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    8Z0064 Search Results

    8Z0064 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 8Z0083 MPN206N MD0481422 MD0480084 8Z0084 8Z0177 FUJISOKU AC1500V MD0480081
    Text: S M T 照 GREEN SWITCH SERIES 光 式 デ ィ ッ プ •特長 押 1.端子形状 はんだ端子・PC端子 ボ 2.インサート方式を採用 タ 端子はインサート方式を採用しましたので完全に端子からのフラッ ン

    UL94V-O AC125V AC250V UL94V-O) MPN206R 8Z0083 MPN206N MD0481422 MD0480084 8Z0084 8Z0177 FUJISOKU AC1500V MD0480081 PDF


    Abstract: 8Z0054 8U2011 8N3021 8H2021 8Z0143 8Z0113 8N2021 8A1021 8A2121
    Text: Honeywell MICRO SWITCH Data Sheet F 172 Second Issue Series 8 Miniature Manual Switches Description Series 8 is a line o f m in ia tu re to g gle, rocker, paddle and p u sh b u t­ to n sw itch e s rated 6 A -1 2 5V a c resistive, 3 A -2 5 0V a c resistive or

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    Abstract: 6A125VAC 6A125VAC switch 3N2012B 3n1024 AC125V AC1500V DC28V 3N2021 8Z0064
    Text: 3 S M T SWITCH SERIES m % & *• > b 1. ■ . Two-point Contact Structure O' The tw o-point contact mechanism enhances contact re­ liability. J l m i. < n m m $ : n s b t z 2 To 2. 2. Self-extinguishing Plastic Material UL94V0 used

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    UL94V-0 AC125V A-AC250V DC28V DC10V DC20mV 50mflOT AC200/Â AC1500V 3n1012 6A125VAC 6A125VAC switch 3N2012B 3n1024 3N2021 8Z0064 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S P 1 1 5 / U - X 4# • s / * •- z tu m fe y i - v y ? 7,-f y yy^'jB ymmmm d m vxy -r - u • R M 'S S I S f f l • fc H 4 |q ]± ? u y • □ K ^ i i x i - y y * y ■&$, %0 S P 1 0 1 F-C U - K « E J f if t* O K S E H n * 2 7 * fc * if5 t t

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    DC30V AC200 AC500V 100gf) SP101F-C) 8Z0061 8Z0082 8Z0062 8Z0083 8Z0063 PDF


    Abstract: FEY101B TCA290A Rifa pmr 2026 EF184 ORP52 Mullard Mullard quick reference guide GZF1200 ITT A2610 YD 6409
    Text: AN INTRODUCTION TO: Cartwright ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 517 LAWMOOR STREET DIXONS BLAZES INDUSTRIAL ESTATE GLASGOW G5 041-429 7771 Cartwright Electronic Components started trading in April, 1971 as the electronics division of John T. Cartwright & Sons ERD North Ltd . From very modest

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BP s ! M m m M 'y * For Dry Circuit M T_ m » 11\ I« il f yt X • Features- - 1. Designed for PC Board 1. Terminal pitches are all in inch sizes multiples of2.54mm .

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    Kil00Â rtTc75^ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S S P 101F M T Pushbutton Switches ft zr iFeatures 1 + - 7 ° í e f i'í t 7 < - U > ?" V 7° 1. Sharp operation feel by metal contacts 2 . g l 'S M t * : 300 gf 2.94 N 2. Light operating force : 300 gf 3. Gold plated contacts for dry circuit applications

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    ---------------------------------DC30V AC200/A/ DC500V) 500VAC 000MQ 30VDC 200/A/AC) AC500V PDF