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    A516RD Price and Stock

    American Bright Optoelectronics BD-A516RD

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    A516RD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP. SINCE 1981 Features : 1. BD-A516RD Package Dimensions : 0.56 inch 14.20mm Digit Height. 8.10(.315) 8 2. Continuous uniform segments. 3. Low power requirement. 4. Excellent characters appearance. 5. Solid state reliability. 6.

    BD-A516RD BD-A516RD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP. BD-A516RD SINCE 1981 ● 1. Features : ● Package Dimensions : 0.56 inch 14.20mm Digit Height. 8.10(.315) 8 2. Continuous uniform segments. 3. Low power requirement. 4. Excellent characters appearance. 5. Solid state reliability.

    BD-A516RD BD-A516RD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP. BD-A516RD SINCE 1981 ● 1. Features : ● Package Dimensions : 0.56 inch 14.20mm Digit Height. 8.10(.315) 8 2. Continuous uniform segments. 3. Low power requirement. 4. Excellent characters appearance. 5. Solid state reliability.

    BD-A516RD BD-A516RD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP. BS-A516RD-LC4 SINCE 1981 ● Features : 1. 0.56 inch 14.20mm Digit Height. 2. Continuous uniform segments. 3. Low power requirement. 4. Excellent characters appearance. 5. Solid state reliability. 6. Categorized for luminous intensity.

    BS-A516RD-LC4 BS-A516RD-LC4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP. BS-A516RD SINCE 1981 ● Features : 1. 0.56 inch 14.20mm Digit Height. 2. Continuous uniform segments. 3. Low power requirement. 4. Excellent characters appearance. 5. Solid state reliability. 6. Categorized for luminous intensity.

    BS-A516RD BS-A516RD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P art No D ig it C om m on Size 0.5" A b s o lu te M a x im u m P eak E m itte d C om m on Anode C a th o d e BG-A501RD BG-C501RD Red A505RD C505RD Bright Red A502RD C502RD A503RD C503RD D ra w in g W a ve L e n g th C o lo r E le c tro -O p tic a l Xp nm

    OCR Scan
    BG-A501RD A505RD A502RD A503RD A504RD A506RD BD-A511RD A515RD A512RD A513RD 6da5 PDF


    Abstract: M516RD
    Text: THREE-DIGIT DISPLAYS Digit Em itted C o m m on Size C a th o d e BT-A511RD BT-C511RD Red A515RD C515RD Bright Red A512RD A513RD Drawing W ave Length Color A node A514RD u.oo C o m m on E lectro-O ptical Absolute M axim um Peak Part No. Xp nm Ah Pd Max. Iv Typ,

    OCR Scan
    BT-A511RD A515RD A512RD A513RD A514RD A516RD BT-M511RD M515RD M512RD M513RD M516RD PDF


    Abstract: A514RD c516rd A535RD C514RD
    Text: Emitted Size C o m m on C o m m on A node C a th o d e BS-A531RD BS-C531RD Red A535RD C535RD Bright Red W ave Length Color E lectro-O ptical Drttn At 10 m Ai Absolute M axim um Peak Part No, Digit (nm A>. If(mA) Typ, Max. Iv Typ. Per Seg, (m c d ) 200 1.7

    OCR Scan
    BS-A531RD A535RD A532RD A533RD A534RD A536RD BS-A541RD A54SRD A542RD A543RD A544RD A514RD c516rd C514RD PDF