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    Abstract: LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2240-10 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12
    Text: LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 210Msps 65.5dB SNR 78dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 585mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs

    LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps 210Msps 585mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2240-10 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Specifications Subject to Change LTC2241-10 10-Bit, 210Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 210Msps 60.5dB SNR up to 140MHz Input 80dB SFDR up to 140MHz Input 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H

    LTC2241-10 10-Bit, 210Msps 140MHz 585mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Specifications Subject to Change LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 170Msps 60.5dB SNR up to 140MHz Input 80dB SFDR up to 140MHz Input 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H

    LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps 140MHz 445mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Specifications Subject to Change LTC2242-10 10-Bit, 250Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 250Msps 60.5dB SNR up to 140MHz Input 80dB SFDR up to 140MHz Input 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H

    LTC2242-10 10-Bit, 250Msps 140MHz 740mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Specifications Subject to Change LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 210Msps 65.4dB SNR up to 140MHz Input 80dB SFDR up to 140MHz Input 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H

    LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps 140MHz 585mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps ADC FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2242-12 is a 250Msps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2242-12 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that

    LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps 250Msps, 12-bit 95fsRMS 64-Pin 395mW, 32-Pin PURE SINE WAVE CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps ADC FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Sample Rate: 210Msps 65.5dB SNR 78dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 585mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs Selectable Input Ranges: ±0.5V or ±1V

    LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps 210Msps 585mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps ADC FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Sample Rate: 170Msps 60.6dB SNR 80dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 445mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs Selectable Input Ranges: ±0.5V or ±1V

    LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps 170Msps 445mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2242-10 10-Bit, 250Msps ADC U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 2242-10 is a 250Msps, sampling 10-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2240-10 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that includes 60.5dB SNR and 78dB SFDR. Ultralow

    LTC2242-10 10-Bit, 250Msps 740mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2242-10 10-Bit, 250Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 250Msps 60.5dB SNR 78dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 740mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs

    LTC2242-10 10-Bit, 250Msps 740mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Specifications Subject to Change LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 250Msps 65.3dB SNR up to 140MHz Input 80dB SFDR up to 140MHz Input 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H

    LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps 140MHz 740mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Specifications Subject to Change LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 170Msps 65.4dB SNR up to 140MHz Input 80dB SFDR up to 140MHz Input 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H

    LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps 140MHz 445mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 170Msps 60.6dB SNR 80dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 445mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs

    LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps 445mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12
    Text: LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps ADC FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2240-12 is a 170Msps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2240-12 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that

    LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps 170Msps, 12-bit LTC2240-12 95fsRMS 170Msps 445mW 20dBm LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 PDF

    Balun cable

    Abstract: ac voltage stabilizer circuit diagram ceramic capacitor marking E5 LTC2242IUP-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 LTC2220 LTC2220-1
    Text: LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 250Msps 65.4dB SNR 78dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 740mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs

    LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps 250Msps 740mW 250Msps: 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) Balun cable ac voltage stabilizer circuit diagram ceramic capacitor marking E5 LTC2242IUP-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 LTC2220 LTC2220-1 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2240-10 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12
    Text: LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 170Msps 60.6dB SNR 80dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 445mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs

    LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps 170Msps 445mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2240-10 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2240-10 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12
    Text: LTC2241-10 10-Bit, 210Msps ADC U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Sample Rate: 210Msps 60.5dB SNR 78dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 585mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs

    LTC2241-10 10-Bit, 210Msps 210Msps 585mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2240-10 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2240-10 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12
    Text: LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps ADC FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2240-10 is a 170Msps, sampling 10-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2240-10 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that

    LTC2240-10 10-Bit, 170Msps 170Msps, 10-bit LTC2240-10 95fsRMS 170Msps 445mW 20dBm LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12
    Text: LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps ADC FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2240-12 is a 170Msps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2240-12 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that

    LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps 170Msps, 12-bit LTC2240-12 95fsRMS 170Msps 445mW 20dBm LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10 LTC2242-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2241-10 10-Bit, 210Msps ADC U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 2241-10 is a 210Msps, sampling 10-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2241-10 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that includes 60.5dB SNR and 78dB SFDR. Ultralow

    LTC2241-10 10-Bit, 210Msps 585mW 250Msps: LTC2242-12 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) PDF


    Abstract: 1GHz LVDS Oscillator LTC2242IUP-12 LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10
    Text: LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps ADC FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2242-12 is a 250Msps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2242-12 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that

    LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps 250Msps, 12-bit LTC2242-12 95fsRMS 250Msps 740mW 20dBm LTC2242I-12 1GHz LVDS Oscillator LTC2242IUP-12 LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps ADC FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2240-12 is a 170Msps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2240-12 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that

    LTC2240-12 12-Bit, 170Msps 170Msps, 12-bit 95fsRMS 64-Pin 395mW, 32-Pin PDF

    SJ 38

    Abstract: LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2241-12 LTC2242-10
    Text: LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps ADC FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2241-12 is a 210Msps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter designed for digitizing high frequency, wide dynamic range signals. The LTC2241-12 is perfect for demanding communications applications with AC performance that

    LTC2241-12 12-Bit, 210Msps 210Msps, 12-bit LTC2241-12 95fsRMS 210Msps 585mW 20dBm SJ 38 LTC2220 LTC2220-1 LTC2221 LTC2230 LTC2231 LTC2240-12 LTC2241-10 LTC2242-10 PDF

    MARK NA5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps ADC FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Sample Rate: 250Msps 65.4dB SNR 78dB SFDR 1.2GHz Full Power Bandwidth S/H Single 2.5V Supply Low Power Dissipation: 740mW LVDS, CMOS, or Demultiplexed CMOS Outputs Selectable Input Ranges: ±0.5V or ±1V

    LTC2242-12 12-Bit, 250Msps 250Msps 740mW 250Msps: 12-Bit) LTC2242-10 10-Bit) MARK NA5 PDF