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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 80C286 TM High Performance Microprocessor with Memory Management and Protection March 1997 Features ing Systems • Two 80C86 Upward Compatible Operating Modes - 80C286 Real Address Mode - PVAM • Compatible with 80287 Numeric Data Co-Processor • High Bandwidth Bus Interface 25 Megabyte/Sec

    80C286 80C86 80C286 25MHz 80C286-25) 20MHz 80C286-20) 16MHz 80C286-16) 80C286-12) PDF


    Abstract: WD37C65 WD76C10 WD76C30 intel 80287 ir037 84-PIN WD16C450 WD16C452 WD16C552
    Text: I. . WD76C30lLV TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title 1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 Features 1.2 General 1.3 WD76C30/LV Differences 1.4 Peripheral Controller 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 2.0 PIN DESCRIPTION 6-3 3.0 SERIAL PORT REGISTERS 3.1 Serial Port Register Addressing 3.1.1

    WD76C30lLV WD76C30/LV IRQ14 A20GT, CLK287 IR014 WD37C65 WD76C10 WD76C30 intel 80287 ir037 84-PIN WD16C450 WD16C452 WD16C552 PDF


    Abstract: transistor d472 IT191 WD76C10A t2146 wd90c90 floppy disk chip d472 TRANSISTOR equivalent WD76C10ALP i8042
    Text: WD76C1 OAILPIL V TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Document Scope 1.2 Features 1.3 General Description 1.3.1 WD76C10A 1.3.2 WD76C10ALP 1.3.3 WD76C10ALV 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 2.0 ARCHITECTURE 2.1 Initialization And Clocking 2.2 AT Bus . . . . . . .

    WD76C1 WD76C10A WD76C10ALP WD76C10ALV CLK14) A23-A1, A23-A 80386SX d472 TRANSISTOR transistor d472 IT191 WD76C10A t2146 wd90c90 floppy disk chip d472 TRANSISTOR equivalent WD76C10ALP i8042 PDF

    a872 TRANSISTOR equivalent

    Abstract: d472 TRANSISTOR d472 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor d472 IT191 power generation POWER COMMAND HM 1211 WD90C90 LT242 POWER COMMAND HM 1211 floppy disk chip
    Text: WD771 OIWD771 OLP TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Document Scope 1.2 Features 1.3 General Description 1.3.1 WD7710 1.3.2 WD7710lP 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-2 2.0 ARCHITECTURE 2.1 Initialization And Clocking AT Bus . . . . . . . 2.2 Main Processor Control

    WD771 OIWD771 WD7710 WD7710lP Clocki23 WD7710/WD7710LP WD7710IWD7710LP a872 TRANSISTOR equivalent d472 TRANSISTOR d472 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor d472 IT191 power generation POWER COMMAND HM 1211 WD90C90 LT242 POWER COMMAND HM 1211 floppy disk chip PDF


    Abstract: d472 TRANSISTOR equivalent wd90c10 IMS T414 t410 TRANSISTOR SPB105 K544 80386SX BF311 it235
    Text: WD7910IWD7910LP TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Document Scope 1.2 Features 1.3 General Description 1.3.1 WD791 0 1.3.2 WD7910lP 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-2 8-2 2.0 ARCHITECTURE 2.1 Initialization And Clocking AT Bus . . . . . . . 2.2 2.3 Main Processor Control

    WD7910IWD7910LP WD791 WD7910lP WD7910/WD7910LP d472 TRANSISTOR d472 TRANSISTOR equivalent wd90c10 IMS T414 t410 TRANSISTOR SPB105 K544 80386SX BF311 it235 PDF

    80286 instruction set

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i 80287 MATH COPROCESSOR • Protected Mode Operation Completely Conforms to the 80286 Memory Management and Protection Mechanisms ■ Directly Extends 80286 Instruction Set to Trigonometric, Logarithmic, Exponential and Arithmetic Instructions for AH Data types

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    80-Bit 64Bit 18-Digit 32-bit 64-bit 80286 instruction set PDF

    80286 instruction set

    Abstract: addressing modes 80286 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram 80286 microprocessor addressing modes microprocessor 80286 flag register 80286 memory management microprocessor 80286 internal architecture 80826 intel 80286 block diagram intel 80286 pin diagram
    Text: INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS intel J> 50E 4ÖStil7S 007434=1 T 80287 MATH COPROCESSOR High Performance 80-Bit Internal Architecture Protected Mode Operation Completely Conforms to the 80286 Memory Management and Protection Mechanisms Implements Proposed IEEE Floating

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    4fl3bl75 80-Bit 64-Bit 18-Digit 8x80-Bit, 32-bit 16-bit 80286 instruction set addressing modes 80286 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram 80286 microprocessor addressing modes microprocessor 80286 flag register 80286 memory management microprocessor 80286 internal architecture 80826 intel 80286 block diagram intel 80286 pin diagram PDF

    xLT 410

    Abstract: intel 80287 pin diagram of ic opa 2134 80C287A-12 8087 microprocessor block diagram and pin diagram opa 2143 29037* intel 80287 microprocessor block diagram and pin diagram Intel287 XLT
    Text: !ntel287 XL/XLT MATH COPROCESSOR • Interfaces with 80286 and 80C286 CPUs ■ Operates in Any Socket Designed for Intel 80287 or I n t e l2 8 7 ™ XL MCP up to 12.5 MHz Clock Speeds ■ Implements ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985 for Binary Floating-Point

    OCR Scan
    ntel287 80C286 80-Bit Intel287 80C287A. xLT 410 intel 80287 pin diagram of ic opa 2134 80C287A-12 8087 microprocessor block diagram and pin diagram opa 2143 29037* intel 80287 microprocessor block diagram and pin diagram Intel287 XLT PDF

    2118 intel

    Abstract: opa 2143 xLT 410 microprocessor 80286 internal block diagram intel 80287 basic architecture of intel 80286 intel 80286 manual microprocessor 287TM 80287 microprocessor block diagram and pin diagram bco 2140
    Text: INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS L7E D • HÖ2bl75 0121^37 SIT in te l lntel287TM XL/XLT MATH COPROCESSOR ■ Interfaces with 80286 and 80C286 CPUs ■ O perates in Any Socket Designed for Intel 80287 or ln te l28 7T M XL MCP up to 12.5 MHz Clock Speeds ■ Implements A N S I/IE E E Standard

    OCR Scan
    2bl75 Intel287â 80C286 lntel287TM 80-Bit lntel387TM Intel287 80C287A. 2118 intel opa 2143 xLT 410 microprocessor 80286 internal block diagram intel 80287 basic architecture of intel 80286 intel 80286 manual microprocessor 287TM 80287 microprocessor block diagram and pin diagram bco 2140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lntel287TM X L/X LT MATH COPROCESSOR • Expands Data Types to Include 32-, 64-, 80-Bit Floating Point, or Integers, and 18 Digit BCD Operands ■ Extends CPU Instruction Set to Include Tigonometric, Logarithmic, Exponential, and Arithmetic Instruction ■ Implements Intel387 Transcendental

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    lntel287TM 80-Bit Intel387â 80C286 Intel287 80C287A. PDF


    Abstract: Unicorn Microelectronics um82c232 80286 82c206 82C206 UM82C231 M16I45 82c232 clk21 refresh logic
    Text: UNICORN MICROELECTRONICS S4E D • ^570700 000GÖ17 4 UM82C231 System/Memory Controller 1. General Decription The UM82C231 is a system/memory controller. It performs the CPU interface, AT system bus interface and memory interface functions. 2. Features • CPU interface and bus control.

    OCR Scan
    UM82C231 T-iQ-32- 82C231 Unicorn Microelectronics um82c232 80286 82c206 82C206 M16I45 82c232 clk21 refresh logic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Intel387 SL MOBILE MATH COPROCESSOR • S ta tic In te l3 8 7 M ath C o p ro c e s s o r C o re — L o w e r P o w e r C o n su m p tio n fo r P o rtab le PC ’s — V2 W a tt A c tiv e, 0.1 m W in S tan d b y M ode ■ C o m p a tib le w ith ln te i 386 TM S X and

    OCR Scan
    Intel387â ASM286 ASM86 ASM286 ASM86. coprocessor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI Technology, inc . VL82C201 PC/AT-COMPATIBLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully compatible with IBM PC/AT-type designs The VL82C201 PC/AT-Compatible System Controller replaces an 82C284 Clock Controller and an 82C288 Bus Controller both are used in ‘286-based

    OCR Scan
    VL82C201 VL82C201 82C284 82C288 286-based 82C84A PAL16L8 T-90-20 100-PIN PDF


    Abstract: td68 VL82C201-16QC TH58 CHIP SM 4108 VL82C2 80287 Coprocessor 1D68 SU17
    Text: VLSI Tech n o lo gy , in c . VL82C201 PC/AT-COM PATI BLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully compatible with IBM PC/AT-type designs The VL82C201 PC/AT-Compatible System Controller replaces an 82C284 Clock Controller and an 82C288 Bus Controller both are used in ‘286-based

    OCR Scan
    VL82C201 VL82C201 82C284 82C288 286-based 82C84A PAL16L8 100-PIN T-90-20 td68 VL82C201-16QC TH58 CHIP SM 4108 VL82C2 80287 Coprocessor 1D68 SU17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SAB 82C211 CPU/Bus Controller of Siemens PC-AT Chipset Advance Information 117 3.90 SAB 82C211 • SAB 80286 bus interface and bus control • • • CPU/AT bus state machine and bus arbitration logic • Clock generator with software speed selection logic optional independent AT

    OCR Scan
    82C211 82C215 84-pin SAB82C206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WD76C30/L V DESCRIPTION 1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 WD76C30/LV FEATURES 1.2 • Two fully programmable and independent serial I/O ports configurable as PC/AT compatible WD16C452 or PS/2 compatible (WD16C552) ° Loopback controls for communications link fault isolation for each ACE

    OCR Scan
    WD76C30/L WD76C30/LV WD16C452) WD16C552) IRQ14 A20GT, CLK287 PDF

    macronix chipset

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3ME D MACRONIX INC • SböfififlE GDDÜGÖ4 T ■ ,' p | q j 7 - D | tàM àÉâ.' jYwr ^HgW MACRONIX,Inc. ■J mm 2680 N. First Street. Suite 204 • San Jose, California 95134 • 408 434-1133 PC/AT COMPATIBLE CHIPSET MX6C200 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS C o p y r i g h t 1988.

    OCR Scan
    MX6C200 000sq. macronix chipset PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WD76C30ALV DESCRIPTION 1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 WD76C30ALV FEATURES • 84-pin PQFP package • Two fully programmable and independent serial I/O ports, configurable as PC/AT compatible WD16C452 or PS/2 compatible (WD16C552) o Loopback controls for communications link

    OCR Scan
    WD76C30ALV WD76C30ALV 84-pin WD16C452) WD16C552) 100-pin PDF


    Abstract: 80C287-10 Q-MATIC WD16C450 WD16C452 WD16C552 WD76C10 intel 80287 D16C550 76C30
    Text: WD76C30 DESCRIPTION 1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 FEATURES 1.2 • Two fully programmable and independent serial I/O ports configurable as PC/AT compatible WD16C452 or PS/2 compatible (WD16C552) ° Loopback controls for communications link fault isolation for each ACE

    OCR Scan
    WD76C30 WD76C30 D76C30 D76C10 ohms/DC100V 80C287-10 Q-MATIC WD16C450 WD16C452 WD16C552 WD76C10 intel 80287 D16C550 76C30 PDF


    Abstract: 64K DRAM 80286 schematic 80286 mouse D4000-D7FFF 0F80000FFFFF 8042 keyboard controller LIM EMS 4.0 FE3010B
    Text: WESTERN DIGITAL CORP “'" system s lòg' i c / 4DE D • T71fl22ä aG0bSS3 Q Hlii»C péripheral t - 5 2 ,- 3 3 - 2 - 1 FE3021 Address Bujfer and Memory Controller f SS WESTERN DIGITAL WESTERN D IG IT A L CORP 40E D ■ 1716223 OOQbSSM 2 H l i l DC FE3021

    OCR Scan
    T71fl22ä FE3021 FE3021 T-52-33-21 nii104 64K DRAM 80286 schematic 80286 mouse D4000-D7FFF 0F80000FFFFF 8042 keyboard controller LIM EMS 4.0 FE3010B PDF


    Abstract: P82C202 CS8220 P82A204 RAS 0510 KMC 2120 82C201 82c202 cpu P82C201-10 82C202
    Text: 82C201, 8 2 C 2 0 1 -1 0 /8 2 C 2 0 2 /8 2 A 2 0 3 /8 2 A 2 0 4 /8 2 A 2 0 5 CS8220: PC/AT COMPATIBLE C H IP S e t“ • Fully IBM'" PC AT Compatible ■ Flexible architecture allows usage in any iAPX 286 design ■ Early ALE Generation ■ Early RAS Generation

    OCR Scan
    82C201, 82C201-10/82C202/82A203/82A204/82A205 CS8220: 82C201 82C202, 82A203, 82A204 82A205 CS8220 P82A203 P82C202 P82A204 RAS 0510 KMC 2120 82c202 cpu P82C201-10 82C202 PDF

    80286 schematic

    Abstract: lp9 pinout fe3031 FE3021A 8042 "Keyboard Controller" A1981 8042 keyboard controller LIM EMS 4.0 tl982 c3fff
    Text: FE3021 DESCRIPTION 1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 The FE3021 is a 16 MHz AT address buffer and memory controller in a 132-pin JEDEC package. Chip count is significantly reduced by integrating the memory controller, AT bus address buffers, and I/O into one chip. The memory controller is a

    OCR Scan
    FE3021 FE3021 132-pin FE3021. FE3600B aS5S23s36S3 0io10 Tl982 132POSN 80286 schematic lp9 pinout fe3031 FE3021A 8042 "Keyboard Controller" A1981 8042 keyboard controller LIM EMS 4.0 c3fff PDF


    Abstract: intel 80287 D 80287-8 wd16c452 WD76C30 80287-8 intel 80C287 WD16C450 WD16C552 WD76C30LV
    Text: WD76C30/L V DESCRIPTION 1.0 DESCRIPTION 1.1 WD76C30/LV FEATURES 1.2 • Two fully programmable and independent serial I/O ports configurable as PC/AT compatible WD16C452 or PS/2 compatible (WD16C552) ° Loopback controls for communications link fault isolation for each ACE

    OCR Scan
    WD76C30/L WD76C30/LV WD16C452) WD16C552) IRQ14 A20GT, CLK287 WD76C10 intel 80287 D 80287-8 wd16c452 WD76C30 80287-8 intel 80C287 WD16C450 WD16C552 WD76C30LV PDF


    Abstract: c5287 FE3001 FE3031 T58-T57 D 80287-8 em-180 PFA 10Z FE3010B FE3021
    Text: WESTERN DIGITAL CORP 4QE D m =1710220 Q0QbSS3 Q •■ bil>C fri . „ SYST EM S L Ö GIC / P ERIP H ERA L " ' I ^ T S 1 ^ 3 » '2 . \ FE3021 Address Buffer and Memory Controller •HÜWESTERN DIGITAL H Powered by Electronic-Library Service CopyRight 2003

    OCR Scan
    FE3021 T-52-33-21 171fleaa 37C65 c5287 FE3001 FE3031 T58-T57 D 80287-8 em-180 PFA 10Z FE3010B FE3021 PDF