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    Microchip Technology Inc APT1004RKNG

    MOSFET MOS 4 1000 V 4 Ohm TO-220, Projected EOL: 2044-04-30
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    APT1004RKN Datasheets (1)

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    Abstract: APT1004R2KN 1004r
    Text: D TO-220 G APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN S 1000V 3.6A 4.00 Ω 1000V 3.5A 4.20 Ω POWER MOS IV N - CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS All Ratings: T C = 25°C unless otherwise specified. MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter V DSS APT1004R2KN APT1004RKN

    O-220 APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN O-220AB APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN 1004r PDF


    Abstract: apt1004rbn APT10050JN FREDFETs APT8030jn APT4020BN APT5010LVFR APT5014LVR arf444 APT10M09LVR
    Text: 1999 SHORT FORM CATALOG ADVANCED POWER TECHNOLOGY MIL-PRF-19500 ISO9001 Certified POWER DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS TECHNOLOGY TO THE NEXT POWER. 1 Advanced Power Technology Technology . Beginning in 1984 with the introduction of Power MOS IV , APT has maintained a position at the forefront of power semiconductor technology. Our focus is on

    MIL-PRF-19500 ISO9001 APT10026JN apt1004rbn APT10050JN FREDFETs APT8030jn APT4020BN APT5010LVFR APT5014LVR arf444 APT10M09LVR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • r IT J M A dvanced R ow er Te c h n o l o g y APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN 1000V 3.6A 4.00Q 1000V 3.5A 4.20Q POWER MOS IV® N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS All Ratings: Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified. MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter

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    APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN APT1004RKN APT1004R/1004R2KN TQ-220AB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A dvanced P o w er Te c h n o lo g y * APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN 1000V 3.6A 4.00 Q 1000V 3.5A 4.20 Q POWER MOS IV' N -C H A NN EL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol V DSS 'd ’d m ^GS PD T j’^STG All Ratings: Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified.

    OCR Scan
    APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN O-22QAB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A dvanced P ow er Te c h n o lo g y O D APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN O s 1000V 3.6A 4.0012 1000V 3.5A 4.20U R F íT E r MOS IV'01 N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS M A X IM U M R A T IN G S Symbol V DSS 'dm V GS PD VSTG A ll R a tin g s: T c = 2 5 °C u n le ss o th e rw is e sp e cifie d .

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    APT1004RKN APT1004R2KN PT1004R T1004R APT1004R/1004R2KN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • R A dvanced W .Æ P o w e r M Te c h n o l o g y * A P T10 0 4 R K N AP T10 0 4 R 2 K N 10 0 0 V 10 0 0 V 3 .6 A 4 .0 0 i i 3 .5 A 4 .2 0 Ü POWER MOS IV N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE HIGH VOLTAGE POWER MOSFETS MAXIMUM RATINGS All Ratings: Tc = 25°C unless otherwise specified.

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    APT1004R2KN APT1004RKN TQ-220AB PDF


    Abstract: APT10050JN lf 3560 FREDFET APT5010JN APT8018 APT4065BN 690 mosfet APT10M13JNR R6KN
    Text: APT PLASTIC PACKAGE MOSFET/FREDFET PRODUCTS BV DSS Volts 400 R ds ° n Ohms lD(Cont.) Amps PD Ciss(pF) Watts Typ Qg(nC) Typ APT Part No. APT4016BN APT4018BN APT4016BNR APT4018BNR APT4020BN APT4025BN APT4020BNR APT4025BNR LOW Ros(ON) LOW Ros(ON) UIS RATED

    OCR Scan
    APT4016BN APT4018BN APT4016BNR APT4018BNR APT4020BN APT4025BN APT4020BNR APT4025BNR APT10M13JNR APT10M15JNR APT802R4KN APT10050JN lf 3560 FREDFET APT5010JN APT8018 APT4065BN 690 mosfet R6KN PDF