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    CFN2525 Search Results

    CFN2525 Datasheets Context Search

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    Rogers 4350B

    Abstract: 4350B 106G 208H 210F
    Text: Product Family: 40 Watt RF Chip Power Resistor Part Number Series: CFN2525 Series Construction: Features: •       Aluminum nitride substrate Nickel alloy thin-film resistive element Epoxy-resin overcoat Pre-tinned Sn100, matte terminations

    CFN2525 Sn100, Rogers 4350B 4350B 106G 208H 210F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Frequency and Thermal Performance of TFT’s RF High Power Resistors February 2010 Description: The intent of this application note is to show the frequency and thermal performance levels of the Thin Film Technology TFT line of High Power Chip Resistors. These power resistors are primarily used in microwave

    CFN2010E50R0JS) CFN2525E50R0JS) CFN2335E50R0JS) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Construction: •    Aluminum nitride substrate Nickel alloy thin-film resistive element Epoxy-resin overcoat Pre-tinned Sn100, matte terminations over Ni barrier is standard (RoHS compliant and Pb Free)     TCR = ±25 ppm/°C

    Sn100, sustaPRF-55342 MIL-STD-202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: t - ES T h in F ilm T e c h n o lo g y PRODUCT P O R T FO L IO O V ER VIE W = 1 — I I th in Film Technology Corp. \ r< _ a • isir . . . ~i — Il -\Q , mm iso 14001 llTThin h in Film Technology Corp. R e sisto rs N e tw o rk s Thin Film Technology offers several fam ilies of high precision chip resistor networks. They offer excellent

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