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    80960 POWER Search Results

    80960 POWER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCWA1225G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation High Power Switch / SPDT / WCSP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD2017FN Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (Low side switch) / VDD=6 V / 8ch / SSOP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD2015FN Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High side switch) / VDD=40 V / 8ch / SSOP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4164F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=2 A / HSSOP31 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4164K Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=2 A / HDIP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    80960 POWER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 80960JD 80960JF 80960JT 272852 AP-727
    Text: 80960Jx Processor Specification Update June 1998 Notice: The 80960 Jx processors may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the 80960 Jx processors’ behavior to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.

    80960Jx com/design/i960/manuals/272483 80960JA 80960JD 80960JF 80960JT 272852 AP-727 PDF

    diode Jt-33

    Abstract: 80960JD 80960JT "32-Bit Microprocessor"
    Text: 80960Jx Microprocessor Specification Update October 1999 Notice: The 80960 Jx microprocessors may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product’s behavior to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.

    80960Jx 80960JS/JC 80960JA/JF/JD/JS/JC/JT 32-Bit 80960JS/JC/JT diode Jt-33 80960JD 80960JT "32-Bit Microprocessor" PDF

    transistor B1010

    Abstract: 7705 reset B1-110 DRAM controller 74F244 74F257 DA10 I960 MC88915 iFX780
    Text: A AP-703 APPLICATION NOTE DRAM Controller for 33 MHz i960 CA/CF Microprocessors Sailesh Bissessur SPG EPD 80960 Applications Engineer Intel Corporation Embedded Processor Division Mail Stop CH5-233 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, Arizona 85226 February 2, 1995

    AP-703 CH5-233 transistor B1010 7705 reset B1-110 DRAM controller 74F244 74F257 DA10 I960 MC88915 iFX780 PDF


    Abstract: 80960JD 80960JF 80960JT 272852 INTEL 196 USER MANUAL JX-25
    Text: 80960Jx Processor Specification Update December 1998 Notice: The 80960 Jx processors may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product’s behavior to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.

    80960Jx 80960JA/JF/JD/JT 80960JA 80960JD 80960JF 80960JT 272852 INTEL 196 USER MANUAL JX-25 PDF


    Abstract: U112 FET intel 80960 MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram pci arbiter schematics AM26LS32SC PGA zif socket U118 AP-733 QL8x12B-0PL68C vhdl code for watchdog timer of ATM
    Text: A AP-733 APPLICATION NOTE Switched Ethernet Reference Design Description Rod Mullendore SPG 80960 Applications Engineer Intel Corporation Semiconductor Products Group Mail Stop CH6-412 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, Arizona 85226 July 23, 1996 Order Number: 272907-001

    AP-733 CH6-412 warrant84 80960Jx QL8X12B-XPL68C U112 FET intel 80960 MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram pci arbiter schematics AM26LS32SC PGA zif socket U118 AP-733 QL8x12B-0PL68C vhdl code for watchdog timer of ATM PDF


    Abstract: i960 Cx Instruction Set Quick Reference a4542 hx 36 80960JF 80960RD 80960RP I960 MON960 A4541-01
    Text: 80960 QUICKval Quick Reference Card Order Number: 649788-003 Copyright  1995, 1998. Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Where Do I Start? Figure 1. If You Have an i960 Rx Processor QUICKval Kit Install QUICKval See CH2 1 Power-down your PC Install your evaluation board

    A4541-01 32-Bit 352Ball-Grid GCC960 i960 Cx Instruction Set Quick Reference a4542 hx 36 80960JF 80960RD 80960RP I960 MON960 A4541-01 PDF


    Abstract: 80960JD 80960JF 80960JT 272852
    Text: 80960Jx Processor Specification Update February 1999 Notice: The 80960 Jx processors may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product’s behavior to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.

    80960Jx 80960JA/JF/JD/JT 80960JS/JC 32-Bit 80960JA 80960JD 80960JF 80960JT 272852 PDF


    Abstract: ka 20885 D 80960 EP80960BB atu-3 FF90FF i960 KA/KB Programmers Reference Manual 80960CF 80960RP IQ80960RP
    Text: Getting Started with the 80960 QUICKval Kit i960 Microprocessor Evaluation Kit Order Number: 632708-005 Revision Revision History Date -001 Original Issue. 12/94 -002 80960Hx and PCI80960DP chapters added. Additional examples for all processors added. 12/95

    80960Hx PCI80960DP 80960RP, IQ80960RP i960CA ka 20885 D 80960 EP80960BB atu-3 FF90FF i960 KA/KB Programmers Reference Manual 80960CF 80960RP PDF

    transistor B1010

    Abstract: ifx780 fast page mode dram controller 74F244 74F257 A-20 DA10 I960 MC88915 AP-704
    Text: A AP-706 APPLICATION NOTE DRAM Controller for 40 MHz i960 CA/CF Microprocessors Sailesh Bissessur SPG EPD 80960 Applications Engineer Intel Corporation Embedded Processor Division Mail Stop CH5-233 5000 W. Chandler Blvd. Chandler, Arizona 85226 February 2, 1995

    AP-706 CH5-233 74F257) transistor B1010 ifx780 fast page mode dram controller 74F244 74F257 A-20 DA10 I960 MC88915 AP-704 PDF


    Abstract: BRY 56 C MACHXL AMD pal20v8 DRAM controller EPX780 rick jd MACH210 BRY 56 B Intel AP-726
    Text: A AP-726 APPLICATION NOTE Interfacing the i960 Jx Microprocessor to the NEC µPD98401* Local ATM Segmentation and Reassembly SAR Chip Rick Harris SPG 80960 Applications Engineer Intel Corporation Semiconductor Products Group Mail Stop CH6-311 5000 W. Chandler Blvd.

    AP-726 PD98401* CH6-311 PAL20V8 BRY 56 C MACHXL AMD pal20v8 DRAM controller EPX780 rick jd MACH210 BRY 56 B Intel AP-726 PDF


    Abstract: 80960CF 272556 AP-505
    Text: A LITERATURE CHANGE NOTICE SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS DIVISION - 80960 Subject:Updates for AP-506, Designing for 80960Cx and 80960Hx Compatibility Intel literature number 272556-001 18 October 1995 Dear Customer: Thank you for ordering the Applications Note AP-506, Designing for 80960Cx and 80960Hx

    AP-506, 80960Cx 80960Hx 80960Hx AP-506. 80960Cx/80960Hx 1N4002 80960CF 272556 AP-505 PDF

    1N4148/2 pin connector sip

    Abstract: ACT04 MOTOROLA 1N4148 D0805 pal programming sw dip-3 80960CA 15 pin through hole d sub connector 16v8h DIODE MOTOROLA B33 D0805
    Text: Go to next Section: Using the Motorola 68040 Return to Table of Contents Using the Intel 80960 CA with the PCI 9060 PLX evaluation board, Schematics PLX TECHNOLOGY PCI9060 Demo Board I/O MAP 06/16/96 PCI Configuration Registers Address BIT Function 0x00000000

    PCI9060 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000004 100ns 200ns 300ns 80960CA) PCLK1-33 1N4148/2 pin connector sip ACT04 MOTOROLA 1N4148 D0805 pal programming sw dip-3 80960CA 15 pin through hole d sub connector 16v8h DIODE MOTOROLA B33 D0805 PDF


    Abstract: 80960KA 80960SA Z380 16C30 zilog 80380 microprocessor interface
    Text: APPLICATION N OTE ZILOG Z380 BENCHMARKING C ompare the performance and program memory capacity of the 16-bit Z380 CPU against competitor processors such as the Intel 80186, 80960 and Motorola 68020 and CPU32. INTRODUCTION Zilog's new Z380™ Central Processing Unit is a high

    Z380TM 16-bit CPU32. /Z180® 16C30 80960KA 80960SA Z380 16C30 zilog 80380 microprocessor interface PDF


    Abstract: MSL-260-G D0806 R0807 T0803 D0802 D0807 RDD0804 D0808 5 pin reset ic ARB
    Text: Using the Intel 80960 CA with the PCI 9060 PCI evaluation board, Schematics PLX TECHNOLOGY PCI9060 Demo Board I/O MAP 06/16/96 PCI Configuration Registers Address BIT Function 0x00000000 0-15 Vendor ID, Allocated to PLX by PCI SIG (Read-only) (Default = 10B5)

    PCI9060 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000004 100ns 200ns 300ns 80960CA) PCLK1-33 MSL260G MSL-260-G D0806 R0807 T0803 D0802 D0807 RDD0804 D0808 5 pin reset ic ARB PDF


    Abstract: a6060 pin diagram of intel dual core processor semiconductor A6060 A6060-01 32-bit microprocessor architecture 80960Rm addressing modes of dual core processor clock generator in dual core processor 80960JT
    Text: Introduction 1.1 1 Intel’s i960 RM/RN I/O Processor The i960 RM/RN I/O processor integrates a high-performance 80960 “core” into a Peripheral Components Interconnect PCI functionality. This integrated processor addresses the needs of intelligent I/O applications and helps reduce intelligent I/O system costs. As indicated in



    Abstract: D85C960-20 231369 d85c960-25 Erasable Programmable Logic Device 610 LSC5
    Text: in te i 85C960 1-MICRON CHMOS 80960 K-SERIES BUS CONTROL juPLD Burst Logic, Ready Control, and Address Decode Support for 80960 KA/KB Embedded Controllers In Single Chip Operates with 80960KA/KB at 16 MHz, 20 MHz, and 25 MHz UV Erasable CerDIP or O T P tm

    OCR Scan
    85C960 80960KA/KB 28-Pin 300-mil 85C960 D85C960-20 231369 d85c960-25 Erasable Programmable Logic Device 610 LSC5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 85C960 1-MICRON CHMOS 80960 K-SERIES BUS CONTROL juPLD • Burst Logic, Ready Control, and Address Decode Support for 80960 KA/KB Embedded Controllers in Single Chip ■ Operates with 80960KA/KB at 20 MHz and 25 MHz ■ Ice = 50 mA Max. ■ UV Erasable CerDIP or OTPTM

    OCR Scan
    85C960 80960KA/KB 28-Pin 300-mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: inter [P ^ P(U (ST PIH1E¥0EW M85C224 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS 8-MACROCELL /¿PLD • High-Performance, Low-Power Upgrade for SSI/MSI Logic and Bipolar PLDs in lntel386TM, ¡486 t m , |860 t m , 80960 Series, and Other High-Performance Systems ■ 66 MHz Max Frequency (External

    OCR Scan
    M85C224 lntel386TM, 24-pin Intel386, INP14 INP13 INP12 PDF


    Abstract: 18CV EZ-319 p85c22066 ep330 85C220 intel PLD 290134 p85c220-80
    Text: INTEL CORP intgJ Mû Sb 17b 00721=52 7 MME D MEMORY/PLD/ XTL2 85C220-80 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS 8-MACROCELL jmPLD High-Performance, Low-Power Upgrade for SSI/MSI Logic and Bipolar PALs* in lntel386TM, 1486TM, i860 , 80960 Series, and Other High-Performance Systems

    OCR Scan
    85C220-80 20-pin EP320, EP330, 5C032 300-mil lntel386TM, 1486TM, Q07S 18CV EZ-319 p85c22066 ep330 85C220 intel PLD 290134 p85c220-80 PDF


    Abstract: processor cross reference INTEL 80960 pipeline architecture
    Text: Introduction to the 80960MC Microprocessor CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE 80960MC MICROPROCESSOR The 80960MC is the military version of the 80960 family, designed especially for high reliability embedded applications. At an operating frequency of 20 MHz, this high performance processor can

    OCR Scan
    80960MC processor cross reference INTEL 80960 pipeline architecture PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: irrtel LITERATURE CHANGE NOTICE SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS DIVISION - 80960 Subject: Updates for AP-506, Designing for 80960Cx and 80960Hx Compatibility Intel literature number 272556-001 18 October 1995 Dear Customer: Thank you for ordering the Applications Note AP-506, Designing for 80960Cx and 80960Hx

    OCR Scan
    AP-506, 80960Cx 80960Hx AP-506. PDF


    Abstract: 290134 290192
    Text: in t e T 85C960 1-MICRON CHMOS 80960 K-SERIES BUS CONTROL juPLD • Operates with 80960KA/KB at 20 MHz and 25 MHz ■ Ice ~ 50 mA Max. ■ UV Erasable CerDIP or OTPtm ■ 100% Generlcally Testable Logic Array ■ Based on Low Power CHMOS HIE* Technology

    OCR Scan
    85C960 80960KA/KB 300-mll 85C960 ICE-50 290134 290192 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i M85C220 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS 8-MACROCELL juPLD Military High-Performance, Low-Power Upgrade for SSI/MSI Logic and Bipolar PALs* in intei386TM, ¡4 8 6 tm , ¡860tm , 80960 Series, and Other High-Performance Systems Typical Ice = 35 mA at 15 MHz Emulates 20-pin PAL Architectures

    OCR Scan
    M85C220 intei386TM, 860tm 20-pin 5C032 EP320 00fl71flb PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ä ID W A M < & g DKlF [^ôiÆ ÂTB©M in te i M85C224 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS 8-MACROCELL jaPLD Up to 22 Inputs 14 Dedicated & 8 I/O and 8 Outputs High-Performance, Low-Power Upgrade for SSI/MSI Logic and Bipolar PALs* in Intel386 , i486™, i860™, 80960 Series,

    OCR Scan
    M85C224 Intel386â 24-pin PDF