped within 6 / 9 DAYS HIGH VOLTAGE REGULATED, AC-DC & DC-DC To 30 KV PAGE { 0-30 kV 1- 60 mA 30 - 60 watts MODULAR Single output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5



    Abstract: transistor marking code wm9 15j100 RETMA RAILS 15EB100 B24G350 Acopian Power Supplies A050MX120 12EB120 22J100
    Text: Increasing numbers of Acopian Power Supplies call for current information are now available with CE marking upon request. ALL ACOPIAN POWER SUPPLIES ARE MADE IN THE U.S.A. POWER SUPPLY SELECTION GUIDE (1 of 2) Shipped within 6 / 9 DAYS HIGH VOLTAGE REGULATED, AC-DC & DC-DC


    15j100 capacitor

    Abstract: W28NT1000 W48NT600 15j100 RETMA RAILS p022h P012H R36W MARKING CODE WM9 12EB70
    Text: ACOPIAN PROMISES TO SHIP WITHIN THREE DAYS Acopian P.O. Box 638 Easton, PA 18044-0638 . . . and we keep that promise. For more than 40 years, Acopian has been shipping AC to DC power modules within three days after receipt of an order. During this period, the Acopian line has expanded from



    Abstract: SL608 Acopian Power Supplies JD12-70 115v 400Hz JD12-40 JD15-40 JD15-70 JD15 JD15-100
    Text: OPIAN ALL AC ES UPPLI S P O WE R .A. S . U N I MADE PLUG-IN POWER SUPPLIES, Dual Tracking Outputs INSTALLATION AND OPERATION These Acopian Plug-in power supplies plug into standard 8-pin octal sockets order accessory Socket SL608 . As an option, they can alternately be

    SL608) JD5-75 JD5-150 JD12-40 JD12-70 JD12-100 JD15-40 JD15-70 JD15-100 Acopian SL608 Acopian Power Supplies JD12-70 115v 400Hz JD12-40 JD15-40 JD15-70 JD15 JD15-100 PDF

    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?


    diode td15

    Abstract: TD15-250 TD15-40 td15-100 TD15-450 FD15-50A TD12-250 TD15-850 LD12-100 K1723
    Text: POWER SUPPLIES - DUAL TRACKING OUTPUTS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Threaded holes on the bottom and one side surface may be used for mounting except, no side mounting on TH11 case size , or the supply may be rear mounted using the same holes that attach the rear cover plate. An accessory Mounting Kit (model GB8 for Gold Box power supplies or model NP6 for

    TD5-75 TD5-150 TD5-250 TD12-100 TD12-160 TD12-250 TD12-450 TD12-850 TD15-40 TD15-100 diode td15 TD15-250 TD15-40 td15-100 TD15-450 FD15-50A TD12-250 TD15-850 LD12-100 K1723 PDF

    Acopian Power Supply Model A24H1200

    Abstract: A24H1200 A28H800 A24H1500 A24MT550 a24h850 A24MT210 A24MT350 Acopian A12H1300 A10MT450
    Text: SERIES A POWER SUPPLIES INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Threaded holes on the bottom and one side surface on M6, M9, & M13 case sizes may be used for mounting, or the supply may be rear mounted using the same holes that attach the rear cover plate. An accessory Mounting Kit (model GB8) is available to enable mounting the power supply when the opposite side

    veA32MT250 A32HT900 A36MT130 A36MT230 A36MT400 A36HT800 A36HT1100 A48MT120 A48MT180 A48MT300 Acopian Power Supply Model A24H1200 A24H1200 A28H800 A24H1500 A24MT550 a24h850 A24MT210 A24MT350 Acopian A12H1300 A10MT450 PDF

    Acopian Power Supplies

    Abstract: SL608 Acopian acopian GB8 k2 fuse
    Text: UNREGULATED POWER SUPPLIES INSTALLATION AND OPERATION GOLD BOX MODELS: Threaded holes on the bottom and one side surface no side mounting holes on case size YH11 may be used for mounting. The supply may also be rear mounted (except for case size YA) using the same holes that attach the rear cover

    SL608) Acopian Power Supplies SL608 Acopian acopian GB8 k2 fuse PDF


    Abstract: Acopian EBW-13 MFD CAPACITOR ELW-13 ELW-20 EBW-20
    Text: P IA N ALL ACO S S U P P L IE P O WE R . U .S .A M A D E IN MINI ENCAPSULATED SWITCHING POWER SUPPLIES INSTALLATION AND OPERATION 4-40 threaded holes are provided for mounting. Holes in the mounting surface must be in alignment with the power supply mounting holes and

    EBW-20 EB35DIN Acopian EBW-13 MFD CAPACITOR ELW-13 ELW-20 EBW-20 PDF


    Abstract: 12E20 5E8E75 28E15D25 5E15E50 5E28E50 5E5E250 5E6E100 5E6E200 5E8E150
    Text: ACOPIAN SSE D □175b?D 0001135 fiTb • ACO DC -DC C O N V E R TE R S PC BOARD MOUNTING SINGLE & DUAL OUTPUT SHIPPED IN 3 DAYS These versatile DC/DC converters are ideally suited for powering a wide variety of analog and digital circuitry, such as op amps, logic and microprocessors. They may

    OCR Scan
    24E10D60 ELC-10 24E12D30 ESC-10 24E12D60 24E15D25 24E15D50 ESC10 12E20 5E8E75 28E15D25 5E15E50 5E28E50 5E5E250 5E6E100 5E6E200 5E8E150 PDF


    Abstract: 5E25D Acopian D15-05 15E15D D15-10A D1535 D15-30 d1550 D1505
    Text: acopian SSE ]> 0 1 7 5 b 7 D 0 0 01 13 1 ISO M IN IA T U R IZ E D D U A L & T R IP L E O U T P U T PC BOARD MOUNTING LINEAR REGULATED AC-DC SHIPPED IN 3 DAYS ALL MODELS U.L. RECOGNIZED These dual and triple output mini-modules are compact and convenient sources of the voltages required to power

    OCR Scan
    017Sb7D -T51-0 D12-20 D12-30 D12-35 D12-50 EL-10 EL-13 EL-20 15E10D 5E25D Acopian D15-05 15E15D D15-10A D1535 D15-30 d1550 D1505 PDF


    Abstract: 6E20D-15E10D D15-30 d1250 13E10D D1210A Acopian 15E15D 15E10D 4E20D
    Text: acopian SSE ]> 0175b7D 0001131 ISO M IN IA T U R IZ E D D U A L & T R IP L E O U T P U T PC BOARD MOUNTING LINEAR REGULATED AC-DC SHIPPED IN 3 DAYS ALL MODELS U.L. RECOGNIZED These dual and triple output mini-modules are compact and convenient sources of the voltages required to power

    OCR Scan
    017Sb7D -T51-0 D12-20 D12-30 D12-35 D12-50 EL-10 EL-13 EL-20 D15-10a 6E20D-15E10D D15-30 d1250 13E10D D1210A Acopian 15E15D 15E10D 4E20D PDF

    transistor cross reference

    Abstract: MPT3N40 Westinghouse SCR handbook LT 8224 ZENER DIODE sje389 N9602N npn transistor RCA 467 TFK 7 segment displays PUT 2N6027 delco 466

    OCR Scan