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    SY100S307FC Price and Stock

    Micrel Inc SY100S307FC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Verical SY100S307FC 748 53
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $7.15
    • 1000 $7.15
    • 10000 $7.15
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    Synergy Semiconductor Corp SY100S307FC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components SY100S307FC 2
    • 1 $11.25
    • 10 $7.5
    • 100 $7.5
    • 1000 $7.5
    • 10000 $7.5
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    SY100S307FC Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SY100S307FC Micrel Semiconductor IC XOR/XNOR GATE QUINT 2IN ECL 24CQFP Original PDF
    SY100S307FC Micrel Semiconductor QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE Original PDF
    SY100S307FC Synergy Semiconductor QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE Scan PDF

    SY100S307FC Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: F100K SY100S307 SY100S307FC SY100S307JC SY100S307JCTR
    Text: QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE FEATURES SY100S307 FINAL DESCRIPTION • Max. propagation delay of 1000ps ■ IEE min. of –58mA ■ Extended supply voltage option: VEE = –4.2V to –5.5V ■ Voltage and temperature compensation for improved noise immunity

    SY100S307 1000ps F100K 24-pin 28-pin SY100S307 0S307FC F24-1 SY100S307JC J28-1 5D2A F100K SY100S307FC SY100S307JC SY100S307JCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE Micrel, Inc. FEATURES SY100S307 SY100S307 DESCRIPTION • Max. propagation delay of 1000ps ■ IEE min. of –58mA ■ Extended supply voltage option: VEE = –4.2V to –5.5V ■ Voltage and temperature compensation for improved

    SY100S307 1000ps F100K 24-pin 28-pin SY100S307 M9999-032206 PDF


    Abstract: SY100S307 SY100S307FC SY100S307JC SY100S307JCTR
    Text: QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE FEATURES SY100S307 DESCRIPTION • Max. propagation delay of 1000ps ■ IEE min. of –58mA ■ Extended supply voltage option: VEE = –4.2V to –5.5V ■ Voltage and temperature compensation for improved noise immunity ■ Internal 75KΩ input pull-down resistors

    SY100S307 1000ps F100K 24-pin 28-pin SY100S307 SY100S307FC F24-1 SY100S307JC J28-1 F100K SY100S307FC SY100S307JC SY100S307JCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE SYNERGY SY100S307 SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION The SY100S307 is an ultra-fast quint exclusive-OR/ NOR gate designed for use in high-performance ECL systems. A function output that is the wire-OR result of the exclusive-OR outputs is also available. The inputs

    OCR Scan
    SY100S307 SY100S307 1000ps SY100S307DC D24-1 SY100S307FC F24-1 SY100S307JC J28-1 SY100S307JCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE SYNERGY SY100S307 SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION Max. propagation delay of 1000ps The SY100S307 is an ultra-fast quint exclusive-O R / NOR gate designed for use in high-perform ance ECL system s. A function output that is the w ire-O R result of the

    OCR Scan
    SY100S307 1000ps SY100S307 75Ki2 PDF

    PS 307 2A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q UI NT E X C L U S I V E O R / N O R G AT F FEATURES DESCRIPTION The SY100S 307 is an u ltra -fa st quint e xclusive-O R / NOR gate designed for use in high-perform ance ECL system s. A function output that is the w ire-O R result of the exclusive-O R outputs is also available. The inputs on the

    OCR Scan
    1000ps SY100S F100K 24-pin SY100S307DC SY100S307FC SY100S307JC SY100S307JCTR D24-1 PS 307 2A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE SYNERGY SY100S307 SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION Max. propagation delay of 1000ps The SY100S307 is an ultra-fast quint exclusive-O R / NOR gate designed for use in high-perform ance ECL system s. A function output that is the w ire-O R result of the

    OCR Scan
    SY100S307 1000ps SY100S307 75Ki2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: « SYNERGY QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE SY100S307 SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION The SY100S307 is an ultra-fast quint exclusive-O R / NOR gate designed for use in high-perform ance ECL system s. A function output that is the w ire-O R result of the exclusive-O R outputs is also available. The inputs on the

    OCR Scan
    SY100S307 SY100S307 75Ki2 1000ps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QUINT EXCLUSIVE OR/NOR GATE SY100S307 The In fin ite Bandw idth Company " DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SY100S307 is an ultra-fast quint exclusive-OR/ NOR gate designed for use in high-performance ECL systems. A function output that is the wire-OR result of the

    OCR Scan
    SY100S307 1000ps SY100S307 -58mA F100K 24-pin SY100S307FC SY100S307JC SY100S307JCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * QUINT EXCLUSIVE SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION Max. propagation delay of 1000ps Iee SY100S307 OR/NOR GATE T h e S Y 1 0 0 S 3 0 7 is an u ltra -fa s t quint e x c lu s iv e -O R / N O R g a te d e s ig n e d for u se in h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e E C L

    OCR Scan
    SY100S307 1000ps 75Ki2 PDF