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    Abstract: Motorola LS08 74HC08A
    Text: MOTOROLA SC HE LOGIC I L3b725a GGflCnOT 4 ais Order this dafä"sheet by MC54HC08A/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC08A Advance Information Q uad 2 -In p u t A N D G ate J SUFFIX CERAMIC CASE 632-08 High-Perform ance Silicon-G ate CMOS The MC54/74HC08A is identical in pinout to the LS08. The device inputs are

    OCR Scan
    L3b725a MC54HC08A/D MC54/74HC08A MC54/74HC08A 7S1A-02 MK145BP, MC54HC08A Motorola LS08 74HC08A PDF

    transistor 3005 2

    Abstract: SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL DICE MPSH24 MPSH34 MPS-H34 transistor 3005
    Text: MOTOROL A SC -CDIODES/OPTO} f 6367255 MOTOROLA SC 34 Ï F| L3b7255 □□3005 3 3 <D I O D E S / O P T O > 34C 38023 D 7- J /-/7 SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DICE continued) MPSHC24 DIE NO. — npn LINE SOURCE — DMB203 (I This die provides performance similar to that of the following device types:

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    L3b7255 DMB203 MPSHC24 MPSH11 MPSH19 MPSH24 MPSH32 MPSH34 transistor 3005 2 SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL DICE MPSH34 MPS-H34 transistor 3005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12E D | L3b725M □□ñSñTS b M A X IM U M RATINGS Rating M O T OR OLA SC Symbol Value U nit Collector-Emitter Voltage VcEO 45 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VcBO 75 Vdc Emitter-Base Voltage Ve b O 5.0 Vdc 'C 800 mAdc Symbol Max U nit PD 225 mW 1.8 mW/°C R«j a

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    L3b725M BCW66HL OT-23 O-236AB) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F bfiF D • L3b7254 □ lb3 M A X I M U M R ATINGS Sym bol V alu e U n it Colle ctor-E m itte r V oltage v CEO -1 2 Vdc C o llector-B ase V oltag e VCBO -1 2 V dc Em itter-Base V oltag e v EBO - 4 .5 V dc C o lle c to r Current — C o ntinu ou s

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    L3b7254 PDF

    IC MC14011

    Abstract: AD11465 MJE5420Z IC MC14011 application notes IC MC14011 motorola IC TTL 74LS00 mc14011 motorola 74LS00 specifications ic 7401 MJE5420
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F 12E D I L3b7254 0 Gf l5 b4 1 T'43-d5 fl | Order this data sheet by MJE5420Z/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MJE5420Z Advance Information Z-Sw itch Bipolar Pow er Circuit N P N Self-Protected Silicon Pow er Darlington POW ER D A R LIN G T O N

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    L3b7254 43-d5 MJE5420Z/D MJE5420Z MJE5420Z MK145BP, IC MC14011 AD11465 IC MC14011 application notes IC MC14011 motorola IC TTL 74LS00 mc14011 motorola 74LS00 specifications ic 7401 MJE5420 PDF


    Abstract: 2n4404 2N4404 MOTOROLA 2n4405 motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R 1EE 0 I F L3b725«4 GüôbMia 'i | T-33-n 2N4404 2N4405 M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Symbol Value Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage v CEO 80 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 80 Vdc Emitter-Base Voltage Ve b o 5.0 Vdc Rating Collector Current — Continuous

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    L3b725 2N4404 2N4405 T-33-n O-205AD) 2n4405 2N4404 MOTOROLA 2n4405 motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M OT OR OL A SC X S TR S /R 1SE D I L3b7254 QQflMSTS 5 I F • 2N6053, 2N6054 2N6298, 2N6299 PNP 2N6055, 2N6056 2N6300, 2N6301 NPN MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D ARLIN GTO N COM PLEM EN TARY SILICON POWER TRAN SISTO RS DARLINGTON 8 AM PERE . . . designed for general-purpose amplifier and low frequency switching

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    L3b7254 2N6053, 2N6054 2N6298, 2N6299 2N6055, 2N6056 2N6300, 2N6301 2N6300 PDF


    Abstract: bc373 BC373-25 BC373-16 to 92 case BC 372
    Text: MOT ORO LA SC 12E D I t3b72SM QGÔSÔ53 1 | X S TR S/R F 7 BC372, -16, -25, -40 BC373, -16, -25 M A X IM U M RATINGS BC 373 U nit 100 80 Vdc 100 80 Vd c Sym bol BC 372 Collector-Emitter Voltage VC E O Collector-Base Voltage VCBO Em itter-Base Voltage R a tin g

    OCR Scan
    BC370 b3b7E54 BC372, BC373, Tj-25C: BC372 bc373 BC373-25 BC373-16 to 92 case BC 372 PDF

    transistor d 188

    Abstract: BD188 bd186 BD186 motorola BD190 3299 transistor
    Text: M O T O R O L A SC Î X S T R S / R F> 6367254 MOTOROLA Th SC DT|b3b7ES4 96D <X ST R S/R _.F J 80565 GOflOSbS 4 D MOTOROLA E l SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA PLASTIC M E D IU M POWER SILICO N PNP TRANSISTOR 4 AM PERE POWER TRANSISTOR . . . designed for use in 5 to 10 Watt audio amplifiers utilizing

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DDT323S DDT32
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad Sw itching Transistor MPQ2369 NPN Silicon M otorola Preferred D evice fui ftp Hai Rii Eoi m TI L r\ i NPN [y\J r v i r v i LU LaJ LaJ U l l l j li l i l C A S E 646-06, S T Y L E 1 TO-116 MAXIM UM RATING S Rating

    OCR Scan
    MPQ2369 O-116 0CH3237 MPQ2369 DDT323S DDT32 PDF


    Abstract: 221A-04 GQS112B MCR67 MCR69 motorola thyristor IH315
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIOD'ES/.OPTO 5SE D b 3 b ? a s s T o o ö i i n - à S '- I S " S ilic o n C o n tro lle d R e ctifiers Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors . . . designed for overvoltage protection in crowbar circuits. • Glass-Passivated Junctions for Greater Parameter Stability and Reliability

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    MCR67, MCR69) MCR67 MCR68 MCR69 221A-04 GQS112B MCR69 motorola thyristor IH315 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC14LC5480/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 14LC 5480 Advance Information 5 V PCM C o d ec -F ilter The MC14LC5480 is a general purpose per channel PCM Codec-Filter with pin selectable Mu-Law or A-Law companding, and is offered in 20-pin DIP,

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    MC14LC5480/D MC14LC5480 20-pin 1ATX35377-0 b3Lj7253 MC14LC54S0/D l2930 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Am plifier Transistors NPN Silicon MMBT6428LT1 MMBT6429LT1 C0LLE CT0R 3 EMITTER 1 2 M AXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol 6428LT1 6429LT1 Unit C ollector-Em itter Voltage VCEO 50 45 Vdc C ollector-B ase Voltage VCBO 60 55 Vdc

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    MMBT6428LT1 MMBT6429LT1 6428LT1 6429LT1 O-236AB) Ma31SD BT6428LT1 BT6429LT1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line 450 MHz CATV Amplifier . . . designed specifically for 450 MHz CATV applications. Features ion-im ­ planted arsenic emitter transistors with 7.0 GHz f j and an all gold metallization system. • Specified for 5 3 - and 60-Channel Performance

    OCR Scan
    60-Channel MHW5172A L3b7254 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b 'ìE T> I L,3b7251 ODÖTS'ifl flbl « M 0 T 3 MOTOROLA l ^ ' ’R 0 L A SC Order this document by MCM516160A/D Î1EM0RY/ASIC SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1M x 16 Advance Information 16M CMOS Wide DRAM Family F a s t P a g e M o d e , x 1 6 a n d x 1 8

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    3b7251 MCM516160A/D MCM516160A MCM516180A) 1ATX31384-0 PDF

    mpq2222 motorola

    Abstract: transistor 2222a q2222 MPQ2222A ip 2222A 2222A MOTOROLA
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad General Purpose Transistors MPQ2222 MPQ2222A* [u i iip [ip n il nói m i t i NPN Silicon L /S J lf \ i ‘ Motorola Preferred Device NPN r v i. r v i Lil tU 111 UJ LU [ü LÜ MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating MPQ2222A Unit 40

    OCR Scan
    MPQ2222 MPQ2222A* MPQ2222A O-116 Q0T3232 mpq2222 motorola transistor 2222a q2222 ip 2222A 2222A MOTOROLA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview Low-Voltage CMOS 1 6 -Bit TVansparent Latch MC74LCX16373 LCX With 5V-Tolerant Inputs and Outputs 3-State, Non-Inverting The MC74LCX16373 is a high performance, non-inverting 16-bit transparent latch operating from a 2.7 to 3.6V supply. The device is byte

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    MC74LCX16373 MC74LCX16373 16-bit 16-bit 500ns 500ns BR1339 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3467 MOTOROLA
    Text: 2N3467* 2N3468* M A XIM U M RATINGS Symbol 2N3467 2N3468 Unit Emitter-Collector Voltage VCEO -4 0 -5 0 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -4 0 -5 0 Vdc Emitter-Base Voltage vebo -5 .0 Vdc Collector Current — Continuous ic -1 .0 Ade Total Device Dissipation @ Ta = 25°C

    OCR Scan
    2N3467* 2N3468* 2N3467 2N3468 O-205AD) Juncti30 2N3467 2N3468 L3b7254 2N3467 MOTOROLA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M OTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM54170B MCM5L4170B MCM5V4170B Product Preview 256K x 16 CMOS Dynamic RAM Fast Page Mode - 1 CAS, 2 Write Enables The M C M 54170B is a 0 .6 |i C M OS high-speed dynam ic random a ccess m em ory. It is organized a s 2 62,144 sixteen-bit w ords and fabricated with C M OS silicon-gate process

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    MCM54170B MCM5L4170B MCM5V4170B 54170B MCM54170BJ70 MCM54170BJ80 MCM54170BJ10 MCM5L4170BJ70 MCM5L4170BJ80 4170B PDF


    Abstract: LP2950C-5 TO-226-AA LP29S0 P2951 LP2951CX
    Text: g MOTOROLA LP2950 LP2951 M icropower Voltage Regulators The LP2950 and LP2951 are m icropower voltage regulators that are specifically designed to maintain proper regulation with an extremely low in p u t-to -o u tp u t voltage differential. These devices feature a very low

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    LP2950 LP2951 h3b7253 LP2950C-5 TO-226-AA LP29S0 P2951 LP2951CX PDF

    TMS 3727

    Abstract: MRF9511ALT1 sot-23 marking 7z RF9511 Motorola 8039 TMS 3748 MARKING T21 SOT23
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF Line NPN Silicon Low Noise, High-Frequency Transistors . . . designed for use in high gain, low noise small-signal amplifiers. This series features excellent broadband linearity and is offered in a variety of packages.

    OCR Scan
    MMBR951 MRF951 MRF957 RF9511 OT-23 MMBR951LT1, MMBR951ALT1, MRF951 MRF957T10 MRF957T1, TMS 3727 MRF9511ALT1 sot-23 marking 7z Motorola 8039 TMS 3748 MARKING T21 SOT23 PDF


    Abstract: ir receiver motorola C13014 79925D 250 watt audio amplifier
    Text: MOTOROLA 6367253 MOTOROLA SC SC {TELECOM} T E L E C O M 01 01E D E.^ b 3 t i 7 S S 3 79924 - T " - 7 7 D - 0 7 - / / MC13014P MOTOROLA A d v a n c e I n fo r m a tio n M ONOM AX COMPANION AUDIO/VERTICAL SUBSYSTEM M ONOCHROM E TELEVISION POWER AUDIO/VERTICAL

    OCR Scan
    MC13014P UMC13014P b3b7E53 MC13014P ir receiver motorola C13014 79925D 250 watt audio amplifier PDF

    ICS RS 3197

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO RO LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM54280B MCM5L4280B MCM5V4280B Product Preview 256K x 18 CMOS Dynamic RAM Fast Page Mode - 2 CAS, 1 Write Enable T h e M C M 5 4 2 8 0 B is a 0 .6 j C M O S h ig h -s p e e d d y n a m ic ra n d o m a c c e s s m e m o ry .

    OCR Scan
    MCM54280B MCM5L4280B MCM5V4280B 54280BJ70 54280BJ80 54280BJ10 54280BT70 54280BT80 54280BT10 54280BJ70R ICS RS 3197 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MMBTA20LT1 General Purpose A m plifier NPN Silicon COLLECTOR 1 BASE 4 2 EMITTER CASE 3 1 8 -0 8 , STYLE 6 S O T -2 3 TO -236A B MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value C ollector-Em itter Voltage VCEO 40 Vdc E m itter-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    MMBTA20LT1 -236A 0aT317H PDF