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    onsemi BC337A

    TRANS NPN 45V 0.8A TO-92-3
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    DigiKey BC337A Bulk
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    onsemi BC337ABU

    TRANS NPN 45V 0.8A TO-92-3
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BC337ABU Bulk 10,000
    • 1 -
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    • 10000 $0.02416
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    TRANS NPN 45V 0.8A TO-92
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BC337-AP Ammo Pack
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    onsemi BC337A_J35Z

    TRANS NPN 45V 0.8A TO-92-3
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    DigiKey BC337A_J35Z Bulk 2,000
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    • 10000 $0.06917
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    Central Semiconductor Corp BC337-APM-PBFREE

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    DigiKey BC337-APM-PBFREE Ammo Pack 6,000
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    • 10000 $0.15829
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    BC337A Datasheets (33)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BC337A Fairchild Semiconductor NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Original PDF
    BC337A Fairchild Semiconductor NPN Medium Power Transistor Original PDF
    BC337A Philips Semiconductors Small-signal Transistors Original PDF
    BC337A Philips Semiconductors NPN general purpose transistor Original PDF
    BC337A Philips Semiconductors NPN general purpose transistor Original PDF
    BC337A Continental Device India Semiconductor Device Data Book 1996 Scan PDF
    BC337A Ferranti Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide 1985 Scan PDF
    BC337A Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    BC337A Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    BC337A Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    BC337A Unknown Diode, Transistor, Thyristor Datasheets and more Scan PDF
    BC337A Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    BC337A National Semiconductor Pro Electron Bipolar Devices Scan PDF
    BC337A National Semiconductor Bipolar Pro Electron Series Scan PDF
    BC337A Philips Semiconductors NPN General Purpose Transistor Scan PDF
    BC337A Philips Semiconductors Silicon Planar Epitaxial Transistors Scan PDF
    BC337A Philips Semiconductors Silicon Planar Epitaxial Transistors Scan PDF
    BC337A Thomson-CSF Shortform Semiconductor Catalogue 1982 Short Form PDF
    BC337A Zetex Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide (Discrete Semiconductors) 1991 Scan PDF
    BC337A-16 Unknown Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Scan PDF

    BC337A Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IS/ISO 9002 Lic# QSC/L- 000019.2 Continental Device India Limited IS / IECQC 700000 IS / IECQC 750100 An IS/ISO 9002 and IECQ Certified Manufacturer PNP/NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS BC327, BC327A, BC328 PNP BC337, BC337A, BC338 (NPN) TO-92 EBC

    BC327, BC327A, BC328 BC337, BC337A, BC338 C-120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC337A NPN Medium Power Transistor • This device is designed for general purpose amplifier application at collector currents to 800mA. • Sourced from process 38. TO-92 1 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings TC=25°C unless otherwise noted

    BC337A 800mA. BC337A PDF

    pin configuration PNP transistor BC327

    Abstract: BC327 BC337 noise figure BC338/BC328 tr bc 337 BC337 pnp transistor BC337A BC327 NPN transistor configuration BC327 pin out bc-337 TRANSISTOR tr bc 337 datasheet
    Text: Continental Device India Limited IS/ISO 9002 Lic# QSC/L-000019.3 An IS/ISO 9002 and IECQ Certified Manufacturer BC 337 BC327 BC337A BC327A BC338 BC328 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS NPN PNP TO-92 Plastic Package C BE Transistors For Use in Driver And Output Stages of Audio Amplifiers

    QSC/L-000019 BC327 BC337A BC327A BC338 BC328 BC337 BC337A pin configuration PNP transistor BC327 BC327 BC337 noise figure BC338/BC328 tr bc 337 BC337 pnp transistor BC327 NPN transistor configuration BC327 pin out bc-337 TRANSISTOR tr bc 337 datasheet PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP BC337A BC337 Philips mar 722 BC337 BC337 sot54 bc337-40 npn transistor BC338 philips NPN general purpose transistor BC337
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET book, halfpage M3D186 BC337; BC337A; BC338 NPN general purpose transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 1997 Mar 10 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    M3D186 BC337; BC337A; BC338 BC327, SCA53 117047/00/02/pp8 bc3378 TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP BC337A BC337 Philips mar 722 BC337 BC337 sot54 bc337-40 npn transistor BC338 philips NPN general purpose transistor BC337 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC337A25 Transistors Si NPN LP HF BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)60 V(BR)CBO (V)60 I(C) Max. (A)1.2 Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)625m Maximum Operating Temp (øC) I(CBO) Max. (A) @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) h(FE) Min. Current gain. h(FE) Max. Current gain.

    BC337A25 Freq200M PDF

    pin configuration PNP transistor BC327

    Abstract: BC337 pnp transistor BC327 BC337 noise figure BC327 noise figure BC 114 transistor NPN 337 BC338/BC328 BC327 NPN transistor configuration TRANSISTOR BC 135 BC328 NPN
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS16949 and ISO 9001 Certified Company BC 337 BC327 BC337A BC327A BC338 BC328 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS NPN PNP TO-92 Plastic Package C BE Transistors For Use in Driver And Output Stages of Audio Amplifiers

    ISO/TS16949 BC327 BC337A BC327A BC338 BC328 BC337 BC337A pin configuration PNP transistor BC327 BC337 pnp transistor BC327 BC337 noise figure BC327 noise figure BC 114 transistor NPN 337 BC338/BC328 BC327 NPN transistor configuration TRANSISTOR BC 135 BC328 NPN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC337AP Transistors Si NPN Lo-Pwr BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)45 V(BR)CBO (V) I(C) Max. (A)800m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)625m Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(CBO) Max. (A)100nx @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)

    BC337AP Freq100M PDF

    pin configuration PNP transistor BC327

    Abstract: pin configuration Bc337 BC327 BC327A BC328 BC337 BC337A BC338 BC337 noise BC327 NPN transistor configuration
    Text: IS/ISO 9002 Lic# QSC/L- 000019.2 Continental Device India Limited An IS/ISO 9002 and IECQ Certified Manufacturer BC337 BC337A BC338 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS TO-92 Plastic Package Complementary Transistors For Use in Driver And Output Stages of Audio Amplifiers

    BC337 BC337A BC338 BC327 BC327A BC328 C-120 pin configuration PNP transistor BC327 pin configuration Bc337 BC327 BC327A BC328 BC337 BC337A BC338 BC337 noise BC327 NPN transistor configuration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC337A Transistors Si NPN Lo-Pwr BJT Military/High-RelN V BR CEO (V)6.0 V(BR)CBO (V) I(C) Max. (A)500m Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)800m Maximum Operating Temp (øC)150õ I(CBO) Max. (A)100n @V(CBO) (V) (Test Condition) V(CE)sat Max. (V) @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)

    BC337A Freq100M PDF


    Abstract: BC331 transistor transistor BC331 BC337 bc337-40 npn transistor BC337A BC337-26 TRANSISTOR BC338 BC327 BC327A
    Text: BC337 BC337A BC338 1 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 7110fl2b OOMllflfl DTX H I P H I N - SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in plastic TO-92 envelopes, primarily intended for use in driver and output stages of audio amplifiers. The BC337, BC337A, BC338 are complementary to the BC327, BC327A and BC328 respectively.

    OCR Scan
    BC337 BC337A BC338 BC337, BC337A, BC338 BC327, BC327A BC328 BC337 BC331 BC331 transistor transistor BC331 bc337-40 npn transistor BC337A BC337-26 TRANSISTOR BC338 BC327 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO-92 Plastic Package Transistors NPN Maximum Ratings Type No. BC337-25 BC337-40 BC337A Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25“C, Unless Otherwise Specified) ^CBO ^CEO ^EBO (V) Min (V) Min (V) Min *c PD (W) (A) @Tc=25°c 50 45 5 0.625 0.5 50 60 45 60 5 5 0.625 0.5

    OCR Scan
    BC413B BC414 BC414B BC445A BC447 BC447A BC447B BC449 O-92-1 BC413 BC33B PDF


    Abstract: BC337A BC337 BC327 BC327A BC328 BC337-16 DDE7530 DDE7532
    Text: b^E D • bL S3^131 DDE753D 5T4 BC337 BC337A BC338 IAPX N AflER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in plastic T O -92 envelopes, p rim a rily intended fo r use in d riv e r and o u tp u t stages o f a udio a m plifiers.

    OCR Scan
    DDE7530 BC337 BC337A BC338 BC337, BC337A, BC338 BC327, BC327A BC328 BC337A BC337 BC327 BC337-16 DDE7532 PDF


    Abstract: m 60 n 03 g10 BC327C
    Text: SEM ICO N D U CTOR DICE NPN MEDIUM POWER Volts Volts ZTX653 ZTX453 ZT91 2N1893 ZTX652 ZTX452 MPSA06 ZTX651 ZTX451 BFY50 2N1613 2N1711 ZT90 MPSA05 ZTX650 ZTX450 BFY51 BC337A BC337B BC337C ZTX449 BFY52 ZTX649 + V CES V CE sat ^CBO at at lc Volts Min. Max. mA Volts Volts mA

    OCR Scan
    ZTX653 ZTX453 2N1893 ZTX652 ZTX452 MPSA06 ZTX651 ZTX451 BFY50 2N1613 BC337B m 60 n 03 g10 BC327C PDF

    bC328 philips

    Abstract: bc32 transistor BC327A BC327 BC338 BC327-16 BC328 BC337 BC337A BC338 TRANSISTOR
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D BC327 BC327A BC328 711QÖEt. Q D H n Ä 2 bö3 H P H I N • SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors in plastic TO-92 envelopes, primarily intended for use in driver and output stages of audio amplifiers. The BC327, BC327A, BC328 are complementary to the BC337, BC337A and BC338 respectively.

    OCR Scan
    BC327 BC327A BC328 BC327, BC327A, BC337, BC337A BC338 bC328 philips bc32 transistor BC327-16 BC337 BC338 TRANSISTOR PDF

    bc337-40 npn transistor

    Abstract: BC337 bc338 complementary BC337A JA02 BC337-40 BC33840
    Text: BC337 BC337A BC338 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in plastic TO-92 package, prim arily intended fo r use in driver and ou tput stages of audio amplifiers. The BC337, BC337A, BC338 are complementary to the BC327, BC327A and BC328 respectively.

    OCR Scan
    BC337 BC337A BC338 BC337, BC337A, BC338 BC327, BC327A BC328 bc337-40 npn transistor bc338 complementary JA02 BC337-40 BC33840 PDF


    Abstract: BC413C BC414B BC414C BC337-25 BC337-40 BC337A BC338 BC338-16 BC338-25
    Text: TO-92 Plastic Package Transistors NPN _ _ Maxim um Ratings Type No. BC 337-25 ^CEO ^EBO PD (V) Min (V) Min (V) Min (W) 45 5 (A) ^CB 'c e s ^CE (V) (HA) Max @ (V) Max @Tc=25°c 0 .625 'cBO <mA) 0.5 0.1 20 »FE Min BC337A 50 60 45 60 5 5 0.625 0.625 0.5

    OCR Scan
    BC337-25 O-92-4 BC337-40 BC337A BC338 BC414C BC413B BC413C BC414B BC338-16 BC338-25 PDF

    transistor 835

    Abstract: Amplifier with transistor BC548 TRANSISTOR regulator AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 transistor 81 110 w 85 transistor 81 110 w 63 transistor transistor 438 TRANSISTOR GUIDE transistor 649
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Alphanumeric index Selection guide PAGE BC327; BC327A; BC328 Silicon planar epitaxial transistor 58 BC337; BC337A; BC338 Silicon planar epitaxial transistor 59 BC546; BC547; BC548 Silicon planar epitaxial transistor 60 BC556; BC557; BC558

    OCR Scan
    BC327; BC327A; BC328 BC337; BC337A; BC338 BC546; BC547; BC548 BC556; transistor 835 Amplifier with transistor BC548 TRANSISTOR regulator AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 transistor 81 110 w 85 transistor 81 110 w 63 transistor transistor 438 TRANSISTOR GUIDE transistor 649 PDF

    BC337 pnp transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP TRANSISTOR BC337-40 PNP bc3378 BC337 BC337-25 PNP transistor bc338-40 BC337A TRANSISTOR BC337-25 BC337 sot54
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN general purpose transistors BC337; BC337A; BC338 FEATURES PINNING • High current max. 500 mA PIN • Low voltage (max. 60 V). APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION 1 emitter 2 base 3 collector • General purpose switching and amplification,

    OCR Scan
    BC337; BC337A; BC338 BC327, BC327A BC328. BC337 BC337A BC337 pnp transistor TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP TRANSISTOR BC337-40 PNP bc3378 BC337 BC337-25 PNP transistor bc338-40 BC337A TRANSISTOR BC337-25 BC337 sot54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D BC337 BC337A BC338 ^ 5 3 ^ 3 1 Q027530 5T4 H A P X N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE _ / V _ SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in plastic TO-92 envelopes, primarily intended for use in driver and output stages of audio amplifiers.

    OCR Scan
    BC337 BC337A BC338 Q027530 BC337, BC337A, BC338 BC327, BC327A BC328 BC337A PDF


    Abstract: BC327-16 BC327-25 BC327A BC328 BC328-16 BC337 BC337A BC338 bC328 philips
    Text: h ^E J> m 1^53^31 GG27S24 2T0 N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRE TE IAPX B C 327 BC327A B C 328 I SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors in plastic TO-92 envelopes, prim arily intended fo r use in driver and ou tput stages o f audio amplifiers. The BC327, BC327A, BC328 are complementary to the BC337, BC337A and BC338 respectively.

    OCR Scan
    GG27S24 BC327 BC327A BC328 BC327, BC327A, BC328 BC337, BC337A BC338 BC327 BC327-16 BC327-25 BC327A BC328-16 BC337 bC328 philips PDF


    Abstract: 8C327 8C337-16 3C337 3C327A BC337A sc337 BC328 BC337 BC338
    Text: !< - BC337^ BC337A BC338 SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS N-P-N transistors in plastic TO-92 variant envelopes, prim arily intended fo r use in driver and o u tp u t stages o f audio amplifiers. The 8C337, BC337A, BC338 are complementary to the 8C327, 3C 327A and BC328 respectively.

    OCR Scan
    BC337xc. BC337A BC338 8C337, BC337A, BC338 8C327, 3C327A BC328 8C337 8C327 8C337-16 3C337 BC337A sc337 BC337 PDF


    Abstract: BC338B BC338C BC327B BC328B BC337C ZTX550 BFV52 ZTX751 BFY50
    Text: ELEC TRIC AL CHARACTERISTICS N.P.N. M E D IU M POW ER h "ht V cbo VcEO ICBC Min. Min. Max.atVcB @ lc Dice Type V V nA V Min. Max. m A ZTX653 ZTX453 ZTX652 ZTX452 M P SA 0 6 ZTX651 ZTX451 BFY50 M P SA 0 5 ZTX650 ZTX450 BFY51 BC337A BC337B BC337C BFV52 BC338A

    OCR Scan
    ZTX653 ZTX453 ZTX652 ZTX452 MPSA06 ZTX651 ZTX451 BFY50 MPSA05 ZTX650 BC337B BC338B BC338C BC327B BC328B BC337C ZTX550 BFV52 ZTX751 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pro Electron Series /% JkJ » \ / w Sem iconductor'" V D e v ice C ase No. S ty le BC327 BC327A BC327-16 BC327-25 2-66 BC328 BC328-25 BC337 BC337A BC337-16 BC337-25 BC338 BC368 D iscrete POWER & Signal Technologies National TO-92 97 TO-92 (97) TO-92 (97)

    OCR Scan
    BC327 BC327A BC327-16 BC327-25 BC328 BC328-25 BC337 BC337A BC337-16 BC337-25 PDF

    bc337-40 npn transistor

    Abstract: BC337 8H721 bc337a BC338-16 NPN bc338 TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP transistor bc337 npn NPN TRANSISTOR BC337 40 transistor BC337-16
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN general purpose transistors BC337; BC337A; BC338 FEATURES PINNING • High current max. 500 mA PIN • Low voltage (max. 60 V). DESCRIPTION 1 APPLICATIONS emitter 2 base 3 collector • General purpose switching and amplification,

    OCR Scan
    BC327, BC327A BC328. BC337; BC337A; BC338 BC337 BC337A BC338 bc337-40 npn transistor 8H721 BC338-16 NPN bc338 TRANSISTOR BC337-25 PNP transistor bc337 npn NPN TRANSISTOR BC337 40 transistor BC337-16 PDF