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    Mitsubishi Electric M5M465165AJ

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs Preliminary Spec. Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V6445AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 268435456 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 64 - BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V6445AWXJ is 4194304-word x 64-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    MH4V6445AWXJ 4194304-word 64-bit 85pin 94pin 10pin 95pin 11pin 124pin M5M465165 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs Preliminary Spec. Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V7245AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 301989888 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 72 - BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V7245AWXJ is 4194304-word x 72-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    MH4V7245AWXJ 4194304-word 72-bit 85pin 94pin 10pin 95pin MIT-DS-0095-0 25/Feb PDF


    Abstract: M5M465165 M5M467165A 465165 M5M465165A
    Text: Preliminary Spec. Rev. 1.0 MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M467165/465165AJ,ATP -5,-6-5S,-6S HYPER PAGE MODE 67108864-BIT ( 4194304-WORD BY 16-BIT ) DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) This is a family of 4194304-word by 16-bit dynamic RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS process,and is

    M5M467165/465165AJ 67108864-BIT 4194304-WORD 16-BIT 16-bit m5m465165atp M5M465165 M5M467165A 465165 M5M465165A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev. 2.2 MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M465165AJ,ATP -5,-6-5S,-6S HYPER PAGE MODE 67108864-BIT ( 4194304-WORD BY 16-BIT ) DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) T h is is a fa m ily o f 4 1 9 4 3 0 4 -w o rd b y 16 -bit d y n a m ic R A M s, fa b ric a te d w ith th e high p e rfo rm a n c e C M O S p ro c e s s ,a n d is

    OCR Scan
    M5M465165AJ 67108864-BIT 4194304-WORD 16-BIT PDF


    Abstract: MH8V6445AWZJ-6
    Text: • 168 pin 8 BYTE-BUFFERED DIMM Continued Memory capacity 1152M Power supply voltage Sit Configuration {Word X Bit) Load 1C Contact W x H X D (rm ) Platine 133.35X38.1 X4.6 M5M465400ATPxl8 133.35X38.1X4.6 M5M467405ATPx18 133.35X38.1 X4.6 Access Both sides

    OCR Scan
    M5M467400ATPx18 M5M465400ATPxl8 1152M 16Mx72 M5M467405ATPx18 M5M465405ATPx M5M467400AJx36 2304M 32Mx72 M5M467405AJx36 MH16V72ATJ5 MH8V6445AWZJ-6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs ìin a ry Spee. Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V7245AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 301989888 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 72 - BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V7245AWXJ is 4194304-word x 72-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    OCR Scan
    MH4V7245AWXJ 4194304-word 72-bit MIT-DS-0095-0 21/Oct Z66l7 8886861-OS 3Q01A PDF


    Abstract: 4mx16 edo M5M465400ATP
    Text: • A . MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC - L-21011-01 MITSUBISHI 2nd Generation 64MDRAM Series ~h Part Number Word Organization / Refresh / Function Package Speed Item Self Refresh Production M5M467400AJ

    OCR Scan
    L-21011-01 64MDRAM M5M467400AJ M5M467400ATP M5M467800AJ M5M467800ATP M5M465400AJ M5M465400ATP M5M465800AJ M5M465800ATP M5M465805ATP 4mx16 edo PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs ìinary Spee. Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V7245AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 301989888 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 72 - BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V7245AWXJ is 4194304-word x 72-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    OCR Scan
    MH4V7245AWXJ 4194304-word 72-bit MIT-DS-0095-0 25/Feb 8886861-OS 3Q01AI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V7245AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 301989888 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 72 - B IT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V7245AWXJ is 4194304-word x 72-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    OCR Scan
    MH4V7245AWXJ 4194304-word 72-bit MIT-DS-0095-0 21/Oct PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs ìinary Spee. Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V6445AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 268435456 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 64 - BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V6445AWXJ is 4194304-word x 64-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    OCR Scan
    MH4V6445AWXJ 4194304-word 64-bit MIT-DS-0096-1 11/Mar PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V6445AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 268435456 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 6 4 - B IT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V6445AWXJ is 4194304-word x 64-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    OCR Scan
    MH4V6445AWXJ 4194304-word 64-bit MIT-DS-0096-1 21/Oct PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M467165/465165AJ,TP-5,-6,-5S,-6S EDO HYPER PAGE MODE 67108864-BIT (4194304-WQRD BY 16-BIT) DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION This is a family of 4194304-word by 16-bit dynamic RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS process,and is ideal for large-capacity memory systems where high speed, low power

    OCR Scan
    M5M467165/465165AJ 67108864-BIT 4194304-WQRD 16-BIT) 4194304-word 16-bit M5M465165 PDF


    Abstract: M5M465165ATP-6 M5M465805AJ M5M465805ATP M5M465400ATP-5 M5M465400ATP-6 M5M467405AJ M5M465805ATP5
    Text: MEM O RIES • 6 4 M -B it DYNAMIC RAMs Memory capacity Memory Configuration Vcc = 3 .3 + / - 0.3V . Max. Typ. access power time dissipatior (mW) : Ins) Function mode Fast Page 4K Refresh Cycle 50 390 60 330 50 EDO (Hyper Page) 4K Refresh Cycle 60 390 330

    OCR Scan
    M5M465400AJ-5 M5M465400ATP-5 M5M465400AJ-6 M5M465400ATP-6 M5M4654GSAJ-5 M5M465405ATP-5 M5M465405AJ-6 M5M465405ATP-6 M5M467400AJ-5 M5M467400ATP-5 M5M465165ATP M5M465165ATP-6 M5M465805AJ M5M465805ATP M5M467405AJ M5M465805ATP5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs ìinary Spee. Specifications subject to change without notice. MH4V6445AWXJ -5, -6 HYPER PAGE MODE 268435456 - BIT 4194304 - WORD BY 64 - BIT DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION The MH4V6445AWXJ is 4194304-word x 64-bit dynamic ram module. This consist of four industry standard 4M x

    OCR Scan
    MH4V6445AWXJ 4194304-word 64-bit acce435456 MIT-DS-0096-1 21/Oct PDF