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    motorola t3 switch

    Abstract: CML65 IC2 Bus Addresses Transistor t30 motorola SI15 Mini8
    Text: NW1507 Multi-Rate Time Division Switch Matrix Preliminary, May 2000 Ver1.1

    NW1507 109876543212109876543210987654321098765he Page-32 Figure-25. Page-33 Figure-26. NW1507-XL 44-pin motorola t3 switch CML65 IC2 Bus Addresses Transistor t30 motorola SI15 Mini8 PDF

    BC547 b20

    Abstract: BC547 B11 FES311-181 LM317t circuit MP5 A14 power supply lm317t PIN163 PIN176 LM317T PIN152
    Text: 5 4 A16 CS1x VCC Pin20 Pin21 Pin22 Pin23 Pin24 Pin25 Pin26 Pin27 Pin28 Pin29 Pin30 Pin31 Pin32 Pin33 Pin34 Pin37 Pin38 Pin39 Pin40 Pin41 A01 A20 D31 45 43 41 39 36 34 32 30 44 42 40 38 35 33 31 29 DQ15 DQ14 DQ13 DQ12 DQ11 DQ10 DQ9 DQ8 DQ7 DQ6 DQ5 DQ4 DQ3 DQ2

    Pin20 Pin21 Pin22 Pin23 Pin24 Pin25 Pin26 Pin27 Pin28 Pin29 BC547 b20 BC547 B11 FES311-181 LM317t circuit MP5 A14 power supply lm317t PIN163 PIN176 LM317T PIN152 PDF


    Abstract: MX25L6402AMC-40G IN3064 MX25L6402A MX25L6402AMC-40 MX25L6402AMI-40 MX25L6402AMI-40G
    Text: MX25L6402A Macronix NBit TM Memory Family 64M-BIT [x 1] CMOS SERIAL eLite FlashTM MEMORY FEATURES GENERAL • 67,108,864 x 1 bit structure • 128 Equal Sectors with 64K byte each - Any sector can be erased • Single Power Supply Operation - 2.7 to 3.6 volt for read, erase, and program operations

    MX25L6402A 64M-BIT 100mA SEP/29/2004 PM10-40 MX25L6402AMC-40G IN3064 MX25L6402A MX25L6402AMC-40 MX25L6402AMI-40 MX25L6402AMI-40G PDF


    Abstract: HL6 smd npn transistor bc148 datasheet 2N3904 H36 BC137 BC148 BC118 BC148 pin configuration SMD RA3 PNP R234A
    Text: A INTEL PENTIUM® III & INTEL® CELERON R PROCESSOR/ 810E2 CHIPSET UNIVERSAL SOCKET 370 PLATFORM UNIPROCESSOR CUSTOMER REFERENCE SCHEMATICS REVISION 1.0 Title A Page Cover Sheet 1 Block Diagram 370-pin socke t 2 3,4 A G T L T e rmination Clock Synthesi zer

    810E2 370-pin 82810e BC163 741G08 HL6 smd npn transistor bc148 datasheet 2N3904 H36 BC137 BC148 BC118 BC148 pin configuration SMD RA3 PNP R234A PDF


    Abstract: md7130 HEADER1X3 PAD107 PAD115 MLA22 PAD81 PAD95 MSD9 at-pwr4
    Text: 5 4 1 +3.3V +2.5V +2.5V +3.3V TP18 +3.3V_A TPHYV_A TPHYV_P JP1 FB1 2 1 500ma/0.10DCR +2.5V_A +2.5V JP2 1 2 FB2 2 1 2 1 500ma/0.10DCR FB3 500ma/0.10DCR +3.3V 1 1 2 +2.5V_CHIP FS+ JP4 USBUSB+ R2 31.6 2 1 2 JP3 +3.3V_CHIP P1 R1 31.6 1 2 FS- 1 +2.5V 500ma/0.10DCR

    500ma/0 10DCR MEMCS16 IOCS16 74LVC14/SO md7130 HEADER1X3 PAD107 PAD115 MLA22 PAD81 PAD95 MSD9 at-pwr4 PDF


    Abstract: TMC2243 marking s17 SON si2166
    Text: Electronics Semiconductor Division TMC2243 CMOS FIR Filter 10 x 10 Bit, 20 MHz Features • 20 MHz data input and computation rate • 10 x 10 bit multiplication with 23-bit extended precision sum of products overflow, plus 16 output and 6 guard bits • Up to 3 zero and 3 non-zero stages per device

    TMC2243 23-bit 16-bit 68-pin 69-pin DS70002243 SO10 TMC2243 marking s17 SON si2166 PDF


    Abstract: DI9000 SO21-6 marking s17 SON 2243G8C diode si11 SO10 TMC2243 A FT1 SO-216
    Text: TMC2243 CMOS FIR Filter 10 x 10 Bit, 20 MHz Features • 20 MHz data input and computation rate • 10 x 10 bit multiplication with 23-bit extended precision sum of products overflow, plus 16 output and 6 guard bits • Up to 3 zero and 3 non-zero stages per device

    TMC2243 23-bit 16-bit 68-pin 69-pin DS30002243 di1k0 DI9000 SO21-6 marking s17 SON 2243G8C diode si11 SO10 TMC2243 A FT1 SO-216 PDF


    Abstract: manual FW82801BA motherboard cd 75232 INTEL FW82801BA manual Intel 815 FW82815 INTEL FW82801BA motherboard schematic diagram motor control MC60 manual intel chipset fw82801ba ABIT-SL30 bc227
    Text: Intel 815E Scalable Performance Board Development Kit Manual April 2001 Order Number: 273432-003 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability

    Index-111 kc-1206 manual FW82801BA motherboard cd 75232 INTEL FW82801BA manual Intel 815 FW82815 INTEL FW82801BA motherboard schematic diagram motor control MC60 manual intel chipset fw82801ba ABIT-SL30 bc227 PDF


    Abstract: ati rage 128 amc ver 2.0 Asus PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT schematic asus notebook 3220 schematic lcd inverter ASUS asus a4 INVERTER BOARD REV 2.0 R5C475 Asus PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT MANUAL INVERTER BOARD Asus F3 asus notebook schematic diagram free
    Text: 1 2 3 Notebook Computer Service Manual 4 5 6 3220/3420/3620 7 8 i Preface NOTICE The company reserves the right to revise this publication or to change its contents without notice. Information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute a commitment on the part of the manufacturer or any

    HRS/RJ11 INVERTER BOARD Asus A6 ati rage 128 amc ver 2.0 Asus PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT schematic asus notebook 3220 schematic lcd inverter ASUS asus a4 INVERTER BOARD REV 2.0 R5C475 Asus PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT MANUAL INVERTER BOARD Asus F3 asus notebook schematic diagram free PDF


    Abstract: HX8678 SO402 Himax HX8660 UD 1208
    Text: DOC No. HX8264-D02-DS HX8264-D02 1200 CH TFT LCD Source Driver with TCON Version 02 November, 2010 HX8264-D02 1200CH TFT LCD Source Driver with TCON List of Contents November, 2010 1. General Description . 5

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    respack 8

    Abstract: transistor BC188 npn bc107 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 schematic diagram motor control MC60 BC188 pnp transistor BC217 smd transistor hl6 BC136 rdi DMT-1206 laptop motherboard chip level crb
    Text: Intel 815E Scalable Performance Board for Use with Universal Socket 370 Development Kit Manual September 2001 Order Number: 273571-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    Index-105 respack 8 transistor BC188 npn bc107 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 schematic diagram motor control MC60 BC188 pnp transistor BC217 smd transistor hl6 BC136 rdi DMT-1206 laptop motherboard chip level crb PDF


    Abstract: TMC454 datasheet ST CHN ld1117 Sine Wave Generator using 8051 PID code for avr circuit diagram of pid controller CHN G4 019 advantages of 5-phase STEPPER MOTORs CHN 632 stepper motors control with 8 bit avr pwm 5-phase drive STEPPER MOTOR
    Text: TMC454 DATASHEET v. 1.02 / October 5, 2009 1 TMC454 – DATA SHEET - Software Compatible Successor of the TMC453 Single Axis Controller with Incremental Encoder Interface TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Sternstraße 67 D – 20357 Hamburg GERMANY

    TMC454 TMC454 TMC453 TMC454 datasheet ST CHN ld1117 Sine Wave Generator using 8051 PID code for avr circuit diagram of pid controller CHN G4 019 advantages of 5-phase STEPPER MOTORs CHN 632 stepper motors control with 8 bit avr pwm 5-phase drive STEPPER MOTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC454 DATASHEET v. 1.02 / October 5, 2009 1 TMC454 – DATA SHEET - Software Compatible Successor of the TMC453 Single Axis Controller with Incremental Encoder Interface TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Sternstraße 67 D – 20357 Hamburg GERMANY

    TMC454 TMC454 TMC453 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC454 DATASHEET v. 1.01 / January 19, 2009 1 TMC454 – DATA SHEET - Software Compatible Successor of the TMC453 Single Axis Controller with Incremental Encoder Interface TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG Sternstraße 67 D – 20357 Hamburg GERMANY

    TMC454 TMC454 TMC453 TMC454-BC PDF

    BC184 Cross Reference

    Abstract: smd diode 815b transistor itt BC212 transistor BC188 transistor BC188 npn BC188 pnp transistor TRANSISTOR bc104 TRANSISTOR junctions of bc188 transistor bc189 pin configuration NPN transistor BC147
    Text: R Intel 815E Chipset Platform For Use with Universal Socket 370 Design Guide April 2001 Document Number: 298350-001 R Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    2N3904 N6395404 N6395403 BC184 Cross Reference smd diode 815b transistor itt BC212 transistor BC188 transistor BC188 npn BC188 pnp transistor TRANSISTOR bc104 TRANSISTOR junctions of bc188 transistor bc189 pin configuration NPN transistor BC147 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Objective specification Philips Semiconductors 83C542/87C542 ACCESS.bus microcontroller DESCRIPTION LOGIC SYMBOL The Philips 83C542/87C542 is a high performance microcontroller fabricated with Philips CMOS technology. The 8XC542 contains 4kbytes of program memory either ROM

    OCR Scan
    83C542/87C542 83C542/87C542 8XC542 83C542) 87C542) 256x8 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m tm T MC 2 2 4 3 CMOS FIR Filter 1 0 x 1 0 Bit, 20 MHz Features • 20 MHz data input and computation rate • 1 0 x 1 0 bit multiplication with 23-bit extended precision sum of products overflow, plus 16 output and 6 guard

    OCR Scan
    23-bit 16-bit 68-pin 69-pin DS30002243 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A I R C H I L D s e m ic o n d u c t o r w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m tm T MC 2 2 4 3 C M O S FI R F i l t e r 1 0 x 10 B i t , 2 0 M H z Features • 20 MHz data input and computation rate • 1 0 x 1 0 bit multiplication with 23-bit extended precision

    OCR Scan
    23-bit 16-bit 69-pin DS30002243 PDF


    Abstract: SI11 SI12 SO20 TMC2243
    Text: FAIRCHILD s e m ic o n d u c t o r Tm w w w .fa ir c h ild s e m i.c o m TMC2243 CMOS FIR F i lt e r 1 0 x 10 Bit, 20 MHz Features 20 M H z data input and com putation rate 10 x 10 bit m ultiplication w ith 23 -b it extended precision sum o f products overflow, plus 16 output and 6 guard

    OCR Scan
    TMC2243 10x10 23-bit 16-bit 68-pin 69-pin DS30002243 2243g8c SI11 SI12 SO20 TMC2243 PDF


    Abstract: 80c85 8085 Samsung DIP28 80c85
    Text: KS82C59A PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Pin and functional compatibility with the industry standard 8259/8259A The KS82C59A is a high performance, completely programmable interrupt controller. It can process eight interrupt request inputs, assigning a priority level to each

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    KS82C59A 8259/8259A KS82C59A 82C59A 10MHz 80C96 80c85 8085 Samsung DIP28 80c85 PDF

    GI 9528

    Abstract: P 1504 EDG 3242B 1/diode gi 9528 B8533 S6AOO S4 6ba F4 7E S8162 L9509
    Text: DSP56001 Electrical Characteristics MOTOROLA 20 DSP56001 DSP56001 Electrical Characteristics HREQ OUTPUT RXH Read , HEN (INPUT) \ ) U— 47\ RXl Read RXM Read I ^ -0 )— I“ HA2-HA0 (INPUT) LA HRAV (INPUT) ¡36 H0-H7 (OUTPUT) 0H X Address Valid Address

    OCR Scan
    DSP56001 DSP56001 OSP56001 BR135 MC68681//31-60// MC68681 RMFAX03email GI 9528 P 1504 EDG 3242B 1/diode gi 9528 B8533 S6AOO S4 6ba F4 7E S8162 L9509 PDF


    Abstract: NEC PD42275 JPD42275
    Text: SEC . pPD42275 Video RAM NEC Electronics Inc. D escription F eatures The /JPD42275 is a dual-port graphics buffer equipped with a random access port and a serial read port. The serial read port is connected to an internal 2048-bit data register through a 256 x 8 -bit serial read output

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    uPD42275 /JPD42275 2048-bit wr42275 PD42275 fjPD42275 JJPD42275 JUPD42275 JPD42275 6865-A NEC PD42275 JPD42275 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JUH i fiPD42275 Video RAM NEC Electronics Inc. May 1992 Description Features The /jPD42275 is a dual-port graphics buffer equipped with a random access port and a serial read port. The serial read port is connected to an internal 2048-bit data register through a 256 x 8 -bit serial read output

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    fiPD42275 /jPD42275 2048-bit 2048-bit FR-H1 PDF


    Abstract: HY5117400A
    Text: •H Y U N D A I H Y 5 1 1 7 4 0 0 A S e r ie s 4M X 4-bit CMOS DRAM DESCRIPTION The HY5117400A is the new generation and fast dynamic RAM organized 4,194,304 x 4-bit. The HY5117400A utilizes Hyundai's CM OS silicon gate process technology as well as advanced circuit techniques to provide wide

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    HY5117400A familie160) 1AD27-10-MAY95 HY5117400AJ HY5117400ASLJ HY5117400AT HY5117400ASLT OH-37 PDF