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    RSZ5239 Search Results

    RSZ5239 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    RSZ5239B ROHM 9.1V, 300mWt General purpose voltage reference/regulator diode Scan PDF

    RSZ5239 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    SMD Transistors w04 sot-23

    Abstract: transistor SOT-23 w04 SB050 transistor IN4728A mosfet SMD w04 SN30SC4 smd diode code gs1m W01 SMD mosfet W04 sot 23 1s355
    Text: RETURN TO PRODUCT CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO PRODUCT CATALOG INDEX RETURN TO DIODES INC. NEW PRODUCTS PAGE Product Catalog Diodes Incorporated 3050 E. Hillcrest Drive Westlake Village, CA 91362-3154 2000/2001 Specifications are subject to change without notice.

    represent9-14 SMD Transistors w04 sot-23 transistor SOT-23 w04 SB050 transistor IN4728A mosfet SMD w04 SN30SC4 smd diode code gs1m W01 SMD mosfet W04 sot 23 1s355 PDF


    Abstract: mp1410es G547E2 G547H2 G547F2 P5504EDG equivalent G547I1 SP8K10 SP8K10SFD5TB LD1117Al
    Text: Diodes, Inc. - Cross Reference Industry Part Diodes, Inc. Equivalent Diodes, Inc. Nearest 1.5CE120C 1.5KE120CA N/A 1.5CE120CA 1.5KE120CA N/A 1.5CE12A 1.5KE12A N/A 1.5CE12C 1.5KE12CA N/A 1.5CE12CA 1.5KE12CA N/A 1.5CE13 1.5KE13A N/A 1.5CE130 1.5KE130A N/A 1.5CE130A

    5CE120C 5KE120CA 5CE120CA 5CE12A 5KE12A 5CE12C 5KE12CA 5CE12CA CAT7105CA mp1410es G547E2 G547H2 G547F2 P5504EDG equivalent G547I1 SP8K10 SP8K10SFD5TB LD1117Al PDF


    Abstract: BSTC1026 BSTD1046 BTB04-600SAP STF6A80 BSTD1040 TO510DH BSTC1040 TO812NJ BTB15-700B
    Text: Cross Reference For the most up to date cross reference, go to the product portal: Manufacturer type number Manufacturer Philips type number Page number Manufacturer type number Manufacturer

    02CZ10 02CZ11 02CZ12 02CZ13 02CZ15 02CZ16 02CZ18 02CZ2 02CZ20 STF12A80 BSTC1026 BSTD1046 BTB04-600SAP STF6A80 BSTD1040 TO510DH BSTC1040 TO812NJ BTB15-700B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zener Diodes •R S Z5 2 2 1 B ~ R S Z 5 2 6 2 B P= 400m W Package : SSD Zener voltage Vz (V ) Ranking B RSZ5221 RS25222 RSZ5223 RS25224 RS25225 RS25226 RSZ5227 RS25228 RS25229 RS25230 RSZ5231 RS25232 RSZ5233 RSZ5234 RS25235 RSZ5236 RSZ5237 RSZ5238 RSZ5239

    OCR Scan
    RSZ5221-- RLZ5262 RSZ5258 PDF

    TAG 9135

    Abstract: tag z 409 rohm 4.7V zener diode MARKING CODE t05 SOT-23 SMD CODE L01 rsz rohm marking RSZ diode rsz RSZ5000 ROHM marking 185
    Text: TfliSÛR'H O O O ö T O b ROHffl PRELIMINARY RHU RSZ5000 SERIES ZENER DIODE, SURFACE MOUNT: APPLICATION: EDS • SOT-23 FEATURES: Voltage Regulation • Small size for Surface Mount Applications ■ Compatible with JEOEC IN5000 Series ■ Silicon planar construction

    OCR Scan
    RSZ5000 OT-23 IN5000 OT-23) RSZ5262B RSZ5263B RSZ5264B RSZ5265B RSZ5266B RSZ5267B TAG 9135 tag z 409 rohm 4.7V zener diode MARKING CODE t05 SOT-23 SMD CODE L01 rsz rohm marking RSZ diode rsz ROHM marking 185 PDF

    zener diode catalogue

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diodes 225mW Zener Diode for Voltage Control RSZ5200B Series *This product is marketed only in countries other than Japan •A pplications • E x te rn a l dim ensions Units: mm Constant voltage control 2,9 + 0.2 0 95 +0.2 u,a -0.1 1,9±0.2 • F e a tu re s

    OCR Scan
    225mW RSZ5200B zener diode catalogue PDF

    Zener diode smd marking Z7W

    Abstract: z7w smd code smd z7s z7w smd diode smd code Z7N z7s smd code smd code Z7s marking z7p SMD z7w marking z7s
    Text: ramm RSZ5000 SER IES Z E N E R D IO D E , SU RFA CE MOUNT: APPLICATION: SOT-23 FEATURES: Voltage Régulation • Small size for Surface Mount Applications • Compatible with J ED EC IN5000 Series • Silicon planar construction • S S T Package U.S./European SOT-23

    OCR Scan
    RSZ5000 OT-23 -65to IN5000 OT-23) RSZ5251B RSZ5252B RSZ5253B RSZ5254B RSZ5255B Zener diode smd marking Z7W z7w smd code smd z7s z7w smd diode smd code Z7N z7s smd code smd code Z7s marking z7p SMD z7w marking z7s PDF


    Abstract: RSZ5242B RSZ5244B RSZ5221B RSZ5222B RSZ5223B RSZ5224B RSZ5225B RSZ5226B RSZ5227B
    Text: Diodes 225mW Zener Diode for Voltage Control RSZ5200B Series *This product is marketed only in countries other than Japan •Applications •External dimensions Units: mm Constant voltage control 2 .9 + 0.2 0 .9 5 ± 0;2 0 .4 5 ± 0.1 □ •Features 1)Designed for mounting on small surface areas

    OCR Scan
    225mW RSZ5200B OT-23) RSZ5247B RSZ5248B RSZ5249B RSZ5250B RSZ5251B RSZ5243B RSZ5242B RSZ5244B RSZ5221B RSZ5222B RSZ5223B RSZ5224B RSZ5225B RSZ5226B RSZ5227B PDF


    Abstract: T116
    Text: Diodes/Surface Mounting Type • RSZ5200B series P=225m W This series will be shipped to any country other than Japan. Electrical characteristics (Ta = 25:C Part No. Vz (V, Part No. Packaging srectfcations Zz ( i i ) Max. Iz (mA) Ir ( m A) Max. Iz (mA)

    OCR Scan
    RSZ5200B RSZ5221B RSZ5222B RSZ5223B RSZ5224B RSZ5225B RSZ5226B RSZ5227B RSZ5228B RSZ5229B RSZ5221B T116 PDF


    Abstract: 1SS142 RLZ5243B mtz 9.1 j
    Text: Index Index 1SR35-400A 1SR124-400A 1SR139-400 1SR139-600 1SR 153-400 1SR154-400 1SR155-400 1SR156-400 1SR 159-200 1N914 58 1N916 58 1N4004A 133 1N4148 58 1N4150 58 1N4153 58 1N4448 58 1N4531 63 1N4532 63 1N4533 63 1N4534 63 1N4536 63 1N4606 58 4 1N5000B 1N5230B

    OCR Scan
    1N914 1N916 1N4004A 1N4148 1N4150 1N4153 1N4448 1N4531 1N4532 1N4533 UDZ6.2B 1SS142 RLZ5243B mtz 9.1 j PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zener Diodes •R SZ 5 2 2 1B— RSZ5262B P=400m W Package : SSD Zener voltage Vz (V) Ranking B 2.280— 2.520 2 . 3 8 0 - 2.630 2.570— 2.840 2 . 6 6 0 - 2.940 2 . 8 5 0 - 3.150 3 . 1 4 0 - 3.470 3 .4 2 0 ~ 3.780 3.710— 4.100 4 . 0 9 0 - 4.520 4 . 4 7 0 - 4.940

    OCR Scan
    RSZ5262B SZ5254 RSZ5255 RSZS296 RSZ5257 RSZ5258 RSZ5260 RSZ5261 RSZ5262 RSZ5221-- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diodes 225mW Zener Diode for Voltage Control RSZ5200B Series *T h is p ro d u ct is m arketed o n ly in co u n trie s o th e r th a n Japan •A p p lic a tio n s »External dim ensions Units: mm C o n s ta n t vo lta g e control £ ,9 + 0.2 0 .9 5 + ^ 3.4 5 + 0,1

    OCR Scan
    225mW RSZ5200B RSZ5243B PDF


    Abstract: RSZ5239B RSZ5243B RSZ5230B RSZ5231B RSZ5237B
    Text: Diodes 225mW Zener Diode for Voltage Control RSZ5200B Series "This product is marketed only in countries other than Japan •Applications ►External dimensions Units: mm Constant voltage control 2 .9 ± 0 .2 ^ ^.±0.2, 0.95 i g - 2 1,0.95 0-95 •Features

    OCR Scan
    225mW RSZ5200B OT-23) RSZ5232B RSZ5239B RSZ5243B RSZ5230B RSZ5231B RSZ5237B PDF


    Abstract: DTZ75A PTZ2.4B PTZ16A DTZ30C PTZ27A RLZ24 DTZ4.7 RLz500 DTZ7.5C
    Text: Part Marking RBNm Mold type # Diodes Pal Making Note : «S ee P. 186 for detait. 185 Part Marking Q Zener Diodes PTZ Series Mold type CD CD 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 2 2 3 Part No. 1 2 1 2 1 2 8 8 8 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2

    OCR Scan
    RLZ39 RLZ30 RLZ43 RLZ47 RLZ56 DTZ2.0A DTZ75A PTZ2.4B PTZ16A DTZ30C PTZ27A RLZ24 DTZ4.7 RLz500 DTZ7.5C PDF