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    AA-ES SIEMENS Search Results

    AA-ES SIEMENS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: C166 C167 C167CR C167CR-16RM C167CR-LM SAK-C167CR-16RM
    Text: Microcontroller Components Errata Sheet September 28, 1998 / Release 1.2 Device: SAK-C167CR-16RM Stepping Code / Marking: ES-AA, AA Package: MQFP-144 This Errata Sheet describes the deviations from the current user documentation. The classification and numbering system is module oriented in a continual ascending sequence

    SAK-C167CR-16RM MQFP-144 C167CR C167CR-LM) C167CR-16RM. C167CR-16RM, AP2924 C166 C167 C167CR-16RM C167CR-LM SAK-C167CR-16RM PDF

    1394 firewire to USB Connection Diagram

    Abstract: C541U compaq pc motherboard manual GAME CONTROLLER philips parallel printer port adaptor 80C51 C161U C500 C540U C541
    Text: Universal Serial Bus and the Siemens Solution by Fulvio Famularo USB stand for Universal Serial Bus. As the name says, this is a new peripheral bus which provides a single connector for interfacing both the different computer peripherals and telecommunications

    C541U C540U C541U P-LCC-44 P-SDIP-52 C540U C541U) 5/12Mbps) 1394 firewire to USB Connection Diagram compaq pc motherboard manual GAME CONTROLLER philips parallel printer port adaptor 80C51 C161U C500 C541 PDF


    Text: Microcontrollers Errata Sheet November 12, 1999 / Release 2.1 Device: SAK-C167CR-LM, SAF-C167CR-LM, SAB-C167CR-LM SAK-C167CR-4RM, SAF-C167CR-4RM, SAB-C167CR-4RM SAK-C167CR-16RM, SAF-C167CR-16RM, SAB-C167CR-16RM SAK-C167SR-LM SAK-C167S-4RM Stepping Code / Marking:


    SAF-C167CR-LM GA

    Abstract: AP2420 detail SAB-C167CR-LM C167SR-LM Infineon saf-c167cr-lm marking code V3 SAB-C167CR stepping code Siemens C16x Family errata WDTCON SAB-C167CR-16RM
    Text: Microcontrollers Errata Sheet February 29, 2000 / Release 1.0 Device: SAK-C167CR-LM, SAF-C167CR-LM, SAB-C167CR-LM SAK-C167CR-4RM, SAF-C167CR-4RM, SAB-C167CR-4RM SAK-C167CR-16RM, SAF-C167CR-16RM, SAB-C167CR-16RM SAK-C167SR-LM SAK-C167S-4RM Stepping Code / Marking:

    SAK-C167CR-LM, SAF-C167CR-LM, SAB-C167CR-LM SAK-C167CR-4RM, SAF-C167CR-4RM, SAB-C167CR-4RM SAK-C167CR-16RM, SAF-C167CR-16RM, SAB-C167CR-16RM SAK-C167SR-LM SAF-C167CR-LM GA AP2420 detail SAB-C167CR-LM C167SR-LM Infineon saf-c167cr-lm marking code V3 SAB-C167CR stepping code Siemens C16x Family errata WDTCON SAB-C167CR-16RM PDF


    Abstract: C166 C167 SAF-C165-LF C165 C165-LF C165-LM
    Text: SIEMENS Microcomputer Components Technical Support Group Munich HL MCB PD/AT 2 Errata Sheet September 29, 1995 / Release 1.0 Device : Stepping Code / Marking : SAF-C165-LF ES3-CA This errata sheet describes the functional problems known in these steps. Problem classification and numbering is performed relative to modules. Since the

    SAF-C165-LF C165-LF 100-pin P-TQFP-100-1) C165-LM C165-LF, BA-STEP C166 C167 SAF-C165-LF C165 PDF


    Abstract: C165-LF C165-LM C166 C167 SAF-C165-LM siemens microcontroller
    Text: SIEMENS Microcomputer Components Technical Support Group Munich HL MCB PD/AT 2 Errata Sheet September 29, 1995 / Release 1.0 Device : Stepping Code / Marking : SAF-C165-LM ES-CA, ES2-CA This errata sheet describes the functional problems known in these steps.

    SAF-C165-LM C165-LM 100-pin P-MQFP-100-2) C165-LM, C165 C165-LF C166 C167 SAF-C165-LM siemens microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: C167SR-LM PDCR BUS19
    Text: Microcontrollers Errata Sheet August 30, 2000 / Release 2.2 Device: SAK-C167CR-L 33 M, SAF-C167CR-L(33)M, SAB-C167CR-L(33)M SAK-C167CR-4R(33)M, SAF-C167CR-4R(33)M, SAB-C167CR-4R(33)M SAK-C167CR-16R(33)M, SAF-C167CR-16R(33)M, SAB-C167CR-16R(33)M SAK-C167SR-L(33)M



    Abstract: UAA 170
    Text: SIEMENS LED Driver for Light Spot Displays U AA 170 Bipolar IC IC for driving 16 light em itting diod es. D e p e n d in g on the input voltage, the individual L E D s are driven within o n e row in form of a light spot. T h e U A A 170 p ro v id e s a lin e ar relation

    OCR Scan
    UAA170 UAA170 UAA 170 PDF


    Abstract: SFH450 siemens siemens SFH nm
    Text: SIEMENS C M P N T S t OPTO 44E D • AS3b32b 00DSCH4 T M S I E X SFH450/750/751 SIEMENS PLASTIC FIBER OPTIC TRANSMITTER DIODE T -m -23 Preliminary Data Sheet • No Fiber Stripping Required • SFH450 - Infrared, Light Grey Plastic Package • SFH750 - Visible Red, Red Plastic

    OCR Scan
    AS3b32b 00DSCH4 SFH450/750/751 SFH450 SFH750 SFH751 SFH45Q SFH750/751 SHF750 SFH450 siemens siemens SFH nm PDF

    maa 502

    Abstract: Tesla katalog MAA723 Halbleiterbauelemente DDR TAA 141 TESLA KF520 transistor vergleichsliste maa 503 Maa 325
    Text: Klaus K. Streng Analoge Integrierte Schaltungen von T E SL A electrónica • Band 142 Klaus K. Streng Analoge Integrierte Schaltungen von TESLA MILITÄRVERLAG DER DEUTSCHEN DEMOKRATISCHEN REPUBLIK 1. Auflage, 1976, 1/— 15. Tausend M ilitärverlag der Deutschen Dem okratischen Republik

    OCR Scan

    Siemens SFH610A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SFH610A/611A/615A/617A 5.3 kV TRIOS OPTOCOUPLER HIGH RELIABILITY F EA TU R ES • High C u rren t T ran sfe r R atios at 10 m A: 4 0 -3 2 0 % at 1 m A: 60 % typ ical >13 Package Dimensions in Inches (mm) -P in O ne I D S FH 610A C L ow C T R D egrad ation

    OCR Scan
    SFH610A/611A/615A/617A SFH610/11/15/17A Siemens SFH610A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 2M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module Hyper Page Mode - EDO Version HYM 322005S/GS-50/-60 Advanced Inform ation • 2 097 152 w ords by 32-bit organization • Fast access and cycle tim e 50 ns access time 84 ns cycle tim e (-50 version) 60 ns access time

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 322005S/GS-50/-60 322005S/GS-50/-60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SIPMOS Power Transistors BUZ 54 • N channel • Enhancement mode • Avalanche-rated VOTOSI 52 Type v DS ^DS on Package 1> Ordering Code BUZ 54 1000 V 5.1 A 2.0 £2 TO-204 AA C67078-S1010-A2 BUZ 54 A 1000 V 4.5 A 2.6 Q TO-204 AA C67078-S1010-A3

    OCR Scan
    O-204 C67078-S1010-A2 C67078-S1010-A3 BUZ54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS C167CR Highly Integrated M icrocontroller with On-chip CAN-Module The C167CR* is a new derivative of the Siemens C166 family of full featured single-chip CM OS m icrocontrollers. It combines high CPU performance with high peripheral functionality and enhanced IOcapabilities.

    OCR Scan
    C167CR C167CR* C167CR-LM C167CR-4RM C167CR-16RM 16-bit lic4/A20 3/A18 2/A16 PDF


    Abstract: TAA 765 AA762 a762a taa762 TAA765
    Text: SIEMENS Single Operational Amplifiers TAA 762 TAA 765 F ea tu re s B ip o la r 1C • • • • • • W id e co m m o n -m o d e range Large su pply vo lta g e range Large co n tro l range W id e te m p e ra tu re range TA A 762 H igh o u tpu t fre q u e n c y co m pensation

    OCR Scan
    VPS05122 67000-A2271 1ED00155 TAA765A TAA 765 AA762 a762a taa762 TAA765 PDF

    diodo A6

    Abstract: PJ 63 MM diode Wf VQE 23 F wf vqe 24 d DIODO LED ir wf vqe 24 f WF vqe 24 e WF VQE 23 E din 40040 humidity WF VQE 22 d
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF ^7E D • fl235bOS 00272flb b « S I E G S IE M E N S SFH 601G SERIES PHOTOTRANSISTOR OPTOCOUPLER 63 Package Dimensions in Inches mm 807(7.81 29\ (7.4) J p o ti) E E E a 3 7 ] BASE AN00C E ^ CATH00E E 3 NC E COLLECTOR ■<d J^EMITTï B

    OCR Scan
    fl23SbOS 601G-1, 601G-2 601G-3 601G-4 E52744 -X001 diodo A6 PJ 63 MM diode Wf VQE 23 F wf vqe 24 d DIODO LED ir wf vqe 24 f WF vqe 24 e WF VQE 23 E din 40040 humidity WF VQE 22 d PDF


    Abstract: TOP3 package bup transistor
    Text: S IE M E N S BUP 101 SIRET Siemens Ring Emitter Transistor VCE = 1000 V lc =15 A • • • N channel B rea kdo w n-p roo f Package: TO-218 AA TOP-3 ') Type Ordering code BUP 101 C 6 7060-A 1000-A 2 Maximum Ratings at T{ = 25 °C, unless otherw ise specified.

    OCR Scan
    O-218 060-A 000-A 7060a TOP3 package bup transistor PDF


    Abstract: ntc m867
    Text: SFH 482201 SIEMENS G aA lA s-LA S ER DIODE 250 mW Package Dimensions in mm 1. 2. 3 4. Peltier-Cooler + NTC NTC Laserdiode Cathode 5 6 7 8 Laserdiode Anode Monitor Diode Anode Monitor Diode Cathode Peltier-Cooler (-) FEATURES Maximum Ratings * Quantum-W ell Structure Manufactured

    OCR Scan
    00Q7MSb m867 ntc m867 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 8M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 328020S/GS-50/-60 Preliminary Information • 8 388 608 words by 32-bit organization alternative 16 777 216 words by 16-bit • Fast access and cycle time 50 ns access time 90 ns cycle time (-50 version) 60 ns access time

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 328020S/GS-50/-60 16-bit) aS35bDS 32-Bit L-SIM-72-15 fl53SbOS 0A535tj PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS TCA 305 TCA 355 Proximity Switch Bipolar 1C Features • Lower open-loop current consumption; • Lower output saturation voltage Is < 1 mA • The temperature dependence of the switching distance is lower and compensation of the resonant circuit TC temperature coefficient is easier

    OCR Scan
    6235bà P-DSO-14-1, P-DS0-14-4 35x45 Q254WIBi S35bG5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LH1085 SIEMENS High*Voltage Solid State Relay FEA TU R ES DESCRIPTION • • • • • The LH1085 High-Voltage, Solid State Relay is a single pole, normally open switch 1 Form A that can replace electromechan­ ical relays in many applications. The relay features logic-level input

    OCR Scan
    LH1085 LH1085 l50mA, LH1085AT1/AAB1 6G-78 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SFH 484 SFH 435 GaAs INFRARED EMITTER Package Dimensions in Inches mm SFH 484 Surface not flat Chip Position .224 (5.7) .200 (5.1) ” f ’ .í' 9 i l •. I • : •; - .200(5.1) .189 (4.8) • •: w .232 (5.9) .217 (5.5) .071 (1.8) .047 (1.2)

    OCR Scan
    SFH484E7517 484-Radiation 485-Radlation 48416 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS LH 1191 High-Voltage SoUd State Relay • FEA TU R ES • • • • • • 1500 Vrms input/output isolation High-surge capability Low ON-resistance Clean, bounce-free switching dv/dt typically better than 500 V/|is Low power consumption • Monolithic IC reliability

    OCR Scan
    LH1191 LH1191AT1/AAB1 VL250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 1 M x 4-Bit Dynamic RAM Low Power 1 M x 4-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 514400BJ/BJL -50/-60/-70 A d va n c ed Info rm ation • 1 048 576 words by 4-bit organization • 0 to 70 'C operating temperature • Fast Page Mode Operation • Performance: -50 -60

    OCR Scan
    514400BJ/BJL P-SOJ-26/20-5 I-5-10 Wo18 PDF