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    T0257AA Search Results

    T0257AA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 16JYQ100C
    Text: PD-96974 16JYQ100C SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER HIGH EFFICIENCY SERIES 16 Amp, 100V Major Ratings and Characteristics Description/Features Characteristics The 16JYQ100C center tap Schottky rectifier has been expressly designed to meet the rigorous requirements of HiRel environments. It is packaged in the hermetic isolated

    PD-96974 16JYQ100C 16JYQ100C O-257AA MIL-PRF-19500 T0-257AA PDF

    ST 084C

    Abstract: 16CYQ150C T0-257AA 16CYQ150 084C
    Text: PD-94217 16CYQ150C SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER HIGH EFFICIENCY SERIES 16 Amp, 150V Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics Description/Features 16CYQ150C Units IF AV 16 A VRRM (Per Leg) 150 V IFSM @ tp = 8.3ms half-sine (Per Leg) 120 A 0.73 V VF @ 8.0Apk, T J =125°C

    PD-94217 16CYQ150C 16CYQ150C O-257AA MIL-PRF-19500 ST 084C T0-257AA 16CYQ150 084C PDF


    Abstract: IRHY593130CM T0-257AA
    Text: PD - 94343 RADIATION HARDENED POWER MOSFET THRU-HOLE TO-257AA IRHY597130CM 100V, P-CHANNEL 4# TECHNOLOGY c Product Summary Part Number Radiation Level RDS(on) ID IRHY597130CM 100K Rads (Si) 0.215Ω -12.5A IRHY593130CM 300K Rads (Si) 0.215Ω -12.5A International Rectifier’s R5TM technology provides

    O-257AA) IRHY597130CM IRHY597130CM IRHY593130CM 5M-1994. O-257AA. T0-257AA PDF


    Abstract: T0-257AA
    Text: PD-94289 16CYQ045C SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER HIGH EFFICIENCY SERIES 16 Amp, 45V Major Ratings and Characteristics Characteristics Description/Features 16CYQ045C Units IF AV 16 A VRRM (Per Leg) 45 V IFSM @ tp = 8.3ms half-sine (Per Leg) 150 A 0.71 V VF @ 16Apk, TJ =125°C

    PD-94289 16CYQ045C 16CYQ045C O-257AA MIL-PRF-19500 Pe0001 T0-257AA PDF


    Abstract: T0-257AA mosfet S T0257AA
    Text: Case Outline and Dimensions - T0-257AA Standard & Low Ohmic 0.13 [.005] A 10.66 [.420] 10.42 [.410] 3X Ø 3.81 [.150] 3.56 [.140] 5.08 [.200] 4.83 [.190] 1.14 [.045] 0.89 [.035] 16.89 [.665] 16.39 [.645] 13.63 [.537] 13.39 [.527] B 10.92 [.430] 10.42 [.410]

    T0-257AA 5M-1994. O-257AA. ansi-y14.5m-1994 T0-257AA mosfet S T0257AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JANSR2N7399 Formerly FSS130R4 11A, 100V, 0.210 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFET January 2002 Features Description • 11A, 100V, rDS ON = 0.210Ω The Discrete Products Operation of Fairchild Corporation has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs

    JANSR2N7399 FSS130R4 PDF


    Abstract: T0-257AA
    Text: PD-94016A 16CYQ100C SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER HIGH EFFICIENCY SERIES 16 Amp, 100V Major Ratings and Characteristics Description/Features Characteristics 16CYQ100C Units The 16CYQ100C center tap Schottky rectifier has been expressly designed to meet the rigorous requirements of reliability environments. It is

    PD-94016A 16CYQ100C 16CYQ100C O-257AA MIL-PRF-19500 16Apk, T0-257AA PDF


    Abstract: 2E12 FSS130R4 JANSR2N7399 T0-257AA Rad Hard in Fairchild for MOSFET
    Text: JANSR2N7399 Formerly FSS130R4 11A, 100V, 0.210 Ohm, Rad Hard, N-Channel Power MOSFET June 1998 [ /Title JANS R2N73 99 /Subject (11A, 100V, 0.210 Ohm, Rad Hard, NChannel Power MOSFET) /Autho r () /Keywords () /Creator () /DOCI NFO pdfmark [ /PageMode /UseOutlines

    JANSR2N7399 FSS130R4 R2N73 MOSFET MARK H1 2E12 FSS130R4 JANSR2N7399 T0-257AA Rad Hard in Fairchild for MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: NSG2591 NSG259J
    Text: NESY1085 LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORS IV Dropout, 1.5V @ Max C urrent 0.01% Load Regulation 0.015% Line Regulation 1% Reference Voltage Hermetic TO-254Z Pak O utput C urrent 3.0A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS T0257AA PACKAGE O 3 TERM INAL POSITIVE ADJUSTABLE

    OCR Scan
    NESY1085 O-254Z NESY1085. NSG2591) XM46-1158 NESY1085 NSG2591 NSG259J PDF


    Abstract: NESYM9140 R3585
    Text: NESY9140 NESYM9140 POWER MOSFET - P CHANNEL T0257AA PACKAGE • • • • Switching Power Supplies Repetitive Avalanche Rating Isolated Hermetic Package High Reliability O ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TL = 25°C unless otherwise noted 1 PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS

    OCR Scan
    NESY9140 NESYM9140 NESYM9I40 T0257AA 00A/nS, XM46-1158 NESYM9140 R3585 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Back to FETs NESY140 NESYM140 POWER MOSFET - N CHANNEL • • • • T0257AA PACKAGE Switching Power Supplies Repetitive Avalanche Rating Isolated Hermetic Package High Reliability ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS T c = 25°C unless otherwise noted PARAM ETERS/TEST CONDITIONS

    OCR Scan
    NESY140 NESYM140 T0257AA NESYM140 PDF


    Abstract: HDS010 T0257AA T0-257AA SM1U21
    Text: SEMTECH CORP SflE D • SUPERFAST RECTIFIERS IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE fl13 T 13 ^ DD03007 Olb SM1U21* SM1U41* SM1U51* SM1U61* These devices offer two ultrafast rectifiers mounted in isolated and hermetically sealed packages. Use of Beryllia substrates ensures the lowest possible thermal impedance,

    OCR Scan
    DD03007 SM1U21* SM1U41* T0257AA SM1U51* SM1U61* 50V-600V MIL-S-19500 SM1U21PDT SM1U21 HDS010 T0-257AA PDF


    Abstract: T0257AA
    Text: sôe d SEMTECH CORP m 000301S n s DUAL SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERS IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE «SET SM1S41 * SM1S01 * These devices offer two Schottky rectifiers mounted in isolated and hermetically sealed packages. Use of Beryilia substrates ensures the lowest possible thermal impedance,

    OCR Scan
    000301S T0257AA SM1S41 SM1S01 T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 T0254AA PDF


    Abstract: L905
    Text: SEMTECH C0RP 5fiE D • fllBTlBT ODDBT?! Eb2 ■ SET ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE SM1R41 A* This device is a three terminal adjustable positive voltage re g u la to r, requiring only two external resistors to set up the output voltage. Inherent in this device are all of the

    OCR Scan
    T0257AA SM1R41 T0254AA T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 1061S L905 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Back to Voltage Regulators NESY1085 LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORS IV Dropout, 1.5V @ Max C urrent 0.01% Load Regulation 0.015% Line Regulation 1% Reference Voltage Hermetic TO-254Z Pak O utput C urrent 3.0A ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS T0257AA PACKAGE O 3 TERM INAL

    OCR Scan
    NESY1085 T0257AA O-254Z NESY1085. NSG2591) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SÔE D SEMTECH CORP H ûlB'îig'i O O D E T ? 1! 553 • SET LOW DROPUT ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE SM1R41L* This device is a three terminal adjustable positive voltage regulator, designed to provide 1.5A with higher efficiency than standard adjustable regulators. The internal circuitry is

    OCR Scan
    T0257AA SM1R41L* T0254AA T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 PDF

    Adjustable negative Voltage Regulator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEHTECH Sf iE CORP D • 613^13^ O OO BT T S ADJUSTABLE NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE TOfl «S E T SM1R81 A* This device is a three terminal adjustable negative voltage regulator, requiring only two external resistors to set up the output voltage. Inherent in this device are all of the

    OCR Scan
    T0257AA SM1R81 T0254AA T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 Adjustable negative Voltage Regulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Back to FETs NESY9140 NESYM9140 POWER MOSFET - P CHANNEL T0257AA PACKAGE • • • • Switching Power Supplies Repetitive Avalanche Rating Isolated Hermetic Package High Reliability O ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TL = 25°C unless otherwise noted 1 PARAMETERS/TEST CONDITIONS

    OCR Scan
    NESY9140 NESYM9140 T0257AA NESYM9I40 NESYM9140 00A/nS, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEHTECH CORP SflE D m FIXED OUTPUT NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE □ □ □ 2 T 67 b2 T SM1R51B* SM1R61B* SM1R71B* These devices incorporate monolithic integrated circuits configured as fixed output voltage regulators. Inherent in this device are all the safety features required for a voltage regulator,

    OCR Scan
    T0257AA SM1R51B* SM1R61B* SM1R71B* T0258AA HDS100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMTECH CORP SflE D • fl 1 3 T 1 3 ^ SUPERFAST RECTIFIERS IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE DD03007 Olb SM1U21* SM1U41* SM1U51* SM1U61* These devices offer two ultrafast rectifiers mounted in isolated and hermetically sealed packages. Use of Beryllia substrates ensures the lowest possible thermal impedance,

    OCR Scan
    T0257AA DD03007 SM1U21* SM1U41* SM1U51* SM1U61* T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M T E C H C O R P S Û E ]> • Ô I B T I B T FIXED OUTPUT POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AA PACKAGE O O O S 'iô B T flH SM1R11B* SM1R21B* SM1R31B* These devices incorporate monolithic integrated circuits configured as fixed output voltage

    OCR Scan
    T0257AA SM1R11B* SM1R21B* SM1R31B* T0254AA T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet No. PD-9.1400A International I R Rectifier R EPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND IRHY9130CM IRHY93130CM JANSR2N7382 JANSF2N7382 [REF: MIL'^ channel dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTOR RAD HARD -100Volt, 0.30Q, RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s P-Channel RAD HARD technol­

    OCR Scan
    -100Volt, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMTECH CORP 5ÔE ]> • 013113*1 DUAL SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERS IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0257AB PACKAGE 0003011 Ô36 SM8S42* These devices offer two Schottky rectifiers mounted in isolated and hermetically sealed packages. Use of Beryllia substrates ensures the lowest possible thermal impedance,

    OCR Scan
    T0257AB SM8S42* 15054AA T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SflE » SEMTECH CORP • 6 1 3 ^ 1 3 ^ 0 0 0 3 0 H 3 Bbl « S E T DUAL SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERS IN HERMETIC ISOLATED T0258AA PACKAGE SM3S42* These devices offer two Schottky rectifiers mounted in isolated and hermetically sealed packages. Use of Beryllia substrates ensures the lowest possible thermal impedance,

    OCR Scan
    T0258AA SM3S42* T0258AA FT0258AA HDS100 PDF